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19 Cards in this Set

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What causes Pericarditis (infected pericardium):


Collagen Vascular disease

Aortic aneurysm


Drugs (hydralasine)


Acute renal failure

Cardiac infarction

Rheumatic fever



Dressler's syndrome

Pericarditis infections are commonly caused by what pathogens?

VIRAL pathogens- Coxsackie A & B, echo, adeno, mumps virus (most common)

bacterial pathogens- pneumoccoccus, streptococcus--> gram (-) sepsis

Clinical presentation of acute pericarditis:

*pericardial friction rub (leather squeak)

-chest pain radiates from L heart to trapezius (worsens when supine & during inspiration)

-dyspnea (shallow breathing to avoid pain)


-effusion compressing lung & bronchi

ECG findings for acute pericarditis

upsloping ST elevation in II, III, aVF, V2-V6


small downward PR deviation- in all except aVR (in PRecordial leads)


(pericarditiS- small p & a big S)

upsloping ST elevation in II, III, aVF, V2-V6

small downward PR deviation- in all except aVR (in PRecordial leads)

(pericarditiS- small p & a big S)

Beck's triad is the manifestation of pericardial effusion w/ compression.

What is Beck's triad?

(cardiac tamponade)

3 D's:

Distant heart sounds

Distended jugular veins

Decreased arterial pressure (hypotension--> dec Sv & CO)

What is Cardiac tamponade (Beck's triad) caused by?

fluid in the pericardium-->

causes restricted heart contraction

(fluid may be due to trauma, pericarditis, myocardial rupture, uremia, hypothyroidism)

(if there is 200cc or > fluid, CXR will show cardiomegaly/distention)

Pulsus paradox occurs in Beck's triad, what is pulsus paradox?

when the systolic BP drops more than 10mmHg from expiration to inspiration

Pericarditis should be treated if it leads to cardiac tamponade. How?


Recurrent pericardial effusions may cause what?

constrictive pericarditis = fibrosis & thickening of pericardium

Clinical manifestations of constrictive pericarditis

inc jugular venous pressure**

diastolic pericardial knock


What may cause endocarditis (infected valves)?

*prosthetic valves = Strep Viridans (most common)(or may be Staph epidermis)

(endocarditis is common after valve surgery)

-IV drug use= Staph Aureus

-mitral valve prolapse (rare)

(know bacterial pathogens)

Why is endocarditis dangerous?

-bacterial valve damage

-embolization of bland or septic fragments

-hematologic seeding to remote sites

-chronic antibody response, host rxn

Endocarditis: diagnosis

-+ bacterial blood cultures (strep viridans, staph aureus, staph epidermis)

-visible vegetations


-2 major criteria


-1 major & 3 minor criteria

(or 5 minor)

Major Criteria for Endocarditis diagnosis

-+ blood culture (2 or more + drawn 12 hrs apart)

-visible vegetative lesions on echo (perivavlular abcess)

-new valvular regurgitation

Minor criteria for endocarditis diagnosis:


-vascular phenomena: emboli, stroke, splinter (conjunctiva) hemorrhages, anemia

-immunologic phenomena: rheumatoid factor, Roth's spots, Osler's nodes, renal inflammation

-thickened valves on echo w/o clear vegitations

How is endocarditis treated?

*antibiotics specific to the bacterial pathogen

-surgical excision of valve if causing bacteremia, if large vegetations, perivalvular abcess, recurrent emboli or severe valve destruction

Causes of Myocarditis (infected myocardial tissue)

*VIRAL (Coxsackie sp- most common)

-parasitic (Chagas disease) = rare

Clinical presentation of myocarditis

-acute systolic LV dysfunction (seen on echo)

-rapidly progressing CHF

-cardiac arrhythmias

(& other viral symptoms)

Myocarditis: tx

-tx symptoms (not virus)

-CHF- diuretics, ACE inhibitors, beta blocker

-LV assist devices