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56 Cards in this Set

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Why is an abdominal resection done

Cancer of the rectum

What is another name for this

Miles resection

What position is done in


How is done

APRs involves removal of the anus, the rectum and part of the sigmoid colon along with the associated (regional) lymph nodes, through incisions made in the abdomen and perineum. The end of the remaining sigmoid colon is brought out permanently as an opening, called a colostomy, on the surface of the abdomen.

What does the surgical team need to do in order to close the abdomem

He needs to change gown and gloves and use separate set of instruments

What is a imperforate anus repair and why is it done

It's when the baby is born without we create an anus

Physiotherapy is used to develop and control sphincters

What is a tracheoesophageal fistula repair and when is it done

Baby is born with a communication between the trachea and esophagus and as a result food can enter into the trachea from the esophagus what we have to do to stop this is we have to block and cut out the fistula

What is micro-tubal reanatomosis

Simple plastic it means patients have Fallopian tubes litigated sometimes in the past for Family Planning and now the patient wants to get pregnant and that's the only possibility if her Fallopian tubes are open again for the passage of egg from the ovary to meet the sperm

Why do we need a microscope?

It's a very delicate procedure where we are performing reanastamosis of tubes

What is done after the reanastamosis is performed?

We inject methylene blue dye into the tube through the vagina and the uterus if the tubes are now patent open the methylene blue should flow from the uterine and uterine end of the fallopian tube is now called Cornu to the fimbria over the ovaries and there must be spillage of dye over ovaries to confirm patency of tubes

What is a vulvectomy

Valva= all external female reproductive and genital Parts clitorious distal urethra labia minora labia majora Bartholin glands... if there is cancer of these areas we have to cut out all the areas and replace them with skin grafting which is called a stent

What is a stent

Bolster dressing is used on skin grafts which is suture to the skin

Why do we use a stent

We want to have an even distribution of skin grafts over the moon to get blood uniformly in order to survive

Wha is Wertheim procedure and why is it done

Aka pelvic exenteration is done because of ovarian cancer... radical operation performed for cervical cancer, involving removal of the entire uterus, the connective tissue and lymph nodes close to it, Fallopian tubes, ovaries, and the upper part of the vagina.

if it involves the pelvic organs the uterus and Fallopian tubes the old ways and the urinary bladder then a hysterectomy with bilateral salpingectomy and bilateral oophorectomy with cystectomy is done and we spare the rectum ...what is this then called

Anterior exenteration

What is the reconstructive surgery for this called

Ileio conduit which we take part of the ileum and create a pouch of.it by closing its one end and bring the other end out throigh.an abdominal opening by creating a stoma- we also we implanted the uterus there to collect urine into this pouch which is collected in the Urostomy bag

What is the rectum is involved.

We have to take it out alomg with the other structures

Now what is the procedure that has to be done

Now we have to do a colostomy too besides ileal conduit and now procedure is called total pelvic exenteration

What if the bladder isnt involved

If the bladder is not involved in the rectum with the rest of the structures then we spare the bladder and do all posterior exentration

Virectomy and why is it done

Vitreous humor is a gel-like present in the posterior cavity of the eye it maintains the shape of the eye if vitreous humor is lost the eyeball can collapse the vitreous humor is transparent and if there is bleeding in it it is because of any reason then image cannot be transferred to the right now and it would be blurred

- so we cut out the defective part of the vitreous humor and substitute it with healon or viscoat or a gas to prevent the collapse of the eyeball

What is used to cut out the defective part of the vitreous humor?


What irrigation is used for the eye procedures

BSS- Balanced salt solution

What needle is needed

Spatula or side cutting suture needle

What sponge is used

Weck or spear sponges

What anesthesia is used

Retrobulbar anesthesia given at the back of the eye ball

What is used to dialate the pupil

Mydriatic drops /atropine drops to dilate the pupil

What is a laryngectomy and why is it done

Because of cancer of the larynx we have to remove that part as a result the patient has to breathe through a permanent tracheostomy

What must we cut in order to reach the larynx

We have to cut through the strap muscles of the neck

What is a radical neck dissection

Because of cancer of any structure within the neck other structures of the neck can also be involved and we have to do the debulking procedure meaning we have to cut out the big tumor to ease the patient and all other structures of the neck which could possibly be removed along with the lymph nodes

What is a stapedctomy

3 small bones in middle ear.called ossicles from lateral to medial side or from eardrums Ward's oval window of inner ear malleus incus stapes which are connected by ligaments please let humans get hard and feet of the Staples can get stuck in the oval window normally feet of the state you should move in and out of the old windows cause vibration in the paralympic winter a year to receive child but when the feet of the state please get stuff sound cannot be conducted we call it conductive deafness

- so we have to remove the feet Stapes and replace them with a prosthesis so hardening of these ossicles is called osteosclerosis meaning ear and sclerosis means hardening

What is craniosyntosis

Is a premature closure of fusion of the skull sutures cranial joints on on one side of the skull and the side of the skull does not grow further the other side of the skull keeps growing and now there is no balance between the two sides of the skull which causes deformity

What is done

We have to cut open the Fusion 2 and an expansion or growth of the cranial bones this is called cranial facial reconstruction

What are the different types of Lefort fractures

Type 1: fracture of upper jaw which is maxillary bone

Type 2: fracture of the upper jaw which is maxillary bone and nasal bone

Type 3: fractures of the upper jaw which is maxillary bone + nasal bone + zygomatic bone eye orbit fracture

What is the treatment for this

Plates and screws

What is proganthic

Protruding lower jaw

What is microganthia

Very small lower jaw

What is a adrenalectomy

If there is a tumor of the adrenal gland we have to remove the glass and then we have to put patient on hormone replacement therapy for steroids and Catecholamines

What is catecholamines

Epinephrine and nor epinephrine

What does the adrenal glands secrete

Outer part called cortex which secretes steroids to cope with stress

Interpart called medulla which secretes Catecholamines epinephrine and norepinephrine

What if there is only a tumor of the adrenal medulla

We call it " pheochromocytoma" which secretes alot.of. epi and nor which can lead to very high BP in patient

What position is the patient in

Lateral with bean bags which holds the body in the lateral position when we vaccum the air out of the bag

How do we protect the axillary nerves in this procedure

With axillary rolls

What is differently done position wise if its the right adrenal gland precedure

Position is left lateral because the left side will touch the table

When is the kidney rest elevated

Kidnet rest is Elevated for the procedure to expose incision site

When do you bring down the kidney rest

At the end of the procedure the kidney rest is brought down to have the close proximity of the skin edges for closure

What incision is done


The latimus dorsi external oblique internal oblique muscles are transected with the electrocautery grotas facia which surrounds the kidney and the adrenal gland is also open

Which kidney is the perferred donor kidney and why

Left side kidney is a preferred donor kidney because it has longer renal artery and renal vein which will facilitate to anastomosis of these vessels with the recipient iliac artery and vein

What dont we remove

We don't remove recipient diseased kidneys in order to avoid extra trauma to the patient recipients will have his or her kidney transplanted in iliac region

What is the incision called


What is zenker diverticulum

Zenker's diverticulum is an esophageal pouch that develops in the upper esophagus that causes dysphagia difficulty swallowing and regurgitation of food

How do we fix this

Contemporary treatment of Zenker's diverticulum involves an "endoscopic approach" and division of the common party wall between the esophagus and diverticulum. Endoscopic approach refers to the approach to the diverticulum through the mouth. An "open approach", where an incision is made on the neck to expose and remove the diverticulum is rarely necessary. The success of the endoscopic approach is highly dependent on the experience of the surgeon. Endoscopic surgery generally leads to a shorter hospital stay and an earlier time to resuming food by mouth. In addition, laser surgery is able to completely divide more of the common party wall as compared to the endoscopic stapling techniques.

What clamp do we use

Then pennington clamp

What suction is used


What positon

Trendelenburg positon

What scope is used

If endoscopically diverticuloscope

What is the endoscopic treament of zenkers

Goal is to divide the party wall and perform a diverticulotomy. Zenkers sac persists ( not resected)but food is now able to drain into the esophagus without collecting in the pouch