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19 Cards in this Set

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the collection of data about an individuals's health state
Behavioural model
moves health beyond treating disease to include secondary and primary preventions with emphasis give to changing behaviours
Biomedical model
the Western Euroean/North American trdition that views health as the absense of disease
Complete database
a complete health history and full physical examination
Critical thinking
simultaneously problem-solving while improving one's own thinking ability
Diagnostic reasoning
method of collecting and analyzing clinical information with the following components:

1- attending to intially abailable cues

2-formulating diagnostic hypotheses

3- gathering data relative to the tentative hypotheses

4- evaluating each hypothesis with the new data collected

5- arriving at a final diagnosis
Emergency database
rapid collection of the database, often compiled concurrently with lifesaving measures
Episodic database
one used for a limited or short term problem; concerns mainly one problem, one cue complex or one boy system
Follow up database
used in all settings to monitor progress on short term or chronic health problems
Health promotion
a comprehensive social and political process of enabling ppl to increase control over the determinants of health and therefore improve their health
Medical diagnosis
used to evaluate the casues and etiology of disease; focus is on the function or malfunction of a specific organ system
Nursing diagnosis
used to evaluate the response of the hole person to actual or potential health problems
Nursing process
a method of collecting and analyzing clinical information with following components

3-outcome identification
Objective data
what the health professional observes by inspecting, palpating, percussing, and auscultating during the physical examination
Relational practice
recognizes that health, illness and the meanings they hold for a person are shaped by ones social, sultural, family, historical, and geographical contexts as well as one's age, gender, ability and so on
Social determinants of health
the social, economic, and political conditions that shap the health of individuals, families, and communities
Socioenvironmental model
incorporates sociological and environmental aspects of health as well as biomedical and behavioral ones
Subjective data
what the person says about himself or herself during history taking
a dynamic process and view of health; a move towards optimal functioning