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39 Cards in this Set

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Is the study of the biochemical basis of thought, behavior, affect, and mood.
Psychobiologic Disorders
Are conditions of the biologic abnormalities in the brain and altered cognition, perception, emotion, behavior, and socialization.
is the study of how fluctions in the pituitary, adrenal, thyroid, and repoductive hormones alter cognintion, perception, behavior, and mood.
Studies the connections among the emotions, CNS, neuro-endocrine system and immunologic system. Research in this field studies how stress predisposes a persons to health problems. All these overlapping fields study the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the brain.
The Brain is made up of?
The Cerebrum, brain stem, and cerebellum.
Cerebellum (a part of the brain)
Is the brains Largest component, it controls sensory perception, voluntary movement, personality, intelligence, language, thought, judgement, emotions, memory, creativity, and motivation.
Cerebral Cortex
Is the part of the brain that is the major pathway of physiologic intercommuntication.
Limbic System
is a network within the brain that contains structures involved in emotions and related physiolgic functions, it includes the thalamus, which connects many brain centers and modulates movement, sensation, behavior, and emotions. The limbic system also includes the hypothalamus, which controls the autonomic nervous system and coordinates the endrocrine and immune systems via pituitary-adrenocortical connections. Because of its neuoendocrine and neuroimmunologic roles, the limbic system affects and determines many physobiologic activities.
In psychology, biological psychology or psychobiology
is the application of the principles of biology to the study of mental processes and behavior.
Are structures found on the surface of cells thoughtout the body and brain. These receptors sense and pick up chemical messengers that arrive in the extracelluar fluid.
A chemical messenger
Is like a specific key that fits into and binds with the specific receptor. ONLY those messengers that have molecules in exactly the right shape can bind with specific receptors. for example (opiate receptors can bind only with chemicals in the opiate group such as herion, morphine, or endorphins), once binding occurs, the message is received and the cell begins to respond.
Neurotransmitters or Chemical messageners:
May be man made or natural, and the message may cause the cell to perform any number of activities. Neurotransmitters comminucate information that affects thinking, behavior, and bodily functions.
Happens when neurotransmitters, they are released and attach themselves momentarily to receptors on postsynaptic neurons. After the chemicals transmit their information, they either become inactive or weakened, or are recaptured by releasing neuron for future use, a process called reuptake.
Are classified by the type of neurotransmitter they release; (ex. dopaminergic neurons release dopamine).
Are a separate type of neurotransmitter. They include chemicals such as: Substance P, which transmits the sensation of pain), Endorphins and Enkephalins,(Morphine like neuropeptides that interrupt transmission of substance P and promote a feeling of well being), Neurohormones, (released by interactions among the hypothalamus, pituitary, and endrocrine glands they stimulate).
Malingering is a medical and psychological term that refers to an individual fabricating or exaggerating the symptoms of mental or physical disorders for a variety of motives, including getting financial compensation (often tied to fraud), avoiding work, obtaining drugs, getting lighter criminal sentences, or simply to attract attention or sympathy. Because malingerers are usually seeking some sort of primary or secondary gain, this disorder remains separate from Somatization disorders and factitious disorders in which the gain is not obvious. Legally, malingering is often referred to as Fabricated mental illness or Feigned mental illness.
Somatization disorder
Somatoform disorders are physical ailments (such as pain, nausea, depression, dizziness) or concerns for which no adequate medical explanation has been found. Somatoform disorders are physical symptoms that seem as if they are part of a general medical condition. However, no general medical condition, other mental disorder, or substance is present. The complaints are serious enough to cause significant emotional distress and impairment of social and/or occupational functioning.

A diagnosis of a somatoform disorder implies that psychological factors are a large contributor to the symptoms' onset, severity and duration. It is important to note that somatoform disorders are not the result of conscious malingering or factitious disorders.
Psychobiologic Illness
Brain pathology is seen as the major factor contributing to mental illnesses, or psycholbiolgic disorders. 3 major types of psychobiologic disorders are: Somatoform and anxiety disorders (mood disorders) and thought disorders. Other conditions with a biologic basis include eating disorders and chemical dependency.
Observing the effects on medications on behavior and symptoms.
Mental Status Examination
Is one compontent of a thorough neurologic examination. The examiner observes the client and asks questions about cognition and mental state. The areas that are covered are physical appearance, orientation, attention and concentration, short and long term memory, movement and coordination, speech patterns, mood, intellectual performance, perception, insight, judgement, and thought content.
Psychological Tests
Are used to detect personality characterics, interpersonal conflicts, and self concept.
Diagnostic Findings
Measuring levels of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides is difficult, expensive and sometimes impossible. A defintive diagnosis for many psychobiologic disorders are usually acheived by ruling out other diseases with simular symtoms.
Brain Mapping
A new diagnostic tolld, comapares a clients brain activity patterns from EEG or other electronic images, with a computerized database of electrophysiologic adnormalties. A growing database of distinctive patterns for seizures, anxiety, depresssion, etc. disorders exists and is growing for comparison.
Is a physicologic response to biologic stressors like surgical trauma, psychololgical stressors such as fear, or sociolgic strassors like increases family responsibilities, according to Selye's theory (1956).
Stress is implicated in the development or exacerbation of autoimmune diseases:
anorexia, panic attacks, thyroid conditions, diabetes, inflammatory disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, etc, etc....
Not all stress is bad, in fact we all need just the right amount of stress, which is Eustress to help manage our lifes. Helps to pursue goals, solve problems, and manage predicable and unpredicable problems.
Excessive, ill timed, or unrelieved stress.
General Adaptation Sydrome
A nonspecific physiologic response. This response which can cycle many times through the alarm and resistance stages before reaching the exhaustion stage, occurs through the neuroendocrine and autonomic nervous system.
Coping Mechanisms
Are unconscious tactics humans use for protection from feeling inadequate or threatened. These mechanisms function like "first aid" by helping temporarily to avoid the emotional effects of a stressful situation.
Maladaptive coping mechanisms
This is when a person overuses coping mechanisms, he or she becomes dysfunctional, and some develop maladaptive mechanisms such as alcohol or other substances.
Hardiness, (a particular effective coping style)
A commitment to something meaningful versus a sense of alienation, a sense of having control over sources of stress versus feeling helplessness, and the perception of life events as a challenge rather than a threat.
Psychosomatatic Illnesses
Psyche refers to the mind, and Soma refers to the body. the term psyosomatic illness refers to illnesses influenced by the mind. The term psyosomatic means pertaining to the mind-body relationship. The term psychosomatic illness is often used interchangeably wit stress related disorder.
Psychosomatic disease
are legitimate medical conditions associated with or aggravated by stress. Many healthcare providers now believe that all illnesses, if not psychosomatic in origin, have psychosomatic components.
Immunopeptides or immunotransmitters
are called cyokines and function in the same way as neurotransmitters, they relay messages throughout the immune system and the brain.
Stress Management
Programs offer instruction in relaxation techiques, and effective coping stategies including assertiveness training and developing a network of social support.
Mind-body Interventions
Are techniques that rely on the power of the mind to alter body functions or symptoms. (examples are: Biofeedback, enables clients to volutarily control body temp., heart rate, blood pressure, and brain waves, Imagery, uses the mid to visualize a positive physiologic effect, Humor, laughter stimulates the immune system, Hypnosis can make a person remember something they have forgotten, spiritual healing Believing in a higher spirit, or God. etc, etc,
Biological-based Therapies
uses natural products such as herbs, aromas, and even bee venom. Herbal therapy is referred to as the "folk medicine", Aromatherapy - most people have a positive or negative association of odors of certain substances with various people, places or feelings, and Apitherapy - uses bee venom for various inflammatory joint conditions.
Body-bases Therapy
are healing methods that use manipulation and movement to improve health and restore biologic functions., message therapy, relexology and shiatsu, Shiatsu is a Japenese word that means "finger pressure", as in acuputure and acupressure. Chiropractic theory proposes that sublaxtion (malalignment) of spinal verbrae alters nerve activities that regulate the body functions in distant organs, Yoga and Tai Chi - Yoga from India, and Tai Chi from China, both incorporate techiniques that combine mental and physical exercise for the purpose of integrating body and mind.
Energy Therapies
are techniques that claim to manipulate electromagnetic fields within the body, Reiki shares many features that Westerns would call "therapeutic touch", this healing comes from Japan, they believe that the Nurse dont even have to be there to be healed, they can be on the phone and use an object to send the energy that comes from outer spaces. There is also Acupucture that takes it one step farther and uses electronic needles, etc.