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92 Cards in this Set

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40 yo female, w muscle pain and stiffness all over, it gets worse w exercise..normal strength and joint ROM...tenderness around scapule/lateral epicondl/and bilateral medial knee fat pads...not ablt to sleep/is tired what she got?
common symptoms of fibromyalgia from FA!
women 20-50yo, chronic, widespread musculoskeletal pain w stiffness, parastehsia, poor sleep, & fatigue
symmetric pain/morning stiffness MCP/PIP involved- warm, swollen, tender you're thinking?
Rheumatoid arthritis!
bilateral proximal wekaness, can't climb the stairs, can't comb your hair, heliotrope rash (racoon eyes) grolton nodules, and an incr CK characteristics of?
Low back stiff and resolves with exercise- usually develops in young males, and PE shows a decrease in flexion of the spine?
anklyosing spondylitis
pt is >50, w/ morning stiffnedd neck, shoulder, pelvic, wt los fever and incr ESR, occurs in 1/2 pt w temporal arteritis
polymyalgia rheumatica
woman comes w infertility, acne, hirsutism, HTN, BMI high, irregular menstruation, what would her ovaries appear as?
enlarged, PCOS causes subcortical cysts that enlarge ovaries
what are the levels of LH, FSH, estrogen, and androgen in a woman w PCOS?
LH is increase, FSH is decr, androgens incr, and estrogen is incr
what causes the acne, hirsutism, excess sweat w PCOS?
theca cells hyperplasia from excess androgens
what is the cause of insulin resistance in women w PCOS?
some transcription factor after insulin binds does not respond anymore, therefore causing insulin R
what kind of endometrium do women with PCOS have?
thick due to the excess estrogen causing proliferation
if a woman w PCOS wants to get pregnant what do you prescribe?
clomiphine- an ERM, will inhibit the production of estrogen from outside sources (ovaries etc.) and stimulate GnRH again to release estrogen-->ovulate etc.
woman w PCOS not trying to get pregnant?
OCP, this extra estrogen will turn off the GnRH stimulation and cause menses
Baby with bilateral retinal hemorrhage and subdural hematoma, what should you be thinking
Shaken baby Syndrome
Babies have a unique antomy, their head is a lot larger- larger subarachnoid space, and subdural...therefore if you shake the immature brain in the large cavity- it rips the skull and bridging veins
subdural hematoma
other veins close to the head rupture too such as
retinal veins
what is associated with fracture of the skull?
middle meningeal artery & and subsequent epidural hematoma
hemophilia A is associated with
soft tissue and joint hemorrhage
idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura is associated with
petechia/ecchymoses/bleed quick w injury usually seen after a viral infection
bacterial vagionisis most common cause is
gardenerella vaginalis
alters the normal flora- get a loss of lactobailli and overgrowth of mixed anaerobes, grey "fish" odor with adding KOH and a clue cell on wet mount is
bacterial vagionsis
gonorrhea and trachomatitis
infect together, cervicitis w white discharge--> infect--> PID, on culture you can see N. gonorrhea not trachomatitis
MCC fungal vaginitis, white-curd appearance, labial erythema, KOH shows yeast & psuedohyphae, no oder w KOH
Candida albicans
flagella protozoan, vagina shows yellow-green foam/ full trophozites w flagella on wet mount
what gene is effected in CF?
What is the mutation mechanisms of CF
the release of Cl and water is supressed and instead you release a viscious mucous which is stasis and accumulates
what two organs are affected the most with CF?
respiratory & pancreas
What other systems can get plugged by CF?
male repro, salivary glands, & liver
How does CF cause problems in respiratory?
the increase in viscosity decreases the clearance of bacteria- you're likely to get repeatitive pulmonary infection from pseudomonas
what does aspergillus funigatus cause in CF pts?
allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis w asthma or CF
alkaline phosphatase is made by
placenta,intestine, bone, & liver
How do you differentiate alkaline phosphatase from bone vs liver?
electrophoresis & specific monoclonal antibody- bone AP is easily denatured by heat
Acid phosphatase is present in
osteoclasts- not useful bc of cross-reactivity from other tissues, and is resistant to degradation by tartrate
calcitonin or C-cells are a marker for
medullary thyroid cancer
urinary deoxypyridonline is released by
pyridoniline cross-links collagen fibers which is useful for assessing
osteoclasts * best way to measure osteoclasts
what is hydroxyproline
breaks collagen, released by osteoclasts- not useful bc also seen in meats
47 XXY, normal neonate--> puberty, primary testicular failure, hyalinization/fibrosis of seminiferous tubules, lack of testosteron syntheiss, small testis, gynecomastia, MR, azoospermia, infertility, tall stature, FSH/LH high, eunuchoid body habitus =
Klinefelter syndrome
How are all anueplodies formed?
meiotic nondisjunction
macroochidism, largew jaw, MR =
fragile X syndrome
arachonodactyly, scoliosis, aortic root dilation=
Marfan syndrome
short, hypotonia, obese?
Prader-willi, microdeletion of chrom 15 from paternal
homeless alcoholic, w swollen gums, ecchymoses, & hyperkeratosis what are you thinking?
vitamin C deficiency
what do you need vitamin C for
hydroxylation of proline & lysine -- pro-collagen makes hydroxyproline & hydroxylysine
people with scurvy lack
collagen cross-linking
symptoms of scurvy?>
caused by low connectve tissue include" swollen gums, mucosal bleeding, poor wound healing, spots on skin
in children's scurve is worse why?
can cause hemorrhage of subperisoteal & joint hematomas
what is thiamini (b1) used for
co-enzyme for dexcarboxylation of pyruvate --> acetyl coA and alpha-ketogluterate --> succinyl coA (citric acid)
deficiency in B1 causes
neuropathy and high-output heart failure
what is B6 used for
co-factor with amino acids
what is deficiency in B6 cause
sebhemorrhic dermatitis, glossitis, & peripheral neuropathy
what is B12 used for
methionin & making succinyl coA from methyl malonyl coA
deficieny in B12
megaloblastic anemia- subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord
purine deficiency causes
decr purines with folate defiencey= decr erthrypoitic to make DNA= megaloblastic DNA
Prolactin increases throughout the pregnancy, however no production of lactate- how come?
progesterone/estrogen increase by placent and fetal adrenal glands, inhibit lactation- once this seperates and ruptures= lactate
What is the role of HCG in pregnancy?
keeps corpus luteum to produce progesteronuntil placenta can make it- once the CL is gone, HcG levels drop low- nothing to do w lactation
amonrrhea anorexic pts lose what control?
pulsatile GnRH release from hypothalamus
FSH is responsibile for what in males?
spermatogensis & inhibin B
which cells does FSh stimulate?
sertoli to produce ABP (androgen binding protein) & inhibin B
what does ABP do for spermatogenesis?
increases local tesosterone which is needed for spermatogenesis
What negatively inhibits Lh and FSH in males?
testosterone & inhibin
no fetal heart tones, pt w vaginal bleeding and 46XX
hyatid mole! all paternal chromosome, no fetus embryo
honeycomb uterus, enalrges w cluster of grapes appearance
hydatidform mole
abduction greater than 30 degrees?
deltoid muscle
rotatoe cuff muscles are
supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis
what degree does supraspinatus abduct
10-15 degrees
what's the test to measure supraspinatus function?
empty can test
34 yo comes to the ER with R shoulder pain from falling froma tree- X-ray shows fracture in middle 1/3 of his right clavicle, medial clavicle has upward traction by the
where does the SCM insert?
sterno: manubrium of the sternum
cleido: superior medial (upward traction of medial fracture)
mastoid: mastoid of skull
where do the pec majors insert on the clavicle?
inferior medial clavicle
where does the deltoid inserrt on clavicle?
inferior lateral clavicle
where does the subclavius insert on clavicle?
inferior lateral clavicle
where does the trapezius insert on clavicle?
superior lateral clavicle
Which nerve innervates the SCM and for what function?
XI turns the head the opposite way
serratus anterior inserts where
1-8 ribs and inserts on medial scpula- innervated by long thoracic nerve
major and minor rhomboid muscles insety
vertebral body/spine and insert medial border scapula
pec minor insert
3/4/5 ribs on coracoid of scapula
subclavius insert
on 1st rib and inderior lateral aspect clavicle
Low-fever, anorexia, nausea, dark urin, RUQ tenderness, & returning from a foreign region you should think about?
Acute viral you see
diffuse balloon degeneration, mononuclear cells, & councilman bodies
What causes gallstones in pregnant females?
estrogen increases cholesterol due to incr in HMG-coA-reductase activity & progresterone slows down gall bladder motility= gallstones
37yo 12 weeks in gestation female comes in with glucose of 210 & TG= 232 what is the explanation for these results?
HPL causes insulin resistance, proteolysis, lipolysis (mostly in the 3rd trimester) shunts glucose to the fetus & inhibits gluconeogenesis
if the mother pancrease can not overcome what is caused by HPL what develops?
gestational DM
someone w CINIII what's the most important risk factor for them to develop a poor prognosis?
multiple sexual partners- usually stems from HPV 16 & 18
An immigrant pt comes in at 20 weeks gestation with a rash thats moved from her face--> trunk--> extremities, what is she and her fetus at risk for?
She probably doesn't have vaccine for measles, mumps, & rubella- rash spread from head and moves doen--> truncal rash, postauricular lymphadenopathy, fetus is at rish for PDA/hypoplasia/cataracts/deafness/blueberry rash and mom: rash/arthiritis/polyalthralgia
Most common reason for an elevated AFP in a pregnant lady?
dating error
baby comes in "floppy" enlarged tongue, disturbed, and anxious most likely?
How can you get hepatitis B?
any body fluid, blood semen tears etc. except stool
Tired eyes & anterior medistinal mass most likely
MG autoantibodies to post-synaptic membrane
Theca cells produce
Granulosa cells produce
progesterone & estrogen (b/c have aromatase)
what is theca externa?
support and connective tissue surrounding theca interna