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50 Cards in this Set

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you are asked to test the OpenOffice suite. you are given a set of files with different file types, such as pdf, doc, docx..... You try opening these kinds of files and the software either opens them or gradually shows an error message without aborting. What kind of testing would you this?

robustness testing

what kind of tests provide comprehensive testing over a full range of requirements?

functionality testing

measuring throughput and response time under different conditions is known as:

performance testing

you can determine that a system remains stable during integration with subsystems and maintenance tasks via:

regression testing

reliability of a system, such as the AT&T landlines, that run for long time periods, can be tested via:

random testing

you need documentation testing to ensure:

all of these

when you turn on a MacBook Pro, you see the following startup options. You try starting up a MacBook Pro from each of these in turn. you are conducting:

boot tests

command line interfaces are designed to test?

system configuration

a macbook pro is connected to a router, printer, sound system and sketch pad. When you restart the macbook pro, you ping each of these components one by one to make sure they are functioning as desired. You are conducting:

diagnostic test

Diagnostic test are designed to verify that the hardware components of a system are functioning as desired. These include:

all of these

Apple's new Airport extreme is made up of components such as Wi-Fi radios (3), power supply, line card and a fan shown on the left which are assembled to create the system shown on the right. These components are tested individually to make sure they function as expected after the system is assembled. This is known as:

module testing

A flight data recorder (Black Box) is a device of critical important in all flights. It is used to record flight data which can be used to replay paths and cockpit conversations. For such a system, it is important to conduct:

log and trace testing?

functionality tests for testing GUI should include testing for:

all of these

in the context of GUI testing, match concepts with their correct meaning:

efficiency: Can users do what they want with a minimum number of steps and time?

Comprehensibility: Do users understand the product structure with a min- imum amount ofeffort?

accessibility: Can users enter, navigate, and exit with relative ease

responsiveness: Can users do what they want and when they want in a way that is clear? Itincludes ergonomic factors such as color, shape, sound, and font size.

which of the following is a form of static testing?

code review

you have set you google chat status as "available". However, on your contacts screens, contrary to what is expected, it shows up as "Busy". This would be a:


While testing an open source office suite running on Ubuntu, you try opening seventeen different kinds of files including, pdf, jpg.... You notice that while trying to open a pages file, the office suite crashes. This means that the software failed tests for:


You are testing a sixteen disk RAID system and remove one of the disks in the array and replace it with a brand new one. you notice that the system continued to work as expected during this operation. This means that the system passed:

all of these

useful types of security tests include verifying:

all of these

SpartanMart, a bartering system designed and implemented by the CMPE 131 students, is required to handle a minimum of one hundred simultaneous users. you decide to test it with 1000 simultaneous users. This is a form of:

load testing

in testing SpartanMart app/system with 1000 simultaneous users, as in the previous question, you notice that the response time remains the same as it was when tested with ten simultaneous users. This could mean that SpartanMart passed:

scalability testing

in the situation of the previous question, you could have tested AMT with 100 simultaneous users and predicted its scalability to 1000 simultaneous users using:


Stress tests are designed to discover problems associated with:

all of these

requirements are to be tracked through analysis, design, implementation and testing using a:

traceability matrix

you are asked to conduct unit testing for a routine written by Tesla Engineers and you discover that the routine, in addition to turning off the lights, also contains code to engage the handbrake. This violates the principle of:

minimum functionality

you are testing a monitoring system for solar panels manufactured by SolarCity. The srs specifies that the surface temperature needs to be displayed on the instrument panel of the monitoring system and you notice that the panel does display the temperature. You can say that, as far as this requirement goes, the system passed:


continuing from the previous question, you notice that the temperature is displayed using a celsius scale. You know that the local/state/federal regulations require all temperature to follow the Fahrenheit scale. You can say that the system failed:


while testing/reviewing requirements document, you should look for the following

all of these

a requirement that a system expected to support but not explicitly stated is known as:

inferred requirement

A system test plan should include:

all of these

it is important to test if a fix for a bug has not introduced new ones, during testing. This is done via:

regression testing

analysis carried out to determine the origin of a bug and reasons for the failure is known as:

root causal analysis

the function point of a system is a weighted statistic comprising of:

all of these

the function point of a system indicates its:


prerequisites for test automation include:

all of these

while modeling and categorizing defects, you must consider these two characteristics:

priority and severity

test cases that are newly written during testing are known as:

test case escapes

Pareto principle states that we should concentrate our efforts and resources on the vital few and not the trivial many. This is also known as the :

80-20 rule

the purpose of carrying out a root cause or defect cause analysis is:

all of these

Testing carried out by potential customers before an official release of a software product is known as:

beta testing

injecting a small number of defects into a software system, during testing, to measure test effectiveness is known as:

fault seeding

the cost of defects injected during one phase A of software development and removed during another phase B is:

directly proportional to the distance AB

the average number of defects weighted by their discovered PhAge (PhAge = distance between phase a defect is in injected and phase it is removed) is known as:

spoilage metric

which of the following are done by a program unit

all of these

testing conducted to ensure that a system meets contractual acceptance criteria before being signed off by the customer as meeting a users needs is known as user acceptance testing. This is carried out by the:


testing carried out by the development organization, simulating the UAT to ensure a system will pass the user acceptance is known as:

business acceptance testing

which of these is true of a well constructed traceability matrix?

facilitates functional coverage of tests

helps identify artifacts that are affected as the system evolves

allows finding a map between requirements and testing

depicts dependencies between design, development, and test artifacts

"an air traffic control system fails once in two years" is an example of stating:

failure intensity

the fault count in a system is influenced by:

all of these

a quantitative characterization of how a system will be used is known as its:

operation profile