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13 Cards in this Set

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difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

prokaryotic: bacteria that have no nucleus

eukaryotic: bacteria that do have nucleus

names and shapes of different bacteria

coccus: sphere-shaped bacteria

bacillus: rod-shaped bacteria

spirillum: spiral-shaped bacteria

importance of cyanobacteria (pros and cons)

cyanobacteria make their own food using co2, h2o and energy from sunlight

pros: source of food and oxygen for some organisms

cons: population can grow so large that a bloom is produced, available resources in the water are used up quickly and cyanobacteria die, other aerobic consumers feed on dead cyanobacteria and use up the oxygen in the water, then because of reduced oxygen, fish and other organisms die

is cyanobacterium classified as producer or consumer


2 kingdoms of bacteria

eubacteria: larger kingdom, grouped according to cell shape and structure, how they obtain food, type of food they eat, and wasted they produce. also how they move and whether aerobe or anaerobe.

archaebacteria: found in extreme conditions (hot springs), grouped based on where they live or how they get energy

where do bacteria thrive?

everywhere, even in extreme environments

short threadlike structures that extend from the cell membrane of a ciliate and allow the organism to move quickly


process of heating foods to a temperature that kill most harmful bacteria but causes little change to the taste of the food


long thin whip-like structure of some protists that helps them move through moist or wet surroundings


simple form of asexual reproduction in which two new cells are produced with genetic material identical to each other and identical to the previous cell


an organism that is able to live without oxygen


any organism that uses oxygen for respiration

antibiotic resistance

antibiotics limit the growth of other bacteria, but some grow even though antibiotics are being used (they are resistant to antibiotics)