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46 Cards in this Set

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bones of roof of cranium
bones of roof of cranium:
1. occipital: foramen magnum, squamous part, paracondylar processes
2. parietal
3. interparietal
4. frontal
- ox: frontal bone displace parietal bones caudolaterally
external sagittal crest
external saggital crest:
- cranially in midline
- diverges to form temporal lines on either side
- joins zygomatic process of frontal bone
supraorbital foramen
supraorbital foramen:
- pierces root of zygomatic process of frontal bone
nuchal crest
nuchal crest:
- dorsal projection of occipital bone
- highest point of standing horse
facial crest
facial crest:
- prominent lateral ridge of zygomatic arch
- masseter m arises here: strongest m of mastication
- major landmark in all horses
nasoincisive notch
nasoincisive notch:
- between nasal and incisive bones
- important landmark
tentorium cerebelli osseum
tentorium cerebelli osseum:
- transverse bony wall
- has ligaments
- dorsally divides cranial cavity into:
1. rostral part: housing cerebrum
2. caudal part: housing cerebellum
External nose support
External nose support:
1. Rostral: median nasal septum
2. Lateral: expansions of nasal septum on either side, slender dorsolateral nasal cartilage
- no cartilagenous support but soft tissue, allowing expansion while breathing
3. Dorsal, medial, ventral: alar cartilage attached to most rostral part of the nasal septum
alar cartilage
alar cartilage:
1. lamina: dorsal, flat and broad
2. cornu: ventral, narrow and curved (horn)
nasal diverticulum
nasal diverticulum:
- blind, dorsal cutaneous pouch
- extends rostro-caudally from dorsal angle of nostral to nasoincisive notch
- false nostril: opening
- no known fx, but may vibrate when horse snorts, modulating sound
nasal cavity space
nasal cavity space:
- narrow for size of head due to:
1. roots and crowns of maxillary (cheek) teeth, especially in young animals
2. presence of nasal and ethmoid conchae, septum
3. thick, highly vascular mucosa in some parts
4. pneumatization of some of the skull bones
nasal meatuses
nasal meatuses:
- dorsal, middle, ventral and common - formed by spaces between dorsal, middle, and ventral nasal conchae/ turbinates
- NG tube placement: place forefinger on dorsal aspect of tube to direct into ventral nm
paranasal sinuses
paranasal sinuses:
- air spaces in bones, lined by mucous membranes
- developmentally, invaginations of nasal mucosa into bones so:
1. same composition -and-
2. innervated by the same nerves: opthalamic and maxillary V
- vascular, rich in nutrient broth
- clinical: spread of infection, especially maxillary and frontal
maxillary sinus
maxillary sinus:
- bony roots of last 3-4 cheek teeth project inside: extraction, infection
chonchofrontal sinus
chonchofrontal sinus:
- composite sinus
- rostrally into dorsal turbinate: ca half of turbinate has common cavity with frontal sinus
- extends more rostral than other dom animals
- single cavity incompletely separated into compartments by bony lamellae
frontomaxillary opening
frontomaxillary opening:
- only equine
- large, oval opening in floor of frontal sinus b/w median plane and orbit
- DIRECTLY links frontal sinus with caudal maxillary sinus
- can use to knock out teeth
nasomaxillary opening
nasomaxillary opening:
- allows INDIRECT drainage of frontal sinus into nasal cavity
sx limits of frontal sinus
sx limits of frontal sinus:
- Rostral: midway b/w medial canthus and rostral end of facial crest
- Medial: line ~2cm parallel to median plane
- Lateral: line passing through supraorbital foramen, parallel to medial limit
- Caudal: vertical line through middle of zygomatic arch
(maxillary) oblique septum
(maxillary) oblique septum:
- completely divides sinus into rostral, caudal
~ 5cm from rostral end of facial crest
- may dissolve proximally, otherwise no direct communication between the 2 sinuses
rostral maxillary sinus
rostral maxillary sinus:
- ca half of ventral turbinate incorp=
1. lateral: original compartment
2. medial: turbinate compartment
- lat and med communicate freely
- complete bony septum separates cr from ca sinusal half of the ventral turbinate
ca maxillary sinus
ca maxillary sinus:
- larger than rostral
- frontomaxillary opening connects ca maxillary sinus with frontal sinus
nasomaxillary opening
nasomaxillary opening:
- narrow, curved slit
- common opening connects cr and ca maxillary sinuses and nasal cavity
- b/w dorsolateral wall of skull and curved dorsolateral edge of ventral turbinate
- inflammed mucosa= blockage
maxillary sinus
maxillary sinus:
1. longitudinal plate of bone: divides ventral part into lat and med portions, proximally carries infraorbital canal
2. nasolacrimal canal: dorsolateral
3. roots of last 3-4 cheek teeth: level of projection dep on age
- occupy more room in young and gradually extrude with age
sx limits maxillary sinus
sx limits maxillary sinus:
- Rostral: vertical line through infraorbital foramen
- Caudal: vertical line through middle of eye
- Dorsal: line from infraorbital foramen to medial canthus
- Ventral: facial crest, running rostrally to meet the rostral sx limit
sphenopalatine sinus
sphenopalatine sinus:
- little or no clinical importance
- opens into ca maxillary sinus
drainage of paranasal sinus
drainage of paranasal sinuses:
- humans prod 500ml mucus in frontal sinus/ day
- inflammation: more mucous, possibly pus
- drainage not direct or free
sinus drainage of chonchal sinuses
sinus drainage:
1. v conchal sinus: drains into ro maxillary sinus but impeded by infraorbital canal and bony plate supporting it
2. d conchal sinus: drains into frontal sinus and it into ca maxillary sinus
3. sphenopalatine and middle conchal sinuses: into ca maxillary sinus
sinus drainage of maxillary sinus
sinus drainage:
- floor central to nasomaxillary opening: problem w/ natural drainage so force to eat from ground
1. ro and ca maxillary sinuses: comm directly w/ nasal cavity
2. ca maxillary sinus: drainage impeded by infraorbital canal and supporting bony septum
infraorbital canal and drainage
infraorbital canal and its supporting bony septum impede drainage of:
1. v conchal sinus ( into ro maxillary sinus)
2. ca maxillary sinus
frontal sinus trephine
frontal sinus trephine:
- midway b/w medial canthus and midline
- also ca maxillary sinus via frontomaxillary aperature here
ca maxillary sinus trephine
ca maxillary sinus trephine:
- same level as ro, but toward ca end of facial crest
- maxillary septum: 5cm from ro end of facial crest
ro maxillary sinus trephine
ro maxillary sinus trephine:
- 25 mm dorsal to ro end of facial crest
- also v conchal sinus
mobile, sensitive, used as prehensile organ
- compared to dog: commisures more rostral compared w/ length of oral cavity
- oral cleft cannot be opened as widely: exam, intubation difficult
occipitomandibularis m
occipitomandibularis m:
- m of mastication unique to equine
- O: paracondylar m
- I: ca border of mandible
- opens jaws, supplied by CrN 7
- not to be confused with digastricus
main innervation of mm of mastication
main innervation of mm of mastication:
- trigeminal n
- exception: occipitomandibularis m supplied by facial n
temporalis m
temporalis m:
- little effect on clamping jaw compared to dog
1. very short
2. coronoid to articular process of mandible much shorter
- apex: spatulate, poorly defined and short median sulcus/ groove
- dorsal lingual cartilage: beneath mucosa in median plane
- not used for grooming
- normally pink, pigment abnormal eg malignant tumor
dental formulas
dental formulas:
1. decid: Di 3/3 Dc1/1 Dp 3/3 x2= 28
2. perm: I 3/3 C *1/1 P 3/3 M 3/3 x2= 40
* stallion has all canines, mare absent or poorly developed
first premolars
first premolars:
- usually don't develop: first PM is PM2
- wolf teeth: permanent, upper arcade, poorly developed
- cropping, cutting grass
1. masticatory/ occlusal surface/ table: flat, changes with age from oval, rounded, triangular, then oval
2. infundibulum: central cleft, lined by cementum
3. dental star: rostral, closer to vestibular surface of tooth
- site of pulp cavity: darker, secondary dentine has been laid down
cheek teeth
cheek teeth:
- PM and M identical
- infundibula: filled with cementum= no cups
- anisognathism of upper and lower
anisognathism of cheek teeth
anisognathism of cheek teeth:
- lingual 1/3 cutting surface of upper in contact with vestibular 1/2 of lower in centric occlusion
- lower: vestibular surface wears faster (than lingual)
- upper: lingual surface wears faster (than vestibular)
- leads to sharp edges, points which must be eliminated by floating
dental aging of horses
dental aging of horses:
- lower teeth, mostly incisors
1. eruption info
2. wearing features of incisors eg cup disappearance
3. dental star presence and 7-year hook (upper corner)
4. galvayne's groove (upper corner)
tooth eruption
1. eruption: distal end of new tooth breaks through gum (gingiva)
2. advances towards opposite tooth, eventually making contact
3. advancement slows down but is continuous: comp for wear and tear
- similar histo to dog
- all hypsodont except canine and P1
- very long crowns:
1. clinical crown: distal part above gum line
2. reserve crown: proximal part in socket
- clinical root: reserve crown + true root
- cementum: covers tooth, absorbs pigment
hypsodont structure
hypsodont structure:
- occlusal (cutting) surface: 1-2 infundibula or cups, lined by cementum
- enamel crests: raised ridges on cutting surface