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27 Cards in this Set

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What are primary prevention straegies for Atrial fibrillation
Omega-3-fatty acids
What is the role RAAS in AF
pathogeneis, atrial remodeling and structrual remodeling
What are 2 strageis for treatment of AF
rate control--which restore ventricular rate
rhythm control restores maintence of Sinus rhythm
Is there a difference in mortaiity between rate and rhythm control
Rhythm control is better for younger pts, and rate control is bteeter for
elderly pts
When is Rhythm control given first
1. First epidsode
2. Highly symptomatic
3. AF reversible
4. High chance of maintaining sustain rhythm
What do you choose rate control first
1. Asymptomatic
2. Failed rhythm cotnrol
3. Adverse effects
4. Older
Amiodarone drug dosing
typically 200mg qd
What is Dosing of Dofetilide
CrCl >60 500 mcg BID
40-60 250 mcg BID
20-40 125 mcg BID
What is dosing of Flecainide
Amiodarone drug interactions
Wafarin--decrease dose by 50%
Digoxin--decrase dose by 50%
Simvastatin--do not excee 20mg/day
What are Amiodarone monitoring parameters
Basline Thyroid Fuction/pulmonary toxicity, and opthamic exams
What are Drug interactions with Dofetilize
HCTZ, fursemide, trimethorpim, verapamil, Ketoconazole, Prochlorperzine, megestrol
What is Dofetilide mechansims of inetactions
Tubular secetion inhbition
3A4 ineraction
Electrolyte depletion
What drug is a prescriber program and providers must participate in the education program to be certified to prescribe--pharmacist must parcipate in the TIPS programs
What are monitoring of Dofetilide
EKG, Scr, QTC interval (like ibutilide)
FLecainide and PRopafernon are contraindicated with
What are monitoring of Flecaindie and Profarernone
BP, HR, and LFTs
Rate control drugs are Beta-blockers, Ca channel blcoker and Digoxin, monitoring
Beta/Ca BP/HR
Digoxin HR, Ca/Mg, K
When do you check levels of Digoxin in LD is given
12-24 hrs after
When do you check level of digoxin if no loading dose is given
3-5 days after starting therapy

or 5-7 after changing or staring or stops other drugs
What is CHADS2 Crieria
C congestive HF
H Hypertension
A Age >75
D Diabetes
S Prior Stroke or TIA
What do CHADS2 citeria estimate
stroke risk with atrial fibrillation
What is recommended therapy with CHAD score 0
ASA 81-325 mg/qd
What is recomended therapy for CHAD score of 1
ASA 81-325mg/dat or WARFARIN (WARFARIN recommended over ASA
What is recommended therapy for CHAD score of 2 or more
Why is warfarin recommended of ASA in CHAD score 1
wafarin has greater efficacy than ASA at prevneting stroke