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86 Cards in this Set

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APAP is anagesic/antipyretics its exact MOA is unknown
APAP overdose is one of the most comon poisoning worldwide, death is unusual unless
occurs with late presentation >24hrs
The primary result of APAP overdose acute liver failure also could be
renal insufficnecy
metabolic acidosis
APAP course of Toxicity is minimal symptoms early--as transaminases elveate, you have abd pain, N/V, they peak
72-96 hrs have jaundice, coagulopathy INR >6, hypohlycemia, encephaloptahy
When does hepatic function return in APAP overdose
4-14 days in survivors or death
The antidose for APAP, and why
NAC--enchances GSH stoes-- and increases sulfation pathways
How do you predict which pts who overdose on APAP will develop hepatoxicity
Rumack-Matthew Nomogram
Rumack Matthew Nomogram is based on, and what is a toxic level
APAP concentration and hours since ingestion--->150 mcg/ml 4 hrs post ingestion
The Rumack Matthew Nonogram DOES NOT apply if
>1 ingestion
time of ingestion is unknown
or <4hrs or >24 hrs
What is definiation of repeated supratherapeutic ingestion
>4 grams of APAP >24hrs
Repeat Supratherapteutic ingestion is often inadvertent--how to treat
NAC if APAP >20mcg/ml, or Liver furction tests abnormal
Alcoholics are NOT at an increased risk for hepatotoxcity
What are various salicylate preparations, they are
Methyl salicylate (oil wintergreen)
Bismuth Subsalicutse
Mesalamine, olsazaine, sulfasalzine)
Salicylate general metabolism, and in overdose situations
95% liver, in overdose situations urinary excretion becomes importatn
What is Salicylates mechanism of toxicity
uncouples oxidative phosphorlyation, stimulates respiratory center, inhibit cox, and alters capillary permeability
Clinical effect of Salcilate overdose
ACID-BASE (both)
Cerebral/Pulmonary edema
CNS, Tinnitus, GI, Hematolgic, Endocrine, Neprhopaty
Acute overdose of ASA is often intentaional is better tolerated than chronic (Toxicity 80-100)
Chornic ASA overdose is insidous onset, and severe toxicity at lower levels
What is treatment of Salicylates
Activated charcoal
Unrine alkalization with Bicarb
Hemodialysis for severe cases
Urine alkalinization promotes increased elimination of
Salicylate ion by "ion trapping" drug in urine--using bicarb
Serum alkalinzaiton benefits
prevent salicaltes into CNS
CCB's block L-type voltage senstive ca channels, where BB block
adrenegic recpetors
What are primary effects of CCB toxicity
hypotension, brady cardia,
What are 2nd effects of CCB toxicity
CNS depression, siezures, hyperglycemia
BB toxicity is similar to CCB (hypotension,bradycardia, seziures), except has
Bronchospasm, HYPOGLYCEMIA, and Hyperkalemia
What is worst BB in overdose
Proprnolol b/c it crosses BBB--leading to seziures
What is inital mamagmetn of CCB and BB toxicity
Fluid, and Atoprine for bradycardia
What is first line therapy after fluids/atoprine for BB (ONLY)
Caclium is effective in both CCB and BB toxicity, what is perferred caclium
CaCl perferred over Ca gluconate
What is first line choice for treating CCB/BB with catecholamines
What is a new treatment in CCB/BB OD
Amrinone is PDE inhibitor rarely used for CC/BB OD but it an option
Can you use intralipids 2nd for CCB or BB toxicity
Digoxin has a large volume of distribution, narrow therapuetic index 1-2
Digoxin follows 2 compartemtn model, when should you measure levels after ingestion
What is MOA Diogxin
Block Na+/K+ ATPase, cauing blocking of Na+ Ca+ exchanges increase intracellular Ca+ levels
The increased amount of Ca+ in the cell (and sarcoplasmic reticumlum allow for
more Ca+ available for contraction
Digoxin also increases vagal tone--which
Decreases SA/AV conduction
Whta are toxic effects of Digoxin
Vagal stimualtinon--bradycardia, PR prolongtion, nodal block
Increased intracellular Ca--increasing automaciity

overall sinus/bradycarida/arrest, slowing of normal conduction
Acute toxicity of Digxoin is typicall intention, with N/V, HYPERKALEMIA, and really high DIG levels
Chronic toxoicty occurs in elderly pts, renal function or other meds, signs
N/V, low/normal K+, and minminally increase DIG levels
What are other sources of Digoxin toxicity
toad, Heart remedeny, Aphrodiiacs (love stone)
What reverse the toxic effects of ditlais, digitoxn, plany glycosides, bufotxin
When are effects seen with Digibind, and complete
seens 1 hrs after administration, and complete reversal 4-6hrs
What is MOA of Digibind
Purified Fab fragment from immunized sheeep, that binds and inactivtea cardiac glycosides
What are digibind indications
hemodyamic compromise, ventricular dyshrymias, serum K >5
Ingestion of Digoxen indictated Digibind
>4 grams in child
>10 grams in adults
What is empiric dose for Digibind for acute toxicity
10-20 vials
Dosing of Digibind is based on amt ingested, and steady-state levles
amt ingest number of vial= amt ingest X.48

steady-state--serum level X IBW/100
2-5 vials are needed in chronic toxicity, and is only based on serum levels=
Serum level X IBW/100
Digibind should be reconsituted in 4cc of water, by GENTLY ROLLOING, a bolus is given for unstable pts
Stable pts receive IV
Main concern of Digibind is allergic reactions to
sheep protein
Some pts are dpenedent on digoxin (HF or A-fib), withdrawl of the digoxin effect
may worsen CHF or A-Fib
What should you not give with Digoxin toxicity
How do you treat Digoxin toxicity with NO DIGIBIND
Phenytoin, Magnesium, Atropine or Magnesim
Hypokalemia sensitizes heart to digoxin, keep K+ levels
4.5-5 in chornicn toxicity
There are only 35 antidoites available, most have no antidotes--how can you survive without antidote
good supportive care
What is an antidote
remedy that stop or controls effects of a specific poison
When is Naloxone indicated
Opitate/opoid toicity WITH respiraotry depression
What is Mechanism of Naloxone
competitive antagoism of Mu receptros
B/c Naloxone competive antagoinism of the Mu receptors what is an adverse effect
Naloxone has HIGH 1st pass effect so how is it given
IV, IM, SQ, or SL
What is use of Flumazenil,
Benzodiazepine toxicity AND oversedation
MOA of Flumazenil
binds to BZD receptor on GABA--ihbiting CL- channel
Adverse effects of Flumzenil
withdrawl of BZD
Contraindications of Flumzenil
unknown coma, seizure HXx, long term BZD use
Flumazenil does NOT consiisentl reverse BZD induced resp depression, and has a shorter half-life, which it icnreased risk for
What are indications of Physostigmine
Reverse anticholingeric meds
diagonis of anticholinergic sydrom
Physosigmine is a theriary amine carbamate that MOA
inbhit Achetlycholinesterase--which increases Ach in the synpase
Cyanide kit is for Cyanide poisoning from strucutal fires, nitoprusside, pitted fruits arifical nail remover
What are components of Cynadie Kit
Amyl nitrite/sodium nitrite

Soium thiosulfate
WHat is other drug that reverses cyanide posioning
What is MOA Hydroxocobalamin,
bind cyanide and fro Vitamin B12 precurocon
What is the B12 precursor
cyancobalamin--which is excreted in urine
What are adverse effects of hydroxocobalamin
skin disocolation, transient HTN, interferes with colorimetic assay
What drug treats Insonizid toxicity
Pyridoxine (B6)
Pyridoxine increases GABA leading to improved symptoms
What dosing Pyridoxine
gm for gm repalce
What is indiciation of Methylene Blue
Methemoglobinemia >20% or if symtpoms
What is indication for methnaol, etheleen glycol toxicity

alcohol dehydronense inhibitors
What are alcohol dehydrongenase inhibitors
Fomepizole adn Ethanol
What is indication of Octreotide
hypoglycemia due to overdose, sulfonlurea or quinine
What is MOA of Octreotide
inhibitts pancretatic insulin secretion
Warfarins antidote is Vit K, and Heparin is Protamine Sulfate
CroFab is used for rattlesnakes bites, MOA
Fab fragment that bind venmon--same dose in adults/kids
CroFab is NOT need for mild symtpoms