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24 Cards in this Set

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1. When temperatures rise into the 32°C range Malaria transmissibility is affected by:
A. Decreased biting frequency
B. Decreased transmission potential
C. Increased biting frequency
D. Increased breeding period
E. Longer incubation period
C. Increased biting frequency
D. Increased breeding period
2. A 35-year-old man developed frank urinary bleeding and was subsequently diagnosed with kidney failure. Which of the following terms refers to the presence of red blood cells in the urine?
A. Anemia
B. Hepatitis
C. Hematuria
D. Leukocytosis
E. Melena
C. Hematuria
3. Doctor Wilson is presenting a lecture to first year medical students and mentions that one of his patients
has a diminished red blood cell count per laboratory studies. Which of the following terms refers to this
A. Anemia
B. Hepatitis
C. Hematuria
D. Leukocytosis
E. Melena
A. Anemia
4. Which of the following are most frequently involved in Wilson’s disease?
A. Central nervous system and muscles
B. Bones and kidneys
C. Heart and lungs
D. Liver & central nervous system
E. Stomach & liver
D. Liver & central nervous system
5. A 26-year-old man is diagnosed with disease involving creatine phosphokinase. This enzyme can be found in which type of tissue?
A. Bone
B. Eye
C. Liver
D. Muscle
E. Skin
D. Muscle
6. A 26-year-old man is diagnosed with muscle disease associated with very high creatine phosphokinase
levels. As a result, which of the following tissues would you expect to be most likely damaged?
A. Bone
B. Kidney
C. Liver
D. Stomach
E. Skin
B. Kidney
7. In the Emergency Department, blood tests demonstrate that your patient may be having a heart attack.
Of the following choices listed, which blood tests are most specific to heart tissue?
A. CPK BB & Troponin T
B. CPK MB & Troponin I
C. CPK MM & Troponin I
D. CPK MM & Troponin T
E. CPK MM & Troponin C
B. CPK MB & Troponin I
8. A 34-year-old man was diagnosed with carnitine palmitoyltransferase deficiency. The following
symptom/ sign would be most consistent with the disease:
A. Muscle hypertrophy
B. Jaundice
C. Myalgia
D. Neuralgia
E. Gastritis
C. Myalgia
9. A 36-year-old man developed severe rhabdomyolysis and a dark colored urine. The most appropriate
treatment for this patient includes which of the following?
A. High doses of calcium supplements
B. Vitamin C consumption
C. Chelation therapy
D. Plasmapheresis
E. Increased fluid intake
E. Increased fluid intake
10. The leading cause of death in developed and developing countries is:
B. Lower respiratory infections
C. Chronic Obstructive
D. Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
E. Ischemic heart disease
Lung cancer
D. Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
13. Approximately what percentage of tuberculosis treated with Directly Observed Therapy (DOT) is
A. 15%
B. 35%
C. 55%
D. 75%
E. 95%
E. 95%
A study of the use of OMT to treat ankle sprains utilized a treatment group and control group. Data were
collected on the magnitude of edema (in cm) at treatment and after one hour. Men and women were analyzed
separately and also combined.
14. Which type of variable is the treatment type?
A. Independent
B. Dependent
C. Moderator
D. Control
E. Intervening
A. Independent
13. Approximately what percentage of tuberculosis treated with Directly Observed Therapy (DOT) is
A. 15%
B. 35%
C. 55%
D. 75%
E. 95%
E. 95%
14. Which type of variable is the treatment type?
A. Independent
B. Dependent
C. Moderator
D. Control
E. Intervening
A. Independent
15. Which type of variable is the magnitude of edema?
A. Independent
B. Dependent
C. Moderator
D. Control
E. Intervening
B. Dependent
16. Which type of variable is gender?
A. Independent
B. Dependent
C. Moderator
D. Control
E. Intervening
C. Moderator
17. The appropriate statistic for the central tendency of the edema data is:
A. Geometric mean
B. Harmonic mean
C. Arithmetic mean
D. Median
E. Mode
C. Arithmetic mean
D. Median
E. Mode
18. The most appropriate statistic for describing the dispersion of the edema data is:
A. Range
B. Interquartile range
C. Standard deviation
D. Standard error of the mean
E. Skewness
A. Range
C. Standard deviation
E. Skewness
19. “Following treatment with OMT, there will be no difference in edema between the OMT group and the
control group.” This is an example of a(n):
A. Research hypothesis
B. Alternative hypothesis
C. Null hypothesis
D. Program hypothesis
E. Osteopathic hypothesis
C. Null hypothesis
20. What would be the best way to graphically represent the number of study participants by age in the
following table?
Age Number
20-29 21
30-39 32
40-49 54
50-59 25
60-69 10
70 and above 5
A. Line chart
B. Boxplot
C. Two dimensional
D. Stem and leaf
E. Bar chart
E. Bar chart
21. For a placebo-controlled study, if you read that the RRR (relative risk ratio) is 70%, you could safely
assume that:
A. There was little difference between the treatment and the placebo
B. The treatment group was at high risk of death
C. In the placebo group was at high risk of death
D. The treatment was less effective than the placebo
E. The treatment was more effective than the placebo
E. The treatment was more effective than the placebo
22. Many research studies report odds ratios. The odds ratio is:
A. The sensitivity of the test divided by the specificity of the test
B. The specificity of the test divided by the sensitivity of the test
C. The odds of the disease developing in an exposed person divided by the odds of the disease
developing in an unexposed person
D. The odds of the disease developing in an unexposed person divided by the odds of the disease
developing in an exposed person
E. A measure of the exposure to the disease
C. The odds of the disease developing in an exposed person divided by the odds of the disease
developing in an unexposed person
23. Which of the following represents the correct pairing?
A. Anatomy – mostly Greek origins
B. Endocarditis – inflammation of the external covering of the heart
C. Gastritis – “itis” is the prefix
D. Psychooncology – teaching/study of the psychosocial factors associated with cancer
E. Pyelonephritis – inflammation of the veins of the kidney
D. Psychooncology – teaching/study of the psychosocial factors associated with cancer
24. A 23-year-old first year law student presents to the osteopathic clinic for her initial evaluation. She
reports being tired, has difficulty getting out of a chair, and simply feels weak, and her muscles feel achy
but can be quite painful at times as well. After you have performed a detailed initial history and
examination your preceptor queries as to whether the patient has complained of myalgia. Which of the
following would be the most appropriate answer?
A. No, the patient said nothing about muscle swelling
B. Yes, the patient confirmed that she experienced muscle swelling
C. No, the patient said nothing about muscle pain
D. Yes, the patient confirmed that she experienced muscle pain
E. No, the patient said nothing about muscle spasms
D. Yes, the patient confirmed that she experienced muscle pain