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36 Cards in this Set

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Set of rules, norms or institutions that determine how the government is constituted, organized and how major decisions are made

Measure or Indicator

Quantification of the concept or thing in which we are interested

Substantive View of democracy

classifies political regimes in regard to the outcomes that they produce

Minimalist/Procedural view of democracy

Classifies political regimes in regard to their institutions and procedures


Citizens are free to organize themselves into competing blocs in order to press for outcomes they desire


Has to do with who gets to participate in the democratic process


political regime with high levels of both contestation and inclusion

Dichotomous measure

Only has two discrete categories or values (i.e tall and short)

Continuous Measure

Can take on any intermediate value within a given range (i.e height in centimeters)


process of creating mental categories that capture the meaning of objects, events, or ideas


Refers to the extent to which our measures correspond to the concepts that they are intended to reflect

Nominal measure

classifies observations into discrete categories that must be mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive

Ordinal measure

Rank-orders observations

Interval measure

Places observations on a scale so that we can tell how much more or less of the things being measured


Refers to the extent to which the measurement process repeatedly and consistently produces the same score for a given case


Refers to the ability of third-party scholars to reproduce the process through which a measure is created

Classic Modernization Theory

Countries are more likely both to become democratic and stay democratic as they develop economically

Survival Story

Predicts that democracy is more likely to survive as countries develop and become richer, but is not more likely to emerge

Sovereign Debt

Refers to the debt that is accrued by the sovereign, or the government

Fixed Asset

Can't easily be converted to cash

Liquid asset

Cash, bank deposits, etc. can easily be turned into other types of assets

Primordial Arguments

Treat culture as something that is objective and inherited

Constructivist arguments

Treat culture as something that is constructed or invented

Cultural Modernization Theory

Argues that socio-economic development does not directly cause democracy. Instead economic development produces certain cultural changes and these changes produce democratic reform

Civic Culture

Shared cluster of attitudes that include high level of interpersonal trust, preference for gradual social change, support for existing political system, and high satisfaction

Bottom Up Transition

People rise up to overthrow an authoritarian regime in a popular revolution

Top down Transition

Dictatorial ruling elite introduce liberalizing reforms leading to democratic transition

3rd wave of Democratization

Surge in transitions since 1974

Collective Action

Pursuit of some objective by groups of individuals. Typically a form of public good

Free-Rider problem

Individual members of he group often have little incentive to contribute to the provision of a public good


You cannot exclude people from enjoying the public good


There is just as much public good to enjoy no matter how many people consume it

Preference Falsification

Not revealing one's true preferences in public

Revolutionary Cascade

One person's participation triggers another and so on

Revolutionary Threshold

The size of protest at which an individual is willing to participate

Complete information game

Each player knows all the information