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74 Cards in this Set

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Types of Muscle
Skeletal, Cardiac and Smooth
Skeletal Muscle
Voluntary, innervated by somatic motor nerve, and no hormonal influence.
Cardiac Muscle
Involuntary, innervated by autonomi nervous system, under hormonal influence, can initiate own contraction, and is a rhythmic contraction.
Smooth Muscle
Involuntary, innervated by autonomic nervous system, under hormonal influence, and static (tonal) contraction.
Types of Connective Tissue
Epimysium, Perimysium, Endomysium, and Tendon
Surrounds entire muscle
Divides muscle into sections called fascicles
Surrounds individual muscle fibres
Attaches muscle to bone
Contractile Protein
Sections that myofibril is divided into
Actin and Myosin
Actin - thin filament.
Myosin - Thick Filament
Make up the contractile machinery of muscle
The motor of the muscle, has a tail and two heads. Responsible for the actual movement of muscles. Myosin head is an ATPase enzyme
Small globular proteins, each molecule has an active site that the myosin head can bind to. Forms long chains of actin.
The "Other" Size Principle
Larger fibres generate more force
A membrane that encloses the contractile machinery
ECC - The Triad
1. T-Tubules
2. Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
3. Feet
Carry action potential into muscle
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
Stores, releases, and uptakes Ca++
Dihydropyridine Receptor (DHPR) - located in membrane of T-Tubule, and is voltage sensitive.
Ryanodine Receptor (RYR) - located in membrane of SR, and controls the release of Ca++.
The depolarization of T-Tubules causes change in DHPR, then RYR and Ca++ is released.
Control of Voluntary Movement
1. Limbic System
2. Motor Cortex
3. Cerebellum
4. Basal Ganglia
5. Brain Steam and Spinal Cord
Nerve Impulses
Contraction initiated by a motor nerve, this one motor nerve innervates a group of muscle fibres called a motor unit.
Motor Unit
Is triggered by a motor nerve and then controls a group of fibres
Neuromuscular Junction
Where nerve meets the muscle.
When nerve impulse reaches end of neuron ACh is released into the neuromuscular junction.
ACh binds with receptors on the sarcolemma and initiates an action potential.
Botulinum Toxin
Powerful neurotoxin, causes muscle paralysis, reduces muscle spasms and stiffness, functions by reducing ACh release from motor neuron.
Troponin Complex
T - attaches to Tropomyosin
I - inhibits active site on actin
C - active binding site for Ca++
Regulates muscle contaction in combination with tropomyosin
Troponin and Calcium
When calcium binds to troponin C tropomyosin is moved away from actin active site. Which allows myosin heads to bind to actin. Forms a "cross-bridge".
Where the myosin head binds to actin
Contraction Cycle
1. Rigor State
2. Myosin Release
3. ATP Hydrolysis
4. Myosin Reattaches
5. Power Stroke
6. ADP Release
Rigor State
Myosin head is bounded to actin and no ATP is there
Myosin Release
ATP binds to myosin head and myosin releases from actin
ATP Hydrolysis
ATP is broken down the energy released allows myosin to move forward
Myosin Reattaches
Myosin head binds weakly to the actin site and myosin is in cocked position
Power Stroke
Pi is released from myosin head this strengthens the bond between myosin and actin and then myosin pulls actin filament forward
ADP Release
During power stroke ADP is released, and goes back to rigor state
End of Contraction
When nerve impulse stops RYR closes, Ca++ is removed from cytosol and back to SR, it is accomplished by active transport via SERCA or SR pump.
Muscle Fibre Types
1. Slow twitch (oxidative, type I)
2. Fast twitch (glycolytic, type II)
- type IIa fast oxidative glycolytic
- type IIb fast glycolytic
Type I
Red and Smaller. Slow myosin ATPase. Generate force slowly. Fatigue resistant. Aerobic.
Type IIa
Fast myosin ATPase. Generates force quickly. Moderately fatigable. Mix of aerobic and substrate level phosphorylation.
Type IIb
Very fast myosin ATPase. Generates force very quickly. Very fatigable. Substrate level phosphorylation.
Henneman's Size Principle
Small neuron recruited first, and large later.
VO2 Max
Sets maximum aerobic capacity, important for events less than 10 minutes.
Lactate Threshold
Determines speed that can be sustained for prolonged periods.
With exercise membrane can become depolarized which slows action potential
Why does depolarization occur
Depolarization can occur for several reasons. 1. Na++ channels become dysfunctional over time. 2. K+ channels remain open.
What causes Fatiuge
Reactive oxygen species
1. Decrease cross bridge force production
2. Decrease tropomyosin Ca++ sensitivity
3. Decrease in Ca++ concentration
Need them for contraction
You generate energy from glycogen through the main pathways
Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)
When high can damage many areas of the cell such as, DNA, protein, and inactivation of enzymes. Could be related to altered Ca++ sensitivity of Ca++ release
Fatigue during different intensities of exercise
During intense exercise we rely on substrate level phosphorylation, so you get Pi, ATP and lactate very quickly. During moderate exercise the reasons for fatigue are, glycogen depletion, decreased substrate provision, altered Ca++ sensitivity and ROS.
What is Healthy Muscle
Healthy muscle should allow for movement and high quality of life. Ability to take up glucose.
Muscle Strength
Closely tied to muscle size
Ability of muscle to generate ATP. More ATP muscle is able to generate the greater the intensity of duration of sustained physical activity.
Age Associated Sarcopenia
Age related to decrease in muscle mass.
Reasons Why.
1. Loss of enervation
2. Imbalance between protein degradation and synthesis.
3. Genetic Mutation
4. Stem cell loss of function
Obesity and Type II Diabetes
Decrease in strength, fitness, and ability to take up glucose.
What does Exercise do?
Increases muscles mass and strength, improves mitochondrion content, and improves insulin sensitivity. Can decrease the rate at which your muscles deteriorate at.
Endergonic Reactions
Mechanical work - muscle action
Chemical work - synthesis of cellular molecules
Transport work - active transport
PCr System
10-15 seconds
Weight lifting
Uses high energy bond to turn ADP to ATP
Breaking down glucose or glycogen
Glycogen stored in muscle
Glucose must be transported into muscle from blood
Uses ATP at the beginning
Nets of Glycolysis
3 ATP from glucose
Pyruvate Dehydrogenase
Pyruvate is turned into Acetyl CoA, gain NAHD
FA oxidation
Breaks down of free fatty acid to form acetyl CoA. CPT1 is the rate limiting enzyme.
Beta - Oxidation
Break of two carbon atoms. 2 C units form acetyl CoA. Produces reducing equivalents.
Net of FA metabolism (beta-oxidization)
17 FADH2
Total ATP 148
Aerobic Metabolism
TCA cycle
Electron Transport Chain
Oxidative Phosphorylation
TCA Cycle
Break down acetyl CoA, produces CO2, ATP, and reducing equivalents.
Net for TCA Cycle for glycogen or glucose
4 CO2
2/3 ATP (glucose/glycogen)
Total ATP 38/39 (glucose/glycogen)
Important Enzymes
Citrate Synthase
Isocitrate Dehydogenase
Alpha - ketogluterate dehydrogenase
Pyruvate Dehydrogenase
Hydrolysis of Triglyceride
Adipose triacylglyceride lipase
Hormone sensitive lipase
Monoacylglyceride lipase
Protein Metabolism
N cannot be used as an energy source. Must be removed.
Deamination - removal of nitrogen from protein (in liver)
Transamination - the nitrogen is passed to other compounds
N gets removed fromt he body after being taken off, it is expelled in urine. Produces Urea
N is passed to other molecules in skeletal muscle, alpha-ketogluterate. These molecules are shittled to the liver and are deaminated.
Recommended 0.84 - 1.7 g/kg/day