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1269 Cards in this Set

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Management of Afib
ABCD (Anticoag, BB, Cardio/CCB, Dig)
MCC 2nd dilated heart
HTN and Ischemia
S3 gallop means
end of rapid ventricular filling in setting of fluid overload DT DILATED
Paroxysmal atrial tach..MOA...rate...tx
Rapid ectopic pace in atrium (not p)...rate>100, P wave unusual...adenosine can unmuask the underlying atrial activity
Torsades usually DT
QT syndrome, hypok...tx: tx hypok., give Mg then shock if unstable
Atopic dermatitis aka and Moa
eczema...seen in kids: scratch → lichenification...DT nongenitic trigges
Atopic dermatitis assoc w....dx by?
Asthma , allergic rhinitis...eosipho, IgE?...tx: non dry soaps, moisturizers
contact dermatitis need? MOA...dx by
previous sensiti (type 4)..,langerhans cell on skin pic up crap and go to LN, expose it to Tcells...dx by: PATCH TEST (shows causating allergen)
Type 1 vs. type2.3.4
2, 3, 4= All Ab mediated
Type 2 MOA
IgM / igG = ab/complem → MEMBR ATTACK COMPLEX
Ty[es 3 MOA of immune cmplex and ex
Ab-Ag--> activate complements → neutrophls--> release lysosome enz...ex: PAN, GN, RA
Types 3 MOA for serum sickness
Ab-Agforeign → deposit in embranes → damage to tissue...more common than Arthus rxn
Type 3 MOA for Arthus rxn
local, subacute ab vs the new prot → edema, necross (ex: hypersensitivy pneumonitis)
Type 4 MOA
sensitized T meets ag → complements (activates macrop): ex: transplant
oily scaly, skin, diaper rash, “cradle cap”, dx
Seborrheic dermaitis (bad in HIV pts)...tx: tar shapoo, topical KETOCO or steroids
define seborrheic
seborrha (oil glands)
onycholysis seee in
whats seen in soriatic arthritis
sausage fingers
what has AUSPITZ sign
bleeding capilaries when scale rubbed off in PSORIASIS
what is MUNRO's abscess
in psorisasis, small abscess w/ neutrophils in epiderm
tx urticaria?
aka hives...give systemic antiHist (topical doesnt work)
when does drug eruption occur
1-2 weeks later
Toxic Epiderman Necrolysix vs. TSSS
TEN: full thicknessof epidermis
erythema multiform sx?
itches!..MCC: HSV...look like target lesions
MC pemphigous...moa
pemphigus vulgaris...intra epid blisters--> widespread painful erosions...ab vs desmoglein....sx: MOST BLISTERS ARE BRKEN and in mucus too
Pemp vulgaris also has
Nikolsky sign and Acantholysis (intraepiderm spliit)....dx: ELISA for antiesmoglein ab
Age btw Pem Vul and Bul PEM
PV: 40-60...BP: 60-80
MOA of Bull Pem
MOA: ab. Vs ag that lie on Bmzone → separatesit (stable blisters DT roof of nearly nl epidermis), less mucuous membr...dx by: band Ig on BM...tx: systemic steroids
chicken spared on
palms and soles
Molluscum contagiosum mc in
young kids and AIDS...describe: small, waxy papules and central umbiliation, lesions are ASX...to dx: GIEMSA and WRIGHT (large inclusion or molluscum bodies)
verrucae aka
genital warts can be seen by
ACETOWHITENING...tx: remove em
honey crust on face...blisters
IMPETIGO..tx: abx
folliculitis vs. foruncle
fol: small infl of hair root...foruncle: hair follicle abscess(harder, more painful)...
what is a pilonidal cyst?
abscess in sacrococcygeal region (20-40)...can be DT repetitive trauma
Tinea Versicolor can be DT, sx, to dx, tx
Pityrosporum or MALASSEZIA FURFUR... sx: hypo/per pigment lesion...to dx: SPAGHETTI and MEATBALL...tx: Selenium
Where do dermatophytes live?
tissue with KERATIN (skin, nail, hair)...sx: corporis, pedis, curis, capitis....to dx: koh = MOLD HYPHAE...tx: antiFugnal
pubic lice bit with color?
blue bites
head lice tx w?
tx scabes
dry gangrene DT
insufficient blood flow to tissue (usually atherosclerosis)...sx: dull ache, cold, pallor of the flesh
wet gangrene DT
involves bacT inxn (skin flora)...bruise, swolen w/ pus
sx: violaceous, flat topped, polygonal paupules, Whickahm's Striae (white stripes) in mucuous membr, (Koebner's phenomenom) lesion at site of trauma...dx
to dx Lichen planus
Tcells at dermal/epidermal jxn w. damage at basal layer...tx: mild steroid
Rhinophyma and ocular keratitis in
Rosacea (rhinophyma ...tx: mild steoids or mildMETRO
whats herald patch ...tx
initial lesion in Pytiriasis rosea...tx: self heal in 2-3weeks
herald patch looks like
tinea corporis
cigarette paper
pityriasis rosea
pt with DM can ?
antimelanocyte immune response → vitiligo
MC type of skin tumor (almost everyone past 40 has it)
Seborrheic keratosis
if lots seborrheic keratosis at once. Think of
paraneoplastic syndrome (tumors make epidermal GF)...sx: exophytic, waxy brown papules and plaques “LOOK AS IF THEY COULD BE SCRAPED OFF.”
to dx seborrheic keratosis?
histo: hyperplasia of benign basaloid epidermal cells with HORN PSEUDOCYTS (big follicular openings)..tx REMOVE
Precursor to SCC in situ...tx
Actinic keratosis...on sun surface (like ears)...tx: Cryotherapy or 5FU
Actinic Keratoses vs. Bowen's
B: precursor to SqCC from carcinogen exposure (ARSENIC)
most sqCC on skin look...grade how
exophytic nodules with erosion or ulceration...grades HISTOLOGICALLY
RF for melanoma...all start at
congenital melanocyic or dysplastic nevi...start: epidermal basal layer where melanocytes are
malign melanoma show
irreg pigment, contour, border, nodule and ulcer formatio....starts itching!....
Lentigo maligna
have ulcers and nodules...on sun damaged
nodular melanoma bad?
rapid vertical, and fast red-brown nodule with ulcers or hemorrhage
Acral lengininous where
hands and feet (Asian, AA)
tx of melanoma
LN excision not very helpful...malign CAN RELAPSE...
HHV8 assoc with
Kaposi Sarcoma
Epidermic HIV assoc KS bad?
aggressive, the MC HIV ASSOC MALIGN
histo of KS...tx
spindle (elongated tumor cells)...tx: local rads or cryo, NO SURG
Cutaneous Tcell Lymphoma aka
Mycosis Fungoides... histo: helper T cells to gather in the epidermis. ...RF: chemicas....CHRONIC
Sezary or Lutzner histo...seen in?...typical pt
cerebriform lcy... Mycosis Fungoides....pt: pt w/ dermatitis that is RESISTANT TO TX
to dx DM? At least 1 of these
1) Fast(8cm) >126 on 2 occastions... 2) random glc 200 + sx... 3) 2hr post >200 on 2 diff times
how to tx retinal nevasc DT DM? DM retinopathy after how many yrs
laser photocoag... DM retinopathy: 3-5yrs
goal for DM pts on BP, LDL, TG,
130/75... LDL = <100... TG = < 150, ASA
SE Sulfonylureas
hypoGlc, weight gain
Sulfonulureas 3 types
Glipizide, Glyburide, Glimepiride
SE metformin
dont' give to NEPHRO pts
Glitazone SE
hepatotox, weight...inc insulin sensitivity
typical metablolic syndr pt
abdomen fat, BP, Gly lipid
give what to hyperthyr pts while waiting for result
MCC hypothyroidism
tx Myxedema coma
IV Levothyroxine
tender thyroid ..tx
subacute thyroiditis (or viral)...usually self limited (NSAID or oral steroid if bad)
the Ps of Papillary thyroid CA
Papillae, Palpable, Pupil nuclei (Orphan Anie), Psammomas, Posi Prog
Medullary thyroid in
hot nodules are
NEVER CA so dont bx
best way to assess malign of thyroid nodules...and tx
FNA...1) if beningn FNA = FU US...2) Malignant FNA = SURGERY and RADIOABATION after surg
follicualar thyroid CA good?
Medullary thyroid CA has
calcitonin and vasc invovet
VEMER syndr what
MEN 1...(Parathyroid hyperplasia)
Sippke syndr what
MEN 2A...(Medullary carc, Parathyroid hyperplasia, Pheo)
MEN 2B what
Medulala cac, pheo, intestinal ganglioneuro (mucosal neuroma), Marfans
hip fx + vertebral compression? RF?
Osteoporosis...RF: SMOKING, StEROID USE
osteomalacia vs. osteoporosis
osteomalacia: BONE PAIN unrelated to fx
estrogen therapy for osteoporosis?
in psx perimenopausal period
“Mosaic” lamellar bone pattern
in Pagets dT inc bone turnover (xs resorp and x formation
sx Paget...labs
loss hearing, bone pain sometimes, fx....lab: NORMAL CA, inc ALKP, nl phosph...tx: most no need tx, no cure, Biphos/calcitonin/nsaids
1% pagets become
MC 2nd cause of hyperPT DT
inc Phosp DT CRF (→ renal osteodystrophy)
3rd hyperPTH occur when
chronic 2nd hyperPTH → unreg states → hyperCa
tx acute hyperCa
IV fluids (w/ loop), iV Biphsos, calcitonin
MCC endogenous ACTH is
pit adenoma (Cushin dz)
sx of cushing
depression, xs hair, sx DM, inc infxn
dx cushing
if overnight suppression of cortisol is not achieved (morning is always high)
ACTH depent vs ACTH indepent source
if late afternoon high ACTH = ectopic ACTH
hwo to dx Acromegaly...tx
try oral glc suppression test of GH (if still high after sugar, cancer)...tx: Transphenoidal surg or OCTREOTIDe (supress GH )
serum PRL in prolactinoma...tx?
>200...tx: DA agonist (dooooiitt!) = CABERGOLINE, BROMOCRIPTINE, PERGOLIDE
MCC primary adrenal insuffiency
ADDISON's (autoI vs. adrenal cortex)
hyperpigment seen in
Addison's (autoI vs. adrenal cortex)
ACTH depent vs ACTH indepent source
dx adrenal insuffi
primary/secondary = eosinophilia + hypoNa... plasma cortisol low during period of stress is DX...ACTH stim also can test
4S of adrenal crisis tx
Salt (.9 NS), Steroid , Suport, Search underling cz
tx primary adrenal insuffi
Gluco + mineralo
Pheo assoc w...usually found
MEN2, VHL, NF...found: above kidney...tx: surgery but give ALPHA BLOCKER first before bb
Conn's is? lab...tx
unilateral adrenal adenoma → hyperaldo...lab: inc aldo/RENIN activity...tx: SPIRONOLACTONE (aldo antagonist) for bilateral hyperplasia
CAH type...tx...sx if female
AR...tx: immediate fluid and salt repletion!, CORTISOL to dec ACTH...female babies: amb genitalia
MCC infxn esophagitis are in
immuno pts = 1) Candida (PO FLUCONAZOLE), HSV(small, deep ulcers, ACYCLOVIR), CMV(large, superfic, GANCICLOVIR))
tx diffuse esophageal spasm
CCB, nitrates, surg (myotomy) if severe.
define Achalasia
DO of LES or distal 1/3 (nerve problem, also CA... and chagas)...tx: Nitrates, ccb, butolism
tx: first ) H2 antagonist (CIMETIDINE, RANITIDINE) or PPI (OMEPRAZOLE), surge (NISSEN)
how to dx the hiatal hernia
Barium swallow > CXR
Type A vs Type B chronic gastritis?
A: fundus, DT Ab vs. Parietal cells (other immuno dz), inc adenocarcinma...B: Antrum, DT NSAID/Hpylori, asx, inc PUD/gastricCA
urease breath test for and what else can do it
Hpylori...IgG...stool ag
Type A chronic gastritis assoc w/
Pernicious anemia
Triple therapy is
Gastric CA types and good?
INTESTINAL (gastric mucosa, nitries/low veg/Hpylori)....DIFFUSE TYPE (not Hpyli , unknown cz)...very bad, most die
other cause of PUD
Hpilory, NSAD, etoh, smoking, steroids
dull pain that dec w/ food
pt with PUD who need NSAID (arthritis) can be given
ZE assoc w/...tx
MEN1...tx: surgery, PPI, CLOSE FOLLOW UP
if PUD for awole can do
parietal cell vagotomy 9best)
define diarrha
>200 g feces /d with inc or dec consistency of stool
winter, kid diarrhea, dx
bloody diarrhea organisms
E.cli, Shig, Salmo, Campylo
#1 cz of infxn diarrea...tx
Campylo....Erythro...last 7-10d
this diarrhea can → TOXIC MEGACOLON
tx Entamaeba histolitca
salmonella last, osteomyelitis in, tx
2-5d, sickle, BACTRIM
can cause febrile seiz in young, fecal oral, tx ?
tx diarrhea in acute, chronic, peds
ACUTE (if not infxn = LOPERAMIDE, fluid...if infxn = no antidiara, abx instead)...CHRONIC (tx LOPERAMID...)...PEDS( if can't take PO, admit and give IV fluid)
bile salt defic DT
bact overgrowth, ileal disease
to dx Lactose insuff
Hydrogen breath test (give lactose = means metab of lactose by colon bacT
wheezing, cardiac vave DT, loc, secretes, tx
carcinoid (ENTEROCHROMAFFIN CELLS), loc: ileum, secrete: serotonin, substance P....tx: octreotide
IBS sx and relief
inc abd prob with stress...relief after bowel movement...tx: TCA, loperamide, antispasmodics (DICYCLOMINE), TEGASEROD (if constip)
Crescendo-decresendo patter abd pain 5-10min, then vomit...dx
bowel sounds of Obstruc
hight pitched tinkles and peristaltic rushes...later peristalsis may disappear
tx SBO
if partial = supportive...surg if: complete, sx >3d, w/ 2nd look 18-36hrs after surg
ileus, next
rectal to rule out obstr...XR: diffuse small and large dilated
tx divertoculosis
1) if uncomplic = high fiber diet, 2) if still bleed: wait it out or ablation
Tx diverticulitis
1) NPO, NG tube and 2nd or 3rd CEPHALO
Apple core?
usually mass on Left side of colon (CRC)
S: more severe sx....obstr in SBO = adhesion, in LBO = CA
tx rectal lesion
1) abdominoperineal resection (<10cm from anal verge) remove rectum/anus = permanent colostomy bag...2) low ant resection (anastamose colon and rectum)....3) wide local excision (small, low staged, well diff CA)
not for colon but rectal CA
XR Chrons vs UC
C: deep transver fisure, ulcer....U: shortening of colon, loss of haustra (lead pipe)
UC limited in, sx
mucosa, submucosa...sx: bloody diarrhea...tx: 5ASA, Azathiorprine for relapse
severe abd pain out of proportion of the exxam..to dx...to tx
small bowel ischmeia...image: “thumbprinting”=bowel wall edema...todx: GOLD: ANGIOGRAPHY...tx: volume, fluid, anticoag, EARLY LAPAROTOMY for acute art occlusion dz
MC area for ischemic colitis
Left colon (water shaped area) at splenic flexure, seen in ELDERLY...to dx: scope to see extent...tx: basic
MC Hernia in both genders
indiret...DT: patent processus vaginalis
Direct hernia on DT
floor of Hasselbach's triangle DT:
if pt is hemo stable with SIGN MED PROBLEMS (DM)...now acute cholecystitis, do what?
delay surgery until their acute infl resolves
acute cholangitis DT
gallstones or PSC (infl of billiary trree)...tx: ERCP
multiple bile duct strictures with dilatiations betw them...on bx...inc risk?
PSC...bx: “onion skin of ducts...risk: CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA
hepatocellular injury: bili level?
can be +- inc
jaundice occurs when
>2.5 total bili
GC-C in hyperbili
Gilbert, Crighleranaj = Conjugated defect
Dubin's roots excrete poop
DubJ,Rotor =Excretin defcec
test for active HepA
IgM HAV ab
immunity to HepB
Surface ab
positive during window period of HB
Ab to core ag
what is cirsshosis of liver
fibrosis and nodular regeneration
to establish etiology of the ascites
SAAG (serum ascites serum albumin): if >1.1 = DT portal HTN, if <1.1 – prot leak (nephrotic, TB, malign ovarian)
SBP if neuto value or WBC value...tx
N: 250, W=500..tx: 3rd gen cephalo vs (ecoli, kleb, entero)
tx hepatic encephalopathy
tx esopha varices
med (BB), scope (BAND LIGATION), surg (Postcaval shunt)
jaundice in middle age women, xhanthoma, fat malab...MOA..lab..dx...tx
PBC ...MOA: autoI vs. INTRAHEP bile ducts...lab: alkP inc, AMA Ab, inc cholesterol..tx: URSODEOXYCHOLIC acid (slows dz), CHOLESTYRAMINE (for itch), TRANPLSANT
biggest RF for HCC in usa
Cirrhosis and Chronic hepatitis (HCV)....AFLATOXIN and HBV in other countries
to dx HCC...lab...tx...
dx: CT or US...lab: AFP, need bx....tx: surgery! (chemorad not very helpfuk)
Dmsx, hypogonad, arthropathy of MCP, HF, cirrhosis...dx..lab..to dx...tx..complic
Hemochromatosis...lab: DEC TRANSFERRIN, inc Fe and inc ferritin...to dx: Bx, HFE gene mut...complic: cardiomegaly
best lab for Wilson's...type...age...sx/PE...tx...
best: DEC CERULOPLASMIN...type: AR on chromo 13... sx: liver, tremor, psych/KEYSERFLEISHER...tx: dec cu in food (fish, liver), PENICILLAMINE
Kayswer Fleisher in and what
wilson's...(green/brown deposit in Descemet's)
Penicillamine vs. Deferoxamine
P: tx Cu...D: tx Fe
RF for Acute vs. Chronic pancrea
A: etoh/stone...C: etoh
Ca in acute pancreatitis? In chronic?
DEC if severe in A....C: calc of panreas (CHAIN OF LAKES in CT)
complication of Acute vs. Chronic
A: pseudocyst, fistula...C: CA
MC pancreatic CA
adenocarc of head (rf: smoke, first degree, high fat diet)
Heparin decreases?
fibrinogen levels (safe in preg)
MOA heparin
makes AntiThrombins better at stopping Thrombin
what's hemophilia C?
F9 defic (rare) = in Ash jews...MC: Hemophilia A
type of Hemophilia A and B
XR – mostly boys
MC severe congenital clotting defi
Hemphilia A
age of Wilson's dz
By 15 50% have sx...by 30, nearly all
if PT is high in hemophilia...?
Congenital F7 deficiency (it's nl in all other hemophilia)
to dx a hemophilia...
MIXING STUDY (mix pt's plasma w/ nl plasma, if this corrects PTT = factor DEFICIENCY is cz, if NOT = clot factor INHIBITOR), then do Factor assasys for F7,8,9,11,12
tx mild hemophilia w/ but be careful
DDAVP (desmopressin) but limit fluid = HYPONATREMIA
measures ability vWF to clot platelets in vitro in presesnce of ristocetin
vWF type...sx...lab...to dx...to tx
AD...sx: milder than hemophilia...lab: nl PT but PTT may be long DT F8...to dx: RSTOCEDIN TEST...DDAVP + OCP (for vag bleed), DONT GIVE ASA!!!!
if family hx of bleed...
vWF (it's AD)
MC hereditary thrombotic dz..to dx...
F5 Leyden...sx: recurrent DVT, PE, MI, stroke...to dx: 2 abn values while pt are asx and untx comp. To other family members
tx DVT and PE
Levanox + 3-6mo Coumadin for firs....2nd event = 6-12mon Coumadin, then lifelong
DIC is 2 things
1) THROMBOSIS (deposit fibrinin small bv), 2) BLEED (deplete clot factors and platelets)
P in petechia for
bleed into C of Cavities for
Clot factor defic
DIC vs. LIVer dz
can be similar....but F8 is low in DIC!!
HUS + AMS (delirium, seiz) + fever...can have SCHISTOCYTEs (broken up RBC)...NORMAL COAG FACTORS
severe inc Cr is more HUS
3 causes of Microves hemolytic anemia
tx. TTP
steroid to dec thrombus + plasmapher...DONT GIVE PLATELETS
IgG vs. platelets → inc platelet prod and inc MEGAKARYO in BM
sx of ITP...to dx
acute: kid after URI now bleeding...chronic: unleated to infxn, 20-40yo, w>m...to dx: exclusion
tx ITP
tx: steroids, IVIG, SPLENECTOMY....if prego: fetus can have severe dec platelets!....AntiD(Rh)Ig and RITUXIMAB are new
glossitis, angular cheilitis and koilonychia(spoon nail) seen in
Fe defic anemia
TICS in microcytic anemia?
Thal, Iron, Chrohic dz, Sideroblastic anemia
tIBC/Transferrin level in Fe dev. Vs Chronic dz
T: inc in Fe defic, dec in Chronic dz
purpose of parietal cells
make Intrinsic Factor for B12 absorp
B12 defic →
demyelination (motor, neuro, auto) AKA SubAcute Combine Degen of the cord = SCAD
G6PD Defic type
XR – mostly boys
what is PNH
blood cell sensitivity to complement activation is inc
infxn, metab acidosis, fava, antimalarials, dapsone , sulfo, and NITROFURANTOIN
oxidative stress in G6PDH
sick cell in....type..
Beta globin(qualitative defect)...type: AR
autoI RBC destruct seen in
EBV, mycoplasma, CLL, Rheumatic
urobilinogen seen in
urine and fecal for hemolytic
Direct vs. Indirect Coomb;s test
D: detect sensitized RBC...I: detect Ab vs RBC in pt's serum
2 words explain Aplastic anemia...seen in
destruction BM cells...in: FANCONI HIV...
PE show: cafeaulai, short, radial/thumb hypoplasia
FANCONI's anemia
salmonellla infxn of osteo?
Sickle cell pts
types of Beta thal?
2: Major (0 B)=severe first year and chronic transf....Minor: 1B = asx, but small cells
types of Alpha thal?
4...0=HYDROPS F...1/4= HbH dz (severe, inc reticulocyte, 1/3 bone changes DT expanded erythropeiesis)...2/4=trait (low mcv, asx)...3/4=silent carrier
who should be transfure and given Fe chelators (deferoxamine)
HbH and Bmajor
true polycythemia vera is
HIGH red cell mass...but increase in ALL CELLS (RBC, WBC, platelets)
tx Polycythemia Vera
phlebotomy...also cytoreducing rx like HYDROXYURIA and ASA, live 10yrs max
3 types of transf rxn
Nonhemolytic febrile....Minor allergic .... Hemolytic transfusion
Nonhemolytic febrile MOA, tx
cytokine during storage and WBC ab...STOP and give ACETAMINOPHEN
minor allergic MOA, tx
IgA usually vs. donor prot (usually after plasma containing product)...tx: STOP and give AntiHist, if severe = Epi
Hemolytic transfuxion MOA, tx
Ab. vs Donor RBC (DT ABO incomp or RH)...tx: stop, give NS, and maintain urine out
all Porphyria of type and MOA
AD (acute intermittent), AR(erythrooietic)...MOA: abn heme prod (→ build up porphyria)
sx of Porphyria
abd pain, seiz, psysch, photodermatitis...(red skin, blisters, dec reflex)
college kid etoh and barb, next day abd pain and brown urine
tx Porphyria
avoid the triggers....sx: GLUCORSE → dec heme synth if mild, IV HEMATIN (neg feedback) for severe
Acute leukemia MOA
clone of early cells → rapid growht of immature cells (blast) → overwhelm BM so no more nl cells
ALL and AML affect who, but?
adults, but ALL = MCC kid CA
ALL sx
bone pain
leukemia labs
inc WBC but dont work → infxn, inc WBC → leukstasis (blast occlude vesels – CNS, pulmo edema..)
dx Leukemia?
BM aspir and bx (show >20-30% blast), if blast are myelo = AML, leuko = ALL
tx Leukemia
chemo, abx, etx...but should be HYDRATED and on ALLOPURINO prevent hyperuricemia
85% ALL?
complete cure with CHEMO
AML type M3 (acute promyelo leuk) good?
yes, tx with ATRA (all trans retinoic acid!!)
myeloperoxidase see in
CLL is MC? Mainly? DT? Age
MC type of Leukemia...mainly B cells, xcept for Tcell exist rarely...DT: unknown, some genetics...age: older >65
sx CLL
asx...big splen, LN...lab: inc wbc, smudge cells, small/nl lcy, pancytopenia DT BM infiltr, HYPOGAMMAGLOBIN because these cells dont work
T cells leuk
CD 20, 21
B cells leuk
tx CLL
tx not until pts are sx (infxn, LN/spleen, pancyto)...tx: CHEMO, NOT CURABLE but can live long....can be complicated with AIHA
age of CML
MIDDLE AGE and generally asx
what;st he 9,22 mtation...tx by
tyr kinase...tx: IMATINIB
CML lab
very high WBC >100k, hyperviscocity syndr, LOW LEUK ALK PHOSPH, HIGH (B12, Uric acid, LDH)
progression of CML – 3
CHRONIC = no tx, 5 yrs long, no sx...ACCELERATED = toward blast crisis, inc peri/BM blood count, no sx really...BLAST: like acute Leukemia, die in 6mo
tx CML
Chornic = IMATINIB...acute: like acute leuk or stem cell
What;s HAIRY CELL LEUKEMIA..cz..age...sx..dx...tx
Blcy with no cz...rare...OLDER MEN...sx: pancytopenia (infxn with MAI), RARELY LN ...lab: LEUKOPENIA!!!, hairy cells (mononuclear cells with lots cytoplasm and cytoplasmic profections)....todx: TRAP (tartrate resistant acid phosphatase) stain of hair cells and FLOW CYTO..tx: 10% no tx needed, NUCLEOSIDE ANALOG to remit, splenectomy, IFNAlpha
NHL affect which cell line, DT
Bcells mostly...DT: t14,18, inh TSG, or some virus, or Hpylori for MALT
NHL vs. HL
NHL 5x more common
NHL age...to dx...tx..
50s, to dx: bx...tx: CHOP (cyclophosh, Adriamcin, Vincristine, Prednisone) and rads...if low grade NHL = bad, tx palliative, if high grade = cure with agrresive
HL mainly and DT...age
Bcells...DT: unknown (EBV! Maybe)...age: bimodal: 30s(nodular sclerosni), 60s(lcy depleted)
sx of HL, loc
CERVICAL LN, Bsx, itch, PEL-ELBSTEIN FEVER (1-2weeks fever, then 1-2weeks no), ETOH induced pain at nodes
dx HL
RS cells (large Bcells with eosnino nucli = owl's eyes)
HL staging based on...tx/prog
Bsx, #nodes, and if it cross diaphragm...tx: rads towards LN, good prog
Anemia + bone pain
MM vs. Pagets
MM: hyperCa...P: nl Ca
how many plasma in MM?...tx?
>10% in BM...tx: CHEMO (Melphalan = oral alk agent)
why would bone scan miss MM?
Scans for OSTEOBLASTIC process, MM is an Osteroclastic
Waldengstron Macroglobulinemia a type of
clona BCEELL → inc IgM → (hypervisc, coag, cryoglobulinemia, cold agllt dz → AIHA, amyloidosis
WM sx...to dx..tx
Reynauld from cryoglobin, NEURO (AMS etc)...to dx: BM (small abn plasmacells w DUTCHER bodies (PAS+ IgM deposit around nucleus)..tx: plasmapher, chemo
2 MCC amyloid forms of systemic amyloidosis and its tx
Primary: AL....2ndary: AA...kidney,heart,liver
AL what is it, loc...assoc w
Plasma cell dstuff...deposit: Monoclonal Light Chain...MM, WM
AA what is it..assoc
Acute phase reacntant serym amyloid A...assoc: Chronic infl dz (RA), infxn, neoplasms
dialysis amyloid?
Beta 2 microglobulin
senile amyloid ada
deposit of actually NORMAL THRANSTHYRETIN
dx amyloid
tissue bx wth CONGO RED (= apple-green birefringent under polarized light)
equation for AbsNeutrophiCount =
WBC x ((%bands + % seg neutrophils)x.01)
Fever + neutropena?
nl abs eosinphils count?
NEVER > 350
minus (prefomed ab, thrombi, ABO check, tx: cytotoxic stf)... 5d-3mo (Tcell, GGT/alkpos/LDH stuff that shows tissue destruction, tx: steroids, OKT3 antilcy, tacrolimus)... months to yrs (chronic immune → fibrosis, no tx)
eosinophils in urine
eosinohiphils csf
coccidiomycosis and helminths
Down assoc w/ CA?
ALL (we ALL go DOWN together)
sq. c, basal c of skin
pernicious anemia, atrophic gastratics
gastric adenocarc
facial angiofibroma, seiz, mr...dx.. assoc w/ CA?
TS: astrocytoma/ cardiac rhabdo
actinic keratosis
sq. cc skin
Plummer vinson
sq. cc esophag
colonic adenocarc
aggressive NHL or KS
acanthosis nigracans
visceral cA (stomach, lung, booobs)
define allogenic
transplant btw diff gene people
define syngenic
transplant btw twins
GVHD occur for, moa
allogenic BM transpllant...MOA: donor T vs. host tissue (acute or chronic)..tx: sterods
a form of GVHD is graft-vs-leuk-effect
dec leukemia in transplant pts
to dx legionella
urine ag, sputum stain for ab
to dx mycoplasma
serum cold agglut, myco ab
legionella PNA?
tx for outpt CAP (<65, healty)
tx for pt >65 or with comorbid PNA
MACROLIDe or FLUORO (may need a 2nd gen CEPHALO or BETA LACTAM)
CAP requiring hosp tx
CAP needing ICU
FLUORO, or extended spectrum CEPHALO or BETA LACTAM inh + MACROLIDE
PNA critically ill, tanking
Vanc or Linezolid
if pt is >65 and or comorbid PNA, next
Admit + IV abx
tx TB
4 rx (INH, pyrazinamide, rifam, etham)
PPD test and result: + at 5 if, + at 10 if, + at 15 if
5) HIV, close TB contact, CXR=TB...10) homless, 3rd world, IV rx, chnic, health care....15) if everyone else and no Rfl
acute pharyngitis DT..tx..
group A...tx: Penicillin x 10d, amox or azithro
Lemiere syndrome
thrombophlebitis of jugular vein DT FusobacT ( oral anaerobe)
Acute sinusitisDT...chronic dt
pneumo, Hinf, M. catar...c: obstr or anaerobe
best lab for sinusitis
CT but only if sx after tx
tx acute sinusitis
(most viral, no big deal), but: Amox/Clav or Chlarithro, azi, Bactrim
tx coccidiomycosis
rarely IV, but if so: AMPHOTERICIN B for severe PNA or disseminated, if mild: PO FLUCONA or ITRACO
tx meningitis if close contact? Seteroids?
RIFAMPIN + CEFt if close...steroids good in bacT menin if 20 min before abx
intractable seizure?
subdural empyema – drain
MCC encephelitis
HSV and Arbo
RBC in CSF wihtout trauma?
HSV encephelitis
tx for neonatal MENING
tx for 1-3mo MENIN
tx for 3mo – adult MENIN
>60 MENIN tx
to stain crypto meningitis...how about ameba
india ink...Giemsa stain
when to do PCR for menin
tx HSV encepheltitis vs CMV enceph
IV ACYC, this is bad...C: GANC
brain abscess: infxn vs. mass
I: HA, Fever, focal neuro....M: if no fever
MCC brain absess
strept, staph, anaerobe
comon cz of brain abcess
OM, mastoiditis, MCA in graywhite
inc ICP →
CN 3 and 6 deficit
tx brain abscess
abx: Cephalo + METRO +/Vanc, drain, steroid if edema w/ mannitol
CD4 vs. viral load
C: degree of immunosuppr (guides therapy)...V: rate progression
CD50 dz
histo, CMV retinitis, CNS lymphoma
CD 50-200 dz
Fungus + toxo
tx candida trush
loca: Nystat, or Clotri, or PO Fluco
how to dx cryptoco
CSF + Ag, india ink stain...tx: IV Amph B
pigeon dropping
rare fruiting bodies and 45degrees braching septate hyphae
wide capssular halo, narrow base unequal budding
irregular, nonsepte hyphae
tx MAC in aids
weekly AZITHRO or daily CHLARITHRO
tx Toxo...cd?
BacTRIM ...cd:<100
candida esophag tx
fluconazole (Nyst swish if oral)
to dx HISTO...tx
CXR: diffuse nodular, cavities, best: urine and serum polysac Ag test...if yeast form: SILVER STAIN....TX: AMPV
when to use steroid for PCP
PaO2<70, Aa gradient >35
AIDs pt with cough and dyspna
CMV primary infxn? In CD of
asx...CD: <100
CMV retinitis has high rate of /sx
retinal detachment (floaters)
CMV pneumo
CMV encepheltis CD of
HIV pt hit CD50, prophyx?
Azithro for MAI
to dx MAI?
blood cult (postivie in 2-3weeks), inc serum Alk Phosphatiase, inc LDH, FOAMY macrophages with ACID FAST bacilli
to dx Toxo?
how to dx Chlamy...tx
PCR in urine...GRAM STAIN: no bacT because its intracellular but show neutrohils..tx: DOXY or AZITHRO
green yellow disharge in women, purulent urethral dc in men...
gonnorrhea arthritis are
MONOarticular septic arthritis
syphillis is a
2nd syphillis
hands rashes, condyloma lat!
3rd syphilis sx
cardio (AORTIC ROOT ANEURYSM), argyll pupil, gummas
TPPA> qhats that
T.Pallidum particle agglu test = FTA like test for syphillis
beefy red ulcer on genitals
Granuloma inguinale-donovanosis
regular, red shallow ulcer on genitals
irregular, deep , well demarc, necrotic
H. Ducreyi (chanchroid)
painful lesion on gonads
H. Ducrei and HSV (both have ulcers!)
painless lesions on gonads
Granuloma inguinale, hpv, syphillis
tx HPV warts
tx Ducreyi chanchroid and Granuloma inguinale
Doxy or azithro
Jarisch Herxheimer rxn
flu like sx after tx syphillis
MC serious complic of preg
recurrent pyelo, next
if renal fine: do CT may show scar, else : try US may show stone
tx pyelo
define sepsis
SIRS + documented infxn
fever, hypoThermia, tachypnea, leukocytosis, tachycard
malaria mosquito nam
worse kind of malaira
Falciparum (withing 24 hrs of sx)
sx malaria...to dx
periodic chills and fever..to dx: GIEMSA, or WRIGHT stained thick and thin blood fims get at 8hrs inteval
which malaria can cz sx months to yrs later
uncomplicated malaria tx with
whats blackwater fever
posterior cervical LN?...do not give something for another dz
Mono...don't give AMOX during EBV infxn → long, itchy, rash
how to dx Mono
heterophile monospot might be neg first few weeks...Mono Ab!...lab: >10% atypical Tlcy
define Fever uknown origin
>38.3 for >3weeks and undx (thicnk CA or ifxn, rheumatic in elderly)...tx: stop unnecessary meds!!!
primary vs. 2nd vs 3rd lyme
1: ERYTHEMA MIGRANS....2: MIGRATORY POLYART, bells', menin/myocarditis...3: arthritis and subacute encephelitis (memory/mood)
to dx lyme
bluebery muffin kid and what trimester...other sx?
rubella...first trim...other: cataracts, MR, hearing loss
MC congenital infxn?
syphillis in pregos tx?
during preg?
consider abort if <20weeks...vacc mom afterward
sandpaper skin rash, “snuffle” (mucupurulent sinusitis), saber shins, saddle nose, HUTCHINSON's triad (peg shaoed upper incisors, deaf and interstial keratitis_ what is it
syphillis baby
N.gono of cunjuntivitis?
EM! can → blindness...IM ceft, PO cipro!
tx chlamydia conjuntivitis
Azithro, tetra, or erythro
MCC viral conjunctivitis
adenovirus (contagious)...tx: topical steroids under opthal suppervision
orbital cellulitis usually DT, organisms, tx
Paranasal sinuses...strept/staph/HInfluenza...
otitis media vs. otitis externa
pain w/ movement tragus/pinna
otitis externa tx
small tender nodules on finger and toe pads
Osler's nodes
small peripheral hemorrhages
Janeway lesions
JR=NO FAME for what
endocarditis: Janeway, Roth, Nail bed splinter, Fever, Anemia, Murmur, emboi
7d late, itchy papule, enlarges into ulcer → regional lymphadenopahy, 7d later → bLACK ESCHAR, dz
Anthrax..to dx: CXR, clture and gram stain = short nonmotile baiccli, tx: CIPRO or DOXY (DO NOT GIVE PEN or AMOX as single line agent anymore)
MRI of osteomyelitis show?
inc signal in bone marrow and soft tissue prob...XR: show 2 weeks later: periosteal elevation
osteo in Rx user
Aureus or Pseudoh
osteo in hip replacement
s. epidermatitis
osteo in foot puncture wound
what;s a MARJOLIN's ulcer
long standing chronic osteomyelitis w/ draining sinus tract that may eventually →SqCC
Volkman's contracture of wrist and fingers DT
comp syndr DT supracondylar fx
sx compartment syndr
pain with PASSIVE moton...to dx: measure pressure (>30), delta pressure = (diastolic – compartment pressure)
septic bursitis more common in
superficial bursae (olecranon, prepatellar, infrapatellar
do not inject steroid into
septic bursitis
L4 nn prob →
foot dorsiflex (tib ant)
L5 prob cant →
big toe dorsi (extensor hallucis longus), foot eversion (peroneus muscles)
S1 prob can't →
plantar flex (gastrocnemius, soleus), gluteus max (hip extension)
MC loc herniated disk..sx
L4-L5, L5-S1...sx: Passive straght leg → pain, or cross leg
to dx Cauda Equina Syndr
ant discloc, pt hold arm how...risk
ext rot...risk: axillary aa and axillary nn
post disloc pt hold arm and risk
int rot..:risk: radial aa
MC hip dislocation
post...DT: post directed force (DASHBOARD injury)...risk: sciatic nn and avasc necrosis
Ant hip disloc can
injure obt nn
tx colle's fx
closed reduction, long arm cast
when to tx scaphoid fx with open reduction...when necrosis
if displacement or navicular nonalignment...necrosis if: prox 1/3 of scaphoid fx
What's a Boxer's fx
fist when hitting wall → fx of 5th metacarpal neck
what's nightstick fx
ulnar shaft fx DT self defense vs. Blunt object
what's monteggia's fx
diaphyseal fx of prox ulna w/ sublux of radial head
what's Galeazzi's fx
diaphyseal fx of radius w/ disloc of distal radioulnar joint (DT direct blow to radius)
hip fx risk and presenation...tx
osteoporosis...short and extern leg...tx: pinning of femoral head (if in elderly = hip replacement), then anticoag (DVT rsk)
femoral fx DT and can cause...tx
direct trauma...fat emboli...tx: nail of the femur (irrigate and debride if open)
tibial fx DT, tx
direct trauma...tx: cast vs. nailing
open fx tx
EM: go to OR = abx + tetanus
how to dx archlle rupture
Thompson's (squeeze gastrocnemus → foot can't plantar flex)...tx: long leg gast
ACL dx by, DT
+anterior drawer, + lachman test...DT: forced hyperextension or direct trauma to extended knee
PCL dx by, DT
+ poster drawer, DT: forced hyperextension
MC fx long bones in kid...assoc with...where
clavicle...brachial nn palsies..loc: prox 1/3 displaced sup (DT sternocleido)
what's a greenstick fx
incomplete fx (cortex only 1 side)...tx: red, cast, refilm at 14d
pt refuse to bend elbow? Tx?
nursemaid's elbow...tx: gentle sup elbow at 90 of flexion, no immobiliz
supracondylar humerus fx risk...?
prox to brachial art → inc risk of Volkmann's contracture (DT compartment syndrome of forearm)...tx: cast, closed red w/ pin if displaced a lot
Duchenne sx start at, type
4yo...type: XR...sx: prox>distal, clumsy, tired, MR...to dx: Dystrophin immunostatain, CK inc, muscle bx: necrosis fibers from degen/variable fiber size...complic: Pulmo congestion DT high output cardiac failure/cardiac-pulmo failures DT muscles
age onset and death of DMD vs. Becker
D: 5, dead teens...B: 15, dead: 40s
MR and lab btw DMD and Becker
D: MR, dec Dystrophin...B: no MR, Dystrophin #nl, but bad!
Dysplasia of hip: which babies, sx
first born girls in breech...sx: BARLOW (audible clunk when femur head post), ORTOLANI (thighs abd from midline = soft click = reduction of femoral head into acetabulum), GALEIZZI (knee are uneven height when hips and knees are flexed), asymm skin folds
Dysplasia hip...how to dx, tx, complic
US (can't see on XRAY until >4mo)...tx: splint w/ Pavlick harness (watch out for AVN)
sx of Legg Calve' Perthes...tx...watch out for
limited abd and int rotation, atrophy of affected leg...tx: brace...risk: AVN
dx of Slipped capital femoral epiphysis...tx:
AP/LAT xr: frog leg lateral views and post/med diplacement of femoral head...tx: no weight bearing until surg:
Top 2 MC malign tumors of bone
1: MM, 2: osterosarc
MC loc osterosarc
loc: metaphysis of distal femur...sx: pain all time...dx: CODMAN triangle (periosteal new bone formation at diaphysis) SUNBURST (onion skin in EWING)
MCC scoliosis and defintion
MC: idio...define: lateral curve > 10degrees
tx of scolios: <20, 20-45, >50
<20: regular obs....20-45: spinal brace (may keep getting worse)...>50: surgery
pain w/ loss fxn and loss autonomic fx usually post trauma? And phases
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy...3 phases: 1)acute sns denerv/underactivity 2) dystrophic 3) atrophic
sx of RSD
1) loss fxn of limb, pain, SNS prob (skin, soft tissue, bv), hair or nail growth
tx RSD
NSAIDs, steroids, low dose TCA, gabapentin, calcitonin, CHEM SNS blockage maybe
If <11/18 tender points dx?
Myofascial pain Syndrome....instead of Fibromyalgia
yeLLow when paraLLel to condenser?
gout crystals
gout is ...sx...dx...
MONOarticular...TOPHI(urate crystal depositis in soft tissue) seen in chronic dz...dx lab: NEEDLE shaped (elevated WBC too)
what is seen in advanced gout?
punched out erosions w/ overhanging cortical bone (“rat bite” erosions)
Colchicine in gout?
during acute attacks (has a limited therapeutic window)
rhomboid shaped crystals
tx of gouts...how about MAINTENANCE THERAPY
INDOmethacin...maintenance: ALLOPURINOL for overproducers and PROBENECID for undersecretors
anterior uveitis and HEART block can be seen in ...tx
ankylosing spondylitis...tx: NSAIDs, exercise, TNF inhibitors or Sulfazalaine
what besides OA affects DIP
psoriatic arthritis (w/ sausage shaped digits)
Polymyositis sx
prox muscle, SYMMETRICAL –> diff breathing/swallow
SHAWL sign and GOTTRON papules in?
Dermatomyositis...SHAWL (rash shoulder, chest, back), GOTTRON's papules (papular rash w/ scales on dorsa of hands over bony prominences)...CA: lung, breast
EMG of poly and dermatomyositis show , other lab
fibrillarion...muscle bx: inflammation and muscle fibers in necrosis/regen...other: inc CK...tx: high dose steroids
triad: Big spleen, RA, dec platelets?
FELTY's syndr
tx RA:
nonmigratory, mono or polyarthritis w/ bony destruction and last >6weeks, 95% cases gone by puberty?...to dx: no labs...tx: NASAIDs, Methoxy
Juvenile RA
tx Scleroderma
acute: Steroids, PENICILLAMINE for skin changes, CCB for Raynauld
SLE:...Discoid rash, Oral ulcers, Photosen, Arthritis, Malar rash, Immunologic, Neuro sx (seiz), Elev ESR, Renal dz, Ana+, Serositis, Hematologic abn
labs for S:E
dsDNA, antiSm....neonatal SLE: antiRo
location of Temporarl arteritis
granulomatous infl of large vessels (AORTA, EXT CAROTID especially TEMPORAL br)
sx: pain and stiff shoulder and pelvic girdle (difficulty getting out of chair, other: fever, malaise, weight loss, NOT WEAK)...lab?...tx
Polymyalgia Rheumatica...lab: inc ESR, anemia...tx: steroids
CN3 fxn 3
eye movment, constrict, eyelid opening
CN5 fxn 2
mastication, face sense
CN7 fxn
move face, tase ant 2/3, lacrimation, saliva (submax, sublingual), close eyelid
UMN lesion of CN7 sx
OPPOSITE paralysis LOWER FACE ONLY (lesion btw cortex and facial nucleus)
LMN lesion of CN7 sx
SAME SIDE upper AND lower paralysis
3rd MCC death and #1 cz of disability in USA
ischemic vs hemorrhagic stroke
Ischemic >>> hemorrhagic
lateral corticospina decuss at
pyramid medulla
DCML decuss at
arcuate fibers at medulla
Spinothalamic decuss at
spinal cord
UMN vs. LMN for 1)tone, 2) DTR 3) other
U: inc tone, inc DTR...L: dec tone, dec DTR, atrophy/fasciculation
neglect...where is stroke
nondominant MCA
coma, locked in, apnea, visual sx, where's the stroke
Basilar artery
Polio has same lesions as?
Werdnig Hoffman (destroyed ant hor cells)
syringomyelia lesion?
crossing corticospinal fiber tracts (bilat loss pain and T sensation)
dysarthria (clumsy hand syndrome) where's lesion
Lacunar stroke
tx acute ischemic stroke
when to give ASA for ischemic stroke
if <48hrs
tx these with acute stroke if exist
fever and hyperGlc if exists
for long term tx of stroke
ASA, clopidogrel if anticoag CI
tx SAH
1) prevent rebleed (common first 2d) keep BP<150 until fixed...2) stop spasm by CCB, IV fluid, Pressors and PHENYTOIN (seiz prophylaxis)...3) inc ICP...4) SURGICAL clipping best tx
contralateral hemiparesis and ipsi pupillary dilation
subdural hematoma...CT: CRESCENT SHAPED
Cingulate herniation located and DT
under falx cerebri...dT: mass of frontal lobes
downward transtentorial (central) herniation DT
large supratentorial mass push midbrain inferiorly
Uncal herniation DT
mass in middle fossa (CN3 trapped → fixed and dilated SAME side)
Migraine can be DT which nt?...duration...dec by?...tx?
serotonin....2-2p4hrs duration...dec by: DARK, sleep
unilateral with VISUAL aura?
Classic migraine
tx Migraine and Prophylactic
tx: TRIPTANS and metoclopramide...prophylactic: BB, TCA, CCB, Valproic
Tx Tension HA...special?
#1= NSAIDs, #2/3= Triptans/Ergot...MC type of HA in adults
Septic thrombosis of Cavernous sinus usually DT...MCC...sx...
abscess in orbit, nasal sinuses, central face ...MCC Aureus...sx: anything
2 types of partial seizures and to diff them
1) simple: focal like motor WITHOUT change mentation...2) complex partial: usually temporal lobe w/ bilat spread of electrical (impaired mentation), automatism, postictal confusion
sx of tonic clonic
incontinence, tongue biting,loss consciousness, confused, mucle aches...lab: EEG 10hz tonic and slow wave clonic...tx: airway, PHENYTOIN/valproic
status epilepticus last
>10min...tx: stat CT, then when stable: EEG, Thiamine/glc/naloxone, IV BENZO
What is west syndrome?
infantile spasms: generalized epilepsy...sx: after 6mo, bilateral, symm jerk of head/trunk/extremities in clusters (by this time = ARREST OF PSYCHOMOTOR dev and → MR!)...lab: EEG: HYPSARRHYTHMIA, tx: ACTH, prednisone, clonazepam or valproic acid...tx: hormonal therapy with ACTH
A common cause of recurrent peripheral vertigo from... sx:
dislodged otolith → disturb in semicircular canals... sx: transient, episodic vertigo and torsional nystagmus triggered by changes in head position (like turning in bed)
by Dix-Hallpike maneuver
sx of acute labyrinthitiis...dx...tx
sx: severe acute onset Nystagmus w/ N/V after VIRAL, <2weeks...dx...tx: selfgone in weeks, be careful of activities
Recurrent severe vertigo, hearing losss, tinnitus or ear fullness...dx...tx?
Meniere's...dx: need 2 episodes...tx: low Na, and diuretics!
MOA of syncope
LOC DT 2ndary drop in cerebral perf...
tx syncope
telemetry or holter monitor to eval cardiac causes
sx myasthenic crisis
resp compromise an aspiration
dx Mgr
Tensilon test, dec response to repetitive nn stimuli
Tx Lambert Eaton
1) the small cell 2) Guanidine Hydrochloride (main tx), and anticholinesterase
T-cell mediated
pregos assoc w/ dec freq of
Dawson's fingerS?
periventricular white matter lesions in MS (especially in Corpus Callosum)
Tx of relapsin/remitting or progressive MS?
Mitoxantrone...baclofen for spasticity
labs in guillan barre'
lab: diffuse demyelination seen on EMG and nn conduction (shows dec nn conduction velocity), CSF prot >55mg/dL (little or no pleocytosis)
RF for alzheimer's
Age, fm hx, Down, neurofibrillary tangles, neuritic plaques w/ amyloid deposit
first sx of alzheimer...MCC death in them..how to dx...
first sign: mild cognitive impairment... MCC death: aspiration PNA...tx: AcEI (Donepezil, Rivastigmine), NMDA antagonist (galantamine), vit E to slow cognitive decline
atrophy of frontotemporal lobe aka
Pick's..to dx: PICK bodies (round intraneuronal inclusions)...sx: change in PERSONALITY...tx: only sx
tx NPH
surgical CSF shunt
how to dx Creutizfield Jakob
pyramidal signs, myoclonus, SHARP WAVES on EEG...also: protein 14-3-3..no tx
sx of Hungtinton's... type... MOA...shows what kind of genetic
HYPERkinetic...AD... CAG repeats on chromo 4...genetic: ANTICIPATION = more repeats, worse, live 20 yrs
triad of huntington's
triad: chorea, altered behavior, dementia (from forgetfulness to antisocial)
tx huntingonton's
NO CURE...for psychosis: HALDOL, for movement: RESERPINE...
sx of Parkinsons'...lab:...
HYPOkinetic...lab: LEWY BODIES (intraneuronal eosinophilic inclusions)...tx: ROPINIROLE or PRAMIPEXOLE (DA agonist), MAOIB (SELEGILENE)...surg: PALLIDOTOMY
DA agonist used in Parkinsons
uncontrolled gambling
MCC CA in brain is
Met CA to brain located in
grey/white border (many nodules)...from: lung, breast, kidney, GI, melanoma
NV, HA worse in AM, dx?
inc ICP
met CA that cuase bleed in brain
RCC, thyroid CA, choriocarcinoma, melanoma
slow protracted course, may sx of unilat CN 5-7, 10
MC primary brain CA, prog?
GBM (glioblastoma multiforme)...dead in 1 yr
Meningioma from? Imaging, tx
Dura or arachnoid...imaging: DURAL TAILS...tx: resect and rads if not possible
sx of Acoustic neuroma
no hear, ringing, spinning, cerebellar prob
medulloblastoma from? Age? Prog
from: FOURTH VENTRICLE → inc ICP... kids... prog: MALIGN
another CA from 4th ventricle...age...
EPENDYMOMA → obstruction...age: kids
MC neurocutaneous DO
NF1 aka
freckling in axilliary or inguinal region
CA in NF (3)...2 other sx
freckling, optic gliomas, Lisch nodules (pigmented iris hemartomas)... bone (scoliosis), MR
TS type....affect which
AD...affect many organs
ash leaf aka...other sx in this dz
hypopig spots...MR....(TS)
What are sebaceous adenomas and what else seen
SA: small red nodules on nose, cheeks in butterfly.... Shagreen patch: rough papule in lumbosacral w/ orange peel consistency... other: MR, cardio rhabdomyomas, kidney: angiomylo/RCC
imaging in TS
calcified tubers in cerebrum in periventricular area can ---> ASTROCYTOMAs
define Aphasia and DT
define: speech and language DO... DT: dominant hemisphere insult
Broca's location... tx
posterior inferior frontal (MCA) aka motor aphasia... tx: speech therapy
Wernicke's location
left posterior superior temporal lobe
L: awake and alert, can only move EYES and EYELIDs, DT: central pontine myelinolysis/brain stem stroke/... P: nl wake sleep cycles, but unaware of SELF or ENVIRONMENT, DT: trauma w/ diffuse cortical injury or hypoxic event
DONT stands for
Dextrose, O2, Nalox, Thiamine
Korsakoff =
Wernicke + confab + amnesia
aka cyanobobalamin
B12...sx: gradual, progressive, symm paresthesia/stocking glove/ stiff legs/ dementia
RF for closed angle glaucoma...sx:...tx
RF: pupillary dilation (dark area, stress, meds), anterior uveitis, older age...sx: dilated eyes, red, painful...tx: ACETAZOLAMIDE then PILOCARPINE, laser IRIDOTOMY
Pt >35, AA who needs frequent lens change, dx, first sx, fundo
Open angle glaucoma...first sx: problem in the peripheral nasal fields... fundo: cupping of optic disk
open vs. closed angle glaufoma
open: bilateral... closed: unilateral
optic nn vs. optic tract
Nn = infront of chiasm... tract: below chiasm and before lateral geniculate bodies
tx open angle
topical BB (TIMOLOL, BETAXOLOL) = dec aquous prod, PILOCARPINE = inc outflow, CAI = inc outflow, surg: laser TRABECULOPLASTY (inc outflow)
Macular degen sx
Atrophic vs. Exudative macular dgen ...tx?
A: gradual vision loss... E: faster and more severe....tx: for E: laser PHOTOCOAG delay loss central vision in E!!!
age of retinal occlusion
Retinal vein vs. art occlusion
A: sudden, CHERRY RED fovea, swelling, retinal artery pale...V: retinal hemorrhage, COTTON WOOL, edema of fundus
tx retinal vs. art occulsion
v: photocag maybe?....a: THROMBOLYSIS within 8 hrs, dec pressure,
define gravity
# preg
define parity
# preg that led to birth >20weeks or >.5kg
HCG level in preg
peak at 100k by 10th week, dec in 2nd trimester, level off in 3rd
when is uterus palp above pubic
12th week
nl CV in preg: 1) CO, HR, SV...2) SVR.... 3) BP in first Trimester
1) all inc (50%, 15bpm)... 2) dec (progesterone → relax SM)... 3) inc
what murmur nl or abn in pregos
systolic murmur OK...diastolic murmur BAD
HPL for
Human Placental Lactogen → inc lipolysis → inc FFA
nl blood in pregos 1) anemia DT? 2) WBC?
1) MOA: inc Plasma vol by 50% and inc RBC by 30%...2) WBC: inc throughout preg to 10k
nl lung in pregos 1) TV, TLC/RV 2) RR 3) dyspnea DT
1) TV inc (dec TLC /RV)....2)RR no change .... 3) dyspnea MOA: by inc TV and dec PCO2
nl kidney in prgos 1) kidney 2) GFR 3) BUN/cr 4) Estro/progesterone
1) dilates → hydronephrosis... 2) GFR: inc by 50% … 3)BUN/Cr dec by 25%... 4) E/P inc → inc RAS → inc ALDO → retain water and inc plasma vol
how much weight pregos shuld gain and how much food
25lbs...food: inc 100-300 cal/d
give what to pregos
1) FA, Fe
prenatal vistis at 0-28, 29-36, 36-birth
1) qmonth, 2) q2weeks, 3) qweek
prenatal labs at 15-20w
AFP, Quad sc (AFP, estriol, HcG, inhibin A)
prenatal labs at 18-20w
US to det GA if unknown
Trisomy 18 quad screen
ALL down
Down quad screen
AE down, BI up
when to do AMNIO
15-17w (enough amnio then): women >35, if abn quad, Rh to det baby, det lung maturity of baby
CVS good vs. bad
G: at 3 mo, as reliable as AMNIO...B: inc risk fetal loss and inc risk to not dx NTD...some limb defect maybe if <9w
PUBS when and what for
when: during 2 and 3rd tri when umbilical cord big enough...for fetal hemolysis dz and infxn... but AMNIO and CVS better
FAS sx
small, MR, midface hypoplasia, kidney, heart problem
ACEI in babies
renal agenisis, oligo, IUGR, cranial ossification
Coumadin babies
hypoplasia nose, stippled bone, dev delay, eyes problem
carbamazepine babies
NTD, small fingernail, small head, dev delay
folic acid antagonist (methortexate) babies
spont abortion inc
lead babies
inc spont
mercury baby
small head, atrophy brain, MR, seiz, blind
streptomycin, kanamycin
hearing loss and CN8 damage
valproic acid
NTD (spina bifida), small head/face defects
bishop score for
if cervix good enough to have baby
MC congenital infxn
syphillis babies
fetal hydrops, skin/teeth/bone prob
skin scarring, chorio, cataracts, small head, hypoplasia hands/feet
diff btw the 2 phases of first stage of labor
1) Latent (onset of labor at 3-4cm dilation) 2)active (4cm to complete dilation at 10cm)
antepartum fetal surveillance for inc risk babies at?
32-36w (or 26-28 if even more worried0
what's umbilical artery doppler velocimetry for
with IUGR, there is dec and even resrve of umbilical art diastolic flow (only use if IUGR might be)
what's a bad oligohydramnios score
when doing BPP do what?
Test the Baby MAN (Tone, Breathing, Movemet, Amniotic fluidvol, Nonstress test)
to dec aspiration acid in preg?
give Na Citrate (in both vag and Csec)
When is gestational DM dx
usually during LATE PREG
if hyperGlc at <20w?
preexisting undx DM and tx it like if GDM
define large for gestation baby
>10 percentile
how to dx GDM
ABN glc challenge test (24-28'th week)...if>140: do 3hr 100g (+ if at least 2): fasting >95, one hr>180, 2hr >155, 3hr>140
GDM complications?
50% get Glc intolerance or DM2 later in life
what glc level should be for mothers who are DM
fasting mornng: <90...2hr: <120
DM mom now baby?
heart, kidney defect... NTB (sacral agenesis)... polycythemia...hypoCa....hyperBili
Gestational HTN protein level, when, complic
mild proteinuria <300, usually >20weeks... ¼ → preeclampsia
Chronic HTN present when, complic
before concepton, <20w...--> preE
define PreE (3)
new HTN (140/90), proteinuria (>300), >20weeks gestation
mild pre-E tx
if close: induce w/ IV oxy, PG...if far: expectant management
signs of severe preE
persistent HA or other cerebral or visual, epigastric pain
tx severe preE
Mg and Mg 24hrs after
how to dx placenta previa
US! (transabd or transvag)
define IUGR
EFW < 10th percentile for GA
define polyhydramnios
AFI >20
how to dx and tx mothers already sensitized Rh
sensitized if Rh- mom with tiers >1:16...tx: close monitor w/ serioal US and Amnio for evidnce of fetal hemolysis
define hydrops fetalis
if Hb <7, fetal hypoxia, acidosis, kernicterus
complete moles (GTD= gestational trophoblastic dz)MOA...sx...
sperm fertilizaing empty ovum (46xx both from dad)...sx: first Trimester uterine bleed, hyperemesis gravidarum/early eclamp, big uterine size...CXR: may show lung mets...tx: DC and follow HCG for 1 yr
molar pregnancies can →
invasive moles and choriocarc to → pulmo or CNS
MOA of incomplete moles...sx
two sperm to 1 ovum (or 1 spurm duplicated)
multiple gestations lab
inc hCG, HPL, AFP
Define PROM
<1hr before onset of labor
define PretermPROM
when having PROM do not?
digital exam → inc infxn
when can labor be induced
34...when expectant: 32
define preterm
reg contr + <37w with cervical change....btw 20-37
tx preterm
unless CI: tocolysis (Beta-mimetics, Mg, CCB, PGI) and steroids...abx for GBS: pen or amp
frank breech vs. flootling breech vs. complete breech
Frank: MC, thigs flxed, knees extended...Foot: one foot straight...Complete: thighs and knees flexed
tx breech
followup...most ok by 38
episiotomy types and complications
types: median (midline) and mediolateral...complications: extension to anal sphincter (3rd degree), to rectum (4th)
tx uterine atony by sequence if unsuccessfu
1) masage 2) OXYTOCIN infusion 3) METHEGINE if not HTN 4) Prostin (PGF2a) it not asthmatic
MCC postpartum infxn and define
cz: endometrial infxn...edefne: >38 for at lest 2 of 10 post partum day (not including first 24hrs)
tx endometritis
admit, IV: clinda and gent until afebrile for 2 days or 1day for chorio
MCC of ant pit insuf in adult female? MC sx?
sheehans...MC sx: CANT LACTATE
when not to lactate
HIV, acute hepatitis, rx
MOA of breast during preg
inc ESTROGEN and PROG → breast hypertrophy and inh of PROLACTIN....after deliv, hormone dec → PRL release → milk prod
MOA of suckling on milk
Suckling → more PRL and OXYTOCIN
what's colostrum and make up
“early breast milk” = fat, prot, secretory IgA, minerals
First trimester SAB RF and 2nd trimester
first: chromosomal...2nd: cervical incomptenence nfxn, hypercoag, hypoThyr DM
when can US detect sac, cardiac
sac: 5-6w...heart:6-7w
os is what in incomplete
anything expelled in threateneed?
no (membrane is itact), uterine bleed, tx: pelvic rest 1-2d
anything expelled in inevitable?
no, but considered inevitable (os can be open or closed)
anythign expelled in missed?
no, tissue is still in but fetus is dead, no bleed...no sx...tx: D&C, PG suppositories. DIC risk inc
recurrent spont abort define
2 or more or 3 in a year...do karyotype, evaluate the uterus
elective termination at first tri by
oral Mifepristone low + vag/oral misoprostol... Methotrexate+Misoprostol...meds up to 50 days...or sugical (up to 13weeks)
elective termination at 2nd tri by
obstertric (ripening, amniototmy and oxytocin 13-24weeks...surgical
tx mastitis...length post birth
cont breast feed + abx (diclox)...usually 2-4 weeks postpartum
MC benign breast condition and MOA..age...assoc w/
FIBROSCYSTIC change...MOA: super stromal tissue response to hormones and GF ...age: 30-50, NOT IN POSTMENOP...asoc: trauma and coffe
sx of fibrocystic change
sx: cyclic bilateral mastalgia and swelling, sx JUST BEFORE MENSTRUATION, rapid FLUCTUATION of mass
how to dx fibrocystic change...tx
mammogram: no...US: can diff btw cystic/solid...FNA: if CELLULAR APLASIA or DUCTAL EPITH HYPERPLASIA = inc risk of CA...tx: OCP
bloody nipple discharge
intraductal papilloma
what's a large fibroadenoma
cystasarcoma phyllodes
how to dx fibroadenoma
US! then FNA...
most breast CA occur?
upper out quadrant
breast CA staging 1-4
1: <2cm...2: 2-5 cm... 3: Axillary node...4: distal mets
prolonge unilateral scaling of nipple with or without discharge =
Paget;s disease f nipple
dx labs for breast ca results: mammogram, US, markers mets
Mammogram: inc density w/ microcalc and irregular borders... US: solid mass vs. cystic...markers: CEA and CA15-3 or CA 27-29
tx for HER/2neu receptor on the cancer cells =
what are good factors for breast CA
ER-, PR+, no aneuploidy
more than 1 sex partner, prior ectopic, CA
define primary amenorrhea
none by 16 with 2nd sex characters or NO sex characters by 14
define 2ndary amenorrhea
none for 6 straight months w/ previous menarche
diaphgram over cervix placed how
fit by doctor and remain 6-8hrs aftrer sx
2 types of IUD
Copper (Paragard) (last 10yrs, inc bleed/perf/CI if mult partnert).... and Progesterone (Mirena) (5yrs, perf)
types of OCT hormone (4)
1) OCP (E + P)...2) P only (minipills)....3) DepoProvera (medroxyprogesterone)...4) morning after
suppress FSH/LH → change consistency of cervical mucus...dec endometrial and ovarian CA... SE of E: breast tender, SE of P: depression, acne, HTN crisis
Progestin only minipills MOA
thickening of cervical mucus and making endometrium hostile. Can start immediate postpartum ...bad: high failure rate than OCP, need STRICT (pill same time each day)
can be used by lactating women... reverse dec in bone mineral density (bad for osteo)
MOA morning after pills
P +/- E taken within 3 d
MCC anatomincal cz of anemorrhea
ASHERMAN's (DT scarring)
what to order if BHCG is neg in amenorrhea? 5
FSH (if inc = ovarian fail), LH, TSH, free T4, prolactin (stops LH/FSH)...chck testosterone level
DA agonist
tx Premature ovarian failure if 1) uterus present 2) uterus absent
present: E + P....if absent: E
tx anovulatory bleeding
give Progeserin x14d → convert prolif endometrium to secretory
tx Heavy bleeding
Estrogen stabilizes the lining and stops the bleed...DANAZOL for intractable bleed...GNRH agonist (LEUPROLIDE or NAFARELIN)....OCP
LEUPROLIDE moa...similar rx?
GNRH agonist... similar: NAFARELIN
tx Ovulatory bleed
NSAIDs to dec blood loss...prolonged use of progesterone → intermittent bleed
duration of pain of endometriosis
begins 2-7d before onset of menses... severe until flow stops
tx endometriosis
1) stop ovulation for 5-10 mo: GnRH Analog (LEUPROLIDE), or inh midcycle FSH and LS surge (DANAZOL), or OCP
define hypertrichosis
xsess nonsex hair
CAH sx in female babies
ambiguous genitalia and life threateneing salt wasting
lab of CAH
inc ANDROGEN (Testosterone >2, DHEAS >7,
cause of PCOS
compensatory hyperinsulin → inc sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) & trophic to adrenals/ovaries
What's a HAIR-AN syndrome
(a variation of PCOS) = hyperandrogen, insulin resistance, acanthosis nigricans
all PCOS ladies hsould be screen for
glc intolerance (75mg 2 hr level) and for dyslipidemia
tx PCOS...complications
OCP or progesteron to dec risk of endometrial hyperplasia/CA... complications: DM2 and breast/endometrial CA
menopause inc risk of
osteoporosis and CAD...lab: inc FSH inc LH, DEXA scan, inc total chol dec HDL
MCC infertility in males
1) dec count and motility 2) primary test failure: inc FSH, inc LH, dec Testost 3) secondary testic failure (dec FSH, dec LH, dec Progesterone)
tx syphillis?
if allergic to Pen = tetra or dox...for 3rd trimester: NO ALTERNATIVE, need to desensitize Pen
sx of chanchroid and by who
painful, bloody, puss, painful inguinal LN....dx: H. Ducreyi
primary vs. 2nd vs 3rd lymphogranuloma venereum
primary: painless, shallow ulcer...second: inguinal LN hurts and infl, fever malaise... third: anogenital syndr (anal itch, discharge, …)
firm red lesions in genitals DT? Tx
Granuloma Inguinale...DT: CalymmatoBacterium Granulomatis... dx: Doxy
how to dx molluscum contagiosum
wright or giemsa stain...tx: cut out
normal vag secretion due to
1) midcycle Estrogen surge = clear, white, mucoid secretion... 2) luteal phase/pregnancy: thick/white attach to vag walls
AMSEL's criteria for and for what
¾ for vacT vaginosis.... 1) white/gray dc 2) pH >4.5... 3) + amine (whiff test)... 4) clue cells
fish odor... mild vulvar irritation...
Bact Vaginosis
if vagina pH > 4.5
Trichomonas or B Vaginosis
yellow green dc vs grey white
YG: Trichomonas (itchy and smelly, dc)...GW: B. Vaginosis (smelly, not really itchy)
pH of vaginal candida...tx
normal = 4...tx:uncomplic: fluconazole or topical...complic: more of it
when not to take oral AZOLE
TSST sx...how to dx?
diffuse macular erythematous rash, desquamation in palms and soles... to dx: culture neg because toxins
to dx leiomyomas...to tx
US to look at uterine mass...MRI to really determine boundary...tx: PROGESTerone or DANAZOLE (for bleed), GnRH (LEUPROLIDe or NAFARELIN = dec size of myomas, dec vascularity)
precursor to endometrial CA and tx...dx test...tx...prevention
1) endometrial hyperplasia (Tx by Progesterone)... dx test: bx (Pap not good)... tx: progesteroe, everything...prevent by: PROGESTERONE to oppose estrogen
RF of Cervical CA...precursor lesions...dx test...tx...prevent...
venereal warts... precursor: CIN common... tx: chem/rads/surg... prevent: smoking...histo: 5% sqcc, 15% adenocarcinoma
MCC death in end stage cervica CA
Vulvar CA: age...sx...exam:... RF... precursor lesion.. dx test... tx...histo
age: postmenp... sx: itch, genital warts hx... exam: early like dermatitis, late: hard ulcer or cauliflower like... RF: HPV 16,18, 31, etc...precursor: VIN...dx test: punch bx = VIN1 or 2 = mild to mod risk of inc dysplasia, 3 = carcinoma in situ... tx: in situ (wide margin), invasice surg... histo: 90% sqcc, 6% melanoma
ovarian CA: age, sx, exam, rf, dx test, tx, prevention, histo
age: postmenop...sx: usually none... exam: early nl, later: mass, ASCITES...test: US, AFP, HCG...prevent: OCP, BSO if strong family hx
MCC death in ovarian CA
bowerl obstruc
the two types of endometrial hyperplasia
endometrial hyperplasia = changes in glandular and stroma....1) simple = no glandular crowding, 2) complex = glandular crowding
what is hyperplasia + atypia called
atypical simple or atypical complex(30% of → endometrial type 1 CA)
The 2 types of endometrial CA
Endometroid type 1..... Serous type 2
Endometrial endometrioid CA DT...special... precursor of it?...reprod hx...metabolic syndr (HTN, DM, obesity)?...tumor grade... invasion of....tx...good or bad
DT: unopposed E...special: MC female reprod CA in USA...precursor: hyperplasia and atypical...reprod hx: no babies...Metab: YES... tumor: low grade...invade: superficial myo...tx: stage 1 = high dose Progest for premenop, surg and rads for post...prog: good
Serous endometrial CA DT...precursor of it...age...metab syndr...invade... tx...prog
DT: unrelated to E, but P53 mutation...precursor: Endometrial Intraepithelial Carcinoma (EIC)... age: 67 (vs. 50's)... metab: none...grade: high... invade: deep myo...tx: TAH + staging...prog: bad
MCC death of reprod tract CA?
ovarian tumors (but most are benign)...RF: age, few babies, delayed childbearing
BRCA and ovarian CA?
BRACA1>BRACA2 for ovarian CA
Ovarian CA also assoc w/
LYNCH 2 (HNPCC = inc ovarian, endometrial and breast CA)
tx of ovarian CA
Premenarche if >2 cm = LAPAROTOMY...premenopause: if <10cm cystic = watch, most go away, if>10cm = surgery...postmenop: asx, unilat <5cm w/ nl CA125 = monitor w/ US
more malignan pelvic mass finding of ovaries
hard, fixed, bilateral, and nodular (not smooth)...if US: multilocular, bilat, ascites (vs. Calc)
CA 125
epith ovarian CA
AFP in ovaries
Endodermal sinus
AFP, hCG in ovaries
embryonal carcinoma
hCG in ovaries
LDH in ovaries
inhibin in ovaries
tx urge
Anticholinergic or TCAs, behavior traning (biofeedback)
SPIRAL fx of humerus and femur
strongly suggest abuse in kids <3yo
shaken baby syndrome check for
retinal hemorrhage and noncontrast CT for subdural
acyanotic heart dx: vsD, asD, pDa
5T's and 1P's
cyanotic heart: P = pulmo atresia
VSD fond in...tx
Down, FAS, cri du chat, 13, 18...tx: if <1yo w. pulmo HTN, big VSD that dont close, ALL VSD need abx prphy before procedures
Right axis dev, RVH
PDA tx
indomethacin...unless baby >6-8mo (then surgery)
coarc assoc w/....sx
berry aneurysm, 2/3 have bicuspid aortic valve...sx: asx HTN in kids (weak femoral pulses)
“3” sign on CXR?
pre and post dilation of the coarc segment with aortic wall indentation and rib notching
CATCH 22 stands for
Cardiac, Abn face, Thymic aplasia, Cleft palate, HypoCa
MCC cyanotic congenital heart prob in newborn
Transp of Great Vessels...need a septal defect to be alive
MC cyanotic heard dz in kdis...sx when
Tetralogy of fallot (MC in newborn is different)...RF: PKU and CATCH22...sx: not at birth but by first 2 yrs
initial tx of both Tetralogy and Transposition
Down sx
flat face, epicanthal folds, simian crease, MR...heart: Atrioventricular canal (ASD, VSD, valve prob DT endocardial cushion defects)...C1-C2 instability too
Edwards sx
low set ears, clenched nands, prominent occiput...horseshoe kidney
Patau sx
MR, small head, CLEFT, abn forebrain (HOLOPrOENCEPHALY), puched out scalp, polydactyly...heart dz...death like edwards
Klinefelter has? Sx
XXY (bar Body)...sx: testicular atrophy, eunuchoid body, tall, long
MCC primary amenorrhea
Turner's...horseshoe kidney
dec. phenylalanine hydroxylase or dec TH4... screend at bith (only valid after protein meal like milk) → tyrosine becomes essential and inc Phe...tx: inc TYR dec Phe in diet (if mom has it, needs to change her diet BEFORE comception)
sx of PKU
blond, blue eye, heat prob, MR, fair skin, mousy urine odor
Fragile x MOA
Xlinked (methylation and expression of FMR1 gene, triple repeat!) = 2nd MCC genetic MR
Fabry's MOA...sx..type
alphaGalactose A defic → inc Ceramide trihexose (heart, brain, kidney)...sx: renal fail, inc stroke and MI...type: XR
Krabbe's dz MOA...sx..type
no GALACTOSIDE and GALACTOSYLCERAMIDE → galactocerebroside in brain...sx: optic atrophy, spasticity, early death...AR
Gaucher MOA, sx, type
def. GLUCOCEREBROSIDASE → inc it brain, liver, BM (GOUCHER CELLS = crinkled paper)...sx: big organs, anemia, dec plastelets...MC type: 1 (nl life and no brain stuff)...AR
Niemann Pick MOA, sx, type
defic: SPHINGOMYELINASe → inc sphin cholesterol in RETICULOENDOTHELIAL and parenchymal...type A die by 3...AR (hehe: no man PICKS his nose with his SPHINGER)
TaySac MOA, sx, type
HEXOSAMINIDASE → GM2 Gang...sx: ok until 6mo, weak, slows , regress, dead by 3, CHERRY RED on MACULA...(hehe: taysaX, heXo)
Metachromatic Leukodystrophy MOA, sx, type
Arylsulfatase A → inc in brain, kidney, liver, PERIPHERAL NN...AR
Hurler's , sx, type
Alpha Iduronidase...sx: corneal cloud, MR...AR
Hunter's, sx, type
Iduronidase Sulfatase... sx: corneal couding, mild MR...XR (hehe: hunters need to see: no corneal blind to see X)
Cystic Fibrosis MOA, sx, dx, tx
MOA: CFTR channel in Chr 7...sx: meconium ileus, greasy stool, male infertility, ADEK defic...to dx: Sweat cloride >60, >80 for adult
MCC bowel obstr in first 2 yrs life...and tx it
intusseption....tx: aircontrast Barium, if unsuccessful: surgery
the rules of Meckel's
6 2s: 1) under 2, 2) males 2x, 3) pancreatic and gastric tissue 4) 2 in long within 2 ft ileocecal, 5) 2% pop
MC congenital abn of small intestine
Meckel's...sx: asx, painless rectal bleed, if pain → complications!...to dx: Meckle Scintigraphy scan...tx: if bleed: excise diverticulum, if asx: excise
explosive discharge of stool after rectal exam:...to dx...tx
Hirschprung...dx: plain film...tx: excise
Malrotation with volvulus dx
fibrous band (Ladd's bands)...to dx: if stable: Upper GI, US depends on tech...tx: NG to decompress, fluid, surg
MC peds immuno DO...age...tx...
Bcells...sx: 6mo...tx: IV Ig (xcept for IgA defic)
Bcells vs. Tcells immuno DO?
Tcells: 1-3 mo (earlier) and infx: fungal, viral, IC, opportunistic...(Bcells: encaps bacT)
3 ex of Bcells DO
Xlinked Agamma (bruton's), Common variable Immunodef, IgA defic
Bruton's peeps...infx...dx and tx
peep: Bcell defic in BOYS only...infx: encaps, LIFE THREAT...to dx: quantify Ig, next see B or T cells levels, no tonsils or lymphoid tissue...tx: Abx + IV Ig
Common Variable Immunodefic peeps, infx, tx
peep: low Ig in 20-30s, B and T cells prob...sx: pus URI, Lymphoma and autoI inc...to dx: same as with Bruton's
IgA defic sx...dx
sx: Mild, common...sx: usually asx, anaphylactic rxn post transfusion...dx/tx: IgA level
1 ex Tcells DO...sx..infxn...dx/tx
Thymic aplasia (DiGeorge)...sx: tetany in first days, fungal and PCP...dx/tx: abs lcy count, delayed skin test...tx: BM, IVIg, PCP prophy, thymus transplant
3 ex of Combined T and B DO
Ataxia Telangiectasia.... SCID.... Wiskott Aldrich
Atax Telangiectasia peep/moa...sx...dx/tx
MOA: DNA repair defect...sx: OCULOCUTANEOUS TELANGIECTASIA and progressive CERBELLAR ATAXIA...infxn: inc NHL, Leuk, gastric CA...tx.dx: no specific
SCID moa, sx, tx/dx
moa: both T and C defic...sx: candida, everything...txdx: BM, stem cell, IV Ig, need PCP PROPHYLAX
Wiskott-Aldrich MOA..infxn...txdx
MOA: X- less bad B and T → dec IgM (hehe: WAM), dec platelets, inc E/A...sx: EXZEMA, Ig prob, DEC PLATELETS = recurrent... dxtx: IV Ig + abx, RARELY LIVE TO ADULTHOOD, bm
3 ex of Phagocytic DO
Chronic Granulomatous Dz....LAD...CHediak Higashi Syndrome
CGD type...moa...sx..txdx
type: XR, AR defic of superoxidase prod by PMN and Macrop...sx: chronic, granuloma of skin, LN...txdx..Abs neutrophil count, Nitroblue Tetrazolium, tx: daily BACTRIM, IFNgamma, BM
sx: omphalitis in new born with delayed umb cord...txdx: no pus and minimum infl, lots WBC, tx: BM
Chediak Higasi type..sx..txdx
type: AR= neutrophil no chemotax...sx: oculocutaneous albinism, neuropathy, neutropenia, lots infxn bacT...tx: BM TOC!!!
to dx C1 esterase defic
total hemolytic complement (CH50) assess quantity and fxn of complement...tx: before surg: purified C1 esterase and FFP
Juvenile Arthritis + systemic onst =
Still's DZ (recurrent high fever, big organs, rash)...
which vacc not to take in immunoins and pregos
oral polio...(varicella...MMR = these 2 can be taken in HIV)
these are not CI to vaccine
premature, current abx therapy
MCC bronchiolitis...to dx...to tx
RSV...complic: resp failure...sx: tachypnea, wheez, crackle, rhinorrhea...to dx: CXR: hyperinflated, atelectasis, ELISA of nose washing...tx: fluid and nebulizers, RSV prophylaxis in winter for high risk pt <2
MOA of croup (aka?)
aka: laryngotraheobronchitis...MOA:viral infxn of Larynx, in subglottic...complic: bacT superinfxn → tracheitis...sx: URI, now stridor, barking cough...to dx: stridor, steeple DT subglottic...tx: if severe: EPI
Epiglotitis area?
supraglottic (epiglottis, and aryepiglottic folds)... sx: high fever, drool, muffled voice, dog position...to dx: do not examine throat, gold: fiberoptic: cherry red, swollen epiglottis...tx: true emergency: intubate and abx (ceft or cefurox) IV
Traheitis cause by...CXR
s. aureus...sx: prodome then acute in 10hrs...CXR: subglottic narrowing
Age / PE/position of Retropharyngeal abscess cs. Peritonsilar abscess
R: 6 mo -6yrs, cervical LN unitlat/mass on posterior pharyangeal wall...P: >10yrs, no LN or mass outside..same bacT for both (group A MC)...R: like to be in a dog position
like to be in Dog position
retropharyngeal abscess and croup
MCC viral meningitis
1) CATARRAL (mild URI sx = most contagious)...2) Paroxysmal (most common stage,, some insp woop. Emesis), 3) CONVALESCENT (dec sx)
tx whooping cough
if <6mo = hosp...else: ERYTHROMYCIN to everyone involved
describe rash in 5th dz
red, itchy, starts arm and spred to trunk
measles DT and rare complication
Paramyxovirus...complic: subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
rubella describe rash
red, tender rash starts face and goes out...less sx than measles
Roseola infantum DT? Describe prodrome and rash and complic
HHV6...prod: high fever then stop, then rash starts on trunk and spreads out and last <1d..complic: febrile seiz
neonatal jaundice that is direct/conjugated hyperbili?
always pathologic (unconju can be either)
Vertbral, Anal, Cardiac, Tracheal, Esophageal, Renal, Limb
Gastrochisis location
next to umbilicus, no sac
covered by peritoneum and amniotic membrane...seen in: BECKWITH WIEDERMAN and trisomies
pathologic vs. physiologic jaundice...time, %of direct bili and peaks
Phys: not until 3 d, Path: first day...peak: Phys: <15, Path>15....%of direct in phys is <10%...length: in phys resolves in 1-2weeks, in path, not resolve in those time
phototherapy of conjugated hyperbili →
bronze skin
sx Resp Distress Syndr
MC resp failure in preterm infants...sx: fist 2-3 d, RR>60, hypoxemia, cyanosis, nasal flaring...
Transient tachypnea of newborn MOA
retained amniotic fluid → prominent perihilar streaking in interlobular fissures
meconium aspirate newborn signs
hyperexpansion and pneumothoraces
tx RDS in kids
CPAP or intubate and mechanical ventilation, surfactants
MC movement DO in children...the types
Cerebral palsy...1) PYRAMIDAL (spastic) = paresis of any or all limbs, MC, MR 90%...2) EXTRAPYRAMIDAL (dyskinetic) = ataxic, choreoathetoid, dystonic, abn worse during stress , less at sleep
tx of Cerebral palsy
Ed, PT, brace...tx spasticity: Diazepam, dandrolene, baclofen
the types of febrile seiz
1) simple (<15min, generalized seiz, high fever)...2) complex (>15min, focal, many seiz in 24hrs, low grade fever for days before seiz)...antipyretic does NOT dec amt of febrile seizure
MC childhood malig? Age? Asoc with
ALL...2-5yo white...assoc: Down, Fanconi, SCID, BM failures
sx of ALL...to dx
abrupt onset, can have weird CHLOROMA (greenish soft issue on skin or spinal cord)...to dx (lots of blast on peripheral)..tx: chemo (watch out for tumor lysis syndrome)
sudden hyperK, hyperURICEMIA
tumor lysis syndrome
<2 yo, most have mets when found, mc loc: abd/thoracic/cervical...sx: NONTENDER abd mass (may cross midline), Horner, HTN or cord compression...dx...assoc w/...to dx...tx
NEUROBLASTOMA...assoc: NF, Hirshsprung, N-myc... todx: CT, FNA, 24hr Cat (VMA, HVA)...tx: excise + chem/rads
asyx, nontender abd mass, but 2-5 yo...assoc w...
WILMs...assoc w: BeckWiderman (hemihypertrophy, macroglossia, visceromegaly), NF, WAGR (Wilms, Aniridia, Genitourinary abn, MR)
Aniridia + hemihypertrophy..think
From neuroectoderm...in bones...adolescent whites male...dx and chromo...loc...dx...
Ewing's...Chromo 11:22 transloc...sx: swelling/pain in MIDSHAFT...lab: leuko, esr
CA from osteoblasts of mesenchymal origin in young males...sx...dx...
OSTEROSARC...sx: systemic sx RARE (vs. Ewing's), loc metaphyses of long bones, 20% mets to lung...lab: sunburst lytic, high LDH
Generalized Anxiety Disorder length, tx
>6 mo...tx: BUSPIRONE, venlafax, SSRI
OCD pt know?
that they are irrational and want to change...tx: SSRI and cognitive behavior therapy
5 SSRI and first line for
Sertraline, paroxetine, citalopram, escitalopram, fluox...tx: GAD, OCD, PTSD...se: sex
Buspirone for...se
same as SSRI...SE: SEIZURE w/ chronic use (no tolence, dependence or withdrawal)
Flumazenil for...se
tx BENZO intox (hehe: FLY in my BENZ)...SE: resedation, dizzy, vomit, pain
OCD vs. OCDPersonality
OCD: know they suck and want to change (ego-dystonic)...OCDP: do not recognize (Ego syntonic)
tx phobias
PTSD length, tx
>1mo...tx: SSRI, Buspirone, TCA and MAOI
impair cognitive fxn with GLOBAL deficits, consciousness is STABLE, highest in >85
cant recognize previously known object
do not give what to elderly
define delirium
consciouness CHANGE, cognity ALTERED
type of hallucination in Dementia and Delirium
Delirium: visual or tactile...Dementia: in 30% of peeps in very advanced dz
Sleep, Interest, Guilt, Energy, Concentration, appetite, psychomotor agitation/or retardation, suicide
Bupropion SE
dec. seizure treshold, few sexual side effects (CI in bulimics)
trazodone SE
pripaism, highly sedating
lethal arrhythmias
MAOI...2 examples
High-TYRAMINE foods (cheese, red wine), sex side effects... Phenelzine and tranylcypromine
% of people with bipolar commit suicide
define Bipolar 1
at least 1 manic or mixed episode
define Bipolar 2
at least one MDE and one hypomanic episodes (less intense than mania)
chronic and less severe
Distract, Insomnia, Grandiosity, Flight of ideas, Activties/psychomotor, Sexual, Talkative
how long is manic episodes
Lamotrigine SE
SE of Thioridazine
irreversible retinal pigmentation... type: Typical antipsychotics
SE of atypical of
nausea, skin rash, leukopenia,
Acute dystonia
involuntary muscle contraction...tx: Benztroprine or Diphenhydramine
def: restlessness...tx: dec neuroleptic, try BB
dysinesia def and tx
def: pseudoparkinson like (shuffling gait, cogwheel rigid)
tardive dyskinesia
def: oral facial movements...tx: giving antichol or dec neuroleptics may initially worsen tardive dyskinesia
Schizo earlier in males...which subtype is worse, best
worse: disorganized... paranoid: prognosis
Cluster A is?
weird, (paranoid, schizoid, shizotypal)
Cluster B is?
wild (Borderline, histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial)
Cluster C is?
Worried and wimpy (OCD, avoidant, dependent)
wht is schizoaffectiv
Schizophrenia + major affective DO (Major depression or bipolar)
Autism assoc w...age......sx..tx
TS and Fragile X syndrome...before 3...no interest in relationship and abn devn in nl social behavior, stereotyped speech/behacior...tx: behavior management
sx Asperger's
Austim like in terms of relatinship...but NO LACK OF COGNITION OR LANGUAGE
Retts MOA, age
neurodegen in females..progressive impair after 5mo
age of Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
regress after 2yo
MR IQ level
<70...85% are mild (50-70), mod (35-49), severe (20-34), profound (<20)
define Coproliala
repetition of obscene words
tx Tourette
abuse vs. dependence
Dependence is more dangerous....abuse: not fulfill responsibiilty...dependence: inc tolerance
tx etoh abuse
1) start benzo for withdrawal sx 2) vit, FA, thiamine, then Glc 3) long term AA
anorexia vs. bulemia, who is more concerned and willing to get help
bulemia (anorexics deny problem)
define anorexia
<85%, lanugo...
etoh intox and withdrawal
w: tremor, tachy
opioids block by...withdrawal
block by: NALOXONE, NALTREXONE...w: dilated pupils, cramps...
PCP sx, tx for sever sx, withdrawal
sx: assault/vert and horiz nystagmus)/seiz...tx: give benzo or Haloperidol if severe...w: RECURRENCE of INTOX DT reab in GI/sudden severe onset, random violence
LSD sx
flashbacks, delusion, visual hallucination
2 types of anorexia
1) restrictive 2) binge, purge
pt with eating DO should not be prescribed
BUPROPION (inc seiz)
>6mo...tx: insight oriented psycho, behavior therpay
define sexual sadism
inflict on others
define sexual masochism
liked to be hurt
tx insomnia
good sleep hygiene...if using rx: Diphenhydramine, zolpidem, zalepllon, trazodone
primary hypersomina length
>1mo...tx: amphetamine
tx narcolepsy
scheduled daily naps + stimulant
central vs. obstructive sleep apnea
C: both airflow and respiratory effort decrease/MORNING HA/mood changes...O:airflow dec DT obstruction / SNORING/MALe/FAT
tx CSA vs. OSA
C: BPAP = mechanical...O: nasal continuous CPAP, weight loss, if kids = surg of tonsils
tx jet lag
2-7d self heal
do somatoform pts know?
no conscious control
tx somatization DO
multiple office visits
tx conversion DO
(ex: sudden loss vision)...tx: selfheal or psychotherapy
tx Body dysmoorphic
SSRI maybe
tx pain DO
rehab, TCA, venfalazine
SAD PERSONS stand for
risk factor of suicide: Sex male, Age, Depression, Previous attempt, Etoh, Rationa though, Sick, Organized plan, No spouse, Social support lacking
3 MCC death in 15-24
1) homicide 2) accidents 3) suicide
some other sx of sarcoid...granulomas?
gammaglobulinemia, negative TB, lymphadenopathy...noncaseating granulmas in LN!!!
tx sarcoid
CXR of hypersensitivy pneumonitis acute and chronic
acute: nl or miliary nodule infiltrate...chronic: fibrosis in upper lobes
hx: tile, brake, ships...20yrs later...CXR: calc pleural plaques (benign), linear opacities at base
coal mine...cxr...complic
cxr: small nodules in upper lobe...complic: fibrosis
hx: glass, pottery...cxr: small nodule upper lobe, EGG SHELL CALC...comlic: inc risk TB, need yearly TB skin test/progressive massive fibrosis
hx: high tech field, dental, dye...cxr: diffuse infltrate, HILAr adenopathy...complic: need CHRONIC steroid tx
ABCT of obstr pulmo dz
Asthma, Bronchiectasis, Cystic F, Tracheal/bronchial obstr
5 things in Asthma
1) reversible obstr 2) hyperreactivity 3) airway infl 4) mucuous plug 5) sm hyperreactive
in kids withmany croup and URI?
think asthma
ASTHMA for asthma tx
Abuterol, Steroids, Theophyline, Humidified O2, Mg, Antichol
acute vs chronic tx asthma
A: O2, Bdilatr (short acting), Ipratropium (never use alone), systemic STEROIDs...C: Bdila(long), inh steroids, systemic steroids, cromolyn or theophyllin
2 ex of B2Agonist
Albuterol (short) , Salmeterol (long)
1 ex of Methylxanthines and MOA
THEOPHYLLINE (inh Phosphodiesterase → inc cAMP → dilate lung...SE: narrow margin safety (CARDIO and NEUROTOX)
1 ex of muscarinic antagnoist
CROMOLYN MOA...for...usage....SE
stops stuff from MAST CELLs...for EXERCISE spasms...use: mainly for PROPHYLAXIS, not for acute...SE: rare
inh steroids used for
first line tx for long term asthma
severe persisten asthma..sx...meds
continous...tx: High dose inh steroids + long inh B2 + possible PO steroids + PRN short bronchodilators
mod persistent asthma..sx..meds
daily, >1x nightweek...tx: med inh steroids + long inh B2 + PRN short B2
Mild persistent asthma...sx..meds
>2weekday but <1/d, >2nightmonth...tx: low inh steroids + PRN short B2
mild intermittent asthma...sx..meds
<=2day.week, <=2night.month...tx: NO daily + PRN short B2
Bronchiectasis to dx..tx
CXR: inc marking, TRAM LINES (parallel lines outlining dilated bronchi DT infl and fibrosis), CT: dilated bronchi
The 2 types of enphysema, cause and loc
1) SMOKING (centrilobular) 2) Alpha1 antitrypsin (panlobular)...E: terminal airway destruction and dilation
in COPD pt with chronic hyoxia...be careful?
give them lots of O2 will stop their breathing drive
COPD tx for COPD
Corticosteroids, O2, Prevention (smoke, pneumovax, influvax), Dilators (B2, antichol)...
dyspnea and pursed lips....CXR: parenchymal BULLAE or subpleural BLEBS!!!!...abg?...tx
emphysema...ABG: hpoxia, and chronic resp acidosis...tx: acute (O2, inh B2, antichol, IV steroids, abx), chronic (stop smoking, O2, inh B, antichol, steroids, pneumovax/fluvax)
only thing that inc survival in COPD?
supplemental O2
pulse ox in hypoxemia...ABG for...if inc Aa gradient
pulse ox: dec HbO2 sat...ABG: eval PaO2, calc Alveo-Art (A-a) O2 gradient...inc Aa gradient = V/Q mismatch or diffusion impaired
tx hypoxia
1) give O2 before eval 2) if pt on vent = inc O2 sat by inc FiO2, inc PEEP or Inc I/E ratio...3)HyperCO2 pt = Inc minute vent
Acute onset, Ratio (PaO2/FiO2 <=200), Diffuse infiltra, Swanz Ganz <18mmHg
triad of ARDS
hypoxia, dec lung complicance, noncardio PE
vent at LOW TIDAL VOLUME (reduces mech vent injury), PEEP to get collapse bronchi, change PEEP and FiO2 to get enough O2...goal: PaO2>60, or SaO2 <90 on FiO2 <.6
define pulmo HTN
dyspnea, tachy, nl CXR...tx
PE....tx: 1) Hepatrin 2) thromboylsis (if severe DVT or PE → RHF and heme unstable, CI in recent surg)
wedge shaped infarct lung on CXR
Hampton's hump
oligemia in embolized lung zone CXR
Westermark's sign
Swave on 1, Q in 3, inverted T in 3
best way for DVT prophylaxis
early ambulation
factors favoring lung CA...tx low risk CA
>45, smoke, no calc, irregular calc, irregular margin...tx low risk: re image 3-6 mo
BLAB for lung CA location
bone, liver, adrenal, brain
smCC of lung assoc w, loc, origin
assoc: cigarette, loc: center, origin: neuroendocrine
MC lung CA, loc, types,
Adenocarcinoma, loc: periphery, a type: BRONCHOALVEOLAR CARCINOMA (lots of sputum, prolif)
Least common and worst lung CA
large cell
MOA of primary pneumothorax
Rupture of bleb in tall, thin, young guys
MOA of 2nd pneumotohax
DT: COPD, TB, trauma, PCP, line...
MOA tension pneumo
wall defect –> one way valve (inc inside)...sx:
HyperNa can be DT
hypertonic saline/feed or INC ALDO
hypotonic fluid loss DT
diureticcs, renal dz, diarrhea, burn
pure water loss
sx of central pontine myelinolysis and DT
quadriplegic and pseudobulbar palsy...DT: correcting hypoNa too fast (>1mEq/L/hr)
hyperK DT
Type 4 RTA, NSAIDs, mineralocorticoid defic
C BIG K for tx hyperK
Calcium, Bicarb or insulin w/ sugar, Keyexalate
4 cz of hypervol and tx
RF, Nephrotic, Cirrhosis, CHF...tx: restirct water
7 cz euvolemia and tx
SAIDH, hypoThyr, RF, rx, psychogenic polydipsia, adrenal insufficiency...tx: restrict water
6 cz hypovolemia and tx
diuretics, vomit, diarrhea, third space, dehydration...tx: give NS
EKG for hyperK
1) peak T, 2) long PR 3) wide QRS
B2 agonist and K?
inc cell uptake K
hypoK can be DT
renal, GI, Barters, hypoMg, Type 1 RTA, mineralocort xs
sx hypoK
weak, cramps, hyporeflex, paralysis...EKG: flat T, U wave, ST depression
MCC hypoK
renal, GI loss
MCC hyperCa
hyperPT and CA (breast, MM, sqcc, xs vit A/D, MEN1)
level of Ca
hypoCa sx
abd cramps, tenaty, PERIORAL and ACRAL PARESTHESIA
pt dev cramps and tetany after thyroid surg
low alb?
can cause false low Ca!
AG! Methanol, Uremia, DKA, Paraldehyde, Intox, Lactic acidosis, Ethylene Glycol, Salicylates
sudden dec fluid → retention BUN/Cr
Renal ischemia, toxins, hemoglobinuria or myoglobinuria →
if FeNa<1%, meaning
Kidney trying to retain Na...so problem is prerenal!
Methicillin and kidne?
hyaline cast means
volume depletion
Granular cast, renal tubular cells, “muddy brown cast” see in
SE of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
hyperCl, Metab acidosis, sulfa allergy
Ethacrinic acid, Bumetanide are?
loop agents
what is nephritic syndrome 2 words...to dx...
inflammation of glomerular...HTN, dec GFR → inc BUN/Cr, proteinuria, hematuria
“lumpy-bumpy” on immunoFluorescence
Post-strept GN
IgA nephropath can been seen in
(aka Berger's)...with Henoch Sholein purpura...20%--> enstage
tx Wagener vs. Good pasture
G: plasmaph + some steroids...W: high steroids
Alport age, sx, histo, prog
5-20yomen...sx: deaf, asx hematuria...histo: GBM SPLIT...prog: esrd
minimal change can be 2nd to...hx...tx
2nd to NSAIDs, blood CA...hx: infxn and clot hx... tx: steroid, GREaT!
young black male with uncontrolled HTN...dx? Assoc w/...tx
FSGN...assoc: IV rx, DM, HIV...tx: steroids
Membranous..assoc w...histo
assoc: HBV, syphylis, gold...histo: SPIKE AND DOME dt deposit IgG and C3 at BM
DM Nephro 2 types...histo..
types: Diffuse hyaline and Nodular glomerulosclerosis (Kimmelstein wilson lesions)...histo: thick GBM and inc MESANGIAL MATRIX
Lupus nephritis histo
mesangial proliferation, subendothelial immune complex deposition
renal amyloiddosis DT?..hx...histo
DT primary (plasma cell dyscrasia), 2nd (infxn, infl)...hx: MM or chronic infla dz...histo: Congo red stain, apple green birefringen
Membranoproliferative assoc..histo..tx
assoc: HCV, Cryoglobulemia, lupus, subacute bacterial endocarditis...hx: slow progress to renal failure...histo: double layer BM, subendothelial deposit
pts with DI like...dx test
ice cold beverages...Water deprivation test: excrete lots of diluted urine...
restrict water
SAIDH can be DT...how does DEMECLOCYCLINE help
CNS (injury, tumor), pulmo (sarcoid), drugs (antipsych, antiD) or surgery....DEME: antagonizes ADH in tuberal
urinary of Na >20 means?
pt is not hypovolemic
kidney stone size and prog
<.5cm can pass...<3cm =litho
MCC calcium kidney stone
80% idiopahtic
which kidney stones have alk urine
Cacium, Struvite
Which kidney stone has acidic urine
Uric Acid...tx by alk urine with CITRATE
hexagonal kidney stone
APKD assoc w
liver cyst, berry aneurysms...esrd eventually
what age worry if first UTI
<7yo...need voiding cystourethrogram
labs to check for erectile dysfxn
Testosterone, gonadotropin...PRL also can dec androgen
BPH most common age...mc location...tx:
>50...loc: periurethral...DRE: rubbery (if hard = CA)...tx: TERAZOSIN (alpha block), FINASETRIDE (5alpha reductase inhibitors)
prostate CA PSA? Histo scale...tx metastatic prostate CA
PSA>4!....GLEASON: 1-5 of 2 samples = 10 is highest...tx mets: ANDROGEN ABLATION (GnRH agonist, orchiectomy, flutamide)
how to dx bladder CA
cystoscope w/ bx
tx bladder CA
1) CARCINOMA IN SITU: chemo, 2) SUPERFICIAL: complete transurethral resect or chemo w/ mitomycinC or BCG (vaccine for TB?!) 2) LARGE/HIGH GRADE: chemo 3) INVASIVE without MET: radical removal 4) INVASIVE WITH METS: chemo only
RCC from and RF
from: tubular epith cells...RF: male, smoking, fat, VHL..tx: surgery usualy good if local
MC testucular CA are and prog...RF...to dx...
germ cells 95% and almost all: malign...RF: cryptor and klinefelter...to dx: US, marker
Tx seminomas? Nonseminomas?
RADIO!!!...NS: Platinum chemo
never delay airway DT
cervical injury
how to do A in ABCDE
1) O2 cannula or face mask 2) intubate 3) trach
breathing: the 5 cz immediate death: T pneumothorax, C Tamponade, O pnemothorax, hemothorax, airway obstr
1) 16 gave in each antecubal fossa 2) 3:1 fluid to blood loss of NS (start with 1-2 L bolus)
Disability(cns = glascow) / exposure (take off close and assess)
chest injury: unstable and pentrating..next
intubate and bilateral chest tubes
tx contiminated wound
early irrigation and debridement >>>> abx!!!!
aortic prob assoc w/
Ribs 1 and 2, scapular, sternal fx...decel injury
direct epigastric blow can →
aka handlebar injury = pancreatic rupture
MC organ damage in abd trauma
liver, spleen
MC GU damage in rauma
tx pelvic fractures
need SUGEON NOW if in field, can use MAST (military antishock trousers) to maintain BP
pelvic injuries assoc with urethral injury if...next
1) blood at urethral meatus 2) high riding prostate or lack of one....tx: retrograde urethrogram before folate
sharp vs dull abd pain
sharp: peritoneal...dull: organs
tx asystole
Epi and Atropine
tx PEA
Epi + atropine and now search for cz
SVT tx
1) unstable = DC, 2) stable = rate with maneuvers (like cold) 3) if cant maneuver = ADENOSINE
Afib/flutter tx
1) unstable = DC 2) stable = rate with DILTIAZEM or BB, now rhythm = (if <2d = DC, if >2d = anticoag and TEE before DC), then anticoag
PNA can present as
right or left UQ pain
psoas sign
extend hips → RLQ pain
Obturator sign
int rot of flexed hip → RLQ pain
Rovsing's sign
palpate LLQ → RLQ pain
2nd MCC death in kids, det the 3 types
first degree burn (epidermis – pain, no blisters)...2nd degree (part of dermis – pain and blisters)...3rd (full dermis and beyond – painless, white, charred)
rule of 9's for Body Surface Area
head, each arm = 9% each...back and chest = 18% each...leg = 18% each...perineum 1%
tx burns
for 2nd and 3rd degree = PARKLAND formula = fluids for first 24 hrs = (4 x pt's weight in kg x %BSA) & 50% fluid first 8 hrs, rest next 16hrs
5Ws of postop fever
Wind, Water, Walking, Wounds, Wonder rx...dec by: spirometry, abx, short term foley, early amb and dvt prophylaxis...fever at 3rd d unlikely infxn unless Cdiff or Beta strept
dx labs for CO poisoning
ABG and serum carboxyHb (nl <5% in nonsmokers, <10% in smokers), maybe scope...tx: 1) 100% O2 until unsx 2) HYPERBARIC if prgos, unresponsive, neuro sx 3) if smoke INHALATION may need intub DT potential airway EDEMA
tx acid / alk ingestion
scope for stricture
tx organophosphate (and anticholE too)
2pam (atropine, pralidoxime)
tx arsenic, mercury, gold
succimer, dimercaprol
tx BB
tx barb (phenobarbital)
urine alk, dialysis, charcoal
tx black widow
Ca, methocarbamol
tx CO
100% O2, hyperbaric
tx cu, arsenic, lead, gold
tx cyanide
amyl nitrate, Na nitrate, Na thiosulfate
tx Dig
stop Dig, normalize K, lidocaine (for torsades), antiDig Fab
tx lead
sucimer, EDTA, Dimercaprol
tx Methanol, etylene glycol
etOH, fomepizole, dialysis, Ca
tx Methemoglobin
methylene blue
tx opioids
tx PCP
tx salicylates
urine alk, dialysis, charcoal
tx TCA
NaHCO3 for QRS prolong, diazepam for seiz
tx Theophylline
tx tPA, streptokindase
Amiocaproic acid
ATN (and otox)
SE amantadine
ataxia, LIVEDO RETICULARIS (net like lesions on LE on skin)
SE amiodarone
thyroid prob
SE Amphotericin
kidney, BM, anemia
SE antipsych
acute dystonia, akathisia, parkinso, TD, NMS
SE azoles (fluconazole)
inh P450
worsesns asthma, mask hypoGlc
SE carbamazepine
inc P450, AGRANULO, liver tox
SE cisplatin
kidney, acoustic nn damage
SE Clonidine
rebound HA /HTN
SE clozapine
SE steroids acute
SE cyclophosphamide
Hemorrhagic cystitis
SE Dig
yellow vision, arrhythmia (jxn tachy or SVT)
SE doxorubicin
SE halothane
liver tox, MALIGNANT HYPERTHERMIA (neuro malign synd for = neuro or antipsych, not this)
hypo: K and Na.....hyper: Uric acid, Glc, Ca
SE hydroxychloroquine
SE methanol
SE methyldopa
+ coomb, SLE
SE nitroglycein
HypoT, tachy, HA, tolerance
SE penicillamine
SE phenytoin
hirsutism, atax
SE Prazosin
first dose hypoT
agranulo, aplasic
SE quinidine
cinchonism (HA, tinnitus), dec platlets, arrhythmia (torsades)
SE succinylcholine
Malign HTN, hyperK
SE tetracycline
photosensitivy, Fanconi
SE valproic acid
NT defect, rare fatal liver tox
SE Vanc
kidney, otox, red man (DT hist release)
SE Vinblastine
severe myelosuppr
SE vincristine
peripheral neuropathy
etoh house
10 hrs = tremor...in 2d = seiz...in a week = DT (hallucination
tx barb
tx benzo
tx coke
avoid pure BB
tx opiods
mod sx: clonidine or buprenorphine....if severe: methadone....if drug free for week: naltrexone
vit A defic
night blind
vit B1 defic
(thiamine)...BERIBERI (polyneuritis, dilated heart, high output CHF, edema), WK
vit B2 defic
(riboflavin)....stomatits, corneal vasc
Vit B3 defic
vit B12 defic
neuro (optic, SCD)
vit C defic
scurvy (bleeding gums poor wound healing, bruising)
vit D defic
rickets in kids (bending of bone), osteomalacia in adult (soft bone), hypoCa tetany
vit E defic
rbc fragile
kit K defic
neonatal hemorrhages
defic biotin
demattis...can be DT eatin RAW EGGS or abx
FA defic
MC defic in USA...sprue, anemia wo neuro sx
Mg defic
weak, cramp, inc tetany DT hypoCa, tremors
Selenium Defic
Keshan disease (cardiomyopathy)
define unstable angina
new, worsening or at rest
rx that slows AV
BB, Dig, CCB
tx hyperchol
a fall of systolic >10 w/ inspiration
Pulsus paradoxus (in cardiac tamponade)
LDL in pt with DM
ST elev vs. ST depess
Elev = MI (along with Q wave and flat T)...depres = ischemia
endocarditis prophylaxis
Oral = amox....GI or GU = AMP + GENT before and AMOX after
MCC HTN in young guys
Stuck on look
seborrheic keratosis
pearly papule with talengiectasia
honey crust lesion
+ vs. - Nikolsky
+ = P Vulgaris...- = B. Pemphigoid
flat topped papules
lichen planus
lesion linear pattern where skin contact cloth
contact dermatitis
herald patch (christmas like)
pityriasis rosea
16yo annular patch of alopecia w/ broken off stubby hairs
aplopecia areata (autoI)
spaghetti and meatballs
pityriasis versicolor
premaling lesion → sqcc
actinic keratosis
cradle cap
seborrheic dermatitis (tx w/ antifungal)
painful, recurrent vesicular eruption of mucocutaneous surfaces
Herpes simplex
inflmmation and epith thinning of the anogenital area, in postmenop women
lichen slerosus
exophytic nodules with scales and ulcers....2nd MCC skin CA
antimicrosomal ab
hypoCa, high phosph, low tsh
HA, weak, polyuria...HTN, tetany..hyperNa, hypoK, Metab Alk
primary hyperaldo
tx cental DI
post op pt with sign pain with hypoNa and nl vol status
pt weak, weight loss, new skin pigm...hypoNa, hyperK..tx
(addison's = primary adrenal insuff)...tx: gluco, mineralocor, IV fluid
A1c goal for DM
girl with preE, should tell parents?
no, no need to for pregos
diff btw withdrawaing life sustaining care and witholdind sustatining care
10 yo with status epilepticus, parents say no, u?
do it (DT immediate threat to her life), get court oder afterward
if US doesnt reeveal much about gallbladder
sentinel loop on AXR
acute pancreatitis
MCC diarrhea
fried rice diarrhea
B. cereus
raw seafood diarrhea
vibrio, HAV
AIDS diareh
Isospora, crypto, MAI
pain and diarrhea...fistula btw bowel and skin, nodules on tibia
extraintestinal sx of IBD
uveitis...AnkSpond... Pyoderma Gangrenosum... Erythema Nodosum...PSC
tx IBD
5ASA and steroids
Reynaulds for
asc cholangitis now pus...Charcot + shock + AMS
tx hepatic encephalopathy
dec prot...lactulose...neomycin
4 yo, oliguria / petechia/ jaundice after bloody diarrhea
rx induced Hepatitis
TB (INH, rifampin, pyrazinamide), acetaminophen, tetracyclin
4 causes of Microcytic anemia
TICS (Thal, Iron defic, Chronic dz, Sideroblastic)
MC inherited cz of hypercoag
Factor 5
MC inherited hemolytic anemia
hereditary sphero
dx test for hereditary sphero
ofmotic fragility test
pure RBC aplasia
Diamond-Blackfan anemia
anemia... no radii or thumb, diffuse hyperpig, cafe'aulait, small head, pancytopenia
polycythemia vera vs. 2nd poly
both inc mass...PV = nl O2 and low erythropoitin
TTP pentad?
FAT RN (Fever, Anemia, thrombocytopenia, Renal dz, Neurologic
HUS triad
anemia, thrombocytopenia, ARF
tx ITP in kids
selfheal...may need IV Ig or steroids
whats inc in DIC
Fibrin split prod and Ddimers
girl with longer bleed after dental and mense...nl everthing xcpet nl/inc PTT
vWF (give desmopressin, FFP, or cryo)
10yo, weight loss, fever, night sweats, ant mass
80 ym, LN, tired, isolated lymphocytosi
CLL (lymphocytic leuk)
life treat cond of CML
blast crisis (fever, bone pain, big organs, pancytopenia)
auer rods
50 yo male, big spleen, bleed, 9,22,
AR, defect G2b3a, dec platelet aggr
Glanzmann's thromboblasthenia
significant cz of morbidity in thal pts, tx
Fe overload, use deferoxamine
which are encapsulated bugs
Pneumococcus, meningococcus, H. flu, Kleb
tx coccio
Ampho B
tx neonates meningitis
Genta + Amp
tx kids meningitis
Vanc + Cefo
CSF w/ inc gamma globulins
first itchy papules, then LN then black eschar after a week
cut anthrax...tx: PenG or Cipro
24yo with white plaques back of throat, work up, tx
Candida trush...workup: HIV...tx Nystating oral
prophylax for MAI in HIV
ring enhancing on CT with seiz
Taenia solium (cysticercosis)
branching rods in oral infxn
Act. Israelli
Painful chancroid
h. ducreyi
meningitis in elderly
s. pneumo
osteomyelitis from foot puncture
osteomye in sc
55 yo smoker, drinker, flu like, stain nothing, silver = gram neg
acute onset monoarticular joint pain and Bell's
pain pallor, paresthesia, paralysis, pulselesness, tx
back pain worse by stand/walk, better with sit and flex
spinal stenosis
genetic dz, mistaken for child abuse
osterogenic imperfecta
arthritis, conjunvitivitis, urethritis, org?
reiter's (campylo, shigell, salmo, chlamy, ureaplasma)
chronic tx gout
allopurinol or probenecid
rhomboid shape
old lady, pain stiff shoulder and hip, cant lift her arms above head, anemia and inc esr
polymyalgia rheumatica
bone fx fall outstretched hand
colle's (distal radius)
youn kid, prox muscle weak, waddling gait, calf muscl
first born female, breech, asx skin fold
dev dysplasia of hip...if severe = PAVLIK harness to maintain abduction
MC primary tumor of bone
prophylactic tx migraine 3
sudden broken speech, dx, lobe and vasc
broca...frontal, MCA
trauma, 2nd = berry
albuminocytologic dissociation
Guillain Barre' (inc prot in CSF w/ a little inc cell)
cold water into ear and fast part of nystag → opposite, good?
MCC primary source met to brain
L, B, S (melanoma), K
MCC sx of intracranial tumor
MCC seiz in kids 2-10
MCC seiz in young adults 18-35
trauma...etoh withdrawal...brain tumor
first line med for status epilept
IV benzo
confuse, make up, eyes, atax
% for carotid endarectomy
70 IF SX!!!!!!!!
tx Guillain
IV Ig or Plasmaph
rigid, stiff ....then dance like, mood
6yo, stain on V2, MR, seiz, leptomendial angioma
SW (tx sx! Possible resection of affected lobe)
Kluver Bucy (amygdala)
primary cz of 3rd trim bleed
p previa, p abruptio
continuous painful vag bleed
p abuptio
abx with that are terato
Tetracycline, fluoroquiolones, AMG, sulfa
shortest AP diameter of pelvis
obstetric conjugate (sacral promontory and midpt of pubic symphysis)
tx postpart heorrhage
hands...if not, OXYTOCIN
GBS prophlaxctic
penci...of AMP
heavy bleed during and btw menses aka
amenorrhea, nl PRL, no response to E and P, hx DC
weight loss and OCP
postmenop with vag bleed, next
endometrial bx
when to tx ectopic with meds
<3.5cm, stable at <6weeks
tx endometriosis 3
MC loc for ectopic
dx and follow leiomyoma
inc vag dc and petechaie patch on uppervag and cervix
Contraceptive that protes against PID
OCP and barrier
strong fx ovarian CA yearly wahat
US and CA125
leaks urine when laugh tx
Kegel, Estrogen, Pessaries
pees unexpectedly, tx
Anticho (oxybutyrin) or B adrenegic (metaproterenol) for urge
MCC female infertility
2 straight finding of ASCUS on pap, next
Colpo and Endocervical curettage
type br CA that inc risk of invasive ca in both breast
LOBULAR carcinoma in situ
nontender abd mass with inc VMA and HMA
baby with meconium ileus
hirsprung or CF
bilius with FIRST feed
duod atresia
hgh fever...then rash as fever breaks, risk for
febrile seiz (roseola infantum)
kid has eczema, thrombocytopenia and inc IgA
Wiskott Alrich
4 month old with life threat pseudo
Bruton X Agamma
tx for mild or sever unconj bili
phototherapy or xchange if severe
Tanner 3 at 6yo
infxn small airway with epidemics in winter and spring
RSV bronchiolitis
congenital heart dz → 2ndary HTN
first line for OM
homeless kid small for age has peeling skin and swollen belly
Kwarshorkor (prot malnutrition)
defec in xlink w/ MR, gout, self mutilation, choreo
Lesch Nyhan (purine salvage prob w/ HGPRTase defic)
galatorrhea, impotense, menstrual dysfxn, and dec sex
DA antagonist
17 yo blind after bf died car crash
mom angry at husband yell at baby
pedophile enters monastery
reaction formation
20 yo wet his bed
life threat muscle rigid, fever, rhabdo
SE of atypical
DM1, weight gain, QT prolonged
young weight lifter given HALOPERIDOL now yes deviate sideway dx, tx
acute dystonia (oculogyric crisis), tx: BENZTROPINE or DIPHENHYDRAMINE
5 mo, dec head growth, social interaxct
takes haloperidol for schizo, now tongue comes out, dx, tx
Tardive Dyskinesia...dec or stop haldol, change to another
honeycomb on CXR, dx, tx
Diffuse INTERSTITIAL pulmo FIBROSIS...tx: supportive...steroid maybe
tx for SVC syndrome
acid base in PE
hypoxia and hypocarbia (resp Alkalosis)
lung CA DT smoking
inc risk infxn w. silicosis
RTA + abn H seretion and kidney stones
Type 1 distal
RTA + rickets + abn HCO3
Type 2 prox
dought skin
tx mod hyperCa
Loop + NS
red cell cast
Nephritic or glomerulonephritis
waxy casts and maltese cross (seen with lipiduria)
low urine spec grav + high serum osmolal
MC type of testicular CA
Seminoma (a germ cell)
3 systemic dz → nephrotic
DM, SLE, amyloid
inc erythropitin and nl O2
RCC or nother CA
rx that cause rigid msucle, hyperthermia, auto instab, extrapyraid
Antipsych (NMS)
tx NMS
dandrolene or bromocriptine
tx for Malign HTN
acceptable urine out in trauma
accepte untrine in stable pt
cannon 'a' wave
3rd degree heart block
tx septic shock
Fluid + abx
tx cardiogenic shock
find cause...pressors (dopamine)
tx hypovolemic shock
fluid and blood
anaphylactic shock
diphenhydramine or epi
tx for ARDS
trauma series
AP chest...AP/Lat C spine...AP pelvis