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39 Cards in this Set

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Living things are divided into two types:

_______ & _______.

Prokaryotes; Eukaryotes

True or False?

Prokaryotic cells do not contain a nucleus.


[Prokaryotic cells] Discuss the...

Cell Wall

It surrounds the cell; protects the cells from bursting.

Made from peptidoglycan (which is a mixture of carbohydrate and amino acids)

[Prokaryotic cells] Discuss the...

Plasma membrane

It controls the movement of materials in and out of the cell.

[Prokaryotic cells] Discuss the...


Contains all the enzymes for the chemical reactions of the cell; contains the genetic material.

[Prokaryotic cells] Discuss the...


Found in a region of the cytoplasm called the 'nucleoid'; DNA is not surrounded by a nuclear envelope; not associated with proteins (naked);

Bacteria contains additional small circles of DNA called 'plasmids' which replicate independently and can pass from one cell to another.

[Prokaryotic cells] Discuss the...


Found in all prokaryotic cells; synthesise proteins; size- 70s; smaller than in Eukaryotes.

[Prokaryotic cells] Discuss the...


Present in some Prokaryotic cells; projects from the cell wall; enables the cell to move.

[Prokaryotic cells] Discuss the...

Pili (sing. Pilus)

Found on the cell wall; connect to other bacterial cells, drawing them together so that genetic material can be exchanged between them.

Prokaryotic cells divide by ______ ______.

binary fission

True or False?

Eukaryotic cells do not contain a nucleus.


Eukaryotic cells contain structures called _______ each of which form a 'compartment' in which specific ______ take place.

organelles; functions

The largest structure in the Eukaryotic cell is the _______ which contain the cell's _____________.

nucleus; chromosomes

Chromosomes are composed of _____ combined with _______ protein forming a material known as chromatin.

DNA; histone

What is the name of the double-layered membrane that surrounds the nucleus?

The Nuclear envelope/membrane.

The small gaps in the nuclear envelope are called _____. They are visible and it is through these, that material that passes between the nucleus and the rest of the cell.

The nuclear pores.

Where is the site of ribosome synthesis?

The nucleolus.

What does 'ER' stand for?

Endoplasmic Reticulum.

Where is the site of protein synthesis?

The Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (rER); ribosomes

After proteins are synthesised, they can be transported in _______ to other parts of the cell.


The ER that has no ribosomes is called ___________.

the Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (sER).

What can be a function of the sER?

In liver cells: Where toxins are broken down.

In the ovaries: The site of Estrogen production.

Produces the phospholipids for the construction of lipids and membranes in the cell.

What is the Golgi Apparatus composed of and what is its function?

Stacks of flattened, folded membranes.

Processes proteins made in the rER by collecting, packaging, modifying and then releasing them into vesicles for transport to various parts of the cell.

A Mitochondrion is surrounded by a _______ membrane.


Mitochondria are the site of _______ __________.

aerobic respiration

The inner membrane of the mitochondria is folded to form ______ which increases the surface area to for the production of ____.

cristae; ATP

State an example of a type of a cell which requires numerous mitochondria.

Muscle cells (Because they respire rapidly)


Are made in the _____ ________.

Contain ________ enzymes for breaking down the components of cells.

Are important in ____ death.

Break down _____ organelles.

Digest ________ in white blood cells that have been engulfed by phagocytosis.

Golgi apparatus; hydrolytic; cell; old; bacteria

Ribosomes may be _____ in the cytoplasm or attached to the ____.

free; rER

True or False?

Ribosomes do not have a membrane around them.


Name 3 structures that plant cells contain that animal cells do not.

•Cell wall

•A large central Vacuole


Chloroplast is the site of __________________.


Chlorplasts have a ________ membrane.:

A. single

B. double

C. triple


Both mitochondria and Chloroplasts have their own ____ and _________ and are able to ________ independently of the cell.

DNA; ribosomes; reproduce

What does the large central Vacuole contain?

Water and Salts.

The cell wall is composed of _______ and other carbohydrates such as ______ and ______, giving the plant cells more support and a more rigid structure than _____ cells.

cellulose; pectin; lignin; animal

Compare animal and plant cells.

•Cell walls: Not present in A cells; present in P cells.

•Vacuole: Small vacuoles sometimes present in A cells; large central vacuole present in P cells.

•Chloroplasts: present in P cells; not in A cells.

•A cells store glycogen; P cells store starch.

•Centrioles: absent in P cells; present in A cells.

•Cholesterol in plasma membrane: in A cells; not in P cells.

Compare Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells.

•Nucleus: Not present in P cells; present in E cells.

•Mitochondria:: Usually present in E cells; never present in P cells. •Chloroplasts: Present in plant E cells; never in P cells.

•ER: Usually present in E cells; never in P cells

•Ribosomes: 80s in E cells; 70s in P cells.

•Cell walls: Present in plant E cells; always present in P cells.

•Flagella: Sometimes present in E cells; sometimes present in P cells.

Chloroplasts are usually found in cells exposed to light in order to catch the energy from sunlight for __________.
