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100 Cards in this Set

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CA derivative
A cmpd that can be hydrolyzed under acidic or basic conditions to give related CA: can all be conceptually derived by replacing a small part of the CA structure w other groups
All CA derivatives contain
a carbonyl group except nitriles
The cyano group of nitriles reactivity resembles
a carbonyl group
Esters are named as derivatives of their parent CA by
the group attached to carb O named first as simple alkyl or aryl group followed by name of parent carboxylate
Substitution is indicated by numbering
the acid portion of the ester in CA nomenclature starting w carbonyl as C-1 (substitutive) or w adjacent as a-position (common)
primary vs secondary vs tertiary amide
Substitution on nitrogen in secondary & tertiary amides is designated w
the letter N italicized or underlined
the letter N italicized or underlined
cyclic amides
five membered ring
beta lactam
four membered ring
nitrogen analogs of anhydrides
nitrogen analogs of anhydrides
priorities for citing principal groups in a CA derivative
The nitrile bond length is ___ than the C=_C bond length
shorter (smaller atoms)
In an amide, both the carbonyl C and the amide N have
trigonal planar bonding due to db character
trigonal planar bonding due to db character
Which predominates in secondary/tertiary amides, E or Z conformation?
Z bc VDW avoided
The interconversion of E & Z forms of amides is
rapid @ room temp but slow compared to ordinary C-C sb rotation
Esters are polar mlcs but lack
the capability to donate H bonds like CA
Lower esters are
volatile, fragrant liquids that have lower densities than H2O - most insoluble in H2O
Most lower anhydrides & acid chlorides are
dense, water-insoluble liquids w acrid piercing odors & bp not very diff. from those of other polar mlcs of about the same mlclr mass/shape
Simplest anhydride, formic anhydride & simplest acid chloride, formyl chloride are
unstable, cannot be isolated under ordinary conditions
Nitriles are
polar, high bp
Is acetonitrile miscible w h2o?
higher nitriles soluble in h2o?
useful polar aprotic solvent
The lower amides are
water-soluble, polar mlcs w high bp
primary & secondary amides like CA tend to associate into
H-bonded dimers or higher aggregates in the solid state, pure liquid, or solvents that do not form H bonds
along a series in which H in primary amides replaced by methyl groups, bp
decrease w inc substitution
Esters are readily differentiated from CA, aldehydes or ketones by
unique ester carbonyl absorption at 1735-1745 cm-1
Lactones, lactams & cyclic anhydrides like cyclic ketones have
carbonyl absorption frequencies that inc significantly as ring size dec
Anhydrides + some acid chlorides have
two carbonyl absorptions due to symm + unsymm stretching of carbonyl
carbonyl absorptions of amides occur at much ___ freq than other carbonyl cmpds
The C-=N stretching absorption of nitriles occurs in the triple bond region and are ___ than the C-=C absorptions of alkynes
stronger: large bond dipole of C-N triple bond @ higher frequencies
The a-proton resonances of all CA derivatives are obesrved in the
1.9-3 region of proton NMR spectrum
In esters, the chem shift of protons on the alkyl C adjacent to the carboxylate O are 0.6 ppm ___ than analogous proton in alcohols and ethers
greater due to electroneg character of carbonyl group
N-alkyl protons of amides have chem shifts in the ___ chem shift region
NH proton resonances of primary/secondary amides are observed in the
7.5-8.5 region
the resonances for protons like CA OH protons are sometimes
broad: slow chem exchange w protons of other protic substances (like moisture) & unresolved splitting w 14N, which has a nuclear spin
Amide NH resonances can be washed out by
exchange w d2o
The two N-methyl groups in N,N-dimethylacetamide have
diff. chem shifts & appear as 2 closely spaced singlets: chem. nonequiv because of db character = smaller rate internal rotation about this bond. time scale of NMR measurement so small that IR about CN bond appears frozen, so N-methyls behave like substituents on a db (one is cis and one is trans)
13 CNMR: carbonyl chem shifts of CA derivatives in
165-180 range like CA
chem shifts in 13C NMR are in
115-120 range but greater than those of acetylenic carbons
CA derivatives are weakly
basic: can be protonated on carbonyl O by strong acids
Nitriles are weakly
basic at nitrogen
The basicity of an ester is ___ as the basicity of the corresponding CA
the same
the same
amides are considerably more ___ than other CA derivatives
basic: reflects reduced electroneg of N relative to O -
basic: reflects reduced electroneg of N relative to O -
Both esters & amides protonate on the
carbonyl oxygen
protonation of esters on the carboxylate oxygen or of amides on the nitrogen would
give a cation that is not resonance stabilized & destabilized by e-attracting polar effect of carbonyl group
Nitriles are very weak ___
rxn of CA & derivatives as Bronsted base is reaction type
1a: often first step in acid-catalyzed rxns of CA derivatives
As with CA, the major carbonyl group rxn of CA derivatives is a reaction of type
Acyl substitution
substitution at the carbonyl C: acyl group transferred between x and y group
substitution at the carbonyl C: acyl group transferred between x and y group
addition rxn of nitriles
sometimes stable prod, usually react further
sometimes stable prod, usually react further
All CA derivatives undergo hydrolysis
cleavage rxn w h2o to yield CA
Saponification of esters
Cleavage w hydroxide ion to yield carboxylate salt and alcohol - CA formed when strong acid added
Cleavage w hydroxide ion to yield carboxylate salt and alcohol - CA formed when strong acid added
Mech ester saponification
rxn nuc hydroxide ion @ carbonyl C to give tetrahedral addition intermediate from which alkoxide ion expelled and reacts w acid to give carboxylate salt & alcohol
rxn nuc hydroxide ion @ carbonyl C to give tetrahedral addition intermediate from which alkoxide ion expelled and reacts w acid to give carboxylate salt & alcohol
Mech 2
equilibrium lies to the right bc CA is a much stronger acid than methanol - Le Chateliers principle: rxn removes CA from equilibrium as salt driving hydrolysis to completion
equilibrium lies to the right bc CA is a much stronger acid than methanol - Le Chateliers principle: rxn removes CA from equilibrium as salt driving hydrolysis to completion
Is saponification reversible?
Saponification solvent
can be alcohol despite alcohol as a prod
Acid catalyzed ester hydrolysis
esters hydrolyzed to CA in aq. soln of storng acid - mostly slow, excess h2o (esters insoluble)
Saponification followed by acidification is more convenient because
it is faster, irreversible, carried out in water & variety of solvents even alchols
Saponification mechanism
reverse of mechanism of acid-catalyzed esterification - ester first protonated by acid catalyst
reverse of mechanism of acid-catalyzed esterification - ester first protonated by acid catalyst
Saponification mech 2
h2o as nuc reacts at carbonyl carbon, loses proton to give tetrahedral addition intermediate
h2o as nuc reacts at carbonyl carbon, loses proton to give tetrahedral addition intermediate
Mechanism acid-catalyzed hydrolysis 3
protonation of leaving O - lose group - protonated CA from which proton removed to give CA itself
protonation of leaving O - lose group - protonated CA from which proton removed to give CA itself
Diff btwn acid-catalyzed hydrolysis & ester saponification
in ACH, carbonyl C reacts w weak nuc h2o bc carbonyl O protonated. In base, carbonyl O unprotonated, so stronger base than h2o required to react at carbonyl C. acid catalyzes ester hydrolysis, but base is consumed in rxn. saponification is irreversible
Nucleophilic acyl substitution mechanisms
substituting group reacts as nuc at carbonyl C - nuc approach the carbonyl C from above/below plane of carbonyl group, first interacting with n* MO of carbonyl group - tetrahedral intermediate - LG expelled departing from above or below plane of new carbonyl group
cyclic esters - undergo saponification - converted into carboxylate salt of corresponding hydroxy acid
cyclic esters - undergo saponification - converted into carboxylate salt of corresponding hydroxy acid
Upon acidification, the hydroxy acid forms, but if a hydroxy acid is allowed to stand in acidic solution,
it comes to equilibrium w the corresponding lactone
The formation of a lactone from a hydroxy acid is nothing more than an
intramolecular esterification & is acid catalyzed
intramolecular esterification & is acid catalyzed
Lactones containing five and sex membered rings are ___ at equilibrium
favored over corresponding hydroxy acids
favored over corresponding hydroxy acids
amides can be hydrolyzed to CA & ammonia or amines by
heating them in acidic or basic solution
heating them in acidic or basic solution
In acid, ___ drives the hydrolysis equil. to completion
protonation of the ammonia or amine prod
The amine can be isolated by
addition of base to the reaction mixture following hydrolysis
addition of base to the reaction mixture following hydrolysis
The conditions for acid & base-promoted amide hydrolysis are more ___ than corresponding rxns of esters
severe - amides are less reactive than esters
severe - amides are less reactive than esters
Mechanism of amide hydrolysis
nuc acyl substitution
Nitriles are hydrolyzed to CA & ammonia by
Nitriles are hydrolyzed to CA & ammonia by
heating in strongly acidic or strongly basic solution
heating in strongly acidic or strongly basic solution
nitriles hydrolyze more ___ than esters & amides
nitriles hydrolyze more ___ than esters & amides
slowly (requires more severe conditions)
slowly (requires more severe conditions)
Mechanism nitrile hydrolysis in acidic solution
protonation of the nitrogen, making nitrile C much more electrophilic
protonation of the nitrogen, making nitrile C much more electrophilic
Mechanism nitrile hydrolysis in acidic solution 2
nuc rxn of h2o at nitrile C + loss of proton gives imidic acid intermediate
nuc rxn of h2o at nitrile C + loss of proton gives imidic acid intermediate
acid chlorides and anhydrides react rapidly w h2o even in absence of acids/bases
acid chlorides and anhydrides react rapidly w h2o even in absence of acids/bases
hydrolysis of acid chlorides/anhydrides almost never used to prepare CA bc usually prepared from acids
hydrolysis of acid chlorides/anhydrides almost never used to prepare CA bc usually prepared from acids
reactivities of carboxylic acid derivatives in nuc acyl sub rxns
generalized nuc sub rxn free energy diagram
generalized nuc sub rxn free energy diagram
assume reactants/prod of comparable stability
assume reactants/prod of comparable stability
How does the stability of the carbonyl cmpd affect the rate of carbonyl sub. rxn?
An amide is stabilized by the resonance interaction of unshared e pair of N w carbonyl group, inc energy diff btwn amide & tetrahedral addition intermed in which no resonance
An amide is stabilized by the resonance interaction of unshared e pair of N w carbonyl group, inc energy diff btwn amide & tetrahedral addition intermed in which no resonance
How does the LG ability of X affect rate carbonyl sub rxn?
the difficulty in expelling a basic LG reflected in a higher free-energy barrier for the 2nd step => rate limiting
delta G for amide hydrolysis
diff btwn standard free energy of RLS & starting amide
Amide hydrolysis is a particularly __ rxn
Why are prod less stable than reactants?
LG is more basic than nuc (last ionization & protonation drives base-promoted amide hydrolysis to completion)
LG is more basic than nuc (last ionization & protonation drives base-promoted amide hydrolysis to completion)
What governs the reactant-stabilization effect?
The amide nitrogen's ability to donate e by resonance
Amides in which resonance is absent are
quite reactive
Esters are also stabilized by resonance
places pos charge on carboxylate o
places pos charge on carboxylate o
Why is resonance interaction less important in an ester than an amide?
O is more electroneg than N
Why are esters more reactive than amides?
An alkoxide ion is much less basic than an amide ion
Why are acid chlorides stabilized much less by resonance than esters or amides?
Poor overlap  of chlorine 3p orbital with carbon 2p orbital and polar effect of Cl destabilizes the carbonyl cmpd through unfavorable interaction of C-Cl bond dipole w partial pos charge on carbonyl C
Poor overlap of chlorine 3p orbital with carbon 2p orbital and polar effect of Cl destabilizes the carbonyl cmpd through unfavorable interaction of C-Cl bond dipole w partial pos charge on carbonyl C
LG effect in hydrolysis of an acid chloride
Cl is a weak base: decreased TS energy so first step (rxn w nuc) becomes RLS = much smaller overall delta G
Resonance stabilization of anhydride more important than in acid chloride but less important than an ester
repulsion btwn pos charge on carboxylate O & partial pos charge on carbonyl C
repulsion btwn pos charge on carboxylate O & partial pos charge on carbonyl C
LG in an anhydride
carboxylate anion more basic than Cl, less than alkoxide
Stabilization of the carbonyl cmpd ___ reactivity
Increasing reactivity
Why are reactions of nitriles in base slower than those of other acid derivatives?
N is less electroneg than O, accepts additional e less readily - nitriles have low basicity
What form of nitrile reacts w nuc in acid soln?
protonated - so little that rxn rate is small