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22 Cards in this Set

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Gill arches AKA?
Branchial arches
Pharyngeal arches
What cranial nerves did fish originally have?
I (olfaction), II (vision), VIII (balance/hearing)
Where were fish jaws derived from embryologically?

How is the jaw supported? Embryonic origin?
Jaw derived from gill arch 1

Supported by hyoid-like bones derived from Arch 2
Divide the cranium into three sections. What does each section contain?
Neurocranium: brain (occipital, parietal, frontal, temporal bones)

Basicranium: Ethmoid (Olfactory), Sphenoid (Optic), Petrosal Temporal (Otic) ganglia

Viscerocranium: sphenoid, incus ,maxilla, malleus, hyoid, thyroid, cricoid, arytenoid, styloid process

Bones of calvaria grow via ___________
intramembranous development (NCC important in forming; somitomeres too)
Bones of basicranium grow via ___________
endochondral bone development
Neural Crest Cells contribute to which region of the cranium?
Viscerocranial structures
What could failure of ordered neural crest migration result in?
Congenital defects:

NCC migration required for development of bones and connective tissue (Could have problem in the development of vessels!)
What are somitomeres in relation to somites?

What role do somitomeres play in embryonic development?
Somitomeres are premature somites (presomites)

Somitomeres (develop into somites?) and migrate to form muscles (extraocular, mm of mastication, stylopharyngeus, mm of pharynx)
What specific embryonic layer are somites derived from?
Paraxial mesoderm (form muscles)
What is foramen cecum a remnant of?
Remnant of thyroid diverticulum

Thyroid diverticulum migrates to form thyroid at same time tongue migrates upward
Which aortic (pharyngeal) arch does the branchiocephalic trunk form from?
Which aortic (pharyngeal) arch does the aortic arch form from?
Which aortic (pharyngeal) arch does the common carotid form from?
Pharyngeal Arch 1:
Arch Skeleton
Cranial Nerve
Pouch Derivatives

Arch skel: Mandible, maxilla, palatine, zygomatic, sphenoid (part), temporal (part), maleus, incus


Muscles: Mastication, jaw opening mm, ant digastric, mylohyoid, tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini

Pouch derivs (LININGS): eustachian tube, ear canal, middle ear
Pharyngeal Arch 2:
Arch Skeleton
Cranial Nerve
Pouch Derivatives
Arch Skel: Hyoid (part), stapes, styloid process


Muscles: Facial expression, stapedius, stylohyoid, post digastric

Pouch Derivs (LINING): Palatine Tonsils
Pharyngeal Arch 3:
Arch Skeleton
Cranial Nerve
Pouch Derivatives
Arch: Hyoid


Muscles: Stylopharyngeus

Pouch derivs (LININGS): Thymus, parathyroid
Pharyngeal Arches 4,6:
Arch Skeleton
Cranial Nerve
Pouch Derivatives
Arch Skel: Laryngeal Cartilages


Muscles: Pharyngeal constrictors, mm of larynx, cricothyroid, palatopharyngeus, palatoglossus

Pouch derivs (LINING): part of parathyroid
What are the symptoms of DiGeorge Syndrome? How can each be symptom be explained embryoligically?
DiGeorge Syndrome:

-Facial abnormalities: small jaw, cleft palate (arch 1 issue)

-Deficiencies or absence of thymus and parathyroid glands (no thymus-->no mature T cells; no parathyroid-->low calcium levels): arch 3 problem, maybe arch 4 too

-Cardiac abnormality (persistent truncus arteriosus) due to septation issue

ALL ORIGINATE from pharyngeal arches; problems in their migration!