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112 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
• Myocardial Infarction tissue damage
-tissue damage is caused by:

-tissue that is damaged is the....
-oxygen deprevation

-necrosis of myocardial tissue
-subendocardial layer of cardiac muscle
-zone of injury & ischemia are in the subendocardial layer
-can affect all three layers of cardiac muscle= transmural
• Mitrial Valve
blood flows from L.Atrium thru Mitral valve to L.Ventricle during ventricle diastole. blood flow backs up into L. atrium during narrowing with mitral valve disease
• SA node
primary pacemaker that sends signal to AV node. spontaneous and repetitive.
• BP effects of Medications that cause vasoconstriction
-vasocontriction causes an incr. HR, & BP.
-this increases CO
-incr. oxygen demand
-can worsen HF if poorly perfused b/c of arteriosclerosis
• Risk factors for peripheral vascular disease
-hypertention -African Americans
• Clinical manifestations of arterial insufficiency
-arterial foot ulcers at end of toe, b/t toes,
-cool, cold feet
-decreased or absent pedal pulse
-prevent trauma and infection
- stress foot care.
• Review Vital sign norms
ox sat:
Bp= <120/89
oral- 98.6
armpit- 98.1
ox sat: >95%
• Bruits
swishing sounds from turbulant blood flow thru narrowed or atherosclerotic arteries.
asses by listening to carotid artery while patient holds breath.
• Orthostatic hypotension
dizziness when moved from lying to sitting or standing.
BP checks taken while lying, sitting and then standing.
Transient and pass quickly. may be due to postural hypertension
• Heart murmur is....
turbulant blood flow thru normal or abnormal valves.
• Pacemaker
• Pathophysiologic process of Increase in preload:
Can Cause:
how to decrease:
heart failure due to the heart being overworked. We can decrease preload by:
nutrition- low sodium, low water retention.
drug therapy- diuretics, morphine (pre & after)
• Nursing diagnosis for heart failure (3)
1- impaired gas exchange
2-decreased cardiac output
3- activity intolerance
•Arteriosclerosis is the....
Atherosclerosis is the.....
Arterio- hardening of arterial wall.
Atheros- placque build up ( a type of arterio)
• Lovastatin potential risk factors
Should not be used by whom?
Discontinue if pts has.....
-muscle myopathy
-decreased liver function
-not for liver disease pts
-not while pregnant
-discont. if pt has muscle cramps or elevated liver enzymes.
• Peripheral arterial disease (PVD)
-What is it.
- it is a result of.
-Change in blood flow through arteries and veins
-can block the flow of blood to the lower extremeties

• Anticoagulant treatment for pt with DVT
-IV heparin
-LMWH (lovenox)
• Capillary refill
how to do it.
what does it indicate
-squeeze finger or toenail to blanch
-should refill <2 minutes

-if it does not = arterial insuficiency
• S/S of petechiae
-pinpoint hemorrhagic lesions on skin
-may only be visible on palms of hands or soles of feet
• Pts. At risk for hematological problems
-elderly= bone marrow function decrease
-mentrating women
-drug use
-radiation therapy
-chemical exposure (house location)
-long antibiotic therapy
• Medication administration – oral, eyes, ear, injections
• Dosage
cyanosis is the....

Caused by.....
bluish, darkened colour of skin and mucous membrane.
Caused by deoxygenated hemoglobin
Rubor is the.....
Caused by....
Dusky redness of dependent foot.
Caused by decreased blood flow of peripheral extremity from peripheral cyanosis.
indicates arterial insufficiency
orthostatic hypertention
how to detect
supine 3 min. change position to sit then stand checking bp.
orthostatic hypotention
what happens to bp
systolic drops slightly or unchanged.
siastolic rises slightly
postural hypotention
bp changes are:
Causes are:
systolic decr. of more than 20
diastolic decr of more than 10
Causes: Cardio drugs, BV decrease. age, prolonged bedrest. ANS disorders.
Heart murmur assessment. we listen for...
systolic murmur
=aortic stenosis or mitral regurg. between s1 and s2.
diastolic murmur
= mitral stenosis & aortic reg. b/t s1 & s2.
Apart from the SA node can anything else cause an electrical impulse.
yes, myocardial ischemia, electrolyte imbalance, hypoxia etc. can generate electrical impulses independently and cause dysrythmias.
SA node is part of what cardiac electrophysiology?
Excitability is the....
ability of non-pacemaker heart cells to respond to an electrical impulse.
SA node, what path does it take for signals.
SA node top of R.Atrium signal to AV node and bundle of his. signal to perkinje cells which does contraction.
Pwave is the.....
QRS wave is the...
T wave is the....
P=atrial depolarization from SA
QRS=Ventricle depolarization. bundle of his, perkinje
T=ventricle repolarization
preload is....
determined by.........
stretch of myocard fiber.
by: amount of blood returning to the heart from venous and pulmon.
Preload. (starlings law)
Increase in ventricular volume....
... incr. muscle length & tension which enhances contraction & stroke volume.
Heart failure nursing diag #1
1- impared gas exchange:
we want to maintain adequate_________ tissue perfusion.
HF: imparied gas exch.
maintain adequate pulmonary tissue perfusion.
Heart failure nursing diag #1
1- impared gas exchange:
intervention would be to _____ levels in blood.
maintain oxygen levels
Heart failure nursing diag #1
1- impared gas exchange:
We promote oxygen levels by implementing _____ ______ in the means of......
ventilation assistance. oxygen therapy. monitor RR. HR.& rhythm q 4hrs. Auscul.q1-4hrs. high fowlers. pillows under arms. deep breathing & coughing excer. q2hrs to help oxyg & prevent atelectasis.
ace inhibitors used for:
brands are:
heart failure
enalapril, fosinopril, ramipril
What do Ace inhibitors do?
-prevent conversion of angiotensin.
-arterial resistance, dilation, and incr. SV.
Ace inhibitors are less effective in whom.
African americans.
Ace inhibitors:
at risk for low bp are:
-hyper K in renal pts.
- 1st dose can low BP

-elders, start bp of <100.
-sodium level of <137
Ace inhibitor education
-take 1hr b/f or 2 hrs after meals
-do not take with food
-do not stop abruptly
Ace inhibitor side affects:
-GI upset
-renal failure
Digoxin is used for what disease process?
Heart failure
Digoxin for HF does what?
-decr. dyspnea
-incr. contractility
-reduces HR
-slows conduction thru AV node
-inhibits sympathetic activity
-enhances parasympathetic activity.
Digoxin side affects are:
-dig toxicity(death)
-esp. in elders. (lower dose)
-interacts w antacids.
-anorexia, fatigue, mental
-incr. mortality in women w hf
How does a dig tox show up on an ecg?
-loss of P wave
Digoxin we monitor:
-apical pulse & rhythm.
-serum dig levels
-K levels
Diuretics do what in the heart?
-decrease preload.
-excrete Na & water
-decr circulating blood volume.
-reducing systemic & pulmonary congestion.
Diuretics can be used for?
Some diuretics are:
-heart failure.
-furosemide(lasix), hydrochlorthiazide
Some risk factors for pts taking diuretics are:
-hypo K. (neuro, muscle weakness, irreg. HR
Atherosclerosis is the leading risk factor in what disease?
cardiovascular disease.
Atherosclerosis occurs from...
-blood vessel damage that causes inflammatory response.
-placque builds up and blocks blood flow.
Atherosclerosis is caused by:
-genetic factors
-chronic diseases (DM)
-eating habits
-lack of excercise
-African american or hispanic
-high LDL, low HDL
Atherosclerosis symptoms:
-high BP
-Bruit in larger arteries
-high cholesterol
-high triglycerides if >150
Atherosclerosis NI:
-nutrition (cholesterol no more than 300mg daily)
-incr. fibre to 25-35g daily
-Drug therapy
Atherosclerosis drug therapy is
cholesterol reducing statins
Some statin drugs are:
-lovastatin, simvistatin, atorvastatin. (lower LDL & triglycerides)
Normal BP is.....
Prehypertention is....
stage 1 hypertension is.....
stage 2 hypertention is.....
Pre= 120-139/80-89
Stage 1= 140-159/90-99
Stage 2= >160/>100
Hypertention risk factors:
-African American
-men until age 45 then women
-diet, excercise etc.
Hypertention drugs are:
-Diuretics (loop, thiazide, K sparing)
-Blockers (ca channel, Beta,
-Ace inhibitors
-aldosterone receptor antagonists.
Thiazide Diuretics:
Drug example.
What do they do.

-prevent Na and water retention
-promote K excretion
Loop diuretics
Drug example
What do they do

-slows Na reabsorption
-promotes Na & K secretion
K sparing diuretics
Drug example
What do they do

-inhibits Na reabsorption in exchange for K.
CAD is a broad term which encompasess which disease process'
1-Chronic Stable angina
2-Acute coronary syndrome
-unstable angina
CAD Modifiable & non-modifiable risk factors:
-lifestyle choice
-DM & stress
-large waist size.
CAD gender & ethnic risk factors:
-Age in women
-Postmenopausal women
-African Americans & hispanics
S&S of angina are:
-chest discomfort
-radiating to left arm
-brought on by exertion or stress
-lasts less than 15min
S&S of MI
-substernal chest pain radiating to left arm
-pain in jaw, back, shoulder,
-happens without cause
CAD drug classifications used are:
Beta blockers (metroprolol)
Antiplatets (aspirin)
Nitro for CAD;
What does it do.
-incr. blood flow
-dilates coronary arteries
-decr. oxygen demand by peripheral dilation.
-therefore decr. preload & afterload
Nitro transdermal patch:
-used for chronic stable angina
-rotate sites and educate on headache possibility
Beta blocker for CAD:
Name some:
What do they do>

-slow HR
-decrease force of contraction
Antiplatets for CAD:
Name some:
What do they do:

-inhibits platelet aggregation
-inhibits vasodilation
-decreases odds of clots
-inflow obstructions involve the____.
-outflow obstruction involves the ______
inflow- distal end of the aorta

outrflow- femoral, popliteal, tibeal arteries
PVD - assoc with each stage are:
Stage 2-
Stage 3-
1- asymptomatic
3-rest pain
What is it:
Caused by:
-blood clot formation
-can lead to Pulmonary embolism

-enothelial injury
-venous stasis
Pts at risk:
-recent surgery
-hormonal replacement
Myocardium infarction
-myocardium tissue is abruptly and severly deprived of oxygen.
-blood flow is quickly reduced
-ischemia = injury or necrosis of myocardial tissue.
MI is usually the result of...
Atherosclerosis of the coronary artery
-rupture of the plaque
-thrombosis and blockage of blood flow
BP/vasoconstriction meds
Stroke volume improved which stretches_____

Starlings law=
-myocardial fibers causing dilation.

-incr myocardial stretch= forceful contraction = incr SV & CO
common causes...
-cardiac infarctions
-substance abuse
-vulvular disease
-congenital defects
-hyperkinetic conditions (thyroid)
Client history
What to find out....
-activity tolerance
-unusual fatigue
-Normal ADL's
-Chest discomfort
-frothy pink sputum
-S3/S4 gallop
-swollen extremeties
-incr. blood pressure
Anemia (ethnic)
Sickle cell typically in______
G6PD occurs in ___% of ____
Aplastic anemia is ____
-Sickle- African Americans
-G6PD- 10%A.Americans
-Aplastic - hereditary
Iron deficiency anemia is common in______
Folic acid anemia is caused by:
-Women, elders, poor diet
-Crohns disease, alcohol abuse
Anemia is......
-reduction of RBC
-amount of hemoglobin
-amont of hematocrit
Anemia is a ____ ____ not a ____ _______
-clinical sign
-not a specific disorder
G6PD Anemia is.....

caused by:
- genetic,
-G6PD levels decrease w age
-cells break w drug exposure
-no symptoms until exposed.
-drugs can be toxic to pts.

-X-linked recessive enzyme
B12 Anemia is.....
starts ____ produces ___symtoms
-low B12
-rbc's cannot bind to folic acid
-which reduces dna synthesis

-slow, few symptoms
B12 anemia
caused by:
patients can present with
-diet deficiency
-absorption problem

-glossitis (beefy-red tongue)
Aplastic Anemia is....
-bone marrow is not producing RBC
Aplastic Anemia
caused by:

occurs with....
-exposure to toxins
-viral infection
-injury to precursor cells

Platelets are the ____ type of ____ _____.

-3rd type of blood cell

-stick to injured blood vessel walls
-stop the flow of blood from injured site
-produce clotting agents
-stored in the spleen
-lifespan of 1-2wks
-immature RBC
-determine bone marrow function
F: 4.2-5.4
M: 4.7-6.1

D= anemia or hemorrhage
I= chronic hypoxia or polycythemia
Hemoglobin (Hgb)
F: 12-16
M: 14-18

D= same as RBC
I= same as RBC
Hematocrit (Hct)
F: 37-47%
M: 42-52%

D=same as RBC
I= same as RBC
(MCV) mean corpuscular volume

D=iron deficiency
I= anemia
(MCH) mean corp. hemoglobin

D= same as MCV
I= same as MCV
(MCHC) mean corp. hemo. concentration

D= iron def. anemia or hemoglobinopathy
I=spherocytosis or anemia
D=long infection or bone marrow suppresion
I= infection, inflamation, autoimmune disorder, leukemia
D=inadequate RBc production
I=chronic blood loss
(TIBC) total iron-binding capacity
D=anemia, hemorrhage,hemolysis
I= iron def.
(FE) iron
D=iron def. anemia, hemorrhage
I=iron excess, liver disorder, megaloblastic anemia
Serrum ferritin

D:same as iron
I:same as iron
Platelet count

D:bone marrow suppression, autoimmune disease, hypersplenism
I: polycythemia, malignancy
hemoglobin electrophoresis
Hgb A1
Hgb A2
Hgb F
Hgb S
Hgb C

Variations indicate:
Hgb A1: 95-98%
Hgb A2: 2-3%
Hgb F: .8-2%
Hgb S: 0%
Hgb C: 0%

Variations indicate hemoglobinopathies
Direct & indirect coombs
s/b Negative

positive= antibodies to RBC
(PT) prothrombin time
11-12.5 sec

D: vitamin K excess
I:cloting deficiency of factors V and VII
Bleeding time
1-9 min

I: inadequate platelet function, clotting factor deficiencies
Fibrin degradation products

I: intravascular coagulation of fibrinolysis