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72 Cards in this Set

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degeneration of the cortex (brain) leads to
degeneration of the brain stem and BASAL GANGLIA leads to
Movement disorder
Alzheimer disease is the M.C. cause of
how Dementia is formed
Amyloid Precursor Protein (neuron receptor) is broken down to A-Beta-Amyloid, that accumulates and causes dementia
is memory loss + cognitive dysfunction without loss of consciousness
Alzheimer clinical presentation
slow memory loss (takes years)
progressive disorientation
loss of learned motor skills and language
behavior and personality change
focal neurological deficit is not seen in
early stages of Alzheimers
Alzheimer sporadic forms the major risk factor is
in Alzheimer sporadic forms the risk is increased with
increased Epsilon-4 allele for Apolipoprotein-E (APOE) **
Epsilon-4 allele increases the of Amyloid precursor protein to
in Alzheimer sporadic forms the risk is decreased with
Epsilon-2 allele for Apolipaprotein-E
Alzheimer --> early --> familial form genetic mutation of
Alzheimer --> early --> familial form increased risk with
down-syndrome **
Amyloid precursor protein is present on
chromosome 21
most cases of Alzheimer is
Alzheimer hallmark is
diffused cerebral atrophy
Alzheimer- changes in brain are
narrowing of gyri and widening of sulci
Hydrocephalus EX vacuo **
dilation of ventricles due to atrophy of brain mass
Alzheimer pts. develop
neuritic plaque
Neuritic Plaque has
A-Beta-Amyloid (extracellular)
Neuritic Plaque entraps
neuritic processes
in cerebral amyloid angiopathy
A-Beta-Amyloid deposits around blood vessels within the brain
cerebral amyloid angiopathy leads to the
weakens the blood vessels --> hemorrhage
Alzheimer is associated with
neurofibrillary tangles
within the neurofibrillary tangles there is a protein called
TAU (hyperphosphorylated)
TAU is
micro-tubule associated protein - helps to organize micro-tubules
In Alzheimer TAU protein gets
hyperphosphorylated - can function properly
Diagnosis of Alzheimer is
clinical and pathological (autopsy)
Vascular dementia is a
problem with blood vessels - multifocal infarction and injury
Vascular dementia is due to
HTN, atherosclerosis, vasculitis
Vascular dementia is the second
M.C. cause of dementia in elderly
Vascular dementia is also asso. with
moderate global cerebral ischemia
Pick disease
Degenerative disease of FRONTAL (behavior) and TEMPORAL (language) cortex
Pick disease microscopic findings
round aggregates of tau protein in neurons of cortex
MPTP can result into
Parkinson Disease
Parkinson Disease is common disorder related to
key finding within the neurons of sabstantia nigra
round esosinphilic inclusions (lewy body)
lewy body is composed of (hall mark of PD)
Alpha-synuclein **
dementia is seen
in late stages of Parkinson disease
early dementia with Parkinson like features is asso. with
lewy body dementia (cortical lewy body)
Parkinson Disease
degenerative disease of basal ganglia
Huntington disease*
degenerative disease of basal ganglia*
Huntington disease
degeneration of GABAergic neurons in caudate nucleus of basal ganglia --> loss of inhibition of neuron firing
GABA is a
inhibitory NT
Huntington disease is a autosomal
Huntington disease due to
expanded trinucleotide repeat (CAG) in huntingtin gene
Huntington disease show
anticipation pattern. child anticipates to get the disease earlier than his father
Anticipation (Huntington disease ) is due to
further expansion occurs during spermatogenesis
Chorea (Huntington disease )
rapid involuntary contraction of muscles
slow involuntary movement of fingers
Huntington disease can lead to
dementia and depression
common cause of death in Huntington disease is
Normal pressure Hydrocephalus is possible cause of
dementia in adults
Normal pressure Hydrocephalus triads is
urinary incontinence, gait instability, and dementia (wet, wacky, wobbly)
Rx of Normal pressure Hydrocephalus is
LP improves symptoms, shunts from ventricles into peritoneum (VP shunt)
stretching of chorona radiata leads to
Normal pressure hyrocephalus triads (wet, wacky, wobbly)
Spongiform encephalopathy
degenerative ds. due to accumulation of prion protein
pathologic protein in Spongiform encephalopathy is
Beta pleated conformation
Beta pleated conformation (protein) in Spongiform encephalopathy converts normal protein into
additional Beta-pleated (pathologic) proteins
Beta pleated conformation (protein)
is not degradable
accumulation of Beta pleated conformation (protein) in Spongiform encephalopathy leads to
neuron and glial cell damage
hallmark for Spongiform encephalopathy is
intracellular vacuoles
how do we get Beta pleated conformation (protein) in Spongiform encephalopathy
M.C. form of Spongiform encephalopathy is
CJD (usually sporadic)
CJD hallmark is
rapid dementia (weeks to months) - pts. dying < 1
CJD is also asso. with
ataxia and startle myoclonus (contraction of muscles with minimal stimuli)
in CJD, EEG shows
spike wave complexes
variant CJD occurs in
young pts.
variant CJD is due to
exposure to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease) - meat
variant CJD presents as
familial fetal insomnia
familial fetal insomnia
inherited form of prion disease,
familial fetal insomnia characterized by
insomnia and exaggerated startle response