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131 Cards in this Set

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acercarse a
to approach
acostumbrar(se) a
to be in the habit of (to accustom oneself to)
aprender a
to learn to
asistir a
to attend
comenzar a
to begin to
contribuir a
to contribute to
dedicarse a
to devote (oneself) to
enseñar a
to teach, show to
entregarse a
to devote (oneself) to
habituarse a
to accustom (oneself) to
invitar a
to invite to
ir a
to go to
jugar a
to play (a game)
lanzarse a
to throw (oneself) into
meterse a
to get (oneself) into
oler a
to smell like/of
parecerse a
to resemble
saber a
to taste like/of
sentarse a
to sit down at
traducir a
to translate into
venir a
to come to
amenazar con
to threaten to/with
cargar con
to carry (llevar)
casarse con
to get married to
contar con
to count on
cumplir con
to fulfill, carry out
chocar con
to bump into (physically)
encontrarse con
to meet with
soñar con
to dream of/about
tropezar con
to run into (figurative)
acabar de
to have just
acordarse de
to remember
alegrarse de
to be glad
apoderarse de
to take over
aprovecharse de
to take advantage of
burlarse de
to make fun of
cambiar de
to change
cansarse de
to get tired of
carecer de
to lack
cesar de
to stop
dejar de
to stop
depender de
to depend on
desconfiar de
to mistrust
despedirse de
to say goodbye to
disfrazarse de
to disguise (oneself) as
disfrutar de/con
to enjoy
enamorarse de
to be/fall in love with
enterarse de
to find out
fiarse de
to trust
gozar de/con
to enjoy
librarse de
to free (oneself) from
olvidarse de
to forget to
pensar de
to think about (opinion)
ponerse de rodillas
to kneel down
privar(se) de
to deprive (oneself) of
quejarse de
to complain about
reírse de
to laugh about
salir de
to leave (a place)
servir de
to serve as; to be good for
sonreírse de
to smile at
terminar de
to finish
tratar de
to try to; to deal with; to be about
vestirse de
to dress (oneself) as
complacerse en
to please (oneself) by
concentrarse en
to concentrate on
confiar en
to trust
consistir en
to consist of (in)
entrar en
to enter
fijarse en
to notice
influir en
to influence
insistir en
to insist on
pensar en
to think of (about)
tardar en
to take a long time to
vacilar en
to hesitate to
agradecer (por)
to thank (for something)
brindar (por)
to drink to, to toast (to something)
dar las gracias por
to thank for
entusiasmarse por
to be enthusiastic about
felicitar por
to congratulate for
luchar por
to fight for
matarse por
to kill (oneself) for
morirse por
to be dying for
optar por
to opt for
preguntar por
to inquire about
agradecer (por)
to thank (for something)
brindar (por)
to drink to, to toast (to something)
dar las gracias por
to thank for
entusiasmarse por
to be enthusiastic about
felicitar por
to congratulate for
luchar por
to fight for
matarse por
to kill (oneself) for
morirse por
to be dying for
optar por
to opt for
preguntar por
to inquire about
preocuparse por
to worry about
protestar por
to protest (on behalf of)
suspirar por
to sigh for
votar por
to vote for
votar en contra de
to vote against
por acá
around here
por ahora
for now
por aquel entonces
at that time
por casualidad
by chance, by accident
por ciento
per cent
por cierto
por completo
por consecuencia
consequently; therefore
por consiguiente
consequently; therefore
por desgracia
por ejemplo
for example
por escrito
in writing
por eso
for that reason, that's why
por fin
at last
por lo común
por lo general
in general, generally
por lo menos
at least
por lo mismo
that's why, for that reason
por lo pronto
for the time being
por lo tanto
por lo visto
por medio de
by means of
por otra parte
on the other hand
por otro lado
on the other hand
por poco
por si acaso
just in case
por su cuenta
on one's own
por suerte
por supuesto
of course
por todas partes
por último
por un lado...
on the one hand...