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77 Cards in this Set

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Cordlike structures that consitst of bundles of axons that lie parallel to eachother.

The covering of axons and their myelin sheaths.
Groups of fibers bound together.
The covering of the fasicles (bound together fibers).
Covers the groups of fasicles.
A collection of neuron cell bodies associated with nerves of the PNS.
CNS fibers ____ regenerate.

NEVER regenerate.

The twelve cranial nerves.

1. Olfactory
2. Optic
3. Oculomotor
4. Trochlear
5. Trigeminal
6. Abducens
7. Facial
8. Vestibulocochlear
9. Glossopharyngeal
10. Vagus
11. Accessory
12. Hypoglossal

The tiny sensory nerve that runs from the nasal mucosa to synapse with the olfactory bulb. Sense of smell.

I. Olfactory
Sensory nerve that is really a brain tract and deals with the sense of vision.
II. Optic
Supplies four of the six extrinsic muscles of the eyeball in the orbit.
III. Oculomotor
Innervates an extrinsic eye muscle that loops through a pulley-shaped ligament in the orbit.
IV. Trochlear
Three branches come from this nerve. It is the largest cranial nerve. It supplies fibers to the face and motor fibers to the chewing muscles.
V. Trigeminal
This nerve controls the extrensic eye muscle that abducts the eye (turns laterally).
VI. Abducens
Large nerve that innervates muscles of the facial expressions.
VII. Facial
A sensory nerve for hearing and balance.
VIII. Vestibulocochlear
Innervates the tongue and pharynx.
IX. Glossopharyngeal
This is the only cranial nerve to extend beyond th head and neck. It goes to the thorax and abdomen.
X. Vagus
Considered an accessory part of the vagud nerve.
XI. Accessory
This nerve innervates some of the tongue moving muscles.
XII. Hypoglossal
The are ____ pairs of spinal nerves.

31 pairs

The pairs of spinal nerves and how many there are.

Cervical - 8 pairs
Thoracic - 12 pairs
Lumbar - 5 pairs
Sacral - 5 pairs
Coccygeal - 1 single

The divisions of each spinal nerve.
These nerves are short and divide into: dorsal ramus, ventral ramus, and a menigeal branch.

The ventral rami form_________ (interlacing nerve networks) to inervate limbs from multiple spinal nerves.

Nerve Plexuses

Function of nerve plexuses.

... to protect limbs. If one spinal nerve is damaged, limb innervation will not be lost.

Name the plexuses...

cervical, brachial, lumbar, and sacral.

The ______ nerve supplies the diaphram.

Phrenic nerve.

Phrenic nerve damage.

If this nerve is damaged, the diaphram is paralyzed causing respiratory arrest.

The ___________ innervates the upper limb and shoulders.

Brachial Plexus.

The Brachial plexus forms these peripheral nerves:

1. Axillary Nerve
2. Musculocutaneous nerve
3. Median nerve
4. Ulnar nerve
5. Radial nerve

Injury to the median nerve causes...

pincer grasp difficulty

Claw hand is caused by...

Ulnar nerve damage

Injury to the ulnar nerve.

causes trouble making a fist or gripping objects.

Injury to the Radial nerve.

-results in the inability to extend the hand at the wrist.

-Wrist drop

The nerves of the lower limbs...

-> Femoral, Obturator, Sciatic, Common Fibular, and Tibial Nerve

A common lower limb nerve issue is ________ and causes stabbing pain. Recovery is slow and incomplete.

An area of skin innervated by cutaneous branches of a single spinal nerve.
Every spinal nerve except ____ innervates dermatomas.


Components of a reflex arc.

1. Receptor
2. Sensory neuron
3. Integration center
4. Motor neuron
5. Effector

___________ is when info travels into and out of spinal cord via spinal nerves.

Spinal reflex.

__________ live in the tendon of muscles and tell the nervous system the amount of tension on a muscle.
Golgi tendon organs.

The patellar knee-jerk reflex is...

A stretch reflex.

The ______ reflex purpose is to cause muscle relaxation in a muscle that is contracted forcefully enough to damage the tendons.

Golgi Tendon reflex

The ______ reflex is the withdrawal response to a painful stimulus.

Flexor reflex

Which spinal nerves are in the brachial plexus?

C5 - C8 plus T1

Which spinal nerves are in the cervical plexus?

C1 - C4 and some of C5

Which spinal nerves are in the Lumbar plexus?

L1 - L4

Which spinal nerves are in the Sacral plexus?

L5 - S4

Cranial reflex is...

Info that travels into and out of the brain stem via cranial nerves.

Contraction of muscle is when...

Muscle shortens

Stretch of muscle is when...

muscle lengthens

Antagonist muscle is...

muscle on the opposite limb

Ipsilateral means?

Same side


Many synapse

Contralateral means?

Opposite side

Which somatic spinal reflex(s) is ipsilateral?

Stretch Reflex

Golgi Tendon Reflex

Which somatic spinal reflex(s) is polysynaptic?

Withdrawal Reflex

Which somatic spinal reflex(s) is contralateral?

Crossed extensor reflex

Name the 4 important somatic spinal reflexes...

1. Stretch Reflex

2. Golgi Tendon Reflex

3. Flexor or withdrawal Reflex

4. Crossed extensor Reflex

Crossed Extensor Reflex causes...

contraction of the muscles opposite the side of painful stimulus.

Intercostal nerves include...

T2 - T12

Which cranial nerves are sensory only?

-Olfactory I

-Optic II

-Vestibulocochlear VIII (Special Sensory)

Which cranial nerves are only motor?

-Oculomotor III (somatic & autonomic motor)

-Trochlear IV (somatic motor)

-Abducens VI (somatic motor)

-Accessory XI (somatic motor)

-Hypoglossal XII (somatic motor)

Which cranial nerves are "mixed" nerves?

-Trigeminal V

-Facial VII

-Glossopharyngeal IX

-Vagus X

Name an autonomic reflex?

Pupillary light reflex

Posterior Ramus serve...

deep muscles and skin of the dorsal surface.

Anterior Ramus serve...

-muscles and structures of upper and lower


-skin of lateral and ventral surfaces of trunk.

Injury of the femoral nerve results in...

-inability to extend the leg

-loss of sensation over the anteromedial aspect of the thigh.

Injury of the obturator nerve results in...

inability to abduct the leg

Cervical Plexus supplies...

Skin and muscles of head, neck, superior portion of shoulders and chest, diaphragm.

_________ supplies innervation to shoulders and upper limbs.

Brachial plexus

_________supplies anterolateral abdominal wall, external genitals and part of lower limbs.

Lumbar Plexus

_________ supplies buttocks, perineum and lower limbs.

Sacral Plexus

Muscle Spindle is...

A stretch sensory receptor found in muscle cells

Neuritis is...

Inflammation of nerves

-can be caused by blows, fractures, toxins, infections, some drugs

________ is caused by herpes zoster virus that arises during immune suppression/stress.


___________ is loss of nerve function due to nerve injury or disease.
