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10 Cards in this Set

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in·fla·tion·ar·y   /ɪnˈfleɪʃəˌnɛri/
–adjective 通貨膨脹的; 通貨膨脹傾向的
of, pertaining to, reflective of, or causing inflation: inflationary prices.
pros·pect /ˈprɒspɛkt/
–noun 指望; 預期; 前途; 潛在顧客
1. Usually, prospects.
a. an apparent probability of advancement, success, profit, etc.
b. the outlook for the future: good business prospects.
2. anticipation; expectation; a looking forward.
John was excited by the prospect of owning his own boat. 約翰因將擁有自己的船而感到興奮。
3. something in view as a source of profit.
4. a potential or likely customer, client, etc.
The salesman called on several prospects. 推銷員拜訪了好幾個可能成為主顧的人。
–verb (used with object) 勘探; 勘察
11. to search or explore (a region), as for gold.
They are prospecting the region for oil. 他們正在該區勘查油礦。
turf /tɜrf/
–noun 草皮
1. a layer of matted earth formed by grass and plant roots.
2. peat, esp. as material for fuel.
4. Slang . 【俚】地盤; 勢力範圍
a. the neighborhood over which a street gang asserts its authority.
b. a familiar area, as of residence or expertise: Denver is her turf. When you talk literature you're getting into my turf.
–verb (used with object)
7. to cover with turf or sod.
re·fer·ral /rɪˈfɜrəl/
–noun 提及; 參考; 被推薦人
1. an act of referring; the state of being referred.
2. an instance of referring.
3. a person recommended to someone or for something.
a·cross  /əˈkrɔs, əˈkrɒs/
–preposition 橫越, 穿過
1. from one side to the other of: a bridge across a river.
2. on or to the other side of; beyond: across the sea.
We walked across the street. 我們穿過馬路。
5. from one side to another.
6. on the other side: We'll soon be across.
We got into the boat and rowed across. 我們上了船, 將船划到對岸。
cer·tain  /ˈsɜrtn/
–adjective 無疑的; 可靠的
1. free from doubt or reservation; confident; sure: I am certain he will come.
2. destined; sure to happen (usually fol. by an infinitive): He is certain to be there.
I'm quite certain of that. 對那事我完全可以肯定。
–pronoun 某幾個; 某些
10. certain ones: Certain of the members declined the invitation.
a·dapt  /əˈdæpt/
–verb (used with object) 使適應, 使適合, 改編
1. to make suitable to requirements or conditions; adjust or modify fittingly: They adapted themselves to the change quickly. He adapted the novel for movies.
He tried hard to adapt himself to the new conditions. 他努力使自己適應新的情況。
The author is going to adapt his play for television. 作者將把他的劇本改編成電視劇。
–verb (used without object)
2. to adjust oneself to different conditions, environment, etc.: to adapt easily to all circumstances.
He has not yet adapted to the climate. 他還沒適應這種氣候。
es·sen·tial  /əˈsɛnʃəl/
–adjective 必要的, 不可缺的
1. absolutely necessary; indispensable: Discipline is essential in an army.
Hard work is essential to success. 成功必須努力工作。
2. pertaining to or constituting the essence of a thing.
–noun 要素, 要點; 必需品
6. a basic, indispensable, or necessary element; chief point: Concentrate on essentials rather than details.
Our course deals with the essentials of management. 我們的課程講述管理的基本要點。
a·broad /əˈbrɔd/
–adverb 在國外; 到國外
1. in or to a foreign country or countries: famous at home and abroad.
4.spread around; in circulation: Rumors of disaster are abroad.
The news spread abroad that a new factory was going to be built in the county. 將在該縣興建一家新工廠的消息傳開了。
7. a foreign land or lands: imports from abroad.
cus·tom  /ˈkʌstəm/
–noun (社會, 團體的)習俗, 慣例
1. a habitual practice; the usual way of acting in given circumstances.
The celebration of Christmas is a custom. 慶祝耶誕節是一種風俗。
2. habits or usages collectively; convention.
–adjective 訂做的
12. made specially for individual customers: custom shoes.