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95 Cards in this Set

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Why were regional trading patterns important about 1500 A.D. ?
The exchange of products and ideas
What technological and scientific advancements were exchanged by about 1500 A.D. ?
Paper, compass, silk, porcelain (China) Textiles (India) Numeral system, astronomy, mathematics, medicine (Middle East)
What products were traded on the Silk Routes?
Paper, compass, silk, porcelain
What products were traded on Trans-Saharan routes?
Gold and Salt
What products were traded on South China Sea routes?
What products were traded on Indian Ocean routes?
Spices and Textiles
What products were traded on European routes?
Products and ideas from Asia
A humanist would most likely tell someone to study what?
poetry, philosophy, and history
Who was a well known Renaissance author of sonnets?
Michelangelo painted what?
The Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
The movement of humanism studied the ancient cultures of where?
Greece and Rome
What were the approximate dates of the Renaissance?
1350 -- 1600 A.D.
Where did the Renaissance begin?
Florence, Italy
What does Renaissance mean?
What are the characteristics of Renaissance art?
1. life-like gestures and actions
2. religious and secular themes
3. human emotions and feelings
Leonardo de Vinci painted what?
The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper
Who best represented the humanist philosophy of the Renaissance?
The Songhai Empire traded what?
Gold and Salt
Which Chinese goods were desired by Europeans?
Porcelain, Paper, and Silk
Martin Luther's religious views were what?
1. Salvation by faith alone.
2. Bible was ultimate authority.
3. All humans equal before God.
John Calvin's religious views were what?
1. Predestination
2. Faith revealed by living a righteous life.
3. Work ethic.
King Henry VIII's religious views included what?
Dismissed the authority of the Pope in Rome.
Queen Elizabeth I was associated with the __________ Church.
Queen Elizabeth I's rule was known for victory over the __________ in 1588.
Spanish Armada
King Henry VIII _____________ and remarried, then broke with the Catholic church.
John Calvin believed in predestination and expanded the __________________.
protestant movement
After breaking with the Catholic church, King Henry VIII formed the _________ of __________.
Church of England
The Catholic monarch (Henry IV) granted Protestant Huguenots freedom of worship with what?
The Edict of Nantes
The Society of Jesus (Jesuits) was founded to spread _____________ around the world.
Catholic doctrine
The ________________ was used to reinforce Catholic Doctrine during the Catholic Counter Reformation.
The Thirty Years' War was fought in Germany between the _________ and __________ and resulted in devastating loss.
Protestants and Catholics.
In England, the rise of Reformation contributed to the growth of ______________.
___________, a French theologian, advocated that God had preordained the fate of all people (predestination).
John Calvin
___________ expressed the beliefs that 1) Salvation by faith alone; 2) Bible is the ultimate authority; 3) All humans are equal before God.
Martin Luther
The Anglican Church became the national church throughout the British Isles under what monarch?
Elizabeth I
The ____________ was a conflict between Protestants and Catholics.
Thirty Years' War
Ignatius Loyola established what order of monks?
Jesuits (Society of Jesus)
Cardinal Richelieu changed the focus of the Thirty Years' War from a religious conflict to a __________ conflict.
The church court established to reinforce Catholic doctrine was the ______________?
Freedom of worship was granted to the Huguenots through the _______________?
Edict of Nantes
The primary reason that the North German princes supported Martin Luther was for ____________?
economic reasons
The group formed to reform the Catholic Church was the _________________.
Council of Trent
What factors contributed to the discovery of lands in the Western Hemisphere?
Economic competition between European empires.
Which explorer was from Portugal who, in 1497, hoped to sail around Africa and reach India.
Vasco da Gama
European migration to the Americas resulted in _____________?
The demise of the Aztec, Mayan, and Incan Empires.
The impact of the Columbian Exchange included __________________?
The death of many American Indians from smallpox.
Ferdinand Magellan explored for _____________.
Which explorer received credit for establishing the first permanent colonies in the Americas?
The second person to circumnavigate the globe was _______________.
Where were the majority of 17th century African slaves sent in the New World?
Central America and Carribean.
What were the main reasons for exploring during the Age of Discovery?
Gold, God, and Glory.
The Ottoman Empire spread to where?
The Balkan Peninsula
Istanbul, formerly named Constantinople, was the capital of the ________________.
Ottoman Empire
The Taj Mahal was a contribution of the ____________ Empire.
Mughal Indian
Military leaders, called shoguns, ruled ______________.
The West African empires traded slaves and what other goods?
Gold and Salt
What is mercantilism?
The idea that a nation's power is related to its wealth and needs a favorable balance of trade with its colonies.
With the fall of the Byzantine Empire to the Ottoman Turks in 1453, the capital city of Constantinople was renamed _____________.
Which was the largest Muslim Empire in the 1500s?
The two empires that were isolationist were ________________.
Ming China and Japan
In Japan, the Dutch were allowed to trade from where?
William Harvey discovered circulation of the _________.
Isaac Newton formulated the law of ______________.
Johannes Kepler discovered ______________ motion.
Nicolaus Copernicus developed the _________________.
Heliocentric Theory
Galileo Galilei used the __________ to support the heliocentric theory.
The _______________ takes its name from a series of European monarchs who increased the power of their central governments.
Age of Absolutism
3 ways that express the importance of the Scientific Revolution are
1) Emphasis on reason and systematic observation of nature.
2) Formulation of the scientific method
3) Expansion orf scientific knowledge
2 characteristics of absolute monarchs are
centralization of power, concelp of rule by divine right
Two absolute monarchs: _________ - palace of Versailles as a symbol of royal power.
_________ - Westernization of Russia
Louis XIV of France
Peter the Great of Russia
Political ____________ rests on the principle that government derives power from the consent of the governed.
The foundations of __________ rights include the jury trial, the Magna Carta, and common law.
The English Civil War and Glorious Revolution promoted the development of the rights of Englishmen through which events?
Oliver Cromwell, Charles I execution, The restoration of Charles II, Development of political parties, Increase of parliamentary power, English Bill of Rights
___________ thinkers believed that human progress was possible through the application of scientific knowledge and reason to issues of law and government.
The enlightenment applied reason to the _____________, as well as to the rest of the natural world, stimulated ___________ tolerance, and fueled _____________ revolutions around the world.
human world, religious, democratic.
____________, through the Leviathan, explained that humans exist in a primitive "state of nature" and consent to government for self-protection.
Thomas Hobbes
_______________'s Two Treatise on Government stated that people are sovereign and consent to government for protection of natural rights to life, liberty, and property.
John Locke
_____________'s "Candide" stated that the best form of government includes separation of church and state.
In __________'s work, The Social Contract, government is a contract between rulers and the people.
The philosopher ______________ believed religious toleration should triumph over religious fanaticiam; separation of church and state.
___________ was a German Baroque composer during the Age of Reason.
____________ was one classical music composer during the Enlightenment/Age of Reason.
_____________ wrote Don Quixote, which was the first modern novel in Europe
What improved technologies that were important to European economies during the Enlightenment.
1) All-weather roads improved year-round transport and trade.
2) New designs in farm tools increased productivity.
3) Improvements in ship design lowered costs of transport.
The ____________ was a political prison for individuals who opposed the absolutism of the monarchy, and its fall was a symbolic beginning of the French Revolution.
Name 3 outcomes of the French Revolution.
1) The execution of Louis XVI
2) War with neighboring countries
3) The rise of Napoleon
__________ is closely associated with the belief that government should be a contract made by the people.
John Locke
_______________ is known as a pioneer of the Scientific Revolution for his discovery of planetary motion.
Johannes Kepler
Peter the Great was a monarch of __________________.
The principle that government derives power from the consent of the governed is represented through ________________.
The development of the rights of Englishmen included the establishment of ____________.
common law
The enlightenment thinker who wrote The Social Conract
Application of Enlightenment thinking include what two ideas?
1) Reason was applied to the human world, not just the natural world.
2) Religious tolerance continued.
The first reigning monarch to face a public trial and execution was ________________.
Charles I
The separation of powers found in the US Constitution comes from writings of which Enlightenment thinker?