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15 Cards in this Set

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Account - accountable - account - accounting - accountant / sy; story

A report of an event; money kept in a bank; a statement form something used or received, usually a financial report

His account of the incident varied from that of the other witnesses. We need an accounting of the money that was spent.

Archaic / sy; ancient

Very old; old fashioned; no longer used

These archaic methods of farming must be brought up to date. His speech was full of archaic expressions.

Hasten - hastily - hasty - hastiness / sy; accelerate

To cause to go faster; move forward more quickly

After notifying his family of the accident, he hastened to add that he had not been hurt. You should not make important decisions hastily.

Hue / sy; color


The hue of the sunset was beautiful. The hue of the room gave it a warm feelings

Illustration- illustrated- illustrative - illustrate - illustrator / sy; picture

A visual image; typically used to explain

The illustration makes the process of condensation more understandable. This experiment illustrates how certain chemicals can react violently when combined.

Inactive - inaction - inactivity / sy; idle

Not moving: not involved

The virus remains inactive for a long period of time. Her inaction has caused her to miss many opportunities to advance her career.

Intricate - intricately - intricacy / sy; complex

Having many parts; finely detailed

The intricate design of the vase made it a valuable piece for her collection. I cannot begin to understand all of the intricacies of modern automobile motors.

Magnitude - magnificent- magnificently - magnify - magnification / sy; dimension

Of great size or importance

The magnitude of shock waves determines the damage that occurs during an earthquake. The invention of the telephone was a magnificent achievement for mankind.

Oblige - obligingly - obliging - obligatory- obligation / sy; require

To have to do something

She obligated her friend to choose a new lab partner. Payment of the student activity fee was obligatory.

Overlook- overlooked / sy; disregard

To ignore or neglect

Scientists must not overlook any aspect of experimental procedure. The overlooked error raised his score on the test.

Poll- polling - pollster / sy; survey

Questionnaire; a vote of public opinion

The poll indicated that conversation of the environment was the number of issues with college students. The pollster asked the questions in a nonpartisan manner.

Position - / sy; location

Place where something can be found; job

He held a very high position in the firm. The position of aircraft wings causes the lift that allows the plane to leave the ground.

Practical - practically / sy; functional

Convenient or effective

Her ambitious plan was not very practical. Three fundamental issues in measurement are reliability, validity, and practically

Predominant - predominately- predominate - predominance / sy; principle

The most noticeable or powerful element

The predominant export of the Middle East is petroleum. Many cities in the southwest are predominantly Hispanic.

Prompt - promptly- promptness / sy; induce

To cause something to happen; to do quickly ; to be on time

His emotional plea prompted the director to give his a second chance. Promptness is an important factor in many societies.