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10 Cards in this Set

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fall through
to fail to happen in the expected way 失敗、不能實現
Despite all his efforts, the deal fell through.
hold up
continue to function without losing force or effectiveness, endure 維持, 堅持
There's a perception that demand is going to hold up pretty strongly this year.
His health is holding up.
Her confidence is holding up.
per·cep·tion  /pərˈsɛpʃən/
–noun 感知, 感覺; 察覺
1. the act or faculty of apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding.
His perception of the change came in a flash. 他在一瞬間察覺到了這一變化。
2. immediate or intuitive recognition or appreciation, as of moral, psychological, or aesthetic qualities; insight; intuition; discernment: an artist of rare perception.
My perception of the problem is quite different. 我對這個問題的理解則完全不同。
filling in for someone
temporarily do someone else's work; temporarily substitute for another person 替代某人、替補某人
Retired judges often fill in for judges on sick leave or annual leave.
fill someone in
to supply information that someone doesn't know 告訴某人詳細的狀況
Could you fill me in on what was discussed?
off sick
absence from work because of illness 因病缺勤
Obviously, when any business or authority has people off sick it can impact performance.
sub·sti·tute  /ˈsʌbstɪˌtut, -ˌtyut/
–noun 代替人; 代替物
1. a person or thing acting or serving in place of another.
Is saccharin a good substitute for sugar? 糖精是糖的良好替代品嗎?
2. (formerly) a person who, for payment, served in an army or navy in the place of a conscript.
–verb (used with object) 用...代替; 代替
4. to put (a person or thing) in the place of another.
Only art can substitute for nature. 唯有藝術能代替自然。
fig·ur·a·tive  /ˈfɪgyərətɪv/
–adjective 比喻的; 象徵
1. of the nature of or involving a figure of speech, esp. a metaphor; metaphorical; not literal: a figurative expression.
Here the word is used in a figurative sense. 這裡該字是在比喻的意義上使用的。
2. metaphorically so called: His remark was a figurative boomerang.
de·spite  /dɪˈspaɪt/
–preposition 不管, 儘管, 任憑
1. in spite of; notwithstanding.
Despite advanced years, she is learning to drive. 儘管年事已高, 她還在學開車。
2. contemptuous treatment; insult.
with·stand  /wɪθˈstænd, wɪð-/
–verb (used with object) 抵擋, 反抗
1. to stand or hold out against; resist or oppose, esp. successfully: to withstand rust; to withstand the invaders; to withstand temptation.
The walls can withstand high winds. 這些牆能頂得住強風。
–verb (used without object)
2. to stand in opposition; resist.