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73 Cards in this Set

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ager, agrī
(m) field, farm
amīcus, amīcī
(m) friend (female)
fīlius, fīliī
(m) son
numerus, numerī
(m) number
populus, populī
(m) the people, a people, a nation
bāsium, bāsiī
(n) kiss
bellum, bellī
(n) war
cōnsilium, cōnsiliī
(n) plan, purpose, counsel, advice, judgment, wisdom
dōnum, dōnī
(n) gift, present
exitium, exitiī
(n) destruction, ruin
magister, magistrī
(m) schoolmaster, teacher, master
oculus, oculī
(m) eye
officium, officiī
(n) duty, service
ōtium, ōtiī
(n) leisure, peace
perīculum, perīculī
(n) danger, risk
remedium, remediī
(n) cure, remedy
stultus, stultī
(m) a fool
animus, animī
(m) soul, spirit, mind
caelum, caelī
(n) sky, heaven
verbum, verbī
(n) word
deus, deī
(m) god
discipulus, discipulī
(m) learner, pupil, student
liber, librī
(m) book
tyrannus, tyrannī
(m) absolute ruler, tyrant
vitium, vitiī
(n) fault, crime, vice
Graecus, Graeca, Graecum
(m) Greek
locus, locī
(m) place; passage in literature; pl., loca, locōrum, n., places, region; locī, locōrum, m., passages in literature
morbus, morbī
(m) disease, sickness
studium, studiī
(n) eagerness, zeal, pursuit, study
annus, annī
(m) year
medicus, medicī
(m) doctor, physician (male)
prīncipium, prīncipiī
(n) beginning
factum, factī
(n) deed, act, achievement
signum, signī
(n) sign, signal, indication; seal
libellus, libellī
(m) little book
lūdus, lūdī
(m) game, sport; school
argūmentum, argūmentī
(n) proof, evidence, argument
beneficium, beneficiī
(n) benefit, kindness; favor
iūdicium, iūdiciī
(n) judgment, decision, opinion; trial
coniūrātī, coniūrātōrum
(m) pl., conspirators
mundus, mundī
(m) world, universe
vīcīnus, vīcīnī
(m) neighbor (male)
vulgus, vulgī
(n) the common people, mob, rabble
ferrum, ferrī
(n) iron; sword
modus, modī
(m) measure, bound, limit; manner, method, mode, way thing, matter, business,
equus, equī
(m) horse
imperium, imperiī
(n) power to command, supreme power, authority, command, control
perfugium, perfugiī
(n) refuge, shelter
servus, servī
(m) slave (male)
sōlācium, sōlāciī
(n) comfort, relief
forum, forī
(n) marketplace, forum
somnus, somnī
(m) sleep
arma, armōrum
(n) pl., arms, weapons
fātum, fātī
(n) fate; death
ingenium, ingeniī
(n) nature, innate talent
ōsculum, ōsculī
(n) kiss
auxilium, auxiliī
(n) aid, help
digitus, digitī
(m) finger, toe
elephantus, elephantī
(m and f) elephant
exsilium, exsiliī
(n) exile, banishment
vīnum, vīnī
(n) wine
initium, initiī
(n) beginning, commencement
philosophus, philosophī
(m) philosopher (male)
speculum, speculī
(n) mirror
vinculum, vinculī
(n) bond, chain, fetter
humus, humī
(f) ground, earth; soil
odium, odiī
(n) hatred
aedificium, aedificiī
(n) building, structure
ventus, ventī
(m) wind
dominus, dominī
(m) master (of a household), lord, and domina, -ae, (f)mistress lady
monumentum, monumentī
(n) monument
nāsus, nāsī
(m) nose
saxum, saxī
(n) rock, stone