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22 Cards in this Set

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The pterion lies just above what aretery? A fractuure here can cause what?
Middle meningeal a - epidural hemorrhage.
Review N6 for location of Bregma, Naseon, Asterion, and Lambda
Review N6 for location of Bregma, Naseon, Asterion, and Lambda
Re lecture page 5, See important structures on N99, N101, N102
1. Both layers of dura mater
2. Falx cerebri - where dura folds on itself
Anteriorly, what does the Falx cerebri connect to? What does it attach to posteriorly and laterally? (lecture pg 8)
Anterior: Crista Gali - coming up from the ethmoid.
Posterior/lateral: to the occipital bone along a protuberance that
What dura/meninges layer lies above the cerbellum? What does it attach to?
Tentorium cerebelli (think Tent). Attaches to Anterior and Posterior Clinoid processes.
Name dura mater layer on N103
Falx Cerebri, Tentorium cerebelli, Diaphragma Sellae
What sits in the Hypophyseal fossa?
Pituitary gland.
What is the groove all about?
1. Anterior Clinoid
2. Sella Turcica
3. Foramen Lacerum
4. Superior orbital fissure
5. Foreman Rotundum
6. Foremen ovale
7. Foreman spinosum
8. Middle meningeal groove
*The middle meningeal groove is where the artery lies - it originates from the Foreman spinosum
See N102, NC1-74 for important structures. Also review, N103
See N102, NC1-74 for important structures. Also review N103
Review important structures on N101, lecture pg13
Review important structures on N101, lecture pg13
Describe an epidural hemorrhage. N101
Bleed bn endocranium (bone) and dura
Describe a Subdural hemorrhage N101
Bleed bn dura and arachnoid
Describe a Subarachnoid hemorrhage. What is a common symptom. N101
Bleed bn subarachnoid space. Sudden and severe headache.
Describe a Cerebral hemorrhage
Bleed within substance of the brain
What are the veins called that connect extracranial veins to intracranial veins?
Emissary veins.
Describe the four features of Emissary Veins
1. The connect extracranial & intracranial veins
2. Valveless
3. Blood flows in either directions
4. Facilitate spread of infection.
Why are Emissary Veins prone to infection?
They're vavleless - so an infection on the scalp can enter the cranium and cause meningitis.
In addition to Emissary veins, what other two veins lead to the intracranial space? What are they thought to be useful for?
Superior and Inferior opthalamic viens. Thought to be a safety mechanism for an increase in pressure.
Describe the course of CSF. N108)
Chyloid plexus of 3rd ventricle makes CSf --> through cerebral aquiduct of Sylvius --> 4th ventricle (there's choroid here too) --> Exits via median aperature or foramen of Magendie --> circulate around spinal cord --> returns to venous system via arachnoid granulations.
What causes CSF volume increase (3)? What is this called? What are the types?
1. Increased CSF production
2. Blockage of CSF circulation
3. Decreased CSF resorption
Called Hydrocephalus
1. Non-communicating
2. Communicating
What does non-communicating type of hydrocephalus mean?
What about communicating hydrocephalus?
Non-communicating: There's a blockage somewhere between the ventricular system and subarachnoid space. Perhaps due to a tumor near interventricular foremen of monroe.
Communicating: CSF can pass from ventricular system to subarachnoid space but it ain't leavin' or being resorbed. Perhaps caused by a tumor or infection
What is the dialated space called where lumbar punctures are performed. At what location?
Lumbar cistern at L4/L5