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40 Cards in this Set

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Spinal anaesthetic

Injection into the subarachnoid space via lumbar puncter

Local anaesthetic

Injection of anaesthetic agent to specofoc body area


Opioid injection delivered via catheter inserted into midlumbar region of epidural space

Type of incisional pain experienced following a total hip replacement


Caudal anaesthetic

Injection of local anaesthetic into epidural space through the caudal canal

Pain resulting from injury to or abnormal functions of peripheral nerves or the CNS


Pain management involving use of more than one method of controlling pain

Multimodal pain management

Why should leg veins not be used for IVs?

Danger of stagnation of circulation

Where should tourniquet be placed?

3-4" above insertion site

Cather gauge 14 16 or 18 (IV)

Trauma, surgery

Catheter gauge 20 (IV)

Continuous or intermittent infusions and pressure rated infusions

Catheter gauge 22 (IV)

General, intermittent, children and geriatrics

Catheter gauge 24 (IV)

Fragile veins, general and intermittent

Best IV gauge for meds


Ideal IV gauge for blood


Indications for PN

NPO, fistulas, intestinal dysfunction or obstruction, cancer, trauma, sepsis, severe malnutrition

How is position of central line in vena cava checked?

Chest xray

Complications associated with TPN

Pneumothorax, embolism, sepsis, dislodgement, occlusion, metabolic problems

What is IV direct?

Administration of medication via syringe over specific period of time >1min

When is deep breathing and coughing contrindicated in a postop pt?

Facial surgeries, hernia operations, throat or cataract surgeries

What to report to RN in epidural pt

Voiding difficulties, bowel dysfunction, change in sensory level, asymmetrical motor or sensory function, inability to move legs when previously could

S/S of epidural infection or hematoma

Increasing back pain, bowel or bladder dysfunction, decreased sensory or motor ability

S/S postop hemorrhage

Restlessness, anxiety, hypotension, frank bleeding, clammy skin, thready pulse, rapid resps

Interventions for postop hemorrhage

Call medical intervention team, notify surgeon, apply pressure dressing

Interventions for postop shock

Call medical intervention team and surgeon, establish and maintain airway, elevate pt legs, administer o2, monitor V/S

S/S of postop thrombophlebitis

Pain and cramping, redness, swelling, elevated temperature, increased in diameter of involved extremity

Interventions for postop thrombophlebitis

Notify surgeon, administer medications, keep pt on bed rest, apply external heat, apply gradual compression stockings or ICP

S/S of postop pulmonary embolism

Dyspnea, chest pain, cough, cyanosis, rapid resps, tachycardia, anxiety

Interventions for postop pulmonary embolism

Notify dr, call medical intervention team, keep pt on bed rest in semi fowlers, administer O2

S/S postop pneumonia

Fever, chills, rusty or purulent sputum, crackles or wheezes, dyspnea, chest pain

Interventions for postop pneumonia

Position in fowlers or semi fowlers, administer O2, frequent oral hygiene

S/S postop atelectasis

Decreased lung sounds, dyspnea, cyanosis, crackles, restlessness, apprehension

Interventions for postop atelectasis

Position in semi fowlers or fowlers, administer O2, administer analgesics for pain, notify surgeon and medical intervention team

S/S compartment syndrome

Poikilothermia, pallor, pain, paralysis, pulselessness, paresthesia (numbness and tingling)

Interventions for compartment syndrome

Cast may need to be removed, reduction in traction wt, surgical decompression

Normal biliary tube drainage

250-500ml in 24 hours

Most common reason for joint replacement surgery


Epidural contraindications

Unable to give consent, takes anticoagulants, systemic or local infection, increased ICP, allergies or long term NSAID use

Drug categories that increase surgical risks

Anticoagulants, diuretics, tranquilizers, adrenal steroids, mycin antibiotics

Arthroplasty complications

Dislocation, skin breakdown, infection, neurovascular compromise, thrombolitic complications