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186 Cards in this Set

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1. How is the National Ensign hoisted for morning and evening colors?
1. Raised Smartly and Lower Ceremoniously
2. What is the Bibliography for advancement study?*
2. NAVEDTRA 12052
3. Female finger nail must not exceed what length from the tip of the fingernail?
3. ¼ of an inch
4. What consist of initial orientation and F/U onboard training in a nontechnical area?
4. GMT (General military training)
5. What take place during daily operation and maintenance situation?
5. OJT (on the job training)
6. MILCAP provide monetary recognition award of up to how much?
6. $25,000
7. What article is fraud against the government?*
7. Article 132
8. A Star on the top of the flag post indicates what?*
8. For the Grade or relative grade of CDR
9. NON-medical personnel providing buddy aid will administer in rapid succession how many set of nerve agent antidotes
9. 3 sets
10. Chemical agent on the skin can be removed effectively by using what?
10. M291 Skin Decontamination kit
11. A simple and frequently used method of detecting fungi is?*
11. Potassium Hydroxide (KOH)
12. The laboratory test for syphilis is what? Also is the more precise test to confirm all 3 stages.*
12. FTA-ABS (Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody absorption test)
13. RPR card test is a sensitive, easily preformed screening test for what?
13. Syphilis
14. An abnormally low white blood cell count is known as what? What condition may cause this?*
14. Leukopenia a) sever/advance bacterial infection b) infection caused by viruses c) Protozoa infections d) Overwhelming infections e) Anaphylactic Shock f) Radiation
15. When white blood cell counts rise above normal values, the condition is referred to as what?
15. Leukocytosis
16. What has a high abuse potential and no accepted medical use?
16. Schedule 1
17. Currently prescriptions are required to be kept on file for a minimal of how many years?
17. 2 years
18. What is the DOD prescription and polyprescription form number?*
18. DD 1289 / NAVMED 6710/6
19. Measuring medication should always be done at what level?
19. Eye level
20. Significant medical and surgical condition, allergies reaction, and medication current taking/used goes on what form?
20. NAVMED 6150/20 Summary of care
21. Medical personnel administering atropine should at what intervals? And until what happens?
21. 15 min/ atropinazation
22. What is called the arithmetic of pharmacy, it is the science of weight and measuring and its application to drugs, their preparation, compounding and dispensing?
22. Metrology
23. What form do you enter the circumstances necessitating the duplication for part of medical record?
23. SF 600
24. When a member is hospitalized at a foreign nation MTF, where should the medical record be kept?
24. Retained on board until the patients either returns to duty or transfers to US Navy vessel or US Military activity
25. What vitamin is use to prevent pernicious anemia?
25. Vitamin B12
26. The important step in the control of communicable disease is the expedious preparation and submission of what?
26. MER (Medical Event Report)
27. What is any animal capable of transmitting pathogen of producing human or animal discomfort or injury?
27. Vector
28. What is a record of physical qualifications of special training, and periodic exam of members designated to perform special duty?*
28. Special Duty Medical Abstract NAVMED 6150
29. What word will be prominently enter on the jackets and all form replace in HREC?
29. Replacement
30. What vitamins are fat soluble?
30. Vitamin A, D, E, K
31. What is the term that applies to the range between the minimum and maximum amount of a given drug required to produce the desired affect?
31. Dose Range
32. Who assigns personnel to the various department, berthing arrangement, and task of maintaining ESR?
32. Personnel officer
33. Who is responsible for the commands assigned personnel?
33. Executive officer
34. The SEABEE’s first fought in what war?
34. World War 2
35. Head stone or Markers are provided by whom for military members who pass away?
35. Vetran Administration
36. What are primary expenses dealing with decedent affairs?*
Dealing with recovery, disposal, and delivery of remains
37. The treatment for deep frostbite is?*
37. Rapidly re-warming frozen area by immersion in water of 100 deg F
38. Adults over the age of 30 should have a serum cholesterol level of less than what?
38. 200 mg/dl
39. Eye burns may leave scar tissue that has no light perception capability the victim will have what is called?
39. Scotomas
40. Flash blindness may persist for how long?
40. 20-30 minutes
41. What is the disinfection and sterilization of patient supplies and equipment after patient is discharged?
41. Terminal cleaning
42. ETO Gas sterilization period ranges are what times?
42. 3-7 hours
43. In what phase of rescue operation, involves giving life saving emergency care?
43. Phase 2
44. What are the five stages of death?
a)Denial b) Anger c) Bargaining d) depression e) Acceptance
45. What phase consists of the period that begins at the completion of the operation and extends until the patient has recovered from anesthesia?
45. Recovery Stage
46. What program is not part of the decedent affairs program?
46. CACP (Casualty Assistance Call Program)
47. Personal notification of PNOK will normally be made between what times?
47. 0600-2200 hours
48. What is short in duration and is characterized by altered stated of awareness of partial loss of consciousness and localized muscular contraction?*
48. Petti Mal Seizures
49. A Ball on the top of the flag post indicates what?*
49. CAPT in Navy or certain Diplomatic officers
50. General emergency care consists of prompt flushing with cold sea water to remove the venom and constrict hemorrhaging blood vessels is the Tx of what injury?*
50. Spine Injuries (spine fish, sting rays, urchins, and cone shells)
51. At what distance does passing honor start for Ship and Boats?
51. 400 yard for boat 600 yard for ships.
52. What are the S/S of nerve agents?*
52. Miosis, Rhinorrhea, dimmed vision, salivation, nausea, abdominal cramping, increased bronchial secretion, dyspenia, pulmonary edema, headache, vertigo
53. When transports a patient, you should always transport first?
53. Feet First
54. A Halbert on the top of the flag post indicates what?*
54. Flag/General officer whose salute is less than 19 guns or Civilians 11 gun or more.
55. A Spread Eagle on the top of the flag post indicates what?*
55. Flag/General officer or Civilians rates a salute 19 Guns or more
56. When ship is in port or anchored the union jack is flown where and at what times?
56. The Jack Staff 0800 to sunset
57. What is the formation of elements or person place behind another?
57. File of Column
58. What flag is flown prior to (5min) morning and evening colors?
58. Preparative Pennant (PREP)
59. Who salute when personnel are in rank?
59. Division Petty officer
60. When transferring Deceased member from overseas to CONUS what form and how many should accompany the remains?*
60. 3 DD 2064 Certificated of Death/ 2 DD 565 Statement of recognition
61. What article is malingering?
61. Article 115
62. What article in drunk on duty?
62. Article 112
63. What article is missing movement?
63. Article 87
64. What dose is also referred to as the normal adult dose or average dose, is also produce the desired therapeutic effect?
64. Therapeutic Dose
65. What is the Tx for a jelly fish sting?*
65. Pour rubbing alcohol, formalin, vinegar, meat tenderizer, or diluted ammonia over area.
66. In stage 2 of Tx of spine injuries debride the wound, and soak in what temp water for how long to neutralize the venom
66. Very Hot Water (110 deg F/43 deg C) for 30 to 60 minutes
67. A directive may be an instruction, and what for the USMC?
67. USMC order
68. What is the report of discrepancy form?
68. SF 364
69. What is prepared for items that are excluded from MILSTRIP?
69. DD 1149 Requisition and invoice/shipping documents
70. What deficiency may cause individual to bruise easily?
70. Ascorbic acid
71. What are e the most efficient sources of energy and are known as the “fuel of life”?
71. Carbohydrates
72. Define 1 blast, 2 Blast, 1 Blast, 2 Blast, 3 Blast.
72. Attention to Starboard, Attention to Port, Hand salute, End Salute, Carry on.
73. What is the more serious type of epileptic seizure may be but not always preceded by an aura?*
73. Grand Mal Seizures
74. What are characterized by severe and uncontrolled muscle spasms or muscle rigidity?
74. Convulsions/Seizure
75. What is a severe allergic reaction to foreign material in the body?
75. Anaphylaxis/ Anaphylactic shock
76. What is the instruction is the management of infection waste?*
76. BUMEDINST 6280.1
77. What is most often used in deep tissues, this type of needle causes minimal amounts of tissue damage?
77. Taper Point
78. What is the easiest way to carry an unconscious person is?
78. Firemans Carry
79. How many blankets are padded on the Stokes stretcher?
79. 3-1 folder, 2 lengths wise
80. What stage of anesthesia is the patients hearing increase and response to noises are intensified?*
80. Stage 1
81. What is defined as a group of socially learned, shared standards and behaviors patterns, concepts such as perception, values, beliefs and goals?
81. Culture
82. What is the instruction for Quality assurance program?*
82. BUMEDINST 6010.13
83. What is the SSIC series for Medical and Dental?
83. 6000
84. What were the battleships of the sailing day, these ships were the largest of all sailing warships having 64 to 100 guns?
84. Ship of the Line
85. What vitamin is prescribed with INH since INH often cause pyridoxine deficiency
85. Vitamin B6
86. What is the last digit in designator are known as?
86. Tertiary number
87. What Drugs should be given to help prevent cluster headache from becoming vascular headaches?
87. Sansert
88. What is the form number for the application for uniformed service ID and privilege Card?
88. DD 1172
89. What article is Desertion?
89. Article 85
90. What article is fraudulent enlistment appointment or Separation?
90. Article 83
91. What Article is Commanding officer NJP?
91. Article 15
92. What is the request form for medical and dental records?
92. SF 877
93. What is the eye glass prescription form?
93. SF 771
94. What does it mean when the Union jack is flown from the yardarm?
94. Court martial in session or inquiry
95. Tattoo should be how big when visible on a service member?
95. Four fingers together and thumb extended
96. What are the Classes for tactical Triage?
96. Immediate,Delayed, Minimal, Expectant

96. M.I.D.W.
97. What are the Priorities for Non-tactical Triage?
97. C.S. M.D.
98. What is the dependency requirement for the Navy Academy?
98. No Kids, ect
99. What is the preferred medication for Tx of migraine headache?
99. Cafegot
100. How many safety features are there for the 9mm pistol?
100. 3
101. How many rounds fit into 9mm pistol magazine?
101. 15
102. When accompanying a officer you should walk where and how many pace in what direction?
102. Left and to the rear
103. What Ship was created to combat with submarines?
103. Destroyers
104. When if ever is the union jack flown at half mast?
104. When the ensign is half mast
105. What flag is flown during the receiving of ammunition?
105. Bravo
106. How far should decom area be from berthing and what direction of the wind?
106. At least 75 yards (meters) downwind from the MTF and living quarters.
107. On ship contaminated clothing is placed were?
107. Top side
108. What is the max amount of PNA points earned per cycle?
108. 3.0
109. How many PNA cycles are computed?
109. 5 of the last 6
110. For LDO what is the minimal rank with what minimal amount of years of service
110. E6 and 8 years
111. CWO’s must have at a minimum / maximum year of service to qualify for the program?
111. 12 yrs, but no more than 24 yrs active duty
112. CWO are consider what type of specialist?
112. Technical specialists who perform duties requiring knowledge and skills of a specific occupational fields.
113. OCS program for individuals possessing a minimum of what level of college?
113. Bachelor’s degrees?
114. For STA-21 a school has to have a minimal of what program?
114. NROTC
115. What is the 3rd step of ORM?
115. Make risk decisions
116. What is the 4th step of ORM?
116. Implement controls
117. To Accepting sexual favors in exchange for something else is known as?
117. “Quid pro quo”.
118. If a member receives a warfare device and you notice a senior sailor punching or tacking it on this is known as?
118. Hazing
119. If you witness Hazing you should notify whom?
119. Chain Of Command
120. Annual contracts are awarded to funeral directors serving the local area of activities anticipating how many Deaths?
120. 10 or more deaths per year.
121. A patient is suffering from increase hemorrhaging, what medication would be given to decrease Bleeding?
121. Hemostatic.
122. A carries a cancellation date of 6 months or less and may not remain in effect for longer than 1 year?
122. Notice
123. How long does Yellow fever last?
123. Ten years.
124. What inoculation is given parentally intradermal?
124. Smallpox
125. A qualified will counsel Navy members experiencing financial difficulties or seeking information on personal financial management concerns
125. Command Financial specialist
126. What is required for E-5 and above in a supervisor/ managers position?
126. ADAMS
127. This condition applies when an increased or more predictable threat of terrorist activity exists?
128. What rules are uses when determining weight as a factor for medication?
128. Clarks rule uses weight of patient
129. What type of inspection is done when inventory doesn’t meet a specific %?
129. Bulk head to Bulk head
130. An increase in Waxy cast is a indication of?
130. Renal failure
131. What is the most frequently found cast in urine?
131. Hyaline
132. What is the NIIN and how many numbers are used?
132. A 9 digit number for supplies
133. What is an example of a personal flag?
133. Blue flag with 2 star
134. Who is responsible for supplying water in the field?
134. Engineers
135. Female braids most not exceed how many inches from the scalp?
135. 2 inches
136. On navy ships under way, where is the union jack displayed?
136. The jackstaff located on the bow
137. Who wouldn’t require and salute?
137. National Transport authority
138. For women wearing jumper uniforms, hair may extend a maximum how long below the top of jumper collar?
138. 1 ½
139. What is the fingernail regulation for MALES and FEMALES sailors?
139. 0 and 1/4inch Inches from fingertip
140. What is the regulation for Hair piece when worn by a servicer member?
140. Wigs or hairpieces shall be of good quality and fit, present a natural appearance and conform to the grooming standards set forth in these regulations.
141. Medical Event Reports (MER) should be submitted on what day of the month?
141. 15th day of the month
142. What battle was the turning point of WWII?
142. The battle of Midway
143. Who said “Damn the torpedoes” and in conflict?
143. Admiral Farragut at Mobile point
144. According to Navy regulation the Navy working Uniform (NWU) Boots should be?
144. 9” inch steel toe boots
145. What is the Drug of choice for Herpes?
145. Acyclovir
146. What needs to be filled out after a patient has been returned to Full Duty?
146. Suitability Screening
147. What is the most common field water purification system?
147. ROWPU
1. S/S of Cyanogen Chloride
1. S/S: Increase Depth of respirations, Violent Convulsions, Resp/Heart Failure.
TX: Amyl Nitrate
2. Raccoon enters your camp. What disease threat is of concern?
2. Zoonotic
3. Dengue Fever S/S (question was a scenario)
3. S/s usually begin in 4-6 days after infection and last for up to 10 days include:
- Sudden, High fever
- Severe Headache
- Pain behind the eyes
- Severe joint and muscle pain
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Skin Rash(which appears 3-4 days after the onset of fever)
- Mild Bleeding(such as a nose bleed, bleeding gums, or easy bruising)
4. Galley reduced calories menu calories intake daily for an individual.
4. 1,500-1,600 calories a day
5. What instruction is Medical Event Reports?
5. BUMEDINST 6220.12
6. What instruction is Shipboard Pest Control?
6. NAVMED P 5052-26
7. Treatment for SEVERE Malaria(Type of Medication)
7. Quinine/Quinidine
8. Personal Flag(pictures of flags choose which one is considered a personal flag)
8. Blue Flag with a Star in the middle
9. Scenario where patient is presented with Rhinnorrhea, what agent? S/S?
9. Nerve Agent- Taban(GA), Sarin(GB), Soman(GD), VX- S/S: Pinpoint pupils, muscle twitching, Rhinorrhea, Dysphea, Diarrhea, vomiting, Convulsion, Hypersalivation, Drowsiness, Coma, Unconscious.
10. Definition Leukocytosis
10. Leukocytosis- White blood cell count above the normal range in blood. Most commonly result of an infection(shift to the left)
11. Office of Surgeon General (instruction?)
11. BUMEDINST 5450.165
12. How long is the wait time before you can donate blood after taking chemoprophylaxis treatment?
12. 1 year
13. Who is in charge of HSAP Program?
13. Commanders, Cos, and Officers in Charge(OICs) are responsible for overall readiness of their activities.
14. Responsibilities of CACO?
14. Refer to CACO Responsibilities packet
15. Form for a script(prescription)?
15. DD1289
16. Eye Glass Prescription
16. DD 771
17. HSAP instruction
17. BUMEDINST 6440.5
18. Article 112
18. Drunk on duty
19. Navy B-day
19. 13 OCT 1775
20. Bowie Dick Test(look up procedure and what tool is used)
20. Used for monitoring of pre-vacuum steam sterilizer. Detects air leaks in the sterilizer
21. LAB AMAL number?
21. Lab Equipment 618/ Lab Supply 619
22. What Tricare option has the most co-pay?
22. Tricare Extra
23. Triage Scenarios. Label category(look up both Tactical/Non-tactical Triage)
- Gunshot to head?
- Shrapnel back of leg
- Leg has traction splinted
23. Tactical- gunshot to head= Class 4, Shrapnel back of leg= Class 3, leg has traction splint= Class 3.Non-Tactical- gunshot to head= Priority 4, Shrapnel to back of leg= Priority 3, Leg has traction splint= Priority 2
24. Patient coming from Fleet Hospital(Echelon 3). Where is next destination when being med-evaced?(next echelon of care)
24. Echelon 4 Definitive Care(Overseas MTF)
25. US Navy using sea barrier defense?
25. Seapower ( Show of Force)
26. On board ship. Why would a spot inspection be performed?
27. Holding Company. Surgical Team. How many Beds/Wards?
27. 3OR’s, 60 BEDS?
28. What does a MAGTF consist of?
28. Command Element(CE), Ground Combat Element(GCE), Aviation Combat Element(ACE), Combat Service Support(CSS) or Combat Service Support Element(CSSE)
29. What stage of Syphilis does not show any S/S?
30. Form used to request inspection of Radiologic Equipment?
Navmed 6470/14 Radiological Equipment survey request form.
31. What pesticide is used for Spiders?
31. Acaricide
32. What is not a Parenteral way of Immunizations?(look up parenteral as well as other modes of injecting immunizations)
32. Oral
33. What is the format of the date on a Standard Letter?
34. When writing a new paragraph at the end of a page, how many lines left should be available in order to start the paragraph?
35. JEV- Booster intervals?
35. After completion of initial schedule 0,7, and 30 days. Boosters start at 3 years or more .
36. How many Vaccines for HEP B?
36. 3 Vaccines
37. What age is HEP A started at? 2>
37. Age 2
38. How often should records be verified?
38. Annually
39. RECORDS COLORS( question was pertaining to 6150/29 what color record should this be?)
39. RED