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23 Cards in this Set

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SMC and cardiomyocyte contraction varies based on Ca. how is intracellular Ca regulated?
increase Ca: voltage-gated channel, IP3/Ryanodine receptors on SR
decrease Ca: Ca ATPase exporter, Ca/Na exchanger, SERCA
in normal cells, how does Ca lead to contraction? how does NO lead to relaxation? how do beta2 agonists affect this?
Ca -> leads to Calmodulin which activates MLCK to phosphorylate Myosin Light Chain (MLC) = contraction.
NO -> turns on guanylyl cyclase, cGMP dephosphorylates MLC
-b2 agonist: upregulates cAMP to inactivate MLCK
list the 5 classes of anti-HTN drugs from class
1. diuretic
2. ACE inhibitor / ARB
3. ANS Blockers/agonists
4. Ca channel Blockers
5. Direct Vasodilators
list the diuretics
thiazides: hydrochlorothiazide, chlorthalidone (long 1/2 life)
loop diuretics: furosemide, bumetanide
what is the MOA of hydrochlorothiazide? what is the physio reflex?
Diuretics increase Na excretion to decrease BV and decrease TPR.
phys reflex: Renin is upregulated by 1. beta R's on JGC, 2. low BP in kidney, 3. blocking Na reabsorption in loop (for furosenide and bumetanide)
what are the side effects of diuretics? extra one with loop diuretics?
HYPOKALEMIA. also hyperglycemia, gout, impotence
loop - adds Ototoxicity
what is the effect of ACE inhibitors?
limit Ang2 production and bradykinin breakdown. thus less vasoconstrict by Ang2, more vasodilate by BK, and less aldosterone thus less Na retention
what is the angiotensin II receptor called? what type of receptor is it?
AT1. it is a Gq receptor, thus PLC-> ip3 and dag, ca and PKC, etc.
list the ACE-i's and ARBs
ACE-i: captopril, enalapril, lisinopril
ARB: losartan, valsartan
also Aliskiren is renin inhibitor
discuss GFR in patients with renal insufficiency, how ACE-i affects this, and specifically regarding bilateral renal artery stenosis
GFR is usually maintained by Ang2 in efferent artery, also leading to increased GFR, proteinuria, collagen in glomerulus.
ACE-i can relax efferent artery to reduce the pressure thus limit GFR, proteinuria, and collagen production.
contraindicated in bilateral renal artery stenosis
effect of beta blockers on HTN?
block beta 1, reduce CO; also reduce renin release by JGC
propranolol, metoprolol
for HTN, don't give beta blocker to
pt w/ asthma, hyperlipidemia, a-v conductance problem
what is prazosin?
alpha1 blocker, thus blocks vaoconstriction, has reflexive tachycardia
beta blockers and alpha1 blockers lead to undesired reflexes. what single drug can have same effect w/out reflex?
carvedilol. alpha and beta blocker
what drugs can block NE secretion from the nerve terminal? side effects?
alpha2 agonist - clonidine, alpha methyldopa
storage blocker - reserpine
-can cause depression
what is the ER drug for HTN, a direct vasodilator
Sodium Nitroprusside
what are the non-ER drugs that are direct vasodilators? when are they contraindicated?
hydralazine, minoxidil, (isosorbide dinitrate)
-not for use in SLE
list the calcium channel blockers, and describe their main differences
dihydropyridines (nifedipine and amlodipine) act on VSM only
verapamil and diltiazem act on heart and VSM
HTN drugs for blacks:
HTN drugs for asians:
blacks: diuretics and Ca blockers are good. ACE-i are ok if given with diuretic
elderly: diuretic and Ca blocker and ACE-i
HTN drugs contraindicated in diabetes pts:
Beta blockers (blocks insulin release)
high dose diuretics
HTN drugs contraindicated in pregnancy
HTN drugs contraindicated in bilateral renovascular disease
when might potassium-sparing diuretics be contraindicated?
renal insufficiency, or w/ use of ACE-i as these can retain K also