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172 Cards in this Set

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aldehydes & ketones containing # hydroxy groups on unbranched C chain & chem derivatives
aldehydes & ketones containing # hydroxy groups on unbranched C chain & chem derivatives
Most common sugars have mlclr formulas that fit
hydrate of carbon pattern - Cn(H2O)m
sucrose (table sugar)
C12(H2O)11 or C12H22O11
glucose & fructose
prevalent in honey, C6(H2O)6 or C6H12O6
Carbohydrates as abundant organic cmpds
in polymerized form as cellulose, account for 50-80% of dry weight of plants, major source of food sucrose (table sugar) & lactose (milk sugar) shells of arthropods such as lobsters
carb w aldehyde carbonyl group
carb w ketone carbonyl group
6C carb
5 C carb
5C ketose
cannot be converted into simpler carbs by hydrolysis i.e. glucose, fructose
sucrose - can be converted by hydrolysis into two monosaccharides
can be hydrolyzed to 3 monosaccharides
to a few monosaccharides
to a large number of monosaccharides
Are carbs soluble in water?
Yes, many hydroxy groups
Fischer projections
almost all carbs are chiral and most have 1+ asymm C - many carbs have several contiguous asymm C in unbranched chain
almost all carbs are chiral and most have 1+ asymm C - many carbs have several contiguous asymm C in unbranched chain
Fischer rules
projection based on eclipsed mlclr conformation, bonds connecting asymm C arranged in vertical line, asymm C located @ intersections of vertical & horizontal bonds (not drawn explicitly) vertical bonds to asymm C recede, horizontal bonds emerge toward observer
do fischer projections convey info about mlclr conformations?
no - only absolute configuration of each asymm C
can a fischer projection be turned 180?
Yes, in the plane of the paper
Can a Fischer projection be turned 90?
Can a Fischer projection be lifted from the plane of the paper and turned over?
Can the 3 groups at either end of a Fischer projection be interhanged in a cyclic permutation?
Yes, all three groups can be moved at the same time in a closed loop so that each occupies an adjacent position
Yes, all three groups can be moved at the same time in a closed loop so that each occupies an adjacent position
An interchange of any 2 groups bound to an asymm C changes
the configuration of that C
it is easy to recognize enantiomers & meso cmpds from Fischer projections bc
planes of symmetry in actual mlcs reduce to lines of symmetry in their projections
planes of symmetry in actual mlcs reduce to lines of symmetry in their projections
If the group of lowest priority is in either of the two vertical positions
apply R,S priority rules to remaining three groups
apply R,S priority rules to remaining three groups
If lowest priority group is in a horizontal position
reverse the assignment
reverse the assignment
Each diastereomer is
a diff carb w diff properties known by a diff name
fam of aldoses
each monosaccharide has an
how to apply d,L system
configuration of naturally occurring triose (+) glyceraldehyde is designated as D, enantiomer is L,
configuration of naturally occurring triose (+) glyceraldehyde is designated as D, enantiomer is L,
aldoses or ketoses written in Fischer projection w C in straight vertical line & C numbered consecutively as would be in systematic nomenclature so that
carbonyl C receives lowest possible #
Asymm C of ___ # is designated as a reference C
highest - if this C has the H, OH, CH2OH groups in same relative configuration as same three groups of D-glyceraldehyde, carb has D configuration
Is there a general correspondence btwn configuration & sign of optical rotation?
difference btwn R,S & D,L system
R,S used to specify configuration of each asymm C atom in a mlc D,L specifies particular enantiomer of a mlc that may contain many asymm C
important aldoses to know
D-Glucose, D-mannose, D-galactose
diastereomers that differ in configuration at only one of several asymm C
important aldopentose
important naturally occurring ketose
important naturally occurring ketose
y or delta-hydroxy aldehydes exist predominantly as
cyclic hemiacetals
aldoses and ketoses exist primarily as
cyclic hemiacetals
in many carb both 5 & 6 membered cyclic hemiacetals are possible depending on
which hydroxy group undergoes cyclization
which hydroxy group undergoes cyclization
5 membered cyclic acetal form of a carb
6-membered cyclic acetal form of a carb
aldohexoses & aldopentoses exist predominantly as
pyranoses in aq. soln, but furanose forms of some carbs are important
to name a cyclic hemiacetal form of a carb
start w prefix derived from name of carb followed by a suffix that dictates the type of hemiacetal ring
the furanose or pyranose form of a carb has
one or more asymm C than the open chain form - C1 in case of aldoses
how many possible diastereomers of D-glucopyranose?
two cyclic forms of a carb differ in configuration only at their hemiacetal C aka cyclic forms of carbs that are epimeric at the hemiacetal C
anomeric carbon
hemiacetal carbon (C-1 of an aldose)
anomers are named with
greek letters a & b
in the a-anomer the hemiacetal OH group
is on the same side of the Fischer projection as the O at the configurational C
the b-anomer, the hemiacetal OH group
is on the side of the Fischer projection opposite the O at the configurational C
when a carb ring is drawn w the anomeric C on the right & ring O in the rear
substituents on left in Fischer projection are up in Haworth projection or chair structures, groups on right are down in Haworth projection or chair structures
Altho 5 membered rings of furanoses are nonplanar, they are close enough to planarity that
Haworth projections are good approximations to their actual structures
Haworth projection of B-D-ribofuranose
when pure a-D-glucopyranose is dissolved in water its specific rotation is found to be
+112 degrees mL g-1 dm-1
with time the specific rotation of the soln
dec, reaches stable +52.7 degrees
When pure B-D-glucopyranose is dissolved in water it has a specific rotation of
+18.7 degrees
change of optical rotation w time
Mutarotation occurs when
pure anomers of other carbs are dissolved in aq soln
Mutarotation of glucose is caused by
conversion of a- and b-glucopyranose anomers into an equil mix of both, formed from either pure a-D-glucopyranose or B-D-glucopyranose
Mutarotation is cat by
acid & base, but also occurs slowly in pure water
acid & base, but also occurs slowly in pure water
mutarotation is characteristic of
cyclic hemiacetal forms of glucose
aldehyde cannot undergo mutarotation bc
an aldehyde C is not an asymm C
Mutarotation was one of the phenomena that suggested that aldoses might exist as
cyclic hemiacetals
Mutarotation occurs by
opening of the pyranose ring to the free aldehyde form, the reverse of hemiacetal formation
180 rotation about the C-C bond to the carbonyl group permits
reclosure of the hemiacetal ring by the rxn of the hydroxy group @ the opposite face of the carbonyl C
reclosure of the hemiacetal ring by the rxn of the hydroxy group @ the opposite face of the carbonyl C
mutarotation of glucose is due to
interconversion of 2 pyranose forms
other carbs undergo
more complex mutarotations
the structures of the cyclic hemiacetal forms of D-fructose can be derived from
its carbonyl (ketone) form
its carbonyl (ketone) form
the crystalline form of D-fructose
When crystals of B-D-fructopyranose are dissolved in water
When crystals of B-D-fructopyranose are dissolved in water
it equilibrates to both pyranose & furanose forms
it equilibrates to both pyranose & furanose forms
Does glucose in soln contain furanose forms?
Yes but in very small amts ~ 0.2% each
A single hexose can exist in at least 5 forms
acyclic aldehyde or ketone form, a & b-pyranose forms, a & B- furanose forms
most aldohexoses & aldopentoses exist primarily as
pyranoses, altho few have substantial amts of furanose forms
most monosaccharides contain relatively
small amts of their noncyclic carbonyl forms
mixtures of a & B-anomers
are usually found, but exact amts of each vary from case to case
fraction of any form in soln @ equil
determined by its stability relative to that of all other forms
Lobry de Bruyn-Alberda van Ekenstein rxn - in base, aldoses & ketoses rapidly equilibrate to
Lobry de Bruyn-Alberda van Ekenstein rxn - in base, aldoses & ketoses rapidly equilibrate to
mixtures of other aldoses & ketoses
mixtures of other aldoses & ketoses
altho glucose in soln exists mostly in its cyclic hemiacetal forms, it is also in equilibrium w
a small amt of its acyclic aldehyde form
This aldehyde like other carbonyl cmpds w a-hydrogens
ionizes to give small amts of its enolate ion in base
Protonation of this enolate ion @ one face of the db gives back ___
glucose, protonation @ the other face gives mannose
glucose, protonation @ the other face gives mannose
enoalte ion protonated on oxygen to give a new enol
enediol contains a
hydroxy group @ each end of the db
enediol derived from glucose is simultaneously
the enol of not only the aldoses glucose & mannose but also the ketose fructose
conversion of D-glucose-6-phosphate into D-fructose-6-phosphate occurs
in the breakdown of D-glucose (glycolysis), series of rxns by which D-glucose is utilized as a food source
Bc biochem rxns occur near pH 7
too little hydroxide ion is present to cat rxn
Instead rxn cat by an enzyme
D-glucose-6-phosphate isomerase & involves enediol intermediate
D-glucose-6-phosphate isomerase & involves enediol intermediate
conversion of D-glucose derived from corn into D-fructose is
enzyme-cat process, involves similar rxns - central to commercial prod of high-fructose corn syrup, widely used sweetener
most monosaccharides react w alcohols under acidic conditions to yield
most monosaccharides react w alcohols under acidic conditions to yield
cyclic acetals
cyclic acetals
special types of acetals in which one of the O of the acetal group is the ring O of the pyranose or furanose
special types of acetals in which one of the O of the acetal group is the ring O of the pyranose or furanose
contrast rxn of a cyclic hemiacetal (i.e. glucopyranose) w corresponding rxn of an ordinary aldehyde under same conditions
glycoside one -OR group is incorporated, formation of aldehyde acetal 2 -OR groups are incorporated
glycosides are named
as derivatives of the parent carb
indicates that the glycoside ring is 6-membered
5-membered ring
Glycoside formation
like acetal formation, is cat by acid, involves a-alkoxy carbocation intermediate
like other acetals, glycosides are
stable to base, but in dilute aq acid, hydrolyzed back to parent carb
many cmpds exist naturally as
glycoside formation plays an important role in
removal of some chem from the body - carb is joined to an OH group of substance to be removed, added carb group makes substance more soluble in h2o, hence more easily excreted
like simple methyl glycosides, glycoside of a natural prod can be
hydrolyzed to its component alcohol or phenol & carb
hydrolyzed to its component alcohol or phenol & carb
2 monosaccharides connected by a glycosidic linkage
2 monosaccharides connected by a glycosidic linkage
example of a disaccharide, present in about 4.5% cows milk, 6-7% human milk.. D-glucopyranose mlc linked by O @ C-4 to C-1 of D-galactopyranose, so effectively glycoside in which galactose is the carb & glucose is the alcohol
glycosidic linkage is an acetal & acetals
hydrolyze under acidic conditions
disaccharide structural basis
carb that can be hydrolyzed to 2 monosaccharides
Hydrolysis occurs at the
glycosidic bond btwn the 2 monosaccharide residues
stereochem of glycosidic bond in (+) lactose
B stereochem
stereochem of O linking 2 monosaccharide residues in the glycosidic bond corresponds to B-anomer of D-galactopyranose
higher animals possess an enzyme, B-galactosidase
cat hydrolysis of B-glycosidic linkage near neutral pH
hydrolysis allows lactose to act as
source of glucose, a-glycosides of galactose inert to action of this enzyme
bc C-1 of the galactose residue in (+)-lactose is involved in a glycosidic linkage
it cannot be oxidized
C-1 of the glucose residue is part of
a hemiacetal group which is in equil w free aldehyde & can undergo characteristic aldehyde rxns
reducing sugars
carbs such as (+)-lactose that can be oxidized bc they reduce oxidizing agents
glucose residue said to be
at the reducing end of the disaccharide
galactose residue is at the
nonreducing end
bc of its hemiacetal group (+) lactose
also undergoes many other rxns of aldose hemiacetals such as mutarotation
(+) sucrose
table sugar, another important disaccharide
sucrose consists of
D-glucopyranose residue & a D-fructofuranose residue connected by glycosidic bonds @ anomeric C of both monosaccharides
D-glucopyranose residue & a D-fructofuranose residue connected by glycosidic bonds @ anomeric C of both monosaccharides
glycosidic bond in (+) sucrose is diff from one in lactose
only one of the residues of lactose (galactose residue) contains an acetal (glycosidic) C, both residues of +sucrose have an acegtal C
glycosidic bond in + sucrose bridges
C2 of fructofuranose residue & C1 of glycopyranose residue
carbonyl C become
the acetal or hemiacetal C in the cyclic forms
the acetal or hemiacetal C in the cyclic forms
neither the fructose nor the glucose part of sucrose
has a free hemiacetal group, so +sucrose cannot be oxidized by bromine water nor undergo mutarotation
nonreducing sugars
carbs such as +sucrose that cannot be oxidized by bromine water
sucrose is hydrolyzed by
aq. acid or by enzymes (invertases) to an equilmolar mixture of D-glucose & D-fructose, sometimes called invert sugar
as hydrolysis of sucrose proceeds
positive rotation of soln changes to a neg rotation characteristic of the glucose-fructose mixture
Rotation is negative because the strongly negative rotation
of fructose has a greater magnitude than the positive rotation of glucose (dextrose)
sweetest of the common sugars, accounts for intense sweetness of honey
any # of monosaccharide residues can be linked together w glycosidic bonds to form chains
principal structural component of plants, most abundant organic cmpd on earth
pure cellulose
cellulose combined w polymer called lignin
5 x 10^14 kg of cellulose is
biosynthesized & degraded annually on the earth
cellulose is a regular polymer
of D-glucopyranose units connected by B-1,4-glycosidic linkages
of D-glucopyranose units connected by B-1,4-glycosidic linkages
polysaccharides can be hydrolyzed?
mammals lack the enzymes that cat hydrolysis of B-glycosidic linkages of cellulose
why humans cannot digest grasses but cattle can (bacteria in their rumens provide appropriate enzymes that break down plant cellulose to glucose)
uses of processed celulose
spun into fibers (rayon) or made into wraps (cellophane)
nitration of cellulose hydroxy groups
gives nitrocellulose, a powerful explosive
cellulose acetate
hydroxy groups of cellulose are esterified w acetic acid, known by trade names Celanese, Arnel, so on, used in knitting yarn & decorative household articles
hydroxy groups of cellulose are esterified w acetic acid, known by trade names Celanese, Arnel, so on, used in knitting yarn & decorative household articles
cellullose as an alternative E source
biomass is largely cellulose & cellulose is polymerized glucose
glucose derived from hydrolysis of cellulose
can be fermented to ethanol, which can be used as a fuel (as in gasohol) & plants obtain E to manufacture cellulose from sun
important research: how to convert abundant sources of cellulose such as wild grasses
into glucose w/o expending large amt of E - soln would reduce or elim need to use cultivated crops such as corn, a source of ethanol
like cellulose, a polymer of glucose, mixture of 2 diff types of glucose polymer
glucose units are connected by a-1,4-glycosidic linkages
conceptually chem diff btwn amylose & cellulose
stereochem of glycosidic bond
stereochem of glycosidic bond
branched polysaccharide, contains relatively short chains of glucose units in a-1,4-linkages & branches that involve a-1,6-glycosidic linkages
important storage polysaccharide in corn, potatoes & other starchy veggies
Humans have enzymes that cat hydrolysis of
a-glycosidic bonds in starch, can use starch as source of glucose
polysaccharide that occurs widely in nature - notably in shells of arthropods (lobsters, crabs)
polysaccharide that occurs widely in nature - notably in shells of arthropods (lobsters, crabs)
Chitin is a polymer of
Residues of chitin are connected by
B-1,4-glycosidic linkages within chitin polymer
N-Acetyl-D-glucosamine is liberated when
chitin is hydrolyzed in aq. acid
Stronger acid brings abotu hydrolysis
of the amide bond to give D-glucosamine hydrochloride & acetic acid
amino sugars
glucosamine & N-acetylglucosamine - a number occur in nature
Amino sugars linked to proteins (glycoproteins)
are found at the outer surfaces of cell membranes, some responsible for blood-group specificity
mostly long chains w some branches - no highly cross-linked, 3D networks - some cyclic oligosaccharides known
linkages btwn monosaccharide units
in every case glycosidic linkages so monosaccharides can be liberated from all polysaccharides by acid hydrolysis
A given polysaccharide contains
only one stereochem type of glycoside linkage, so glycoside linkages in cellulose are all B, those in starch are all alpha