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62 Cards in this Set

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Appeal invitation
Goths always give the -- mood a sad appeal invitation 24 Feb 13
Appeal invitation
إعادة النظر في قراره تعليق مشاركته في الإجتماع
Rethinking the decision to suspend it's participation in the meeting 24 Feb 13
Rethinking the decision to suspend it's participation in the meeting
إعادة النظر في قراره تعليق مشاركته في الإجتماع
To divide or distribute among selves share 24 Feb 13
To divide or distribute among selves share
In view of towards vis-a-vis
When a Texan is in view of tards vis-a-vis others they're like -- hi y'all 24 Feb 13
In view of towards vis-a-vis
فَظاعَة فَظائِع
Ugliness atrocity horror plural atrocities
FuZ aah What atrocity have you done. --Fud a he a doer of atrocities. 24 Feb 13
Ugliness atrocity horror plural atrocities
فَظاعَة فَظائِع
FuZ aah What atrocity have you done. --Fud a he a doer of atrocities. 24 Feb 13
--Fud a he a doer of atrocities.
فَظاعَة فَظائِع
FuZ aah What atrocity have you done. --Fud a he a doer of atrocities. 24 Feb 13
--Fud a he a doer of atrocities.
فَظاعَة فَظائِع
FuZ aah What atrocity have you done. --Fud a he a doer of atrocities. 24 Feb 13
أما بخصوص ...ف
In reference to as for 24 Feb 13
In reference to as for
أما بخصوص ...ف
Suspended attached
Suspended attached
زيارتنا معلقة فقط
Our visit is only suspended
Our visit is only suspended
زيارتنا معلقة فقط
تطابق مع
To correspond coincide with
To correspond coincide with
تطابق مع
ناشَدَ ه
To appeal call upon request
-- no shout out when you call upon request others 24 Feb 13
To appeal call upon request
not استدعى
not دعا
ناشَدَ ه
-- no shout out when you call upon request others 24 Feb 13
حزب التجمع
Assembly gathering group
Assembly gathering group
حزب التجمع
مَحسوب على فلان
Pet protege servile to 24 Feb 13
Pet protege servile to
مَحسوب على فلان
Same as فصيلة
Same as فصيلة
Hard strict inflexible
Hard strict inflexible
= حركة
= حركة
Breaking into attack raid
We're the religious police and we heard your mother -- mother had a ham a in there. 24 Feb 13
Breaking into attack raid
We're the religious police and we heard your mother -- mother had a ham a in there. 24 Feb 13
عِصيان مدني
Civil disobedience
-- he's youn disobedience is normal 24 Feb 13
Civil disobedience
عِصيان مدني
-- he's youn disobedience is normal 24 Feb 13
مَسْعىً مَسَاعِِ
Effort attempt
I feel like I'm -- messin every attempt effort at speaking this language. It's like a -- mess a in my mouth 24 Feb 13
Effort attempt
مَسْعىً مَسَاعِِ
I feel like I'm -- messin every attempt effort at speaking this language. It's like a -- mess a in my mouth. 24 Feb 13
Plural efforts attempts
It's like a -- mess a in my mouth
مَسْعىً مَسَاعِِ
I feel like I'm -- messin every attempt effort at speaking this language. It's like a -- mess a in my mouth 24 Feb 13
Plural efforts attempts
It's like a -- mess a in my mouth
مَسْعىً مَسَاعِِ
I feel like I'm -- messin every attempt effort at speaking this language. It's like a -- mess a in my mouth 24 Feb 13
آلَ /انتحى به المطاف إلى
To eventually arrive at 24 Feb 13
حَظِيَ ب/ عند فلان
Acquire get be in favor
Acquire get be in favor
حَظِيَ ب/ عند فلان
Alert mobilization
The other army -- is tin don't go -- too far in the alert mobilization. 24 Feb 13
Alert mobilization
مُرَوِّج ون
Spreader (of rumors etc) promotor, propagandist. The -- more an -- itch is a spreader, the more it is. 24 Feb 13
Spreader (of rumors etc) promotor propagandist
مُرَوِّج ون
The -- more an -- itch is a spreader the more it is.
Trial hearing
-- more got caught a so we need to have a trial hearing. 24 Feb 13
Trial hearing
-- more got caught a so we need to have a trial hearing. 24 Feb 13
Chasing tracking
Chasing tracking
نَعَرة ج ات طائفية دينية
Use a little nare and got off that factionalism
نَعْرة ج ات طائفية دينية
Use a little nare and got off that factionalism 24 Feb 13
It turns into a -- gel a to clot things up. 24 Feb 13
It turns into a -- gel a to clot things up. 24 Feb 13
انهم مروجو الفتنة الطائفية
They spread sectarian dissent
They spread sectarian dissent
انهم مروجو الفتنة الطائفية
مُعَبِّر عن
Expressive of indicative of
Expressive of indicative of
مُعَبِّر عن
تصنيف الائتماني
Credit score
Credit score
التصنيف الائتماني