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19 Cards in this Set

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What is the cause of restrictive lung dz?
elastic recoil of lungs is large-->functional residual capacity, vital capacity, total lung capacity are LOW
Remember, obstructive lung dz FRC and TLC are high
When does edema occur? Explain the physiology.
filtration> resorption + lymph flow.
increased hydrostatic pressure, lymph obstruction, decreased oncotic pressure, microvascular injury (more stuff), heart (left heart failure, mitral stenosis, pulmonary vein obstruction)
What is atypical pneumonia?
gradual onset, dry non-productive cough, minimal signs of pulmonary involvement, extrapulmonary symptoms (ex: fatigue), CXR (looks worse than patient)
causes: viral, mycoplasma
What are some clinical features of lung cancer?
pancoast tumor (apex) compresses cervical sympathetic chain & horners syndrome, hoarse (compression of recurrent laryngeal nerve), facial swelling (obstruction of superior vena cava)
Nephritic vs Nephrotic syndrome
Nephritic-->infxn. hematuria, RBC casts, post strep GN
Nephrotic-->protein. severe proteinuria, hypoalbuminea, hyperlipidemia, edema. Adults: membranous GN. Children: minimal change GN
What are some glomerulonephritis conditions that have a poor prognosis?
membranous (nephrotic, MC young adults), membranoproliferative, focal segmental, rapidly progressive
What stones pass in alkaline urine?
Ca++ and magnesium-ammonium-phosphate "triple stones"
What is the treatment for Chlamydia trachomatis?
What are 3 non-germal testicular tumors? (think of the cells)
Leydig, Sertoli, and lymphoma (elderly)
What are the most common type of ovarian tumors?
surface epithelium
serous, mucinous, endometroid, clear cell, Brenner
What does proliferation of endometrial glands due to estrogen stimulation result in?
polyps, hyperplasia, carcinoma, (think of endometriosis)
What is the main difference between complete and partial hydatidiform mole?
complete= no embryo or placenta, 46XX (paternal origin only) partial = embryo and placenta are present 46 XXY (triploid)
What are 3 malignant tumors of the breast?
ductal carcinoma, lobular carcinoma, paget's dz of the nipples
What is a sign of Vit B12 deficiency?
smooth beefy red tongue
What are the differences between pulsion diverticula and traction diverticula?
pulsion diverticula = "false" (mucous only", jxn of pharynx/esophagus, dysphagia, regurg
traction diverticula = "true" all layers, mid part of esophagus, asymptomatic.
What is H pylori associated with?
chronic gastritis type B, gastric and duodenal peptic ulcers, carcinoma of stomach
What is the cause of familial adenomatous polyposis?
absence of APC (tumor suppressor gene). 100% cancer risk
What are the symptoms of Crohns?
rectum is spared, ileum involved, skip lesions, transmural, granulomas, strictures and fissures, more pain and less bleeding
What are the symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis?
rectum and progresses toward ileocecal jxn, continous, mucousa/submucousa only, crypt abscesses, pseudopolyps, more bleeding