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39 Cards in this Set

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- major component of body dry matter (carcass basis)
- most expensive component of diet
- function in every physiological process
body protein content and distribution
1. wet: 65% water, 20% protein, 10% fat, 5% ash
3. dry: 0% water, 57% protein, 29% fat, 14% ash
distribution of body protein
1. 37% body fluids
2. 33% muscle
3. 20% bone and cartilage
4. 10% skin
how to meet aa needs
1. use a mixture of natural feed ingredients that compliment: plant or animal sources
2. if still below requirement, supplement with synthetic aa's $$
3. CP approx 50:50 essential: non
top three limiting aa's
top three limiting aa needs:
1. met
2. lys: first limiting aa in most pig diets
3. thr
limiting aa's to produce milk
limiting aa's to produce milk :
1. cysteine
2. threonine
3. methionine
methionine and lysine
methionine and lysine:
1. first and second limiting aa's in poultry diets
2. two most limitings aa's in protein feeds for horses
amino: NH2
carboxyl group: COOH
- 200 in nature, need 20 to meet cellular fx
protein elemental composition
protein elemental composition:
1. C: 51-55%
2. O: 21.5-23.5%
3. N: 15.5-18%
4. H: 6.5-7.3%
5. S: 0.5-2%
6. P: 0-1.5%
essential aa's
essential aa's: sufficient amounts not syn in body
1. S: met
2. basic: arg, his, lys
3. heterocyclic: trp
4. aliphatic: thr
5. branched: ile, leu, val
6. aromatic: phe
- cats: taurine
peptide bond
peptide bond:
- carboxyl of aa1 condenses (loses H20)with amino of aa2
- many link to form linear chains
- transcription: DNA to mRNA
- translation: mRNA--> protein
biological fx
biological fx:
1. enzymes: kinases
2. storage: ferritin
3. regulation: transcription factors
4. structure: collagen
5. immune: Ig
6. transport: Hb
7. contraction: actin
protein digestion NR
protein digestion NR:
1. mouth: intact
2. stomach: pepsin and HCl
= peptides/ peptones
3. SI pancreatic juice: trypsin, chymotrypsin, elastase, carboxypeptidases
= di-, tri- , -, peptides
4. SI mucosa: aminopeptidases, dipeptidases
= free aa's
peptide abs
peptide abs:
- SI enterocytes transport for free (basic, acidic, neutral) aa's, di and tripeptides
- peptide transport passive
- some aa transport active
- favorable to absorb di and tripeptides instead of free aa's (also requires less digestion)
digestion in R
digestion in R:
1. rumen undegradable protein (RUP): escapes breakdown in rumen and goes to abomasum
2. microbial fermentation of protein and NPN: N converted to bacterial protein which goes to abomasum
- abomasum: mixture of microbial protein and RUP
R and NH3
R and NH3:
- toxic so converted to urea:
1. recycled back to rumen via saliva
2. excreted via kidneys
rumen undegradable protein
rumen undegradable protein:
- related to solubility:
1. very soluble: rapidly degraded by bugs
2. insoluble: remain intact in rumen, digested in abomasum and SI
3. very insoluble: poorly digested, even in stomach and SI
ideal solubility of proteins
ideal solubility of proteins:
- intermediate: some fermented and some bypasses rumen
- heat-treat very soluble to make intermediate, may go to insoluble
- tx: mild heating, dehydration pelleting, formaldehyde
- also when hay bailed too wet: fermentation and heat
non-protein nitrogen and R
non-protein nitrogen (NPN) and R:
- cheap source of crude protein
- readily available E source for microbes to syn C-skeletons
1. urea
2. biuret
3. NH4 salts: lactate, phosphate
feeding NPN
feeding NPN:
1. add to silage or high moisture corn
2. add to mixed feed: mix well as toxic and bitter
3. liquid protein supplement (LPS): tank with lick wheel sol'n of urea, molasses and minerals
4. add to vitamin-mineral premix
NPN keys
NPN keys:
1. too much NH3 toxic: keep intake low, mix well and use E source to incorporate it
2. solubility important
3. variety of sources
post-fermentation digestion
post-fermentation digestion:
- once proteins enter the abomasums, digestion and absorption are similar to NR processes
- similar enzymes and transport mechanisms
fates of aa after abs
fates of aa after abs:
1. tissue protein syn:
- principal activity of cell, replacement of damaged proteins
2. enzyme, hormone, metabolite syn:
3. deamination, transamination and use of C skeleton for E
liver metabolism
liver metabolism:
1. synthesizes many proteins
2. supplies aa's to circulation
3. processes excess for excretion
between meals
between meals:
1. release of aa from endogenous stores balanced by tissue utilization
2. storage site: mainly muscle
3. disposal of excess N: liver
after protein-rich meal
after protein-rich meal:
1. aa taken up from gut
2. bulk of aa passes through liver in free form
3. peripheral mm extract aa
4. excess aa not used for protein syn degraded: increase liver catabolic enzymes
hepatic aa metabolism
hepatic aa metabolism:
1. aa --> C-skeletons + NH3
2. process for aa degradation and removal
3. needed for non-essential syn
4. energy during starvation
5. C-skeletons ketogenic or glucogenic depending on substrates enter pathways
biosynthesis of non-essential aa
biosynthesis of non-essential aa:
- make up 40-50% tissue protein
- not all must be syn due to diet
- short supply: cells make up deficit with adequate supply of amino N, C-skeletons, and E
- freely reversible, requires B6
- interconverts: pair of aa's and keto acids
- transaminase: specific for one pair of substrates, non-specific for other
- most aa undergo
urea cycle
urea cycle :
- hepatocytes
- ammonia converted to urea: export to blood and excretion by kidneys
- also arg synthesis
- urea not made by bird liver
N excretion birds and reptiles
N excretion birds and reptiles:
- no urea cycle
- convert N to uric acid: purine ring
- uric acid: very soluble, non-toxic (desirable for in ovo embryo)
- commercial birds: higher dietary arg requirements
barrel stave analogy
barrel stave analogy:
- high growth: lys 70%, ile 50%, trp 25%
- all deficient, trp most limiting
- must supplement trp first (before ile or lys) or animals will be compromised
components of aa req
components of aa req:
1. use/ fate of protein
2. composite of maintenence req and productive fx
- maint req: reflect aa pattern of body
- production req: reflects aa pattern of product (milk, eggs)
3. growth trial: can determine req by growth rate, egg or milk production
animal protein sources
animal protein sources:
- commonly used in pet food rather than farm due to cost and prion risk
1. fishmeal: excellent aa and minerals, some vit
2. meatscraps: good aa, minerals (bone)
3. meat and bone meal
4. poultry byproduct meal
5. milk product: good aa
plant protein sources
plant protein sources:
- no Vit B12 and few minerals
1. peanut meal: poor aa, aflatoxin risk
2. sunflower meal: byproduct of oil
3. canola meal: more popular
4. cottonseed meal: gossypol toxic to NR, sterulic acid toxic
soybean meal
soybean meal:
- 44% CP hulls, 55% CP without hulls
- trypsin inhibitor: inhibits protein dig, destroyed by mild heating (roasting)
- low in S aa, good Lys
other dietary protein
other dietary protein:
1. alfalfa protein extract
2. single cell protein: not cost effective
3. recycled poultry waste: esp R
4. high Lys corn
5. low TI soybeans
6. high protein grains
results of improper protein content
results of improper protein content:
1. low: reduced growth and production, increased fat, poor feed efficiency
2. severe deficiency: reduced growth, aa imbalance
3. excess: high feed costs, normal growth, enlarged kidneys, excess drinking. higher vit needs
results of poor aa formulation:
results of poor aa formulation:
1. excess of individual aa: poor growth
2. adequate aa but low E: reduced growth as aa degraded and used for E