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10 Cards in this Set

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A poison control center is:
a regional agency for telephone consultation in the event of a poisoning
The first priority when dealing with a patient who has been poisoned by an intentional overdose of sleeping pills is to:
treat the patient
THe first priority in the management of an unconscious suspected poison victim is to:
provide cardiorespiratory support
the most appropriate history that the EMT should take regarding a poisoning incident includes:
when was it taken, what was taken, how much was taken
Pinpoint pupils are the most common finding in:
narcotic overdoses
the fist and most important step in the management of an inhalation poisoning is:
removal from the toxic environment
Fast heart rate, hypertension, chest pain, anxious behavior, delirium, and paranoia best describe an overdose of
Which of the following is NOT a route of exposure:
indirect contact

(absorption, injection, inhalation are routes of exposure)
You arrive on the scene of a over turned semi-truck tanker. You see some sort of vapor coming form the trailer and placard that says "..."
Park a safe distance away, uphill, and upwind, block bystanders from entering and advise dispatch on conditions
Alcohol combined with sedatives usually:
results in a toxic interaction