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123 Cards in this Set

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brainstem EXCEPT


The right and left cerebral hemispheres are separated from eachother by

the longitudinal fissure

The cerebellum is ____ to the cerebrum


The gray matter fo the brain forms a surface layer called ____ and deeper masss called _____ surrounded by white matter



The pons and cerebellum relate with this secondary embryonic vesicle


appears as a large bulde just rostral to the medulla


forms the floor and part of the walls of the third ventricle


From superficial to deep, the meninges...

dura mater


pia mater

NOT a function of the CSF

to provide oxygen and nutrients to the nervous tissue

Cerebrospinal fluid is secreted by choroid plexuses in the ____ ventricles and reabsorbed by arachnoid villi in the ____

lateral, third and fourth

superior sagittal sinus

The BBB is most permeable to

glucose and oxygen

Create the BBB

TIGHT junctions between endothelial cells that form the capillary walls

high fever, stiff neck, headaches. Bacteria and WBC in CSF


medulla oblongata originates from


Where are the cardiac, vasomotor and respiratory centers

medulla oblongata

The ____ functions in visual attention, such as to look and follow the flight of a butterfly

superior colliculi

Degeneration of neurons in which of the following leads to the muscle tremors of Parkinsons

substantia nigra

The recticular formation is a a web of ____ scattered throughout the ___

gray matter


Largest part of the hindbrain


Loss of balance...


In which structure is the arbor vitae found


No cranial nerves associated with


NOT associated with the pons

neck movement

The thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus are derivatives of which embryonic structure


Nearly all of the somatosensory input to the cerebrum passes by way of synapses in

the thalamus

Sex drive, body temp...


A lesion in which structure would cause a person to have an erratic waking/sleeping pattern?

suprachiasmatic nucleus

pineal gland is part of


Planning, motivation, social judgment

frontal lobe

occipital lobe

principal visual center of the brain

Which lobe is deep to the lateral sulcus and can only be seen by removing some of the overlying cerebrum


The great majority of which tracts pass through the corpus callosum


Most gray matter of the cerebrum located in


Where are the hippocampus and amygdala found

limbic system

A predominance of which waves in an EEG might indicate that a person is physically and mentally relaxes


occurs during REM sleep

the muscles are paralyzed, and body temp., BP, and heart and respiratory rates increase

The _____ association area is responsible for perceiving and attending to stimuli, and the ____ association area is responsible for identifying them



Short term memory is associated with the ____, whereas long-term memory is associated with the ____


cerebral cortex

Destruction of the amygdala ...

expression of emotional feelings

controlled by the largest area of the motor cortex


The pyramidal cells of the precentral gyrus are called ____ neurons

upper motor

Nonfluent aphasia, due to a lesion in the ___, resuls in slow speech, difficulty in choosing words, or use of words that only approximate the correct word

broca area

____ show more lateralization than ____

adult males

adult females

most likely be controlled by the representational hemisphere of the cerebrum

painting a picture

After a stroke a patient complains about a lack of sensitivity in her right hand. The stroke most likely affected

postcentral gyrus in the left frontal lobe

NOT a motor cranial nerve

vestibulocochlear nerve

the largest of the cranial nerves and most important sensory nerve of the face

trigeminal nerve

innervates most of the viscera in the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities


which cranial nerve pathway would be used to look crossed eyes at the tip of your nose


NOT contain CSF

dural sinus

Injury to the reticular formation=

irreversible coma

If the cerebrum was no longer able to communicate with the midbrain, what type of tract would you suspect has been damaged?


In the cerebral cortex, which cells process information on a loval level


Why is 90% of the cerebral cortex referred to as the neocortex?

it developed recently evolutionariy when mammals diversified

The neocortex contains which of the following cells

pyramidal and stellate

Which of the following pairings of brain wave names and descriptions is paired correctly

delta waves- predominance of these may indicate serious brain damage in an adult

exhausted from studying all night, might starts to wander. Which brain waves would be most predominate in an EEG


Which cranial nerves is mispaired?


dentist give you injection of anesthtic in preperation for a filling. Which cranial nerve did they target

V (trigeminal)

The ANS controlls all EXCEPT

skeletal muscle in the rectus abdominis

The ANS fibers are involved in all EXCEPT

maintaining tonicity of the muscles of the neck

the order of a visceral reflex

sensory receptor

afferent nerve fiber


efferent nerve fiber


parasympathetic tone

it holds the resting heart rate below its intrinsic rate

sympathetic nerve fibers are NOT associated with situations involving


The background rate of sympathetic and parasympathetic activity is called

autonomic tone

The neurotransmitter associated with autonomic ganglia is


The effect of autonomic fibers on target cells is ____. The effect of somatic fibers on target cells is ____

excitatory or inhibitory

always excitatory

the ANS..

its denervation would cause hypersensitivity

In response to high BP, stretch receptors called ____ in the walls of the arteriews carrying blood to the the head will trigger a reflex that causes the heart to ____ its beats er minute



The motor pathway of the AND usually involves ___ neurons


Preganglionic fibers run from the ____ to the ____

gray matter

autonomic ganglia

Preganglionic fibers of the autonomic efferent pathway are ____ and secrete ____



NOT a reason that somatic reflexes act faster than visceral reflexes

the effector pathway in the visceral reflex arc involves more chemical synapses

Most fivers of the parasympathetic NS travel in the


Sympathetic fibers arise only from the ____ regions of the spinal cord

thoracic and lumbar

The sympathetic chain of ganglia is found at the _____ levels of the swpinal cord

cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccygeal

NOT a feature of the sympathetic division of the ANS

it has long preganglionic fibers

NOT a feature of the PARAsympathetic division of the ANS

it has short preganglionic fibers

The solar plexus is used as a name for

the celiac and mesenteric ganglia

The adrenal medulla secretes mostly

epinephrine (adrenaline)

The parasympathetic division arises from the _____ regions of the spinal cord

brain and sacral

Damage to the ____ may affect near vision accommidation


White rami carry ____ neurons, while gray rami carry ____ neurons

myelinated preganglionic

unmyelinated postganglionic

NOT characteristic of the enteric NS

its refles arcs are associated with the spinal cord

If a cell has α1 adrenergic receptors, it is sensitive to


NOT under dual control of the ANS

adrenal medulla activity

Propranolol, a beta blocker, is typically used

decrease heart rate

More effective in prodicing pronchodilation?


Muscarinic receptors bind


The binding of ____ to a nicotinic receptor of a muscle fiber will ____ ot



Atripine is sometimes used to dilate the pupil for eye examination. Which receptor would atropine block?

muscarinic receptor

Antagonistic effects of the 2 divisions of the ANS are exemplified in the control of

gastrointestinal motility

____is an example of the cooperative effect between the two autonomic nervous system divisions


Sympathetic fibers do NOT release

nitric oxide (NO)`

Sympathetic effects tend to last ____ than parasympahetic effects. One reason is that _____


norepinephrine can diffuse into the blood steam without being broken down

The enzyme that breaks down NE

monoamine oxidase (MAO)

A neuron that synases in the adrenal medulla is a ___ neuron, and releases the neurotransmitter ____



Drugs that are monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor would most likely

decrease the amount of NE destroyed and may be used as an antidepressant

A possible explanation for the effect of caffeine is that it blocks the receptor for a neuromodulator in the brain called_____, which inhibits ACh release by cholinergic neurons


made up of primarily adrenergic fibers

postganglionic neurons of the sympathetic system

The ____ is an especially important center of autonomic control


releases neurotransmitter in a paravertebral ganglion

preganglionic sympatheric fiber

Autonomic function recieves input from all EXCEPT

spinal cord

_____ nerve passes througout sympathetic ganglia without synapsing


associated with "fight or flight" reaction

reduced urinary output

NOT associated with the ANS

oculomotor nerve

Most preganglionic fibers in the SNS synapse with

10-20 postganglionic neurons

Both cerebrum and cerebellum have gray matter in their surface cotex and deeper nuclei, and white matter deep to the cortex


The cerebellum exhibits folds called gyri separated by grooves called sulci


Purkinje cells are unusually large neurons found in the cerebellum


The forebrain consists of the cerebrum and the diencephalon


The amygdala, hippocampus and hypothalamus are involved in such feelings as love, anger fear, pleasure, pain


The wernicke area recognizes spoken and written language


Under normal circmstances, both divisions of the ANS are normally active simultaneously


The parasympathetic division stimulates digestion


The adrenal medualla is modified sympathetic ganglion


Fibers of the vagus nerve end near or within their target organs


ACh binds to both muscarinic and nicotine receptorws


Binding of NE to an alpha-adrenergic receptor is usually excitatory, and binding to a veta-adrenergic receptor is usually inhibitory


All autonomic output originates in the CNS


Epidural space is filled with CSF


The BBB helps preventing hemorrhages in the Nervous tissue of brain


The blood -CFS barries is composed of dense regular connective tissue lining