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22 Cards in this Set

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a group of words with its own subject and verb

independent clause

has a subject and a verb and can stand by itself as a complete sentence

subordinate/dependent clause

-has a subject and a verb but cannot stand by itself as a complete sentence

-more info. is needed to complete the thought

-usually begin w/ subordinating conjunctions or relative pronouns

-can function as both adjectives & adverbs


a group of related words that lacks either a subject or predicate or both

noun phrase

a noun and the words that modify it

EX: "the ancient oak tree"

prepositional phrase

begins w/ a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun called the object of the preposition

EX: "with crooked old limbs"

adjective phrase

often a prepositional phrase, an adjective phrase modifies a noun or pronoun by telling what kind or which one

EX: "of New Mexico"

adverb phrase

often a prepositional phrase, an adverb phrase modifies a verb, adjective, or an adverb and points out where, when, in what way, or to what extent

EX: "after a two-hour delay"

verb phrase

a verb and the words that modify it

EX: "guards the house"

appositive phrase

-a noun or pronoun with modifiers placed after another noun or pronoun to identify, rename, or explain the preceding word

-a comma is placed before & after the phrase

EX: "The painting, a mural in many bright colors, highlights the entrance"

simple sentence

made up of one independent clause, which can contain a single or compound subject and a single or compound predicate

compound sentence

-made up of two or more simple sentences (independent clauses)

-joined by a comma and a coordinating conjunction or a semi-colon

complex sentence

made by joining a dependent clause and an independent clause

run-on sentence

combines 2 or more sentences without the correct punctuation or conjunction

sentence fragment

an incomplete thought that is missing a subject, predicate, or both

Every sentence has what 2 basic parts?

a complete subject and a complete predicate


who or what is doing the action


tells what the subject is doing

simple subject

consists of the subject without the words that modify it

simple predicate

the verb without the words that modify it

compound subject

includes 2 or more subjects that share the same verb

compound predicate

includes 2 or more predicates that share the same subject