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30 Cards in this Set

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External Conflict

External conflict is a struggle between an outside force

Internal Conflict

Internal conflict is a struggle within a character's mind


Poetry is a type of literature in which words are carefully chosen and arranged to create a certain effect

Narrative Poem

Narrative poem is poetry that tells a story


Simile is a figure of speech that makes a comparison of two unlike things using the words like or as


Plot is the series of events in a story

Short Story

Short story is a work of fiction that can be read at one sitting and centers on one idea


Characters are the people, animals, or imaginary creatures that take part in a story


Setting is the time and place of the action


Exposition introduces the setting


Resolution ties up loose ends and sometimes offers an unexpected twist before the story ends


Climax usually occurs toward the end of the story where the conflict is resolved and the outcome of the story usually becomes clear

Rising Action

Rising action is the stage of the plot that develops the conflict of the story

Falling Action

Falling action is the stage of the plot where the story begins to close


Suspense is a felling of growing excitement and tension felt by a reader

Limited Point of View

Limited point of view is when the tells the thoughts and feelings of only one character

Omniscient Point of View

Omniscient Point of View is when the narrator reveals the thoughts and feelings of all the characters


Characterization is the way a writer creates and develops the characters

Main Characters

Main Characters are the most important characters in literary work

Minor Characters

Minor Characters are less important characters in literary work that help the reader learn more about the main character

Dynamic Characters

Dynamic Characters undergo important changes as the plot unfolds

Static Characters

Static Characters remain the same throughout the story

Stage directions

Stage directions are the directions that are given to the director, actors, and stage crew in the script of a play


Teleplay is a play that is written for television


Stanza is a group of two or more that forma unit a poem


Rhythm is a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry


Repetition is a technique in which sound, word, phrase, or line is repeated for emphasis or unity


Rhyme is the repetition of sounds at the end of words


Foreshadowing creates suspense and offers hints of future events in the story

Chronological Order

Chronological Order is the arrangement of events by the order of their occurrence