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100 Cards in this Set

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What king of Cyprus agreed to send fifty ships to the Trojan War but then fulfilled the promise by sending one actual ship and forty-nine clay ships?
a. Cinyras
b. Elephenor
c. Agapenor
d. Talthybius
a. Cinyras
What Titan was punished for stealing fire from the gods?
a. Typhon
b. Prometheus
c. Coeus
d. Cronus
b. Prometheus
Who was the son of Chrysaor and Allirhoe, who was triple the trouble for Heracles
a. Cerberus
b. Geryon
c. Augeus
d. Eurystheus
b. Geryon
What son of Poseidon was invulnerable to weapons but was strangled to death by Achilles with his own helmet thongs?
a. Cycnus
b. Periclumenus
c. Asteropaeus
d. Menoetes
a. Cycnus
Whom was the third wife of Athamas, who killed herself after accidently killing two of her sons?
a. Ino
b. Themisto
c. Eirene
d. Larisa
b. Themisto
Whom did Amphion and Zethus kill by tying her to a bull until she was gored to death?
a. Dirce
b. Antiope
c. Thebe
d. Nycteis
According to Ovid, which river did Jason and his crew take to get to the city of Aea?
a. Anarus
b. Elbe
c. Phasis
d. Danube
c. Phasis
Who unintentionally killed her husband with a blood-stained tunic?
a. Deianeira
b. Iole
c. Oenone
d. Iambe
a. Deianeira
Who in the Trojan warm the ugliest of the Greeks, was beaten with a staff by Odesseus and later killed by Achilles for being too mocking?
(no answers provided)
What god gave Odysseus a bag of wind to aid him in his return home?
a. Proteus
b. Palaemon
c. Aeolus
d. Helios
c. Aeolus
What man interpreted an oracle given to Aegeus, loosen the wine sack? Without the king knowing the true meaning, he persuaded his daughter to spend the evening with Aegeus.
a. Timeas
b. Anius
c. Neleus
d. Pittheus
d. Pittheus
What son of Odysseus tried to protect his house from the suitors until the return of his father?
a. Nausithous
b. Telemachus
c. Mentes
d. Laertes
b. Telemachus
What son of Poeas had the arrows of Heracles, which he used to kill Paris?
a. Achilles
b. Neoptolemus
c. Ajax the Lesser
d. Philoctetes
d. Philoctetes
What daughter of Amphiarius married Thersander and became queen of what remained of Thebes?
a. Merope
b. Pero
c. Perseis
d. Demonassa
d. Demonassa
What dog was destined to always catch its prey?
a. Sirus
b. Agus
c. Lusi
d. Laelaps
d. Laelaps
Delos is sometimes called Ortygia after what titaness who turned into a quail while trying to escape Zeus?
a. Asteria
b. Theia
c. Mnemosyne
d. Phoebe
a. Asteria
What king sent Heracles on his twelve labors?
a. Augeus
b. Eurystheus
c. Acrisius
d. Aegeus
b. Eurystheus
Who was the mortal woman, who brought evil to the world?
a. Helen
b. Clytemnestra
c. Pandora
d. Persephone
c. Pandora
Over the affections of what young boy did the three sons of Zeus feud?
a. Etearchus
b. Eteocles
c. Meletus
d. Palaethon
c. Meletus
Who, with the help of a golden bridle, tamed and rode Pegasus?
a. Battus
b. Persues
c. Castor
d. Bellerophon
d. Bellerophon
What son of Zeus was so lonely on his island that he prayed to his father for company? As a result, Zeus transformed the ants on the island into a race of Myrmidones, or "ant men."
a. Epaphus
b. Sarpedon
c. Arcus
d. Aeacus
d. Aeacus
What old Ithican noble tried to avenge his son's death at the hands of Odysseus by organizing a small rebellion in the town? Before anything got started he was killed by Laertes.
a. Antilochus
b. Eupeithes
c. Ancaeus
d. Epopeus
b. Eupeithes
What goddess gave birth to twins; one on the island of Ortygia, the other on Delos just momemts later?
a. Aphrodite
b. Leto
c. Aurora
d. Hera
b. Leto
What Trojan prince did Zeus lame for boasting about his exploits with Venus?
a. Tithonus
b. Lycus
c. Paris
d. Anchises
d. Anchises
What god made armor for Aeneas and Achilles?
a. Hepheastus
b. Ares
c. Zeus
d. Hades
a. Hepheastus
What youth made a nightly crossing of the Hellespont top visit with his Hero?
a. Polyneices
b. Tydeus
c. Leander
d. Amyclas
c. Leander
What bandit made his victims wash his feet before kicking them off a cliff to a man-eating turtle?
a. Corynetes
b. Periphetes
c. Sciron
d. Pityochamptes
c. Sciron
For what youth did Marpessa reject the love of Apollo?
a. Ichtion
b. Lynceus
c. Idas
d. Melampus
c. Idas
From what group of scary old women did Perseus seek informatin about Medusa?
a. Gorgons
b. Graeae
c. Harpies
d. Sirens
b. Graeae
What brother of Medea was chopped up and thrown into the sea to divert king Aeetes?
a. Abdurus
b. Apsyrtus
c. Abas
d. Acastus
b. Apsyrtus
For what king, so that he could reclain his kingdom from his brother Thyestes, did the gods allow the sun to rise in the west and set in the east?
a. Aegimius
b. Atreus
c. Clymenus
d. Eteocles
b. Atreus
What king of Pisa forced all of the suitors of his daughter to race him in a chariot for her hand? When the suitors lost the race, this king murdered them until he himself was killed by Pelops.
a. Oenomaus
b. Alixion
c. Demophoon
d. Mecisteus
a. Oenomaus
What Minstrel tried to revive his wife Eurydice, from the undreworld?
a. Orpheus
b. Pirithous
c. Hermes
d. Linus
a. Orpheus
On what island did Thesus abandon Ariadne?
a. Milos
b. Naxos
c. Crete
d. Lesbos
b. Naxos
Which centaur led the riot at the wedding of Pirithous and Hippodamia?
a. Nessus
b. Eurytion
c. Chiron
d. Phols
b. Eurytion
What Sicilian nymph turned into a pool of water after she witnessed the abduction of Persephone?
a. Cydippe
b. Cyane
c. Chloris
d. Doris
b. Cyane
What nephew of Heracles assisted him in killing the Hydra?
a. Hyllus
b. Iolaus
c. Alcathous
d. Laertes
b. Iolaus
What was the river of forgetfulness in the underworld?
a. Styx
b. Lethe
c. Acheron
d. Phlegethon
b. Lethe
Who incurred the wrath of Leto?
a. Iphigenia
b. Leucippe
c. Cyrene
d. Niobe
d. Niobe
What nymph was the beloved of Polyphemus?
a. Polyxena
b. Helice
c. Galatea
d. Medea
c. Galatea
According to Ovid, what woman did Zeus seduce in a cloud?
a. Leda
b. Danae
c. Europa
d. Io
d. Io
Dionysus taught this man the art of wine making, and wen he gave some to his neighbors, they thought they had been poisoned and killed him.
a. Oeneus
b. Icarius
c. Pentheus
d. Silenus
b. Icarius
Who accidentally killed his wife Procris while hunting?
a. Cecrops
b. Cephalus
c. Cetreus
d. Cepheus
b. Cephalus
Who was the father of Icarus, who warned the youth not to fly too closely to the sun?
a. Minos
b. Asterius
c. Deadalus
d. Cocalus
c. Deadalus
Who was the muse of dance?
a. Terpsichore
b. Erato
c. Clio
d. Polyhymnia
a. Terpsichore
Who was a marine deity who had the power of prophecy and the ability to change his shape?
a. Neleus
b. Nereus
c. Nauplius
d. Nessus
b. Nereus
Which of Hecate's retinue was considered the "bogey woman" who had one foor of brass and the other of a donkey? She would make love to her victims and then devour them, and the only war to get rid of her was to abuse her loudly , at which she will flee squeaking.
a. Endeis
b. Enyo
c. Epusa
d. Epione
c. Empusa
What of Gea's children, who had a hundred hands each, guarded the titans?
a. Cyclopes
b. Giants
c. Meliae
d. Hecatoncheires
What son of Asclepius was a physician at Troy
a. Macareus
b. Maeon
c. Machaon
d. Magnes
c. Machaon
Who led the seven against Thebes and ten years later accompanied the Epigoni in their attack on the same city>
a. Amphiaraus
b. Alcathous
c. Antimachus
d. Adrastus
d. Adrastus
In a rare version of the myth, who was hung by her feet and was about to be killed when she turned into St. Elmo's Fire?
a. Clytemnestra
b. Helen
c. Polyxo
d. Hera
c. Polyxo
What unfortunate youth, sonof Liriope and Cephissus, was prophesized to live a long life, if he never knew himself?
a. Adonis
b. Hylus
c. Erysichthon
d. Narcissus
d. Narcissus
The smoke from the pyre of what Ethiopian king turned into birds?
a. Tithonus
b. Memnon
c. Diomedes
d. Podalirius
b. Memnon
What member of the Argonauts had superhuman eyesight?
a. Moppsus
b. Lynceus
c. Telamon
d. Idas
b. Lynceus
Lenaeus and Dendrites
a. Pan
b. Hermes
c. Hepheastus
d. Dionysus
d. Dionysus
Who was the outlaw of Lydia who used to forced passers-by to till his vineyard and was killed by Heracles with his own hoe?
a. Amicus
b. Cercyon
c. Lichas
d. Syleus
d. Syleus
Who were the Dioscuri
a. Apollo and Artemis
b. Castor and Polydeuces
c. Zetes and Calais
d. Agamemnon and Menelaus
b. Castor and Polydeuces
What nurse of Odysseus recognized him from a hunting scar?
a. Euryclea
b. Arete
c. Anticlea
d. Medea
a. Euryclea
What boy placed the Golden Fleece in Colchis, after he sacrificed the golden ram that carried him to saftey?
a. Acastus
b. Phrixus
c. Aeetes
d. Hypophoon
b. Phrixus
What priestess of Diana gave into her desires for Melanippis in the shrine of the goddess? As a result, a great famine spred across their homeland of Patra until the pair was sacrificed.
a. Aerene
b. Antiope
c. Comaetho
d. Euippe
c. Comaetho
Who is punished in the underworld by having to eternally spin on a flaming wheel?
a. Sisyphus
b. Tantalus
c. Ixion
d. Tityus
c. Ixion
Whom did Laertes marry?
a. Antia
b. Anticlea
c. Antiope
d. Argia
c. Antiope
Tritogeneia and Ergane
a. Athena
b. Hera
c. Hestia
d. Hecate
a. Athena
What future king followed a white cow to the spot where he founded Thebes?
a. Cadmus
b. Aeneas
c. Thebe
d. Zethus
a. Cadmus
After Achilles sold Lycaon into slavery, who bought him, only to have Achilles capture and kill Lycaon twelve days later?
a. Typhis
b. Meliboea
c. Eetion
d. Pelasgus
c. Eetion
One woman of this name was a daughter of Priam, one was also called Glauce and another was a water nymph.
a. Ido
b. Creusa
d. Maia
d. Polyboea
b. Creusa
Which of the following is not one of the fates?
a. Lachasis
b. Atropos
c. Clotho
d. Euryale
d. Euryale
Melanion, using trickery advised by Aphrodite, defeated what girl in a foot race?
a. Clio
b. Calypso
c. Daphne
d. Atalanta
d. Atalanta
Who was the charioteer of Pelops?
a. Sphaerus
b. Myrtilus
c. Thoon
d. Strophius
a. Sphaerus
Whose sisters turned into poplar trees?
a. Phaethone
b. Bellerophone
c. Perdix
d. Hyacinthus
c. Perdix
What god is known by the epithet Meilichios, "the mild?"
a. Dionysus
b. Zeus
c. Apollo
d. Hades
b. Zeus
... Even as he spoke he was stretched out in a long snaky form; he felt his skin hardening and scales growing on it, while iridescent spots besprinkled his darkened body. He fell prone upon his belly, and his legs were gradually moulded together into one and drawn into a slender, pointed tail. But she only stroked the sleek neck of the crested dragon, and suddenly there were two serpents there with intertwining folds.
a. Ceyx / Alcyone
b. Pyrrha / Deucalion
c. Cadmus / Harmonia
d. two Lycian peasants
d. two Lycian peasants
... With laughter the indignant goddess seized her rich red hair and held her ground until her arms were forelegs of a beast. Her pretty red hair retained it's reddin tint; her cheerful habits were the same -she smiled- and yet the girlish creature was a weasel.
a. Caenis
b. Byblis
c. Galanthis
d. Anazarete
c. Galanthis
What swollen snake appeared after the flood to control Delphi until it was killed by Apollo?
a. Ladon
b. Python
c. Tellus
d. Echida
b. Python
Jason divorced Medea in order to marry this daughter of Creon.
a. Ino
b. Semele
c. Glauce
d. Ariadne
c. Glauce
Who had a lock of purple (or some say red) hair that protected his life?
a. Nycteus
b. Misato
c. Nisus
d. Nestor
c. Nisus
Who was the Roman goddess of fruit with whom Vertumnus fell in love?
a. Pomona
b. Polyxena
c. Fuana
d. Bellona
a. Pomona
Cloud Gatherer
a. Poseidon
b. Apollo
c. Uranus
d. Zeus
d. Zeus
... Then he ran home again to see, to touch again the ivory image that his hands contrived, and kissed the sleeping lips, now soft, now warm, then touched her breast with his hands; it was as though ivory had turned to wax and wax to life, yeilding, yet quick breath.
a. Galatea
b. Scylla
c. Myrrha
d. Mentha
a. Galatea
Phoebe and Cynthia
a. Athena
b. Artemis
c. Demter
d. Hera
b. Artemis
Psychopompus and Argeiphonts
a, Apollo
b. Hades
c. Hermes
d. Ares
c. Hermes
What term is given to mountain nymphs?
a. Dryades
b. Naiades
c. Pleiades
d. Oreades
d. Oreades
... but his wet hair branched inantlers worn by the lively stag; his neck grew long, his ears pointed, hands were hoofs, arms were thin legs, and all his body a furred, spotted skin.
a. Tiresias
b. Actaeon
d. Lycaon
d. Tereus
b. Actaeon
What "rosy-fingered" goddess married Tithonus and Begged Zeus to give him immortality?
a. Cybele
b. Artemis
c. Pomona
d. Eos
d. Eos
Who was Biton's brother? Since there was no oxen, they pulled their mother in a ox-cart to Hera's temple.
a. Clymenus
b. Cacolus
c. Cilix
d. Cleobis
d. Cleobis
What goddess did Zeus trick into suckling the infant Heracles? When she discovered the deception she pulled the baby from her breast and created the milky way.
a. Hera
b. Demeter
c. Aphrodite
d. Eileithyia
a. Hera
a. made to fit
b. stif, ridged
c. fierce, savage
d. cooked fully
a. made to fit
What half brother of Ajax hid behind his BIG brother's shield and shot arrows from this protected position?
a. Guneus
b. Mestor
c. Eumelus
d. Teucer
d. Teucer
a. bird- like
b. chrreful, light
c. gloomy, dark
d. hot, boiling
c. gloomy, dark
What blind king of Salmydessus was plagued by the harpies until he was saved by the Argonauts?
a. Phineus
b. Teiresias
c. Taurus
d. Pylus
a. Phineus
What son of Minoes died when he fell in a vat of honey?
a. Androgenus
b. Acacallis
c. Glaucus
d. Deucalion
c. Glaucus
Which of the early kings of Athens did Homer call "earth-born?"
a. Cecrops
b. Pandion
c. Erechtheus
d. Pandorus
c. Erechtheus
Into what were the daughters of Anius transformed?
a. magpies
b. bats
c. stars
d. doves
d. doves
Name the son of Athamas and Ino who was turned into the sea deity Palemon as he and Ino both jumped into the sea.
a. Learchus
b. Menelaus
c. Melicertes
d. Phrixus
c. Melicertes
What lover of Clytemnestra helped murder Agamemnon upon his return from the Trojan war?
a. Aphareus
b. Atreus
c. Aegisthus
d. Medo
c. Aegisthus
What old servant of Odysseus stayed loyal to his master, even though his son and daughter betrayed the absent king?
a. Aegimius
b. Dolus
c. Philus
d. Iobates
b. Dolus
a. strong
b. quick, agile
c. twin equal
d. changeable
d. changeable
One version of the story says he sleeps forever in a cave on Mt. Latmus.
a. Emathion
b. Elephenor
c. Endymion
d. Enipeus
c. Endymion
What son of Antenor was wounded in battle but was carried to saftey by Odysseus out of respect for Antenor?
a. Arcarnon
b. Glaucus
c. Archelochus
d. Helicaon
d. Helicaon
... A skinny covering over spread their slender limbs, and thin wingseclosed their arms... No feathered pinions uplift them, yet they sustain themselves on transparent wings. They try to speak but utter the tiniest sound as befits their shriveled form, and give voice to their grief in thin squeaks. Houses, not forests, are their haints; hating the light of day, they flit and from late eventide derive their name.
a. the Pierides
b. the Graeae
c. daughters of Priam
d. daughters of Minyas
d. daughters of Minyas