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52 Cards in this Set

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(to) halt

Megállás, szünet, elakadás, pihenö, megállóhely, tétoválás

Stop, standstill, cessation

(to) halter

N. Kötöfék, hám, akasztófakötél

V. Felköt, felakaszt



Weak, unsatisfactory or not firm


Tett, cselekedet, tény, közjegyzöi operating

An intentional act, especially a very bad or very good one

A legal document that is an official record of an agreement or official proof that someone owns land or a building

Contract, agreement


Orom, oromzat


Ereszcsatorna, vizelvezetö árok, csurgó

(to) quiver

N. Reszketés, remegés

V. Remeg, reszket, megrebben, megrezzen

Shake, tremble, shiver, tremor, wobble

(to) wobble

Inog, himbálodzik, lötyög, támolygás

To shake or to cause something to shake or move from side to side in a way that shows poor balance

The bookcase wobbles whenever you put anything on it


Ragyogás, fényesség

Shine, brightness, gleam, gloss

A bright, smooth surface

The conditioner gives hair a beautiful soft sheen

(to) grit

N. Köpor, homokkö

V. Kaviccsal, homokkal beszór, csikorgat

Very small pieces of stone or sand

Courage and determination despite difficulty

(to) growl

Morog, dörmög

To make a low, rough sound, usually in anger

(to) mutter

To speak quietly and in a low voice that is not easy to hear, often when you are worried or complaining about something

(to) murmur

To speak or say something very quietly

A soft continuous sound

(to) grumble

To complain about something or someone in an annoyed way

Stomach grumbles


(to) rumble

To make a continuous low sound

Stomach rumbles


Having a pleasantly soft, rounded body or shape

Ex. A nice plump chicken

Plump juicy grapes

(to) wretch

Nyomorult, hitvány

Szerencsetlen, nyomorult, vacak

A person who experiences something unpleasant

An unpleasant person


Unpleasant or of low quality

Ill quality


Kártékony, pajkos, gonosz, kártévö, rosszindulatú, ártalmas

Behaving in a way or describing a behaviour that is slightly bad but is not intended to cause serious harm or damage


Slightly immoral or bad for you but in an attractive way

(to) smirk

Önelégült mosoly

Syn. Sneer, grin

(to) pitch

N. Dobás, csúcs, magaslat, tetöhajlás, bódé

V. Bekátrányoz, felállit, felüt, földbe szúr, táborozik

High pitched - meredek, magas (hang)

(to) appal

Megdöbbent, meghökkent, megrémit

To make someone have strong feelings of shock or of disapproval



A large soft, flat bag filled with feathers or artificial material, used on a bed

To flinch

To make a sudden, small movement because of pain or fear

Syn. Recoil, shrink from, wince, draw back

(to) crank

N. Kurbli, inditokar

V. Könyökösre hajlit, beindit motort kurblival

Weird, unpleasant and easily annoyed person

Also. Cranky, stupid, tosser, dork



Crank sg up

To increase or improve something

(to) curl

N. Fürt, csavarodás, göndör

V. Göndörödik, csavarodás

To curl up

Fodrosit, csavar, összekuporodik, összegömbölyödik

To unnerve


Also. Unsettle


Vonakodó, nem szivesen

Also. Unwilling


Alapos, teljes, tökéletes

(to) warrant

N. Meghatalmazás, biztositék, kezesség, garancia végrehajtàsi parancs

V. Biztosit, garantàl, kezeskedik, igazol

To make a particular activity necessary

A legal document, justification or authority for an action

(to) rule

N. Szabály, elöirás, vonalzó

V. Szabàlyoz, irányit, vezet, dönt, uralkodik, vonalaz

Syn. Regulation, order, law, direction, guide

Authority, control, oversight, supervision

Practice, policy, fact, customs

Generally, normally, for the most part, mostly, in the main

Decide, judge, settle, declare, pronounce

To rule out

Ban, bar, prohibit, exclude, proscribe, disregard, dismiss, overlook

(to) chime

N. Harangszó, összhang, harmonia

V. Cseng - bong szól(harang)

Bell, set of bells, ring toll, tinkle, jingle, jangle

To chime in

To join in, blend, harmonize


To interrupt or speak in a conversation, usually to agree with what has been said

To be up against sg

Küzd, szembenáll, szembe találja magát valamivel

(to) wail

N. Jajveszékelés,siràs

V. Üvölt, jajgat, sír

To make a long high cry, usually because of pain or sadness

To complain loudly or strongly

To muck in with someone

Egy szobában lakik valakivel

Kalákában csinálni valamit

To share the work that needs to be done

She doesn't mind mucking in with the rest of us, when there is work to be done


Törvényszolga, végrehajto


Merités, vizkimerés bödönökkel


Kinövés, cikkely



Ever so


I am ever so grateful

To cling

To stick onto or hold something or someone tightly, or refuse to stop holding it, him or her

To stay close to someone who is taking care of you, because you need their support

To smother

To kill someone by covering their face so that they cannot breathe

To kill something by covering it and preventing it from receiving the substances and conditions for life

To scrape by

To have only enough money to pay for the basic things you need

Even with both of us working, we earn just enough to scrape by

As it is

Already, in the existing circumstances

I've got enough on my plate as it is

I've spent far too much money as it is

Make book

Take bets on the outcome of an event

I wouldn't make book on it


Not showing or not done with much thought or consideration

Offhand remarks

His offhand manner disturbed us