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18 Cards in this Set

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something that comes before and leads to something else

Eg. "a ceasefire had been agreed as a prelude to full peace negotiations"

CONCLUDE will be in the end, PRELUDE - beginning / introduction


: to come together for action: to make (soldiers, an army, etc.) ready for war

Eg. we are prepared to mobilize the troops on very short notice


a feeling or belief that something is going to happen when there is no definite reason to believe it will

Eg. she had a premonition that her cat would somehow get hurt that day

pre(before hand) + monition (remember adMONISH, which means to warn)...so warning which is before hand is premonition


to flow over and cover (someone or something)


: high waves from the hurricane engulfed large areas of the coastal community

: He sighed contentedly as her warmth engulfed him.

en+gulf(gulp)..so how much do you gulp or swallow in a day....??


a greater amount or number of something

Eg. a preponderance of the evidence points to the guilt of the defendant

ponderous means weighty, unwieldy...so preponderance may be remembered as something having heavy weight, quantity or power


sufficient to cause death

Eg. He was dead by lethal injection

LEATH resembles LEAd to deaTH so as LETHAL.


: very foolish or silly

: contrary to nature, reason, or common sense : absurd

Eg. a preposterous suggestion to go swimming in this freezing weather

PRE means before POST means after but together in a single word pre+post+erous seems ABSURD.


a military operation in which enemy forces surround a town or building, cutting off essential supplies, with the aim o

Eg. The castle was built to withstand a siege.


: a right or privilege ; especially : a special right or privilege that some people have

Eg. it's your prerogative to refuse to attend military services

remember "Interrogative" which means questioning by Investigation officers. So prerogative should be something opposite. so unquestionable


feeling anger because of unfair treatment

Eg. a line of aggrieved ticket-holders, demanding a refund for the cancelled concert


: something that foreshadows or portends a future event like omen

: an intuition or feeling of what is going to happen in the future

Eg. "the heavy clouds above the moorland presaged snow"

pre+sage- a SAGE has the power to PRE-tell the future.


to convince (someone) not to do something

Eg. tried to dissuade her from her intention to drop out of college

Dissuade' is the antonym of 'Persuade'.


: too confident especially in a way that is rude

: done or made without permission, right, or good reason

Eg. "I hope I won't be considered presumptuous if I offer some advice"

Focus on "Presum" (Presume)--> To overstep your boundaries by boldly PRESUMing/assuming something.


: a small, hard ball of food, medicine, etc.: a small metal object that is shot from a gun

Eg. It stood and retrieved small blue pellets from its bed, offering them to her.


feeling bored or impatient while waiting for something to happen or change

Eg. spent a restive night worrying about the next day's exam

Restive is actually restless. Like factitious is actually factless :)


having or showing the unpleasant quality of people who want to be regarded as more impressive, successful, or important than they really are

Eg. that pretentious couple always serves caviar at their parties, even though they themselves dislike it

Pretentious is someone who is Pretending


: a minor battle

: a confused fight

: an informal game that is played for practice

Eg. We scrimmage every Saturday

Scrimmage..it has SCREAM in it..mmage is marriage....if u listen screams from marriage... implies noisy fight


a statement about what is going to happen in the future

Eg. the complete fulfillment of his prognostication surprised even him