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7 Cards in this Set

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sin·cere  /sɪnˈsɪər/
–adjective, 衷心的, 真誠的, 真心實意的
1. free of deceit, hypocrisy, or falseness; earnest: a sincere apology.
Henry was sincere about reconciling with his brother. 亨利真心願意與兄弟言歸於好。
2. genuine; real: a sincere effort to improve; a sincere friend.
He was decent, sincere -- a good man. 他為人正派誠實--是個好人。
3. pure; unmixed; unadulterated.
4. Obsolete . sound; unimpaired.
de·cent  /ˈdisənt/
–adjective 正派的;體面的;
1. conforming to the recognized standard of propriety, good taste, modesty, etc., as in behavior or speech.
2. respectable; worthy: a decent family.
I only associate with good decent fellows. 我只和正派的好人交往。
3. adequate; fair; passable: a decent wage.
The new manager is pretty decent to us. 新上任的經理對我們相當和氣。
go a long way towards doing something
to help to make something happen 有助於...
A smile can really go a long way towards making the other person feel comfortable talking to you.
de·pres·sion  /dɪˈprɛʃən/
–noun 沮喪, 意氣消沈
1. the act of depressing.
The trip to the seashore brought her out of her depression. 到海邊旅行使她不再抑鬱。
2. the state of being depressed.
He lost his job during the great depression. 他在大蕭條時期失業了。
3. a depressed or sunken place or part; an area lower than the surrounding surface.
Water filled the depressions in the ground. 地上的坑裡積滿了水。
4. sadness; gloom; dejection.
/v. kənˈvɜrs/
/n. ˈkɒnvɜrs/
–verb (used without object) 交談, 談話
1. to talk informally with another or others; exchange views, opinions, etc., by talking.
We conversed for hours on the phone. 我們在電話裡談了幾小時。
4. familiar discourse or talk; conversation.
/adj. kənˈvɜrs, ˈkɒnvɜrs/
/n. ˈkɒnvɜrs/
–adjective 相反的
1. opposite or contrary in direction, action, sequence, etc.; turned around.
2. something opposite or contrary.
com·ment  /ˈkɒmɛnt/
–noun 註釋,批評,閒話,議論
1. a remark, observation, or criticism: a comment about the weather.
2. gossip; talk: His frequent absences gave rise to comment.
His conduct at social gatherings created a lot of comment. 他在社交聚會上的表現引起許多閒話。
–verb (used without object) 註釋, 解釋
7. to make remarks, observations, or criticisms: He refused to comment on the decision of the court.
He commented that her acting was superb. 他評論說, 她的演技精湛。
–verb (used with object)做註解,發表意見
9. to make comments or remarks on; furnish with comments; annotate.
He did not comment on what I said. 他對我的話未作評論。