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50 Cards in this Set

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What is the Def'n for Backdraft?
BACKDRAFT- is the intoduction of O2 to a confined space that is pressurized with heated, flammable gases that are deficient in oxygen, thereby resulting in an explosive force.
What is the Def'n for Flashover?
FLASHOVER- is "the simultaneous combustion of the combustible substances in a room heated to their ignition points"
What is the Def'n for Ventilation?
VENTILATION- the systematic clearing from a structure, vessel, or other area of objectionable smoke, heat, or noxious gases through controlled channels, followed by the replacement of cooler air, which facilitates other firefighting priorities.
What are the charcteristics that may indicate a backdraft?
- smoke under pressure
- black smoke becoming dense gray yellow
- confinement and excessive heat
- little or no visable flame
- smoke leaving the building in puffs
- smoke stained windows
- muffled sounds
- sudden rapid movement of air inward when a opening is made
- smoke puffing from cracks and small openings
What is the CO explosive range?
12.5% - 74%
Where should the vent opening be to mitigate a backdraft situation?
As high and as close as possible to the fire.
Smokes appearance differs greatly depending on what?
- the materials being burned
- temp. of the fire
- the amount of O2 present within the structure
What are the 4 visible elements of smoke that help a firefighter assess the fire?
1. Volume- greater the volume, the larger the fire
2. Velocity- greater the velocity the hotter the fire
3. Density- thicker the smoke the more the burning material
4. Colour- may indicate type of material burning but generally the darker the greater the carbon and or toxic material present
*Rate of change
What are the 2 ventilation strategies and what does each one vent for?
Offensive - vents for fire, ventilating close to the fire to:
-have a direct effect on the fire itself
-limit fire spread
-make inside conditions safer for firefighters
Defensive - vent for life, ventilating away from the fire or after the fire is out to:
-have an effect on hot gases and smoke
-improve access and escape routes
-control smoke movement away from the areas of the building that are not involved in the fire
What are the 4 types of ventilation?
What are 4 ventilation considerations?
-the size, extent, and location of the building and fire
- the life hazard
- kind of material burning
- susceptibility of the material to smoke, heat, and water damage
Vertical extension may occur through:
-stairwells, elevators and shafts by direct flame contact or air convection
- partitions and walls, upward between walls by flame contact or air convection
- windows or other outside openings where flame extends
- ceilings and floors by direct flame contact
-floor and ceiling openings where burning material fall through to lower floors
- collapsed floors and roofs
Building type and design are 2 major factors to consider in determining when and where to ventilate. Other factors may include:
-location and size of doors, windows, or other openings in walls
- building size, height, #of stories, staircases, elevators, ducts, and roof openings
- use and occupancy of the building
- basements and windowless buildings
- involvement of exterior fire escapes and other exposures
- the presence of HVAC
What are the 4 factors to consider when determining the need for ventilation?
1.Life Hazard
2.Weather Conditions
3.Extent and Location of fire
4.Building Type and Construction
Generally it's not necessary to cut a hole in the roof of a private dwelling unless:
- The fire is in the attic
- a balloon frame
- it's extending up the exterior wall
When ventilating roofs, where should the ladder be positioned and why? Where should it not be?
- near the corners of the involved structure because this is one of the strongest parts of the building
- Don't put ladders adjacent to windows/other openings because fire/smoke may hinder descent
What is the "Stack Effect"
- the natural convective movement of heated gases upwards
When opening a roof what are 7 safety precautions?
1.Provide a secondary means of escape.
2.Have a charged line in place.
3.Don't walk on a spongy roof.
4. Use caution around elctrical lines
5.Stand on the windward side of the cut.
6.Wear PPE
7.Watch for personnel within the axe swing.
Common factors that can destroy the effectiveness of ventilation are:
-improper use of forced vent
-breaking glass
-improperly directed fire streams
-breakage of skylights
-an explosion
-a burn that creates additional openings between the attack team and the upper openings
Elevated streams above vent openings should be?
What will this accomplish?
-projected slightly above the horizontal
-This will help cool the thermal column and extinguish sparks and aid the ventilation process
List 2 problems FFface with tile roofs:
-a lot of damage is caused by walking on it
- broken tiles make a difficult walking surface and create a safety hazard to those below
What should be used on a tile roof to give a FF good footing? What is the best tool for tile roof ventilation?
- roof ladder
- sledge hammer
What are 2 indications of a spongy roof?
1.Sagging when walked on
2.Lack of resistance to an axe
Structures which horizontal ventilation is normally applied to?
-residential buildings in which fire has not involved the attic
-buildings with high windows near the eaves
-attics/res. buildings with lowered vents in wall
-involved floors of multi-storied structures
-buildings where fire is not contained by fire curtains
- structures weakened by effects of burning
Describe the proper procedure for opening windows for natural ventilation:
First open top windows on leeward side, after allowing hot gases to escape open the lower windows on the windward side.
List situations that may require forced ventilation?
-cond. untenable for FF because of heat, smoke, or toxic atmosphere
-construction unsuitable for Nat. vent. due to lack a vertical shafts or horizontal openings
-a fire below ground level or in confined space
-a need to remove undesirable atmospheres from areas when there is no fire eg. tunnel, basement, and other enclosures
Some disadvantages of forced ventilation are:
-requires the use of a mechanical device, power source, additional FF
-can increase intensity of fire, and lead to unwanted fire and smoke spread
-requires a very large fan for large incidents
-provides limited airflow in defensive vent.
Before implementing PPV, the following critical requirements must be met:
-establish a exhaust opening, should be 3/4 to 1 3/4 the size of intake opening
-establish a clear channel from the point of entry to the exhaust opening
-determine the location of the fire
-position attack lines including exhaust
-notify IC and any interior crews
2 disadvantages to gas powered fans?
- noisy
- produce CO
What reading of CO must we take immediate action?
25 PPM or higher.
Hgh Alarm >50 PPM - Source identified, Evacuate and ventilate
Source unidentified same but call Haztech as well.
Low Alarm 25-50 PPM consider evac. try to identify source and ventilate
<25 PPM ventilate and try to identify the source
>=12 PPM evacuate small children, pregnant women, seniors, and anyone with respiratory problems, try to identify the source
Buildings with multiple stories can be be ventilated by:
-sequentially ventilating each floor
-start from the lowest contaminated floor and work towards the top
What is PPA?

How does it work?
- Positive Pressure Attack and is used during the initial stages of an incident to make the structure safer for fire attack
-1 or more high output fans directed into the building to increase pressure relative to atmospheric pressure
- carries smoke, toxic gases, and heat out an exhaust opening located as close to the fire as possible
- controlled and directed through the IC
What is PPV?

How does it work?
- Positive Pressure Ventilation, works similar to PPA however it is used for purposes other than fire attack. eg. overhaul, clear hazardous gases from the structure
-controlled, directed through IC
What is PPP?

How does it work?
-Positive Pressure Pressurization used to over-pressurize and enclosed compartment, thereby preventing additional smoke, toxic gases, and heat from entering the area
- no exhaust opening
-controlled, directed through IC
What is Natural Ventilation?
- as the volume of smoke increases it moves through available openings such as doorways and hallways, if a window is vented the smoke and heat begin to spill out that window
What is Horizontal Ventilation?
-when crews use doors, windows, and other openings to direct smoke, gases, and heat through the building in a horizontal direction
- horizontal is the most common
What is Vertical Ventilation?
-when crews cut an opening above the fire to direct smoke, gases, and heat upward
Hows does PPA and PPV render the structure safer for responding crews and victims?
- it improves visibility, removing toxic gases, and lowering the temp.
What are the 4 phases of fire?
1. Ignition
2. Growth
3. Fully Developed
5. Decay
What is a Fuel controlled fire?
- a fire that has excess air for combustion
What is a Ventilation controlled fire?
- a fire that produces more vapours that can consumed with the available air
- highly volitile
How much % more air does 2 fans placed one behind the other create?
What fan configuration creates the highest air volume?

How much % more than in series?
10% more than in series.
Does a FF have to stay with the fans while they are in operation>?
Yes, the whole time. Not to be left unattended.
What is the Purpose of PPA?
-to reduce the risk of backdraft or flashover occuring
- to facilitate rescue
- to make an area more tenable for victims and firefighting
-to remove toxic, explosive, and superheated gases
- to confine the fire
-to enable crews to advance more rapidly to the seat of the fire
-help protect FF's who are extinguishing the fire by removing steam
When would PPA be required?
-conditions are untenable for FF entry due to heat, smoke, and toxic gases
- construction is unsuitable for natural ventilation due to the lack of vertical shafts or horizontal exterior openings
- the fie is below ground level, in a confined space, or where difficult to gain entrance
- IC deems PPA advantageous
PPA may not be appropriate if?
-signs of impeding backdraft are apparent
- fire location has not been established
- windows for venting are inaccessible
-wind direction, velocity would make PPA dangerous
- victims in exhaust opening, needed for rescue later on
- exposure issues that can't be controlled
- IC deems PPA disadvantageous
What are the steps to setting up PPA?
1. Locate the fire.
2. Advance a charged line to the entrance.
3. Bring the fan to the entrance. Position sideways and turn on to ensure it's working.
4. Advance a charged line to the planned exhaust opening.
5. Make an exhaust opening as close to the fire as possible, 3/4- 1 3/4 the size of the entrance.
6.Upon direction of the IC turn fans to face the entrance. Check air cone.
7. Obtain a report from exhaust supervisor assessing effectiveness of ventilation.
8. If effective proceed with fire attack.
What are some possible problems if during PPA smoke is not flowing toward the exhaust opening?
- path from entrance to exhaust may not be clear
- wind may be overcoming the fan
- may be a closed door
What are some potential problems caused by PPA?
- if the door is not completely sealed or the exhaust opening is inadequate convection may occur leading to more rapid set of flashover
- if a exposure line is directed in the exhaust opening rather than across it may spread the smoke and fire onto interior crews
- if the exhaust opening is not monitored nearby exposures and personnel may be put in danger