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24 Cards in this Set

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Wishes and Regrets - passado dos verbos

1 - Wish

2 - Regret
1 - wished / wished - desejar

2 - regretted / regretted (TTed) - arrepender-se
Wishes and Regrets

1. You MAKE / ... / ... / ... a wish - complete c/ outros verbs

2. You ... somebody a wish. (concede a alguem um desejo)
1 - make / have / get

2 - You GRANT somebody a Wish.
Wishes and Regrets - you want someone to have something

1 - eu desejo a voce um feliz natal
1 - I wish you a Merry Christmas
Wishes and Regrets - to say that we want something to happen in the future

1 - I .... to have the opportunity to see you again soon.

2 - I .... that you have a good vacation.
1 - I HOPE ( e NAO wish) to have the opportunity to see you again soon.

2 - I HOPE ( e NAO wish) that you have a good vacation.
Wishes and Regrets - traduza


Eu profundamente me arrependo de contar tudo aquilo a ela.
I deeply Regret telling her all that.

to regret + ING

regret doing something
Regret - is very formal.

It's more usual to say...

logo, I deeply regret causing you all that trouble = outra forma

= I'm so sorry I caused you all that.

1 - Eu nao sei se eu deveria morar no exterior agora.
1 - I don't know if I should live ABROAD now.

Abroad - no exterior

1 - Seu desejo é uma ordem

2 - (como) eu gostaria de ser/estar

3 - (como) eu gostaria de poder

4 - (como) eu gostaria de ter
1 - You wish is my command

2 - I wish I were

3 - I wish I could

4 - I wish I had

1 - (como) eu gostaria que (voce) (fizesse)

2 - quem me dera!!
1 - I wish (you) would (do) ...

2 - I wish !!!

só sonhando mesmo ! só no sonho !!
in (your) dreams !

espere sentado !
dream ON !!

(eu) já deveria saber
(I) should ' ve known better

bem feito (pra mim)
serves (me) right

(eu) nao me arrependo
(I) have no regrets

1 - voltar atrás, voltar para trás

2 - voltar no tempo, voltar ao passado

3 - não tem volta
1 - to turn back

2 - to turn the clock back

3 - there's no turning back
Wish - about things that are not true, not possible and very unlikely.

1 - Eu gostaria de poder voar

2 - Eu gostaria de ser muito famoso
1 - I wish I could fly

2 - I wish I were very famous
Wish + past tense or Wish + would - things that we want to happen in the present or future - traduza

1 - Eu gostaria de nao ter ido à escola essa manha

2 - Eu gostaria que as crianças parassem de discutir
1 - I wish I didn't have to go to school this morning

2 - I wish the kids WOULD stop arguing
Wish + past tense or Wish + would - things that we want to happen in the present or future - traduza

Eu gostaria que nao houvesse muitas pessoas aqui
I wish there weren't many people here
Wish + past perfect tense - things that we want to have happened in the past - traduza

1 - Eu gostaria que eu nao tivesse comido tanto noite passada

2 - Eu gostaria que eu tivesse prestado mais atenção na aula
1 - I wish I hadn't eaten so much last night

2 - I wish I had paid more attention in class

Eu sabia que voce ficaria doente. Sirva de liçao pra voce por comer tanto.
I knew you'd get sick. Servers you right FOR eatING so much.

(it) serves me/you/him/her right

- bem feito (pra mim,voce,...)
- sirva de licao (pra voce,mim...)
Mesmo sentido:

to turn the clock back = ........ = ...........
= to turn back the clock

= to turn back time
I/you/he... Should've known better (eu já deveria saber) - no sentido de negaçao na frase posterior: traduza

1 - Eu já deveria saber que eu nao devia perguntar minha mae por permissao. Eu sabia que ela iria dizer nao.

2 - Eu já deveria saber que eu nao devia fazer aquilo. Eu sabia que eu teria problema.
1 - I should've known better THAN to Ask my mom for permission. I knew she would say no.

2 - I should've known better Than to DO that. I knew I would get in trouble.

THAN TO DO - ...que eu NAO devia fazer.

Eu já deveria saber que eu nao devia levar ela para aquele restaurante. Eu sabia que ela odiaria aquilo.
I should've known better Than to Take her to that restaurant. I knew she would hate it.

Ei, qual é o problema?
Hey, what's the matter?