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15 Cards in this Set

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Where do environmental problems come from? Explore at least four causes of environmental problems.
) Human Pop. Growth- Effects the environent and health of ppl/not enough food for everyone
2) globalization
3) overcomsumption
4)air pollution
18. What are the six central themes of Environmental Sciences as described by Botkin and Keller? How are they interrelated? Why are these six themes important in the current phase of economic development and environmental degradation????
1) Human Pop. Growth- Effects the environent and health of ppl/not enough food for everyone
2)Sustainability and carrying capacity- how many ppl can the earth sustain,
3)Global perspective- environment change affect the whole world
4)An urban world- because of pop growth and technology we are becoming urban species
5)People and nature- people depend on nature for resources but we hurt nature
6)science and values- people choose things by our values
* interrelated for ex. If you want achieve sustainability you need to limit population growth , because of rapid pop growth and changes in technology we are becoming an urban species. Because people depend on nature so much we are also affecting nature.
You are a natural manager of an island off the coast of California. The island is overrun with domestic goats, introduced during the last century that have since escaped and become wild. There are several endangered species of plants on the island, and the continued presence of the goats threatens these species’ existence. The only economically feasible way to remove the goats from the island is shoot them. What factors would you take into account in making a decision? That they provide resources for humans and they may become distinct. Recognizing that a response to this question implies specific value judgments regarding the environment distinguish and justify your response to the question for each one of the following grounds: “utilitarian,” “ecological,” “aesthetic,” and “moral.
Utilitarian- see some aspect of the envir. As valuable because it benefits individuals economically
Ecological-ecosytem is necessary for the survival of some species ex we don’t eat a tree but we may eat something that needs the tree to survive. Aesthetic justi-our appreciation of the beauty of nature. Ex scenery beautiful would rather live in a world of beautiful scenery than without it. Moral-various aspects of envir. Have right to existand our moral obligation to allow them to.
What is meant by the term of the tragedy of the commons?According to Botkin and Keller, what are the reasons individuals tend to overexploit natural resources held in common?
collective use of resources tended inherently towards abuse and degradation
Explains environmental degradation and decreased species populations as “tragic outcomes of failures in collective management .keep as many cattle as possible o the commons creating envir problemsLow growth rate of the resource, if resource is scarce value will go up making more money
How do we place money value on the environment? Distinguish three ways to estimate the value of natural resources and ecological services that are not traded in markets.
. —1) Existence value:
○A monetary value placed on a resource such as old-growth forest or endangered species just because it exists
—2) Aesthetic value:
○A monetary value placed on a forest, species, or part of nature because of its beauty
—3) Bequest or option value
—Is based on the willingness of people to pay to protect some forms of natural capital for use by future generations
environmental impacts (Methods for valuing non market impacts) when they are not traded in markets.
žRevealed preferences methods:
—Hedonic Price Method-what value a buyer is willing to place on ability to live ina location w low traffic
—Travel Cost Method-value the use of non market goods
—Cost of Illness-expenditure on medical services and products made in response to morbidity and other health effects of non market impacts
What is meant by discounting?ž
is a method used by economists to determine the dollar value today of a project’s future costs and benefits. ždiscounting is used to help evaluate the value of measures that deal with different environmental problems (e.g., the disposal of radioactive wastes)
What does a zero discount rate mean for intergenerational justice? What is meant by ecosystem good and services? Provide some examples
—Means that we care as much for someone one hundred years from now as we do for someone now
—Zero discounting has a moral rationale.Goods-food, tourism, recreation Services-cleansing water and air, regulating climate, polluntating crops
23. Should a price be put on the goods and services provided by the world’s ecosystems?” Support your position.
No, the pricing approach is inadaquet and can not be based on single scale values. Cost beneit analysis is only part of the decision making process. It is impossible to get the proce right of something that has been created by nature. I think that by putting an a value on the ecosystem services will prevent humans from valuing the envir. Other than as a commodity to be exploited, thus reinvigorating the old economic paradigm that assumes a perfect substitution btw. Natural and human made capital. It wil be counterproductive and will not solve all problems.
How is the third world part of an imaginary geography? What types of images about less industrialized countries identified by Morag Bell are still prevalent in the economic relations between the North and the South, particularly in the process of globalization that through commodity chains is linked to environmental degradation? What alternative images of peoples and environments of less industrialized countries are offered by Postcolonial texts?
Kids that are unhealthy, malnutrition, no because the countries how a diff culture andmay have middle class each country is different not every part of the country has poverty, kids wearing different clothes, kids were happy even though they were in the mud and poor, perceive women being exploited in third world countries they have no rights but in reality they do things for their world. seems Very disorganized aternative image in their culute their community is strong cause they do things together like gather water.
Identify three schools of thought regarding development? How do they define development? How can development be achieved according to each one of them? What are the fundamental policies and conditions established by SAPs, Structural Adjustment Programs?
Traditional classical/modernization-, dependency theory-reason the west has develop is because they have external markets to exploit, dependant countries are forced to specialize in the export of a few primary products, liberal interventionist stage –flows of trade and aid should be managed in ways to ensure mutual benefits to north and south…underdevelopment
SAPS policies and conditions- –1. Increase earnings of foreign capital
•Boost export production
•Devalue the national currency
–2. Fiscal and monetary measures
•Reduce inflation
• Cut interest rates
•Encourage investment rather than saving
–3. Reduce state involvement in the economy
What is meant by sustainable development? Briefly describe where the concept came from.
It began to be widely used after the United Nations Conference in Stockholm in 1972. It gained its salience as a result of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.
Based on Elkins’ chapter “Making Development Sustainable, what does sustainable development entail for the North and the South?
*Meets the needs of the present w/out compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. * North-emphasis on time scales and lifestyle changes, make an analysis of environment and make massive steps and programs to control pollution, technological innovation. South should balance sustainable growth, regenerate through technology advances, give poor ppl access to resources,focus on envir. Regeneration,
28. Identify the three main forces in mainstream sustainable development, MSD and their implications for dealing with environmental problems, resolving them and achieving sustainability.
In light of the concept of sustainable development, what can be learned from Indigenous natural resources management? In which ways might the Amazon Chagras represent a model of sustainable use of the land? In what ways do you find it problematic? Use the case I presented in class of “the Chagras” in the Amazon to illustrate your points.