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71 Cards in this Set

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Superior Lateral Brachial Cutaneous Nerve is a branch of which nerve?
Axillary Nerve
Superior Lateral Brachial Cutaneous Nerve covers what?
Lower 1/2 posterior deltoid
Posterior Brachial Cutaneous Nerve is a branch of which nerve?
Posterior Brachial Cutaneous Nerve supplies which area of skin?
Posterior medial arm inferior to detoid
What pierces the posterior medial arm inferior to the deltoid?
Posterior Brachial Cutaneous Nerve
The Inferior Lateral Brachial Cutaneous Nerve is a branch of which nerve?
What supplies the skin over the posterior lateral arm?
Inferior Lateral Brachial Cutaneous Nerve
The Posterior Cutaneous nerve of the forearm runs where?
Posterior lateral aspect of the arm above elbow and down posterior lateral forearm
The posterior cutaneous nerve of the forearm is a branch of which nerve?
Where does the medial cutaneous nerve of the arm originate?
Medial cord of brachial plexus
Where does the medial cutaneous nerve of the arm run?
Medial cord --> posterior aspect of arm inferior to posterior cutaneous nerve of arm
where does the medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm originate?
Medial cord
Where does the medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm run?
Posterior aspect of forearm --> skin on posterior medial aspect of forearm
What supplies skin on the lateral aspect of the forearm?
Lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm
What supplies the skin on the posterior medial aspect of the forearm?
Medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm
The lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm is a continuation of which nerve?
Musculocutaneous nerve
Name two nerves which supply the dorsum of the hand?
1. Superficial Radial Nerve

2. Posterior cutaneous branch of the ulnar nerve
I: Triceps Brachii?
Posterior surface of olecranon process

Antebrachial Fossa
O Long head TB?
Infraglenoid tubercle scapula
O Lateral head TB?
Lateral/Posterior surface of proximal humerus

Lateral intermuscular septum
Location lateral head TB?
Lateral to long head
O medial head TB?
Medial/posterior surface distal humerus

Medial intermuscular septum
Location of medial head TB?
Deep to long and lateral heads
What separates the origins of the lateral and medial heads?
Radial groove of humerus
What runs in the radial groove of the humerus?
Radial nerve
O/I Anconeus

Posterior surface lateral epicondyle humerus


Lateral side of olecranon process
Antebrachial fasic
Where does the radial nerve come from?
Posterior cord of BP
What does the radial nerve travel c?
Profunda Brachii --> radial coolateral artery
What does the radial nerve supply?
Three heads of the TB
What does the profunda brachii travel with?
Radial nerve
The profunda brachii branches into what (2) structures?
Middle collateral artery

Radial collateral artery
Where does the ulnar nerve come from?
Medialcord of BP
What travels with the ulnar nerve?
ulnar collateral artery
What is the parent artery of the ulnar collateral artery?
Brachial artery
Name the muscles on the proximal posterior forearm lateral to medial
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
Extensor Carpi radialis Brevis
Extensor Digitorum
Extensor digiti minimi
Extensor carpi ulnaris
O/I Brachioradialis?

Lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
Lateral Intermuscular septum


Styloid process of radius
O/I Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis?
O: Distal lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
Lateral Intermuscular Septum


Base 2nd metacarpal
O/I Extensor Digitorum?

Common extensor tendon
Deep antebrachial fascia


Via 4 tendons into digits 2-5
O/I Extensor Digiti Minimi?

Common extensor tendon
Posterior Ulna
Deep antebrachial fascia


Base of 5th metacarpal
O/I Supinator?

Lateral epicondyle of humerus
Radial collateral ligament of elbow
Annular Ligament of radius
Supinator crest of ulna


Anterior/Posterior lateral proximal radius
O/I Abductor Pollicis Longus

Ulna distal to O supinator
Interosseous membrane
Posterior surface middle of radius


Base of 1st metacarpal
O/I Extensor Pollicis Brevis?

Posterior surface of radius distal to O abductor pollicis longus
Interosseous membran


Base of proximal phalanx of thumb
What muscles pass DEEP to extensor pollicis brevis and abudutor pollicis longus?
Extensor arpi radialis longus/brevis
O/I Extensor Pollicis Longus?

Middle posterior surface ulna distal to origin of abductor pollicis longus
Interosseous membran


Base distal phalanx of thumb
O/I Extensor Indicis?
O: Posterior surface of ulna distal to origin of extensor pollicis longus
Interosseous membrane


Extensor expansion of index finger c extensor digitorum longus
O/I Extensor Retinaculum?
O: Distal radius

I: Styloid process of ulna, triquetrum, pisiform
How many extensor compartments are there?
What is in the 1st extensor compartment?
Abductor pollicis longus
Extensor pollicis brevis
What is in the 2nd extensor compartment?
Extensor carpi radialis Longus/Brevis
What is in the 3rd extensor compartment?
Extensor Pollicis Longus
What is in the 4th extensor compartment?
Extensor Digitorum
Extensor Indicis
What is in the 5th extensor compartment?
Extensor Digit Minimi
What is in the 6th extensor compartment?
Extensor carpi ulnaris
here do you find the intertendinous connection (juncturae)?
Btwn extensor digitorum tendons proximal to metacarpophalangeal joints
What tendons contribute to the extensor mechanism?
Extensor digitorum
Extensor indicis
Extensor digit minimi
Name 4 parts of the extensor mechanism
Sagittal band
Central slip
Lateral bands
Terminal tendon
What is the role of the sagittal band (extensor mechanism)?
Maintain alignment of extensor digitorum tendon over head of metacarpal
What contributes to the central slip? (extensor mechanism)
Extensor digitorum
What contribute to the lateral bands?
Extensor digitorum
What contributes to the terminal tendon?
Extensor digitorum
The posterior interosseous artery is a branch of what which has a parent branch of what?
Common interosseous artery

Parent: Ulnar artery
Where can you find the Posterior interosseous artery and what does it travel with?
FIND: Btwn Supinator and Abductor Pollicis Longus

TRAVEL WITH: Posterior Interroseus Nerve
The Posterior Interosseous Nerve is a DEEP branch of which nerve?
What does the Posterior Interosseous Nerve innervate?
Extensor digitorum
Extensor digiti minimi
Extensor carpi ulnaris
Extensor pollicis longus
Exntesor indicis
Abductor pollicis longus
Extensor pollicis brevis
What does the radial artery become after passing through the first interosseous space?
Deep Palmar Arch
Name 5 branches of the radial artery?
Dorsal carpal

Dorsal carpal arch

1st dorsal metacarpal

2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th dorsal metacarpal

Dorsal digital
Where does the dorsal carpal artery come from?
Medially off radial artery @ wrist
What forms the dorsal carpal arch?
Dorsal carpal atery, dorsal carpal branch of the ulnar artery, small branches of the anterior interosseous
Where do you find t he 1st dorsal metacarpal artery?
1st interrosei space
2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th dorsal metacarpal arteries are branches of what?
Dorsal carpal arch
What are dorsal digital branches formed?
There are 2 branches from the dorsal digital arteries