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114 Cards in this Set

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characteristic functional group in a carboxylic acid
carboxy group
carboxy group
characteristic functional group in a sulfonic acid
sulfonic acid group
sulfonic acid group
A carboxylic acid is named by adding the suffix
ic and the word acid to the prefix for the appropriate group
dicarboxylic acids
carboxylic acids w 2 carboxy groups
Successive dicarboxylic acids "(oh my such good apple pie)"
oxalic, malonic, succinic, glutaric, adipic, pimelic
phthalic acid
aromatic dicarboxylic acid
aromatic dicarboxylic acid
a carboxylic acid is named by dropping
final e from hydrocarbon w same number C atoms & adding suffix oic acid
Is the final e dropped in naming dicarboxylic acids?
Name this compound
Name this compound
octanedioic acid
When a carboxylic acid is derived from a cyclic hydrocarbon, the suffix
carboxylic acid are added to name of hydrocarbon
The principal chain in substituted carboxylic acids is numbered by assigning the number 1 to
the carbonyl carbon
In carboxylic acids derived from cyclic hydrocarbons, numbering begins @
the ring carbon bearing the carboxy group
Priority for citation as principal group
HO2C-CH2 substituent
carboxymethyl group
Carboxylic acid geometry
C-O (Carboxylate oxygen) bond is ___ than the C-O bond in an alcohol or ether: why?
shorter (In an acid it is sp2-sp3 hybridized, in alcohol or ether sp3-sp3 single bond)
The carboxylic acids of lower mlclr mass are
high boiling liquids w acrid, piercing odors & higher bp than other organic cmpds of same mlclr mass & shape
Why do carboxylic acids have high bp?
polarity & strong hydrogen bonds formed
In solid state & sometimes in both gas phase & solution, carboxylic acids exist as
H-bonded dimers w large equilibrium constants
Many aromatic & dicarboxlyic acids are
Simpler carboxylic acids are
soluble in h2o as expected from H-bonding capabilities (unbranched carb acids below pentanoic acid are miscible w h2o)
C=O stretching absorption
1710 cm-1 (benzoic acid: 1680)
carb acid OH stretch absorption
broader than OH in alcohol or phenol, covers 2400-3600
a-protons of carb acids NMR absorption
2-2.5 ppm
OH proton resonance
9-13 ppm region, often broad
How to distinguish acid proton from aldehydic proton?
acid proton like alcohol rapidly exchanges w D2O
diff btwn carb acid & aldehyde/ketone 13C NMR & why
carbonyl carbon of acid has somewhat smaller chem shift than aldehyde/ketone bc of shielding effects of unshared e pairs on carboxylate O
Why are carb acids acidic?
Ionization of the OH group
carboxylate ions
conjugate bases of carboxylic acids: replace ic with ate
conjugate bases of carboxylic acids: replace ic with ate
What is most acidic, alcohol, phenol or CA?
ROH < Ph-OH < CA
Why is CA so acidic?
polar effect of carbonyl gorup (sp2 hybridized atoms, so partial pos charge on carbonyl C, presence of O more electroneg than phenyl or alkyl) stabilizes charge in carboxylate ion = enhanced acidity + resonance stabilization of carboxylate ion
polar effect of carbonyl gorup (sp2 hybridized atoms, so partial pos charge on carbonyl C, presence of O more electroneg than phenyl or alkyl) stabilizes charge in carboxylate ion = enhanced acidity + resonance stabilization of carboxylate ion
halogen substitution within the alkyl group of a carboxylic acid ___ acidity by __
enhances - polar effect
Sulfonic acids are much ___ than comparably substituted carboxylic acids
Why is sulfonic acid so acidic?
Sulfur's high oxidation state: octet structure indicates positive charge on sulfur: stabilizes neg charge on oxygens
Sulfur's high oxidation state: octet structure indicates positive charge on sulfur: stabilizes neg charge on oxygens
Sulfonic acids are __ soluble than most inorganic acids
Sulfuric acid is ___ soluble in benzene and toluene
Many carboxylic acids of moderate mm are ___ in water while alkali metal salts are ___
insoluble -- more soluble
Many water-insoluble carboxylic acids dissolve in solutions of alkali metal hydroxides NaOH, KOH because
the insoluble acids are converted completely into their soluble salts
Henderson-Hasselbach equation
A typical CA can be separated from mixtures with other
water-insoluble, nonacidic substances by extraction w NaOH, Na2CO3, or NaHCO3
After separating the basic aq. solution, it can be acidified w a strong acid to yield CA, which may be
isolated by filtration or extraction w organic solvents
CA can also be separated by extraction w 5% NaHCO3 if the phenol is not unusually
Why does the phenol remain largely unionized and thus insoluble in an aq. solution w a pH of 8.5?
the pka of a typical phenol is about 10
The carbonyl oxygens of acids like ald/ket are
weakly basic
Why does protonation of an acid on the carbonyl oxygen occur?
A resonance stabilized cation is formed
A resonance stabilized cation is formed
Why is protonation on the carboxylate oxygen much less favorable?
It does not give a resonance-stabilized cation & positive charge on oxygen destabilized by polar effect of carbonyl group
It does not give a resonance-stabilized cation & positive charge on oxygen destabilized by polar effect of carbonyl group
Fatty acids
CA w long, unbranched C chains
Liberation of fatty acids form fats and oils by a hydrolytic process
Some fatty acids contain C=C that are
cis (trans is rare in nature)
sodium & potassium salts of fatty acids
any substance used for cleaning an object by immersing it in a liquid solution
mlcs w polar head group & hydrocarbon tail not readily solvated by h2o
In a soap what is polar & hydrocarbon?
polar head is carboxylate anion, hydrocarbon tail is C chain
anionic surfactants
surfactants w anionic polar head group
cationic surfactants
surfactant with cationic polar head group
critical micelle conc
concentration of surfactant at which mlcs spontaneously form micelles: spherical aggregates
How do detergents work?
dirt associates w hydrocarbon on interior of micelle & is incorporated into micellar aggregate, thus lifted away from surface of fabric carried into solution
when a bacterial cell is exposed to a solution w a surfactant, phospholipids of cell membrane tend to
associate w the surfactant, in some cases can disrupt the membrane enough that the cell can no longer function & dies
typically run by pouring ether solution of grignard reagent over crushed dry ice
Mechanism preparation CA
Addition of grignard reagent to CO2 gives bromomagnesium salt of CA & aq. acid added => free CA
Addition of grignard reagent to CO2 gives bromomagnesium salt of CA & aq. acid added => free CA
substitution at the carbonyl carbon: most typical rxn @ carbonyl group
substitution at the carbonyl carbon: most typical rxn @ carbonyl group
rxn of carbonyl O w an electrophile (rxn of carbonyl O as a base)
The reactions of nuc at the carbonyl carbons are catalyzed by
reactions of acids at the carbonyl oxygen
rxn @ carboxylate oxygen: ionization of CAs
reaction of carboxylate oxygen as nuc
loss of carboxy group as CO2
loss of carboxy group as CO2
carboxylic acid derivatives
acid catalyzed esterification/ Fischer esterification
acid catalyzed esterification/ Fischer esterification
small equilibrium constant
small equilibrium constant
Fischer rxn driven to completion by
using reactant alcohol as solvent (driven toward ester prod)
Can acid-catalyzed esterification be applied to the synthesis of esters from phenols or tertiary alcohols?
No: tertiary alcohols undergo dehydration & other rxns under acidic conditions & equil. constants for esterification of phenols much less favorable than those for alcohols
Mechanism of acid-catalyzed esterification
Substitution of OH at the carbonyl group of the acid by the oxygen of the alcohol
Substitution of OH at the carbonyl group of the acid by the oxygen of the alcohol
Mechanism of acid-catalyzed esterification step 1
protonation of a carbonyl O makes carbonyl C more
formation of tetrahedral addition intermediate
essentially same as acid-catalyzed rxn of alcohol w protonated aldehyde or ketone to form hemiacetal
essentially same as acid-catalyzed rxn of alcohol w protonated aldehyde or ketone to form hemiacetal
tetrahedral addition intermediate reacts further
protonated then loses water to give conjugate acid of ester
Loss of a proton gives
ester product, regenerates acid catalyst
general substitution rxns of CAs
Why don't ald/ket undergo sub @ carbonyl C?
After nuc reacts @ carbonyl C, neither groups attached can act as LG bc would be expelled as H- or R- either of which is a very strong base
When a carboxylic acid is treated with diazomethane in ether solution
it is rapidly converted into its methyl ester
ester formation mechanism
protonation of diazomethane by CA gives methyldiazonium ion
protonation of diazomethane by CA gives methyldiazonium ion
is dinitrogen a good or bad leaving group?
Sn2 reaction of methyl-diazonium ion with carboxylate oxygen
results in displacement of N2 & formation of ester
results in displacement of N2 & formation of ester
Are carboxylate ions basic?
Less nuc than alkoxides or phenoxides but react w reactive alkylating agents
CA is required for reaction with diazomethane bc
protonation of diazomethane is first step of reaction
typically carried out in PA solvents that accelerate SN2 like acetone
typically carried out in PA solvents that accelerate SN2 like acetone
Sn2 rxn in which carboxylate ion reacts as nuc w alkyl halide - best on alkyl halides that are especially reactive in sn2 rxns such as methyl iodide & benzylic /allylic halides
Sn2 rxn in which carboxylate ion reacts as nuc w alkyl halide - best on alkyl halides that are especially reactive in sn2 rxns such as methyl iodide & benzylic /allylic halides
Acid chlorides
cyclic anhydride
cyclic anhydride
inorganic anhydride used to form anhydrides of CAs
Mechanism CA reduction
Mechanism CA reduction
LiALH4 reacts w acidic H of CA to give Li salt of CA + 1 equiv H2
LiALH4 reacts w acidic H of CA to give Li salt of CA + 1 equiv H2
What species is reduced?
The lithium salt of the CA
Mechanism CA reduction 2
AlH3 reduced carboxylate ion into an aldehyde, which is reduced to give after protonolysis, the primary alcohol
AlH3 reduced carboxylate ion into an aldehyde, which is reduced to give after protonolysis, the primary alcohol
The aldehyde cannot be isolated because
it is more reactive than the carboxylate salt
Net substitution followed by net addition
Does NaBH4 reduce CA?
loss of CO2 from a carboxylic acid
loss of CO2 from a carboxylic acid
b-keto acids
CA w keto group in B position: readily decarboxylate @ room temp in acidic solution
CA w keto group in B position: readily decarboxylate @ room temp in acidic solution
Enol intermediate formed by intermlcr transfer from CA group to carbonyl O atom of ketone
enol transformed spontaneously into corresponding ketone
enol transformed spontaneously into corresponding ketone
The acid form of the B-keto acid decarboxylates more readily than the conjugate base carboxylate form because
base has no acidic proton that can be donated to the B-carbonyl oxygen (promotes its own removal)
Malonic acid: readily decarboxylates upon heating in acidic solution
requires heating so acids can be isolated @ room temp
Carbonic acid
unstable, decarboxylates in acidic solution to co2 + h2o
unstable, decarboxylates in acidic solution to co2 + h2o
any carbonic acid derivative w a free carboxylic acid group will decarboxylate under acidic conditions
any carbonic acid derivative w a free carboxylic acid group will decarboxylate under acidic conditions
Under basic conditions, carbonic acid & derivatives
exist as carboxylate salts & do not decarboxylate
Carbonic acid diesters & diamides are