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157 Cards in this Set

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A eukaryotic cell consuming a smaller prokaryotic cell which continues to live in the intracellular environment


An organelle that converts glucose into ATP

in the inner mitochondrial matrix:

transfer of energy from NADH and FADH2 to ATP results in a proton gradient

diffusion of protons drives the synthesis of more ATP

protons travel through ATP synthase, a carrier protein, and absorbs the kinetic energy of moving protons


is a plastid

Green pigmented

Turns solar energy into usable chemical energy

Aerobic metabolism

organisms that use oxygen to release energy

anaerobic metabolism

organisms that don´t use oxygen to release energy


one of three domains

contains prokaryotic bacteria

has no organelles

no nucleoid

circular dna


one of three domains

contains prokaryotes

distinct from bacteria


one of three domains

contains eukaryotes

usually larger and more complex than prokaryotes

has organelles and a nucleus

chromosomal dna

positive feedback

when a cell speeds up a process

can distabilise cell but may be beneficial as long as its brought back under control

negative feedback

when a cell slows down a process

as product concentration increases it has an increased slowing effect in the system

central dogma

DNA (transcription) RNA (translation) Proteins

DNA (replication) DNA


are polymers with important structural and metabolic rules

made from amino acids

functions include support, protection, catalysis, transport, defense, regulation, storage and movement

amino acids

are the monomers from which polymeric proteins are made

20 different amino acids

nucleic acids



process genetic info

made from pentose sugar, nitrogen, base and a phosphate group

A, T, C, G


single stranded

ribose sugar, nitrogen, base and a phosphate group

A, U, C, G


double stranded

pentose sugar, nitrogen, base and a phosphate group

A, T, C, G


catalytic molecules, which may speed up a reaction

many roles including defense and signalling

regulated by irreversible and reversible inhibitors

competitive inhibitor

block proteins from binding to active site on enzyme

non-competitive inhibitor

does not bind to active site, but changes shape of enzyme and stops protein from binding

cell membrane

selectively permeable

often has proteins protruding, which has many functions

proteins held there by hydrophobic region

made up from phospho bilipid layer

lipids move fluidly around

lipids may rarely flip to the opposite layer


include bacteria and archaea

most bacteria have a cell wall outside the membrane (archaea do not)

has no organelles or nucleus

has nucleoid


a collective name of all filaments

helps in cell division, cell movement, transport, structure and other functions


intermediate filaments


rough endoplasmic reticulum

has proteins enter via ribosomes translating from RNA

proteins changed into 3D form and tagged

protein is put into vesicle, tags resonsible for it being taken to correct place

smooth endoplasmic reticulum

responsible for modification of molecules taken in by cell that may be toxic

also is a store for calcium ions which help in muscle movement

golgi apparatus

protein containing vesicles from rough endoplasmic reticulum taken to golgi apparatus

it concentrates and packages proteins before they are sent to their extracellular or cellular destination


travel in vesicles to digest molecules brought from outside the cell

secondary lysosomes

molecules brought from outside the cell are brought to secondary lysosomes to be digested


when a cell automatically breaks down, its components are brought to the lysosome to be digested


occur in many eukaryotic plant cells and fungi

stores toxins and byproducts

takes up 90% of cell space

catabolism - in seed form the vacuoles contain enzymes that hydralyze proteins as sources of energy


help the entire cell, or part of cell, to move

determines and stablises cell shape

intermediate filaments

anchor cell organelles into place

in some cells, they radiate away from nucleus

resist tension, maintain rigidity


thickest part of cytoskeleton

form rigid internal skeleton

act as a framework which motorproteins can move structures within the cell

cilia and flagella

line cellular membrane

cilia are present in the hundreds, either move stiffly to propel a cell, or to move fluid over a stationary cell

flagella occur in pairs, they push or pull the cell through its aqueos environment

cell wall

extracellular structure

provides support for cell, acts as a barrier to infection

contributes to plant form by controlling the direction of cell expansion

extracellular matrix

supports tissue functions in animals

holds cells together in tissue

contribute to physical properties

help minerals passing between different tissues

helps orient cell movement during embryonic development

cell junctions

connects adjacent cells

three types:

tight junctions


gap junctions

cell junctions: tight junctions

prevents substances from moving through spaces between cells

cell junctions: desmosmes

holds adjacent cells with stable proteins

materials move around extracellular matrix

provides mechanical stability for tissues that receive physical stress (skin)

cell junctions: gap junctions

they are channels that run through membrane pores of adjacent cells to allow rapid speed of electric current (ie telling heart muscles to beat in unison)


contains cytosol and everything in the cell

important digestive processes occur in cytoplasm of cells


float freely in cytosol

found in both eukarotes and prokaryotes

translate RNA to proteins

three bacteria shapes

1) rod

2) cokie? (circular)

3) spirila? (spiral)


hydrophobic tails (non-polar fatty acids)

hydrophilic head (charged and associates with water)

form cell membranes

proteins are contained in cell membranes by their hydrophobic regions connecting to cell membrane

lipids may move freely around

lipids may rarely flip to opposite layer

passive transport (3 kinds)

allows transport of molecules across membrane

must be to lower concentration gradient

requires no energy or input

substance can diffuse passively across a membrane

facilitated diffusion (passive division) includes:

1) channel proteins - transport for specific molecules - open for movement

2) carrier proteins - transport for specific molecules or groups of molecules - molecules bind to move through

3) ion channels - transport of ions

active transport (2 kinds)

moves solutes against their concentration gradients

requires use of ATP

two types:

primary active transport - requires ATP and generally moves molecules across a membrane

secondary active transport - Na-K pump consumes 1 ATP and moves 3 sodium out and 2 potassium in


the transport of large molecules into eukaryotes via invagination of cell membrane, for example:

lysosomes digest molecule after they are brought into cell


the movement of large molecules out, for example:

waste is brought to cell membrane in vesicle

exported outside of cell


formed in mitochondria from glucose

a useable form of energy

ATP hydrolysis releases energy to drive endergonic reactions

ATP consists of a nitrogen base, sugar and 3 phosphate groups

simple diffusion

passive transport

molecule simply travels through cell membrane until equilibrium

molecules moves from higher concentrations to lower concentrations

concentration gradient has been the driving force behind diffusion

facilitated diffusion

passive transport

proteins in cellular membrane facilitate the transport of specific molecules through the membrane until equilibrium

may either be:

channel proteins (always open)

carrier proteins (pulls only specific molecules through)

ion channels

active transport

moves solutes ahainst their concentration gradients

this requires energy

two kinds:

primary active transport

secondary active transport

primary active transport

involves the hydrolysis of ATP for energy

sodium-potassium pump moves sodium Na+ out of the cell and K+ in

one molecule of ATP can move 2 K+ and 3 Na+ ions

this creates a pressure gradient which means Na+ moves back into the cell and brings a molecule of glucose with it

secondary active transport

does not require energy to function

uses force of pressure gradient to fuel transport

can move an ion across a plasma membrane against its concentration gradient

sodium-potassium pump moves sodium Na+ out of the cell and K+ in

one molecule of ATP can move 2 K+ and 3 Na+ ions

this creates a pressure gradient which means Na+ moves back into the cell and brings a molecule of glucose with it


isotonic means two solutions have same osmotic pressure across a membrane


a coenzyme cant catalyse a reaction on its own, but it can assist

ATP and NADH are coenzymes

ATP and NADH are reduced (given electrons) and this gives them more energy

metabollic pathways

chemical transformations occur in a series of intermediate reactions that form a metabollic pathway

reach reaction is catalysed by specific enzymes

each metabollic pathway is controlled by enzymes that can be inhibited or activated


catabolism is the release of energy by oxidation

involves the breakdown of complex molecules to simplar molecules

used to drive chemical reactions

catabolic reactions drive anabolic reactions

some catabolic pathways can operate in reverse

anabolic reactions

builds up/stores energy (ie in ATP)

involves the process which simpler molecules are formed to become more complex ones

anabolic reactions usually dont require energy

catabolic reactions drive anabolic reactions


ATP hydrolysis breaks bonds and releases energy, used to drive reactions

carbohydrate catabolism

carbohydrate catabolism in the presence of oxygen releases a large amount of energy (ie respiration)

used to harvest energy from food

catabolic reactions release large mounts of energy under aerobic conditions

creates 35 ATP molecules

as opposed to anarobic reactions only get 2 units of ATP

carbohydrate catabolism reaction order (aerobic)

This must occur in the presence of oxygen

1) glycolysis

2) pyruvate

3) pyruvate oxidation

4) citric acid cycle

5) electron transport/ATP synthesis

6) CO2 and H2O

1-2 are in cytoplasm

3-4 are in mitochondrial matrix

5-6 are in inner mitochondrial membrane

glycolysis and its inputs

occurs in cytoplasm

the breakdown of glucose

releases energy under aerobic conditions

glucose is also partially oxidised and some energy is released

6-carbon Glucose -> 2x 3-carbon pyruvate

pyruvate oxidation and its inputs

occurs in mitochondrial matrix

pyruvate is oxidised to acetyl coenzyme A and CO2

2x 3-carbon pyruvate -> 2x 2c Acetyl CoA + 2CO2

citric acid cycle and its inputs

occurs in mitochondrial matrix

citric acid cycle oxidises acetyl coenzyme A to CO2

Citric acid cycles completes oxidation of glucose to CO2

2x 2-carbon Acetyl CoA -> 4CO2


Peroxisomes are small organelles that contain enzymes involved in a variety of metabolic reactions, including several aspects of energy metabolism.


A desmosome is a cell structure specialized for cell-to-cell adhesion. A type of junctional complex, they are localized spot-like adhesions randomly arranged on the sides of plasma membranes. Desmosomes help to resist mechanical forces. Desmosomes are also found in muscle tissue where they bind muscle cells to one another.


the new formation of glucose


Occurs in cytoplasm

The process of generating ATP under anaerobic conditions

It is also the process that allows NAD+ to be regenerated

Two pathways are Lactic Acid Fermentation and Alcoholic Fermentation

Metabolic pathways

1) Carbohydrate Catabolism (in the presence of oxygen)

2) Carbohydrate Catabolism (not in the presence of oxygen via Fermentation (lactic acid fermentation/alcoholic fermentation)

3) Catabolic and Anabolic Pathways

Carbohydrate Catabolism not in the presence of oxygen

Carbohydrate catabolism not in the presence of oxygen produces a small amount of oxygen

It does so by Fermentation, Lactic Acid and Alcoholic Fermentation

Both of these methods only create 2 ATP

exergonic reactions

the release of free energy

in ATP, energy is released from P-O bonds

cellular respiration

cellular respiration is the set of metabolic reactions used by cells to harvest energy from food


If concentration of H+ is greater on one side of the mitochondrial matrix membrane, the substance will diffuse via travelling through the protein ATP synthase

ATP synthase uses potential energy of diffusing H+, and converts it to chemical energy for ATP


Anabolic pathways convert light energy into chemical energy as carbohydrates

Involves two pathways:

1) light reactions

2) carbon-fixation reactions

uses chlorophyll to absorb light energy and the calvin cycle is a set of reactions fuelled by the light

Light reactions in chloroplasts

Light reactions convert light energy into chemical energy as ATP and NADPH (similar to NADH)

Carbon-fixation reactions in chloroplasts

Do not use light

Use ATP and NADPH made by light reactions along with CO2 to produce carbohydrates


When chlorophyll absorbs light it enters an excited state

it returns to normal, releasing most of the energy to adjacent chlorophylls

Eventually it reaches the reaction center chlorophyll and the reaction center converts the light energy into chemical energy

Calvin Cycle

The Calvin Cycle uses ATP and NADPH generated in light reactions to produce G3P and CO2

It makes carbohydrates from CO2

The Calvin Cycle consists of three processes:

1) Fixation of CO2

2) Reduction and Sugar Production

3) Regeneration of RuBP


Asexual reproduction resulting in genetic consistency

Any genetic differences are due to mutations

Prokaryotes undergo binary fission

Eukaryotes undergo mitosis


Results in genetic diversity

Two specialised gamete cells fusing to a zygote

Somatic cells

Body cells that are not specialised for reproduction

Are diploid

Reproductive signals

In prokaryotes, reproductive signals may be environmental conditions

In eukaryotes, may be related to the function and need of organism

DNA segregation

DNA pulled via spindles

Simple in prokaryotes

In eukaryotes, it may be more difficult due to nuclear membrane


Are protein structures that assemble on centromeres (one on each chromatid)


In cytoplasm

the position of centrosomes determine the plane at which the cell divides

Only in animal cells, plant cells have microtubule organising centres which play similar roles


Forms from the centrosome, extend to middle of cell

Three kinds:
1) Polar microtubules - overlap in middle to keep centrosomes apart

2) Astral microtubules - interactions with cell wall to keep poles apart

3) Kinetochore microtubules - attach to chromosomes, Two sister chromatids are pulled apart.

Eukaryotic Cell Cycle


1) G1 - cell may stay in this phase for a long time

2) S phase - DNA is replicated

3) G2 synthesis of microtubules


1) Mitosis - segregation of chromosomes into two new nuclei


Division of cytoplasm

Mitosis Phases

Mitosis is a small part of a cells life cycle, includes:

1) Prophase - Condensed chromosomes, centrosomes and spindle appear

2) Pro Metaphase - Nuclear Envelope breaks down

3) Metaphase - Chromosomes line up in midline

4) Anaphase - Chromatids separate, microtubules shorten

5) Telophase - Nuclear envelope reforms and spindle breaks down

Usually undergoes cytokinesis and returns to G1


the change of genetic composition of populations over time

derived traits provide evidence of evolutionary relationships

taxons and clades

taxons are any group of species that we can designate with a name

divided into clades

a clade is a taxon that consists of all evolutionary descendants of a common ancestor

homologous features

shared by two or more species inherited from a common ancestor

analogous features

similar characteristics which evolved separately from different ancestors (convergent evolution)


Non-flowering seed plants

four types:

1) cycads - tropical, earliest diverging clade

2) ginkgos - common in mesozoic, only one species left

3) gnetophytes - similar characteristics to angiosperms

4) conifers - cone-bearing plants


flowering seed plants

also bears fruits

endosperm (nutritive tissue)

undergoes double fertilisation (one sperm fertilises the egg, other fuses with nuclei and will form endosperm)

phloem with companion cells

flowers of angiosperms

consists of four whorls:

two infertile:

sepals (green buds)


two fertile:

stamens (bear microsporangia)

carpel (bear megasporangia)

perfect flower: male/female parts

imperfect flower: male or female parts

monoecious: male/female flowers on same plant

dioecious: male/female flowers on different plants


grasses, lilies, orchids, palms - lost their wood


vast majority of seed plants


energy source: light

carbon source: CO2


energy source: light

carbon source: organic compounds


energy source: light

carbon source: CO2


energy source: organic compounds

carbon source: organic compounds


absorptive heterotrophy

two kinds:

saprobes - absorb nutrients from dead matter

parasites - absorb nutrients from living hosts

body called mycelium

spreads filaments called hyphae

colonisation on land aided by fungi


filaments that spread from a fungus's mycelium

hyphae grows by undergoing cell division but not cytokinesis

two kinds:

1) coenocytic myceta: no septa

2) hyphae with septa - compartmentalised

septa compartmentalises the hyphae

A morphological feature shared by all animals

junctions between cells

extracellular matrix molecules

multicellular organisms

single celled organisms came together into complexes, easier to capture prey

these cells began to specialise to create organs and organ systems

diploblastic animals

embryos have two cellular layers

outter is ectoderm and inner is endoderm

triploblastic animals

triploblastic animals have an outter ectoderm and an inner endoderm

also have a third layer, a mesoderm between the two other layers


gastrulation is when the embryo is a ball of cells and forms a cavity called the blastopore


in protostomes, the mouth arises from the blastopore first, and the anus forms later


in deutrostomes, the anus arises from the blastopore first, and the mouth forms later

acoelomate animals

lack an enclosed fluid-filled body cavity

the space between the endoderm and the mesoderm is filled with masses of cell, which move by beating cilia

pseudocoelomate animals

have a body cavity called a pseudcoel

it is a fluid filled space which suspends internal organs

coelomate animals

the cavity is the coelom, it develops in the mesoderm

it is lined with muscular tissue


cephalisation is the concentration of sensory equipment in the head

development of central nervous system in the head

nervous system extended towards the tail

metabolic rate of animals

measured by the amount of O2 consumed

effects different animals uniquely:

metabolic rate increases linearly with humans running

metabolic rate is parabolic with birds flying

metabolic rate is exponential with fish swimming

basal metabolic rates

the standard metabolic conditions when animals are at rest

BMR/gram is not uniform across all animals

smaller mammals need more food per gram of body weight than larger

smaller mammals need smaller amounts of food more often


regulators are animals that keep their body temp at a certain level

regulators exhibit thermoregulation

they keep homeostasis - the stability of the internal environment and the mechanisms that maintain stability

regulation and homeostasis is expensive

external temps do not change internal temp, but it does change the metabolic rate


conformers are animals whose internal temperature is the same as the external temperature

these are poikilotherms or ectotherms

most animals exhibit this trait


allows animals to reap the benefits of both regulation and confortmity

is the term for the winter period to be characterised by conformity

phenotypic plasticity

phenotypes of individual organisms change over time - this is phenotypic plasticity

when phenotypes change as a result of the environment, it has acclimatised

phenotypic plasticity occurs at the biochemical level, and at the level of tissues/organs

natural selection may select for organisms which have the greater phenotypic plasticity

sensors and effectors

sensors detect current level of temperature, etc

effectors tissues/organs which change the level of temperature, etc

control mechanism uses info from sensors to determine which effectors to activate


a calorie is the amount of head required to raise the temp of 1 gram of water by 1C

1 calorie = 4.2 joules

stores of chemical energy

chemical energy is stored for future use

it is stored in the form of lipids (9kcal/g)

stored in the form of glycogen (1kcal/g)

although glycogen stores less energy, some tissues use that as an energy source

suspension feeders

collect tiny food particles in great numbers

uses filters to collect particles

deposit feeders

animals which eat their way through dirt or sediments and decayed organic materials

substrate feeders

live in their food sources

eating their way through the food


suck nutrient rich fluid from a living host

may be parasitic or mutualist

bulk feeders

most animals are bulk feeders

eat large pieces of food that needs to be reduced in size and to aid digestion

adaptations include: tentacles, pincers, claws, poisonous fangs, jaws, teeth

Ingestionin food processing

the act of eating

cannot use macromolecules in the food

mastication - the breaking down of food with teeth

Digestions in food processing

process of breaking down food into molecules small enough for the body to absorb

the digestive enzymes can digest ourselves if there is no protective lining

absorptionin food processing

cells take up small molecules such as amino acids and sugars in the digestive system

eliminationin food processing

undigested material and wastes pass out of the digestive system

differences in dentition in:





pointed incisors - used to kill, capture and cut prey

jagged premolars - help crush/shred food


broad ridges to grind leaf material

incisors modified or absent


adapted for both meat and vegetation

relatively unspecialised dentition

differences in digestive tract in:





large, expandable stomachs

carnivores may go a long time between meals, and they eat as much as they can when they are able

herbivores and omnivores:

they have a longer digestive tract

allows more time for digestion

vegetation is more difficult to digest due to cell walls containing cellulose

roles of micro-organisms in digestion

animals cannot produce enzymes to hydrolyse cellulose

this is solved by housing a large population of symbiotic bacteria that can break down cellulose in fermentation chambers

micro-organisms have the enzymes required to break down cellulose

micro-organisms are given from adult to offspring by getting the babies to eat a special poo from the parents, containing the micro-organisms


O2 crosses two simple epithelia to enter the blood

CO2 crosses the other direction to be released

capillary = epithelium

Active transport for O2

active transport systems for O2 does not exist

non-active diffusion is how O2 crosses small distances

bulk transport (travelling in blood) is how O2 travel large distances

breathing organs

lungs - invaginations in body and takes O2 from external environment

gills - envaginatons folded out of the body, and takes O2 from external environment

has three elements:

1) ventilation system bringing air/water in rapidly

2) thin GEM with large surface area, with blood on one side for rapid diffusion

3) perfusion must be rapid enough for blood to pick up as its being delivered by breathing


invaginations in body

takes O2 from external environment

muscles in throat, abdomen expand and contract the lungs

perfusion is the blood flow through capillaries

perfusion must be rapid

mammals uses tidally ventilated lungs

birds have rigid lungs with unidirectional airsacs

humans use avelar sacs which have numerous alveoli


aquatic animals use gills

uses a countercurrent exchange

fish ventilate their gills by means of contracting breathing muscles

tidal volume

is the amount of air exhaled and inhaled at rest

unicellular vs multicellular organism circulation

unicellular organisms exchange directly with the environment via diffusion with the cells

this is not possible with multicellular organisms

multicellular organisms need to use respiratory system to bring all oxygen to all the cells in the body

multicellular organisms need three basic components:

1) circulatory fluid

2) set of tubes

3) muscular pump

may be open or closed sysmtems

open circulatory system

a lot of insects use an open system

the haemoglymph is a fluid which acts as both blood and interstitial fluid

haemoglymph bathes the organs directly

hearts pump haemoglyph down tubes to a specific part of the body where it leaves the tube into the open space

insects, arthropods and some molluscs use this

closed circulatory system

consists of blood confined to vessels, distinct from interstitial fluid

the heart pumps blood into a large vessel which branch into smaller vessels

materials are exchanged by diffusion between the blood and interstitial fluid bathing the cells

fish circulatory system

simple, closed system

two chambered heart

-1 ventricle

-1 antrium

single circuit of blood (pulmonary circuit and systemic circuit joined)

uses gill capillaries

amphibia circulatory system

closed system

3 chambered heart

-2 antriums

-1 ventricle (mixing of oxygen rich and poor blood)

two circuits (one pulmonary and one systemic circuit)

uses both pulmocutaneous (O2 through lungs and skin) and systemic (through the body)

reptile circulatory system

closed system

3 chambered heart

-2 antriums

-1 ventricle

ventrical partially divided by septum, some mixing of blood

3 circuits:

-pulmonary circuit

-left systemic circuit

-right systemic circuit

mammal and bird circulatory system

closed system

4 chambered heart

-2 ventricles (complete seperation by septum)

-2 antiums

three circuits:

-pulmonary circuit

-right systemic circuit

-left systemic circuit

pulmonary artery takes deoxygenised blood to lungs from the right ventricle

pulmonary vein brings oxygenised blood to left antrium

aorta takes oxygenised blood from the left ventricle to the systemic circuits

blood returns to the heart in the superior vena cava (from the upper body) and the inferior vena cava (lower body)

heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output

heart rate is the number of beats a minute

stroke volume the amount of blood pumped in a single contraction

cardiac output is the volume of blood pumped into the systemic circulation per minute, depends on heart rate and stroke volume

atrioventricular valves

semilunar valves

atrioventricular valves separate the antrium and ventricle

semilunar valves control blood flow to the aorta (systemic circuit) and pulmonary artery (lungs)

a heart murmur is due to backflow of blood through a defective valve

different kinds of blood

invertebrates with open circulation have haemolymph

vertebrates have blood which consists of several kinds of cells suspended in plasma

cellular elements occupy 45% volume of the blood

plasma is 90% water

contains inorganic salts

plasma proteins influence blood pH, osmotic pressure and viscosity

plasma contains:

red blood cells (erythrocytes)

-most numerous, red

-contains haemoglobin which carries 4 O2 per molecule

white blood cells (leukocytes)

function as defense by phagocytising bacteria

found inside and outside circulatory system

hyperosmotic and hypoosmotic flow

water flows into an area with a higher amount of solutes

hypoosmotic side of a membrane has less solutes higher free H2O conc

hyperosmotic side of a membrane has more solutes lower free H2O conc




Osmoregulation is the rate of water uptake and loss - must be balanced

cells swell and burst if they have too much water

shrivel and die if it loses water

osmoconformer - isoosmotic to the surroundings (marine animals only)

the animals need to always be going to places to suitable for their survival

includes marine invertebrates and one marine vertebrate

osmoregulator - can regulate and live in environments which may not suit them

regulators take water in hyperosmotically and discharging hypoosmotically

includes vertebrates

osmoregulation: marine fish

marine fish constantly lose water through their skin and gills

to balance this, they drink large amounts of sea water and excretes ions by active transport into gills

produces very little urine

osmoregulation: freshwater fish

constantly gain water through osmosis

lose salt by diffusion

to maintain balance, they excrete large amounts of very dilute urine

they also have active uptake of salts from their environment

osmoregulation: terrestrial organisms

desiccation (water loss to environment) is the biggest regulatory problem

adaptations help reduce water loss are key to survival on land

most have body coverings to help prevent dehydration

being nocturnal reduces evaporative water loss

nitrogenous wastes

1) ammonia

-very soluble - can be tolerated only in low concs.

-these animals need to drink lots of water

-common for aquatic species

-ammonia kills cells on contact

2) urea

-excreted by mammals, amphibians and some fish

-produced in liver, taken to kidneys

x100, 000 less toxic than ammonia

can be stored/transported safetly

requires much less water but more energy

3) uric acid

-excreted by repitles, birds and insects

-insoluble - won't mix with water

-excreted as semi-solid paste with very little water loss

-require more energy than other two kinds