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53 Cards in this Set

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Define the muscles that stabilize joints to allow movement
List the hamstring muscle group
biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus
List the major muscles that are found dorsally on the human body.
Latissmus dorsi, trapezius
Difference between ligaments and tendons.
Ligaments connect bones to bones. Tendons connect bones to muscle.
Describe muscle anatomy and movement for the human digestive and circulatory systems.
-Organs in digestive system lined with muscles that keep food moving downward and outward, contraction of muscles create peristalsis to allow blood flow
-Arteries/veins are lined with muscle tissue that helps them dilate to allow faster blood flow or contract to slow blood flow
Characteristics of a marathon runner's leg muscle cells
enhanced # of mitochondria, which produces ATP
Key structural elements of the myofibril inside a skeletal muscle
Numerous myofybrils composed of actin and myosin; myofybrils are made up of many sarcomeres lined up end-to-end
Function of skeletal muscles in the body
shape and form, supports and protects organs, allows bodily movement and produces blood for body in bone marrow, store minerals
Understand how your arm moves, both specific muscle action and specific muscles.
biceps brachii-fixes elbow joint,
triceps brachii-extends the elbow joing
Specific head muscles and their movement
-controls facial expressions and mastication (chewing)
-allow the head and neck to flex, extend, and move laterally
-masseter muscle closes jaw
-splenius and trapezius extend head and neck
During the fetal pig dissection, name the tissue at the back of your throat that covers the opening where food and air pass.
Name a specific neck muscle.
Name a specific facial/cranial muscle
masseter (jaw muscle)
Definition of kinesia
Bones protecting the brain
cranial bones-frontal, parietal, temporal
Numbers of bones in axial and appendicular skeletons
206 total;
Axial - 80,
Appendicular - 126
Key functions of the skeletal system and bones specifically
maintain shape and form, support and protect, bodily movement, produces blood, store minerals
Anatomy of the thoracic cavity and purpose
-considerably larger and stronger than cervical
--facets:articulating surfaces/vertebrocostal joints (where vertebrae and ribs meet)
Material found in hollow long bones
yellow bone marrow, spongy bone
Functions of tendons and ligametns
wrap around joints and hold them together
Butterfly shaped bone
Facial bone anatomy
-2 nasal
-2 maxillae
-2 zygomatic
-2 lacrimal
-2 palantine
-2 inferior nasal conchae
Vertebral regions and where they connect within the skeleton
-7 cervical
-12 thoracic
-5 lumbar
-1 sacrum
Bones of the wrist and hand
carpals, metacarpals, phalanges
Names and function of sesamoid bones
-develop in certain tendons where there's considerable friction
-palms, soles of feet
-vary in # from person to person
-may not be fully ossified
-usually very small
-protect tendons from wear and tear and improve mechanical advantage at joints
Bones of the axial skeleton
Along vertical axis
-vertebral column
Type and range of motion of joints
Types: ball-and socket, pivot, condyloid, gliding, hinge, saddle

-shoulder: ball-and-socket
-hip: ball-and-socket
-ankle: hinge
Name and location of cranial sutures
-Coronal suture: between frontal and parietal
-Lambdoidal suture: between parietal and occipital
-Saggital suture: between 2 parietal bones
Hunchback of Notre Dame vertebral condition
Bones of the hard palate
maxillary and palantine bones
Bone composition: pectoral versus pelvis girdles
-attack bones of upper limbs to axial skeleton
-make up clavicle (anterior) and scapula (posterior)

-consists of 2 coxal bones
-hip bones unite anteriorly at a joint called pubic symphosis
Bones of the hard palate
Maxillary and palantine bones
Bone articulations
Types of bones found in the human body
long, short, sesamoid, irregular, flat
Bone that anchors the tongue
hyoid bone
Study of bone
names of cervical vertebrae (C1 & C2)
C1- Atlas, C2- Axis
Terminology for the tailbone
What did you stimulate when you hit your funny bone?
ulnar nerve
Bones of the lower leg and ankle
femur, patella, tibia (shin), fibula, talus (ankle), calcaneus (heel), hallux (big toe)
Structures found near ventral surface of prefrontal cortex
Prevention method inhibiting damaging chemicals from entering cerebrospinal fluid
cerebral spinal fluid between meninges, blood/brain barrier, skull
Muscle type constricting veins when blood pressure drops suddenly
smooth muscle
# of pairs of spinal nerves
31 pairs
Age group most likely to suffer a cerebrovascular accident (stroke)
2/3% 65 years and older
Neuron structures, myelin and exposed nodes
nodes of ranvier
Network of axon fibers connecting left and right hemispheres of the brain
corpus callosum
Location of cochlea
inner ear; near temporal bone
Electronic stimulus released when threshold reached
action potential
Reflex arc and the effector
receive signal, send to spine or parietal lobe into frontal, then sent to body
Grey matter versus white matter
brain- grey outside and white inside
spinal cord- vice versa
Types of broken bones
open, closed, greenstick (common in children), impacted, compoound, simple
Muscle action comparison (definitional)
abductor, adductor