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5 Cards in this Set

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trib·ute /ˈtrɪbyut/
–noun 進貢; 敬意; 貢獻
1. a gift, testimonial, compliment, or the like, given as due or in acknowledgment of gratitude or esteem.
Many conquered nations had to pay tribute to the rulers of ancient Rome. 許多被征服的國家要向古羅馬的統治者納貢。
2. a stated sum or other valuable consideration paid by one sovereign or state to another in acknowledgment of subjugation or as the price of peace, security, protection, or the like.
We must give tribute to all those who helped make this a free country. 我們必須稱頌那些為使這個國家成為自由之邦而出力的人。
3. a rent, tax, or the like, as that paid by a subject to a sovereign.
The new engine's performance is a tribute to the skill of its designers. 這種新引擎的工作效能證明了設計者技藝高超。
con·sid·er·a·tion  /kənˌsɪdəˈreɪʃən/
–noun 考慮
1. the act of considering; careful thought; meditation; deliberation: I will give your project full consideration.
Before writing your answers please give careful consideration to the questions. 請在回答之前仔細考慮一下問題。
2. something that is or is to be kept in mind in making a decision, evaluating facts, etc.: Age was an important consideration in the decision.
3. thoughtful or sympathetic regard or respect; thoughtfulness for others: They showed no consideration for his feelings.
He showed no consideration for his wife. 他不體貼他的妻子。
guar·an·tee   /ˌgærənˈti/
–noun 保證; 商品保證; 保證書
1. a promise or assurance, esp. one in writing, that something is of specified quality, content, benefit, etc., or that it will perform satisfactorily for a given length of time: a money-back guarantee.
You have my guarantee that I'll finish the job on time. 我向你保證按時完成工作。
–verb (used with object) 保證; 擔保
6. to secure, as by giving or taking security.
7. to make oneself answerable for (something) on behalf of someone else who is primarily responsible: to guarantee the fulfillment of a contract.
Perfect satisfaction is guaranteed to our customers. 保證我們的顧客完全滿意。
gu·ru  /ˈgʊəru, gʊˈru/
1. Hinduism . a preceptor giving personal religious instruction.
2. an intellectual or spiritual guide or leader.
3. any person who counsels or advises; mentor: The elder senator was her political guru.
4. a leader in a particular field: the city's cultural gurus.
de·struc·tive /dɪˈstrʌktɪv/
–adjective 破壞的; 毀滅性的
1. tending to destroy; causing destruction or much damage (often fol. by of or to ): a very destructive windstorm.
It was the most destructive storm in 30 years. 那是三十年來毀滅性最大的風暴。
2. tending to overthrow, disprove, or discredit ( opposed to constructive): destructive criticism. 非建設性的批評